Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1931)
■ r ■ i '•< The Coquille Valley Sentinel ——- THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME ss . VOL. XXVIL NO. IL COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 1931. ^1»--------------- L^— j Schools to Have Open House RETAIL LBR. YARD Will Be Host to Peace Officer» PLAY IS T0NI6HT Between 80 and 100 peace officer* Th* annual exhibit and open house | of the Coquill« schools will take belonging to the Southwest Oregon I place next Friday evening, April 3, Peace Officer* Association ar* ex ' all three building* being open with pected tu be in Coquille Saturday ev Court of Honor at High School teachers and student* present. With M. O. Hawkins in Charge Lions Club Still Working < ening of next week for the quarterly Senior Claas to Present “Come Wednesday Evening—Many At the Washington school a special meeting and banquet which will be at Coquille Mill—Install Swimming Pool—H. C. Gets Out of the Kitchen” at art exhibit, done by the pupils during held in the Coquille Hotel banquet Scouts Advanced ing New Viaita the Den The Liberty room. th* past two month* under the direc ■ tion of Mfta Mabel Payton will be on The association was invited to meet The assembly hall at th* high display. The regular class work in A report on th* proposition to ] here ___ by " Sheriff _____ Hee* _ _______ Increasingly good is the news from The Senior Class of C. H. S. i* at the ____ last _____ meet- school was filled with an interested the various rooms will also be ready the mill here, th* Coquille Lumber stake a swimming pool above the old lnf( 1^, mOwths ago in Roseburg, fully prepared to present their play, audience Wednesday evening for the for inspection. Co., and Manager Hal Baxter »ay* dam just east of the city limits on' Sheriff Jackson, of Douglas, te prasi- “Come Out of the Kitchen,” a comedy Court of Honor conducted that even At th* Lincoln building the rooms that within a few month* it will bo Fimt street, wa* made to the Lion* dent of the association, and District in three acta, tonight at the Liberty ing. Besides the parent* and friends will be open from 7:80 until » with making a much better showing than it Club yesterday noon by Ned C. Attorney Wm. E. Wais», of Mar«h- Theatre with tho curtain raising at of Scouts, and a large number of the no special exhibit. is now even. Kelley, who said that a pond 50 to 75 field, secretary. ' • . 8:15 p. m. sharp. boy», there were several in from Fair M. 0. Hawkins, who has a wide ac f*rt by 100 could be maintained there _____ _ the , _____ .... speaker* ______ The cast of eleven has worked hard Th* high school classes will not as Among prominent view Where Troop 21 is located. wnu who will wm be uc here n«re next w*. omuraay Saturday to w> 1 to — whip thia production ...w into shape semble until 8:80. Special atentfon quaintance all over the county, and ha* during the entire season. On* hundred and fifteen adult* will __ ___ ____ _____ city »w is willing to donate th* take part I IU in the are L. six *v week* of *oa**q^W*w diligent w w»ew^ m r t-llt? program aiu aJ. V. v e ' and now after - J* wrere va be _ given there __ to ___ the ____ new shop had a lot of experience in th* lumber J The were present for,the occasion which and of boy* in gmitfv business, has been secured a* mana land for the purpose, the old Dutch . jenkins, chief of polic* at Portland; rehearsing it i* quit* ready. The cast counted 11,500 pointe in th* Scout Hugbe* class»*. At 9:15 the girl* of ger for the retail business of < the mill ereek dam, built in 1914 to impound' Geo. Neuner, U. S. district attorney has, has, perhaps, perhaps, mors more telent talent than than has has | the Home Economic* department win *nd yard. He stated yesterday that water for municipal purpose«, ia still for Oregon; and Judge J. T. Brand. contest being conducted. b*en dtecovered in a high school group C. C. Farr acted as judge of the present a style »how, displaying th* he had agreed to return to Coquille th«re, and the grpatest expense* The association i* composed of all for a long tim*. They were all picked court, the other» being Ned C. Kelley, dresses that have been made by the within ten day* to take charge of that Would be in covering the bottom of sheriffs, deputies, city police officers, after a thorough trial before a group J. L. Stevens, E. F. Grider and H. H. daises. department. The Coquille Valley the pond, either with concrete or fine justices of th* peace, constables, of censors, therefore all should be Hartley. ___ open _______________ ___ _______ Thi* house and school exhibit Lumber Co., which had been handling gravel and sand. The latter would be traffic officers and district attorneys, well suited for their reapectiv* part*. Th* examination* were conducted feature of school work was teau- I th* retail business, here and at Myr- preferable and it is estimated would the purpose being to create the best They will be well able to present by Scout Executive E. A. Britton, and gurated by Supt. W. V. Ferguson I tie Point, has gone out of business. >es*. cost 1 around 8250. Bath houses would spirit of co-operation among all «f- humor or otherwise when necessary. the familiarity the various scouts two year* ago and last year was at The new planer will be installed 1 at «i.» • be necessary, but when ready for fleers charged with law enforcement. In th* lead* Grace Ellingsen aa a showed with the subjects on which tended by a great many friend* and the mill, beginning thi* evening. ' Coquille would have an excellent ■■ ■ - sweet, young Irish cook, and Merk they were examined, proved that the patron* of the schools. miH will be down tomorrow and by swimming pod, out of doors, and with Was Not Frank Bennett Here Seeley, an Eastern millionaire busi time and money spent in scouting 1* Everyone interested in th* schools Sunday evening it is expected to hav* a constant supply of fresh water. Frank E E. Bennett, Bennett, of of this thi* city, city, ‘ te is ness man, should portray their parts doing a wonderful work. Frank p flennrtt, arrested rt well while they carry on - their ro is welcome to attend these open thi* new piece of machinery ready for ( Th* Lion* do nrt have th* fund* The merit badge awards were par house features, meet the instructors us*. It is a valuable addition to th* ' for financing a 8400 or 8500 proposi- j MyrtU Point |hia for mance.' Tallant Greenough, aa th* ticularly interesting to the audience. and see for themselves what the pu plant, and with it the best of finish ,tion, hut if the co-operation of other oougla8 county officer*. It is report- butler, will present character acting There' was excellent book binding lumber can be produced, and will «rganizations, interested in such a „j the latter waa wanted for assault in good form, whil* Allington Glate- pils ar* accomplishing. shown, metal utensils made by the make th* mill able to accommodate benefit, ean be secured it will be put fa Dougiae. yer and Katherine Jane Hassler will Scouts, and woodwork which could the most critical lumber purchaser. •ver. | act as frivolous old people should. Th* not be surpassed. ’ Th* planer cost when new, 811,000, rest of the cast will all entertain very I pleasingly. Th* examination of Scouts for but it was purchased by the local mill of the club and gave a very interest- merit badge* is done by an expert in a* a used piece of machinery. The scene of tho play take* plane that particular line for which the The dry kiln ha* not yet been in in the Daingerfield mansion in Vir UM point point he ne brought orougni 0 (oui was me, Ons badge Is-sought, and prior to the stalled, but that ia th* next betterment growing business of tig local office. ' ginia and the action i* around the Coos county fans, who have been Court of Honor, but the boys had for on the program and when ready will Receipt* from rtampe, envelopes, doing* of the Daingerfield children as hoping to see a match between Bud When the Sentinel stated last week inspection the piece* which they had permit anything desired by builder* reals and rental of boxes, and not they act a* servant* in trying to Bryant and Kermit Shaw will have made. The two Eagle Scouts, Fred In the way of lumber to be secured including money orders, have in that the new board of directors of the please th* occupants of their horn*, their desires gratified next Thursday Fat Elk Oil A Gaa Co. were consider Fuhrman and Don Farr, gave a splen hare. I which has been leased in order to keep creased from 811,021.56 in 1924 to evening, in the Community Building ing * proposition to drill another wall > them from bankruptcy. They assume did illustration of signalling, both by 815,087.98 in 1930, and the flrat two hers, for Roy Watson has signed them on it* leased property, using a ritary semaphore and by buzzer, using the various duties and so performing month* of 1931 showed increases over ' Bane Ball Officiate Chosen up to head the 30-round boxing card drill, it did not seem necessary to *tato them hav* disagreement* with Mr. Morse code. They could both send the same months last year, «11 of he is presenting at that time. When The Coquille Logger* will be forced and deceive rapidly. Crane and his guests, all of which Kermit cam* here he was no match to play independent baseball again would have just as much of a finan- Some humorous situations aro** in for Bud, but he has improved so rap thia year, bringing in what outside ' that businees conditions are improv- | cial interest in the new well a* in the give the humor and pathos to the the examination conducted by Mr. I one already down. But in view of ptay. idly in the last few months that fight teams can be secured for once a week k in3 Britton. Donald Smith waa telling Thi* play is of the high class, clean Something that very f«vr people follower* are predicting that h* can the inquiries made of officer* and di- gem**, and making occasional trip* how he had pasa*d tho cooking tost, take Bud now. If he land* on Bud’s outside. None of the other towns in know Is that local business houses > rector*, a* to their interest in the type, being extremely entertaining taking s p*n on s hike and cooking ja* it is likely to b* curtain for th* Coos county are interested in bass may have their mailings lists correct proposed new well, it should hav* throughout. The first act takes in Mm and bacon. the assuming of the servants’ role* by ed at the small cost of 65 cents an Marshfield slugger. ball thia year, and the southern Ore hottr for time actually consumed. Thia been done. “Did you cook anything else,” th* • nA t|w8 arrival There may be a substitution in th* A stockholder Ú. in the Fat Elk b" Oil ~ gon and Willamette valley leagues are not m*aa th* addition of new1 “ 11'7 queried Mr. Britton. “Ye*; b*an*,” wa* Donald’s answer. **m i fin a l , aa *de*rtia*d on the enrds. toe far away te warrant Coquill* F* ^fnamw to liria but the riiminstlon of * «. Gas Cw. did not buy ar -Cure bi. T r l^lllMli ra Myrtle Point fans ar* objecting to coming a part of those organizations. or her stock in ju*t one well. They bar,,,.;,«. KCenM fina) b - “Hew did they turn out,” waa then names of people who are gon*, end Tony Camden meeting an older, heavi would have their proportion inter- diltnrr gcen< for p.^ «kJ. At th* baseball meeting Tumday the changes in' address, which hav* ch: er and mor* experienced boy, a* is evening. Manager Fortier announced oat in a second or third or One hundred in_ W1). ced 1 ___ “Out of th* can,' occurred. well, if that number were dritled by, moch how^ Uv. Pat Franko, of Roseburg, but if Cam that he expected to open the season, A new , ]aw by the re. rejoinder. den is withdrawn a good substitute the Fat Elk company. j of atafe productions h#re the letter part of April. Hal ________ Boy* advanced from the Tender will be secured to meet the Roseburg It should be emphasised that there is u greatly pleased with foot to the Second class rank, were flash. 0 intentMm nf shandnninir nrea. ! ' ^1. ... prerantition . .. whom t'b. writer may have “ " masting thi* week and Frank Schram, Clynard Holverstott of Troop 21, The other six-round bout will be ent hole, for the present at least Th* secretary-treasurer. and Don Graham. Norman Riekett, Between the acta, “Th* Jolly touch. AU that is necessary ie to between Tex Davidson and EHaworth W. H. Mansell and A. B. McLeod register a letter, marked with the 1 driller* started this week putting Dozen,” a singing and dancing chorus Howard Hickam, Gilbert Gaelin, Don Willett. The latter secured the deci Hickam, Calvin Savage and Tom Hen were named a* a committee with Mr. receiver’s last known address. Thi* eight-inch casing back in the bote, of two group* of six each, will render, sion in their previous encounter. derson of Troop 14. Baxter to see what can be done to will cost the sender 18 cents. Then expecting to have It done and the rig "You’re Driving Me Crazy,” and • “Bat” Nolan, of Coquill*, and Those advanced from Second to “Babe” Riddle of Myrtle Point ar* ward the erection of a new grand when the letter finally reaches the re ging up ready to resume drilling with “Sweet Jenny Lee," and the “Har First Ctass Scouts were all of Troop scheduled for four rounds, and th* stand. The old one is weak in it* un ceiver's new address, the post office in a very few day*. mony Quartet,” coached by Oran There is one thing that the public Richard, will sing several popular, 14, of which Wade Arstill is Scout curtain raiser will b* a four rounder derpinning and must be worked over will return to the sender th* receiv master—Francis Arrall, Don Smith, between “Shorty” Pattengill and Har to make it safe if a new one ie not se er's new address as to city, street and 1 ha* not known which ha* interfered harmonious selection*. with drilling at the 1500 feet depth cured. James Robineon, Henry Teal and Faye old Stemmier. Reserved seats at 75c will be on sal* number, fbr an additional 20 cent*. • where the bit was stopped. The lime- at Folsom’s until shortly before 8:00 Th* plan outlined by Mr. Baxter Adam*. Mr. Gets *ay* It is surprising how The Coquille Band will furnish mu atone formation there when broken Those passing merit badge torts sic before the opening and between would call for the central stand, lo often he is called upon to interview p. m., while general admission tickets up, and mixed with water, forme a at 50c are now being sold by senior cated where th* present on* is, with were: Don Farr in signalling, photog bout*. people who hav* included a written cement winch grip* th* ¿aging and wing* running both ways, along the raphy and metal working. students. Grade student* will be ad message in a parcels post package. Thursday, April 2, is the date, and makes it almost impossible to move it. fir*t and third base line, all to be Fred Fuhrman in signalling, botany 8:30 tho hour. mitted far 25c. Holder* of general Undoubtedly some people get away At one time operations were held up admission tickets can trade them in covered. and reading, and the latter included with it, but aa all package* are subject \ l”r ■ - ■■ 1 ■ eight day* while a spear was being In connection with that arrange a goodly list of what is termed before and up to the first curtain. to postal inspection, the parcels st * An Attractive Rock Garden secured from Los Angele* with which ment, an effort is also to be made to “heavy” reading. , Don’t fail to see thi* play at any cost. frequently opened and the sender is the easing was loosened. In front of' the Norway pcsu.ffice have th* foothall gridiron in th* fall hauled up on the carpat. George Ulett, first aid and safety. The east Is: Anything As sn experiment, which has Olivia Daingerfield, alias Jane Ellen and service station, on the Myrtle laid out with its side line* parallel to sealed against inspection carries first Don Smith, swimming and civics. worked elsewhere, coal and salt are Henry T*al, swimming and poultry Point highway, may be seen what is the main grand stand so thst specta class rat**. - - Grace Ellingson • to be dumped into the hole which it Elisabeth Daingerfield, àlias Ara- going to be one of tho flnest rock tors could watch game* comfortably keeping. te hoped will lessen to some degree It stretch** from the stand* and not hav* to crowd Faye Adams, swimming, handicraft, gardens around her*. minta - Geneva Agostine Organist to Be Permanent th* grip with which the concrete holds across the entire front of tho proper along the side lines. •loctricity and firemanship. Mr*. Falkener, Tucker’s sister th* casing. Whether th* park commission, the Some weeks ago, the management Kennrth Arrall, swimming electri ty between th* two driveway* and be Katherine Jane Hassler The proposition to be submitted by tween the oil tank* and the highway. city and the Chamber of Commerce of the Liberty Theatre discontinued city and woodwork. Amanda, Olivia’s Black Mammy Grant Graham, for drilling another ETwyn Nosier, bookbinding and It is composed of dark gray atone* will be able to assist in remodelling the use of the organ and changed to NortJ| set in th* bank in a very natural man th* grandstand sections is something an all-sound policy. Much to the rar Im!, had not been received by the BurUn CraB<( fn)m poultry keeping. Jtaifc fffdiT ner, with the plant* set in pocketes. which the committee appointed i* prise of C. A. Gage, manager of the board of director« at their meetinr, Powell Yarbrough, firemanship. uffe^, statistical port local play-house, a petition signed by Tuesday evening, but undoubtedly These will soon cover the ground and going to investigate. Calvin Savage, firemanship, win b. up f*r consideration at an ... Frank Schram a large number of patrons, was re d'âmes 'Robinson, civics. be a mass of beauty. Mr. Cooper of Coquille is one of the best baseball * arly d ________________ Solon Tucker, Cran* ’ attorney and ceived requesting the return of an th* Myrtle Greenhouses was th* ar towns in Oregon and a more comfor Aa the crowd dispersed they con guest - Allington Glaisyer gratulated the boys and Scout officer* chitect and did a fin* pise* of work. table and convenient ball plant will organist. In answer to thia request Ruby Lewes Suit to McCarthys Mr. Gage wishes to state that R. D. Paul Daingerfield, alias Smithfield on th* wonderful showing* made, Mr. T*d**n, th* owner, has reason to help keep that interest alive. Clemens ha* been engaged perman- | J»«!*« Hal1 8. Lusk in Portland last • - Tailant Greenough something that boys of fifteen and be proud of U. ently and that the organ will be heard week dismissed the rait of A. C. Ruby Charles Daingerfield, alia* Brindl*- twenty years ago could not possibly Dunham’s Answer Vail at every performance. Mr. Clemen*,1 vs. the West Coast Lumber Co. and Choral Club Moots Weekly • bury - « David Smith have accomplished, and if there i* any Dunham's, Inc., last week filed an a former Coquille boy, was employed , Dw>ni. and Richard McCarthy, and Randolph Weeks, agent of th* The Choral Club of Coquille meet* doubt in anyone’s mind that Scouting judgment for 837,795.40 answer to John Vail’s suit for return at the Liberty Theatre ten year* ago, granted Daingerfield* - Tldon Gilman I* not worth while, he should visit a every Thursday evening in the par and the management take* great against Ruby in favor of the McCar- of certain papers «nd deeds which the The first three row* in the theatre Court of Honor and be thoroughly lor* of th* Pioneer church. There was thy*. ar* open to holder* of general admis a good attendance last evening and former manager of th* Dunham store pleasure in announcing hia return. convinced that it is. Thursday evening of each week will | Five tradg acceptance* were signed sion ticket*. As the theatre i* th* weekly meetings are proving quite turned over to R. C. Dunham when hi* conenction with th* local «tore bo the feature night for th* organ,1 by Ruby for logs furnished by the , equipped for sound, the voice* will bo successful, but with »11 th* musical New Grand Jury Drawn , Messrs. McCarthy, prior to the bank- heard very well in any ssat Credit talent there is in Coquille it could be was levered. In th* answer Dun and at present an amateur contest is ' ruptcy of the West Coast Lumber Co., for the expected soccee* of thia show A new grand jury was drawn Tues made much stronger if ail the singer* ham’s file some of the paper* which being held on thi* day each week. At a later date a request night will end when the company showed sign* 1* due largely to Mis* Helen Pollock, day and th* old jury excused by would assist. Mr*. E. A. Woodyard Mr. Vail wrote and signed in which he acknowledged misappropriation of be announced and request* will be of failure Ruby endeavored to escape assisted by Mr. Rickard. Judge Brand. Geo. Haser, of North 1* the director. payment. fund*. played in the order received. Bend, ia foreman of th* jury which The old Sitka mill did not enter into Just how soon the case will come will begin it* session* th* latter part Powers Miaow Invito the transaction for title to it did not Health Aaan’t Meets Tomarrow to trial i* not yet known. of May. The other member* ar* Hil- Another Band Dance Saturday flas* from the Hibernia bank, when Bingham Masonic lodge of Powers There will be an important meeting damae Mart end R. D. Hall*, of Myr ha* extended a special invitation to The Coquille Bund lb giving another the Wemieh-Finiey Lumber Co. wa* of the Coo* County Health Associa tle Point; Robt E. Jenkin*, of North all Masons in thi* section to attend benefit dance in the Community Build formed, nor when it* successor, the tion st th* Coquille City Hall on Sat Bend; Clyde A. Carlson, of Parkers their next meeting, Thursday, April ing tomorrow (Saturday) evening. West Coast company wa* formed af urday, March 28, at 2:00 o’clock. burg; Mabel E. Lefevre and D. M. 2, when a past masters team will con That of last Saturday did not do much ter a manipulation that forced the Mrs. Saida* Orr-Dunbar and Dr. Wood, of Coquille fer the third degree. better than pay expenses, but th* Wemieh-Finiey company into bank Striker will speak This meeting will Th* petit jury was also excused boys believe that th* sort of dance ruptcy. be of vital importance to all future Tuesday, and there- will be a new music they furnished will draw the Mr. Ruby stood with Geo. W. Finley health work tn Coos county. Plan to panel for the next term of court crowds in increasing number* as word in forcing the bankruptcy which ter attend and bring your friend*.—E. F. which open* Jan* 1. spreads of th* good time these affairs minated Roy A. Wbrnich's connection víaIOC* f KaCSlOdlVs Motion day next Tuesday will be provide. It's a good floor there and at the mill. But th* latter ia now re followed by th* hearing ofi several the music unexcelled. ceiver for the bankrupt Weet Coast equity case* by Judge Brand, without conoem and ha* authority from the SHAW AND BRY ANT TO MEET RESUME DRILL- ING AT OIL WELL 7fl iL jwy. Hibernia to make • deal for th* mill. « 1