'»> SA*. COOS COUNTY, OREGON 188,990 71,490 78/30 116,290 1,090/25 Summary of Assessment Rolls for 1930—Valuation and Taxes J. P. BEYERS, Assessor 78/45 TOTAL VALUATION 143/ 278,778; 551/091 348,679 8,889 ------- 800/6» 33,591 767,275 158/831 20,182 188,405 13073)720 451.768 4. 54,838 396,930 200,146 L732/311 1,532,585 751,250 5,250,1381 4/»8,888 «20.4080 155,1171 A 4,772 150/45 204,017|* 6,332 197,685 601.5800 172,806, A 235 172,660 2.499.144Ì 662/81 1/86,163 499.6320 124,9O8| 4. 1,08« 123,820 1,609.6840 402,1211 A 85,691 816,730 838.7200 10,310 « 2O9,680| A 199/70 224,29«, 851 223,445 2,230.6600 557/651 A 315 557/50 271,5«; 1,008 270/80 90,0M, 25,476 64,590 1,783.4820 445,858 i 4. 8,993 436/65 249.6760 4. «2,419 „ «09 61/10 937.7320 284,433 A 226/10 127,106 126/55 520.4400 130,1101 A 2,520 127,590 881.0640 220,266 4/ 9,14« 211,120 103,168 1, /43.188 1/40,015 1,141.0640 285,416 4. 7,976 277,440 404/040 101,051 4. 7,786 98/15 327.7040 81,926 ■ 4 126 81/00 658.4120 163,290 68 I IM/53 4. 1,557,414 8,624 1/48,790 460.5240 115,181 A ' 406 114,725 82.4400 20/10 A ' 20/10 1,069,084 113,994 955,040 <• 295,044 68,844 226/00 881.0040 220,251 2,646 217,605 2,916.6920 729,173 233 728/40 389.3080 97,827 1,417 95,910 210/00 50,885 159/15 54,291 221 54,070 1,4343880 353,722 17,667 341,055 2,5223440 630,586 18,241 617/45 595.6600 148,915 73/75 75,640 616.9800 154/45 154/45 908.6440 227,161 107,441 119,720 1,008/94 24,469 984,425 279.2840 69/21 221 69,600 112.7800 28,195 28,195 394.3040 98/76 1,386 97,190 416.3800) 104,095 104,095 5933880 148/47 252 148,095 718.0200 179/05 48,445 131,060 254.3720 63 68,593 68,580 1,691.1080 422,777 21,602 401,175 274356 151,726 128,230 245.1280 61/82 742 80,540 254.7400 68,685 945 62,740 1,432.8600 358,215 3M/15 353.9800 88,495 88,495 578.9240 148,481 77,120 66361 229.2320 57,308 158 57,150 405.5000 IOI475 22,350 79,025 408,704 14379 894/25 674.4200 168,605 IM/05 233.1960 58,299 929 57,870 205.7160 61,429 434 50,996 2,780.4640 695,116 635,770 59346 629.8800 157,470 157,470 244 3800 Vl.VW «1,096 61,095 391.2000 »7400 97/00 52,9600 18440 18/40 211.9200 52,980 24,650 28/30 383.6400 95,910 8,150 92,760 261.7120 65,428 65,365 «3 840,08011601 ~ 325,433,246W2,985,224'328,418,470 TOTAL Mi -^/¡I i/»Ltatt| « ÌU» 4/1 20.0: 11,088.1800 5,286.715«| 3 11/ «•«I 864.7501 384.7501 2 14.4 2.8 4,965.9120 9/ 24.7 42,798.4557 19/ 102,377.6910 341.2574 2/ 979/816 43 2.07A7400 12.0i 49,982.8800 20.0 549.5952 «•«I 14.71. 5,915.5887 «50.0080 81 2,242.9600 10.0 557.6650 977.716» 486.3564 2 4,146.4794 249.6760 586.0825 101.6848 1/13.3640 308.3724 30/21.6175 378/887 598.0598 1,018.7886 11/36.3464 287/275 206.1000 10,904.1468 767.1144 1,453.656« Id 5,104.2110 350/772 3,573.4000 2 271.4550 2 6,995.0790 8,071.5008 14.4 14.4 556 1,09037„ 23,910.7878 349.1050 1350.4912 947.2645 400.5369 2,225.8620 7124416 3,086.2721 7,0983648 477.9996 1,681.2840 2,149.2900 1,168.1840 746.1012 4813872 12/88.0832 1,011.6300 204.0465 596.5764 11/55.9952 1,590.4470 653.7165 264.0600 132.4000 423.8400 1,390.6950 615.0232 $401/53.6456 SCHOOL TAX 11,038.1800 14/14.0210 9,530.3054 18.5 2,648.4029 2,288.6528 16.7 5,872.9840 13.0 24.7 42,798.4557 19.5 102,377/910 961.7254 64 8,407.0839 2,427.8028 2,7664200 49,9824800 1,0494272 7,5254727 1.48&7280 4/12.0824 2,669.1224 2,788.3250 4/88.5840 8/10/672 1,783.3068 1,296.9504 5,929.9114 4993520 1/284145 1,830.3264 1,932.0112 2,133.8040 1,189.4364 30,221.6175 1,141.6640 778.0927 925.76M 1/M.2006 11,836.8464 7484515 288.5400 15,394.0896 24.6 26,298.2364 5,015.7480 4,248.6336 17.0 2,334.6606 10.6 8,020.9030 789.6852 6/00.2800 8,026.8800 81.4 1,053.2454 731.7904 19.4 3,429.9670 48.5 10/98.8448 16.8 1/80.6690 8.6 1,172.2620 7.6 1,999.0168 83 28,910.7878 623.3890 9.0 112.7800 4.0 1,744.7952 17.7 1,363.6445 993.9249 2/43/820 966.6136 15.2 4,777.3801 113 7,093/648 728.127« 1,936.0240 3,582.1500 1/22.1140 1/20.0252 710.6192 405.5000 12/88.0832 1,686.0500 437.2425 802.2924 14,736.4592 2,220.8270 898.0965 «55.2600 185.3600 «M7NM 1,774.3350 876.7852 »493.09A5133 Cities ----------------------------------------------------------- an MyiOT Point ..................................... Marshfield .......................................... Eastside . ..................... ...................... I .akeside .............................................. Totals ............................. a.......... VM. rma> im * MVdrabs *tawI 826,500 1,078,540 237,140 1,100,545 340 555 426'905 701,730 291/50 ÄÄ Maklîae J $ 562,320 8 71,064 $ 633,384 22.5 $ 14,251.1400 1,148/60 22.7 26,079.1220 96,935 1,061,925 889,759 44.4 39,5053996 28,369 861/90 4,675,554 203 97/51.5282 602/81 4,072,873 5,893.3800 225,800 20.1 17,S85 208,415 AM KÄO 9 KM AOR in a 7A AIR nnRft AlpWOyWO 145,522 12.0 1,746.2640 4,492 141,030 38/38 82/ 1/65.4850 2,198 36,745 8262,605/196 $8,770/61 $1,490,649 $10,261,510; sl WCkTu 73.0 T46.237.0320 86,279.3860 75.1 85,238.9122 95.8 347,861.2176 74.4 20,909.0800 92.6 212,062.7971 84 7 59.1 8,6003502 33783796 84.2 T — 580,610 » 345,880 «11,985 204/25 206,180 1,539,265 278,195 1,357/00 562/20 1,051,925 361/90 4,072/78 2M.415 1/36,163 141,030 Myrtle Point) Coquille) . Bandon) .. Marshfield) Castaido) . North Bend) Empire) ■ 4,007. ¡sii äs . 2/7« 27,620 81/81 103/M . 71,064 96/85 28,369 602,681 17/85 667/30 4,492 11,055.0400 4,995.9765 2,942.5658 3,190.7200 1,7763800 855/7« 1,461,094 1 81381 l,446,i?70 > 129/18 1/7«,TM 180,415 42/45 8«,745 161/60 665,165 69,470 800/35 a 1,182,133 ,182. ISS 10.0 ___ 249,404 1,105/04 10.0 353/44 435.930 ~ 3.4 733,041 10.0 315,431 282,60S «47,712 583/23 1,161/55 555/01 ’»50,059 624,144 Js 12/64 4/6» 12,789 9,025 31/11 24,081 164,103 125/97 8/18 120,620 6,20« 4/79 12,159 M/14 787 2,193 159,205 112/87 406 2,000.6200 33243900 i . ' V. 1320.0470 7,050.7096 794.4100 1.5 1/ 1/ 1/ 1.5 1/ 1.5 1.5 1/ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1/ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 14 1.5 1.5 13 14 1.5 1.5 14 1.5 1.5 ~j4M27.7ÔR Total« $15,452.5224 197/27.4922 rorts - ' •...................... ------------------------ . reta* urns? Net COOS BÄy Coquille «ooeoeasaesaeo^aesssese«» River Tétai« IQUNI> ----- osoooeeefcoe«of»ee«se « s e e s a e a s • 0 • S 0 e • e e • * 0 • a "F6/Ô5/40 8 11,191,666 6,757,125 824,545,781 8 T.M VU-a- I Ms* U4,7«7 8 6,940,707 li » 12,493.2726 13,051/43 8.2 107,023.4726 1,859,977 7/92,164 53S’°3y 2,829,783 $ 27,284,514 ' —'■■T ' .... — By Volume Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. 8/90 6/27 1 2 3 4 Total« VoL 2 Vol. 1. > 2,9*M24 7,582/60.- 173,792.7245 «58,950 42/00.1905 6«, 648.91951 I/««,«96 ----------------- ■ • 8,225/18 154,197.9595 1312/13 77,093.6254 1/12/18 335,385 17,1484540| 8 2388324 328,418,470 3072,747.9703 154/48.00 Acree Fira 152,509.00 Acres Fira Patrol .......................... 1,717.75 Aerea Beaver Slough Drainage District 19/5 Acres Beaver Slough Drainage District 319.77 Acres Catching Inlet Drainage District 794/7 Acres Coaledo Drainage District No. 11 2/43.79 Acres Fat Elk Drainage District 251.42 Acres Fishtrap Drainage District 523.58 Acree Lakeside Drainage District 228 Lota .Lakeside Drainage District 225.06 Acres Larson Slough Drainage District Dairy Herd Inspection................. the 1934 Tax ~ ‘ • » » » $180/8L48Ìl 176,8673470 353/91.7595 870,183.6185 196/903940 59/32.9955 17,0663050 105/11.0290 88/42.1005 287,738.8757 83,5403162 111/05 4/21 84,0013667 25/29.7255 8.6M4715 $736,0384780 31/08,786/483 5,409.1800 @ 30.035 5/39.9150 (d> 0.035 5,153.2500 Ô M.00 58.0500 1,400.0000 2,184.2425 0 4,487.5800 (g 1,585/900 1.50 » 785.8700 40.1400 2963100 ' 431.8500 of V No. 80372.01 ..... 654,965.6« Acree ef tillable lands Acree of son-tillable lai>d» ... Total of all lanata.......... Improvements on deeded or patented land« Town and city lota ..................... ............... .. Improvemanta on town and city lota.............. . •..................... Improvements on lands not «sided or patented................... Logging roads and rolling stock....................... • Steamboats, sailboats, stationary engines and mfg. mach. Merchandise and stock in trade ........................ Farming implements, wagons, carriages, etc. . Hotel and office furniture, etc. Horses and mule Cattle ................. Sheep and goats Swine ................. Doga .................... Poultry ............... Foxes and beaver . Total Valuation Valuation 8 3/44,460 9,456315 1,688 18,900 10,010 1,077 Tax Statistics Tax rwtai Special High School Tax.................. li i40,080.1160/ 35,695/2456 » 4/Ì4Ì704 12.144% fee. 50,4183818 .......... 996.1699 51,414.75171 1370% Special Union High School Tlx.... ’ 404,778.94321 3,125.2976 401,658.6456i .772% Special School Tax ................. 75,644.50971 97,527.49221 21382.9825 28.929% Special Road Tax.................... ,r, 256,046.73021 6,558.4894 262,605.21961 2.561% Special City Tax ..................... 119,516.7452 98,178.3290; 26388.4162 28367% Special Port Tax..................... 40,000.000ol 37,500.0000; 2300.0000 6.250% Special Market Road Tax ... 159,445.7400 157,579 4300 13663100 1.170% State Tax ................................. County Tax (does not include 529,064.2418 11394.70121 540/58.9430 2.248% Market Road Tax) ........ • Total Tax (does not include 1,708.786.34331 1,644,272.3213 64,514.0220 3.924% Drainage or Fire Patrol) 167,989.1486 195,684.0240 27,6043804 16.491% Amt. of Tax paid by Public Utilities 1 25,616,431 188,185 .715% Valuation .............................................. 25,438446 2,985,224 • 2,620/90 364/34 13323% Publie Utility Valuation ................. !i 181,649 ! 28/86,821 6.43% Total Valuation............................. ,.. 28,418,470 48,225 1,670 46,555 Soldi««’ Tax Exemp. (Valuation) 3.463% dec. Ratio returned by lltate Tax Commission 1930—M% 1929 63% 8tato Tax Levy' 8157/79.4800 5.5 Milla County Road Levy 85,255.4100 8.0 MiUs 17.4 Mills General County Levy 493/03.5830 . 828,418,470 Total Levy is 25.» Mills Total Tax is $736,038.3730 Base for State and County Levy................... . 10,007,629 Baae for Special High School Levy is........ Lovy is 4.0 Mills Total Tax io 40,080.1160 2,554,689 Base for Union High School Dist. No. 2 is . Lovy is 14.4 Mills Total Tax is 36,787.5216 1,229,179 Base for Union High School D.st. No. 3 is . Lovy is 11.9 Mills Total Tax is 14,627.2301 Schools participating in payment of Special 29, 80, 32, 33, 34,35, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 5: 74, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, M, 89, 90, 91 and J2. ■ Growth of Day Nurseries The tint permanent day nursery In the United States was founded la Troy, N. T., In 1858. The decade from 1905 to 1915 witnessed the greatest growth In their number. Them am now mom than 000 In the Unita« States. “My ancestors,” said HI Ho. the sage of Chinatown, “were worthy They am named only tn pralae, «(nee. they wore all 00 powerful that It would have boon foolish to ms 1U00 their faults,"—Washington »tar. Valuation $12/01475 1,608,715 3,418/41 8,613,520 23,696 329/85 1,154,975 1/77,055 «5,750 288,500 78/75 509,450 47,095 «410 9,130 9,195 »80 Ò2IS/3Ì/4« 2/86,224 28,418,470 685387.8» Grand Total of AU Aeeeeatiag far Folk Tales A theory reported to the Folk Lore society Is that folk tales of giants stalking 00 seven-league boots prob­ ably arose from the custom of using stilts In the marshy parts of Rurope. which awed and frightened 459.3886 110.2410 122.0955 177.4620 1,641.4980 110.1990 1,464.9315 1,773.1995 374.1060 1,658.2560 530.0160 653.8960 1,099.5615 478.1465 428.9045 971.5680 875.7345 1,742.7825 832.8015 525.0885 936.2160 306.3375 812/870 2,350.3275 582.«140 2,191.9410 950.0760 1,723.2900 1,334.6386 7,013/810 838.7000 3,755 5395 “■ 218.2880 575.4150 498.7485 878/935 64.5480 58.4070 481.6975 1,166.0880 104/140 1/01/255 119.1615 784.94001 512.8011 ia 1,188.0800 1/1 103483200 1/ 81,3971 «4 ----------1 10.0 11830» 1,094332 10.0 4,675,554 225/00 2,503,693 145/22 383,610 832,499 248,929 43,032 38,988 321,065 777492 6947« 801417 79,441 » (Lake*wie) 2,004 8,067| For State Purposes per State Lev] For Special 8tats Elementary Sc Total State Tax ....... • For Road Bonds, principal and int For Indigent Soldien • For School Purposes (859« Pupi » For School Library (8596 Pupils in above) For General County Purpe»« (no For Market Roads Tax For General Road Lovy (1/ Milla County Share) For General Road Levy (1/ Mills apportioned to Road Diita.) Total 3 MiU Road Levy .. For Special Hi»h Stehool Tax ..... For Special Union High School Tax For Special 8chool Tax For Special Road Tax For Special City Tax . For Special Port Tax ._ For Special Fire Patrol Tax 737 10 Acres For Special Drainage Tax, Beaver Slough For Special Drainage Tax, .DN*rff * 794.27 For Special Drainage Tax, Cealedo Coalodo Dirtrict Na. No. 11 2/43.7» Aerea For Special Drainage Tax, Fat Elk District 251.42 Acres Fnr SDecial Drainage Tax, Fishtrap District - S' Dram.« Tax. For 225.06 Acres 8 42,627.7050 42/27.7050 _ the 1930 Tai Roll" 157379.4300 119,0783000 8,200.0000 171320.0000 859.6000 160,650.1880 «7300.0000 85455.4100 40,030.1160 51,414.7517 401/53.645« 97/274922 262,605.2196 119/16.7452 10,749.0950 54113000 1,400.0000 2,184.2425 4,487.5800 1/853900 825.5100 296/100 4813500 ______ 81,735/58.7208 r J P Bevan Assessor of Coos County, 8tata of Oregon, do hereby certify that the assessed valuations, , - .ndtaxi Mt forth in the summary here contained, are true and correct copies of the originals u* , TL. thereof as the same appears on file in my office and custody. *nd Dated* th". Mth de^f “X. 1981. f P- B^.rs, Counfy AsMssor The O m Sore Thing Wrecks happen ao quickly that you ean t be sure of anything except that the man's accident policy lapeed » «go. Weighted Silk Material Silks are weighted by the addition of solutions of tin or Iron salta They make the al I k seem heavier, with more jbedy. However, they decrease the wearing quality of the silk. 8105,759.03 51320.40