OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF Can’t Bust Em Overalls t'an’t Bust Em Corduroys Filson Cruiser Coats Every article a standard guaranteed product More than miles in a New Ford By Lans Leneve Here come a couple of more sports men up the trail and here they are seated by the old campfire. Well, come on, let’s hoar from you one at a time. “This is Frahk G reenough speak ing. My occupation is printer. My fiavorite outdoor sports are hunting and fishing and I enjoy watching both boxing and basket ball and cards for indoor sports. My favorite indoor i hobby is stamp-collecting. My am bition is to always have enough money so that I may be able to hunt and Ash and to make good sportsmen out of my boys. A Remington auto 12 gauge is my favorite shot gun and a 36 Remington is my favorite rifie. As for a revolver, I don’t use one. Num ber 6’a are my favorite aise shot and Peters is my favorite brand of ammu nition. Fly Ashing is my favorite way of fishing. For s fly I prefer Reuben Wood and a Bear Valley is my fa vorite spinner. I have hunted and fiohed something like 46 years.” Thanks Frank; now let’s hear from this other fellow: “This is Walter Krantz. My occu pation is logger. Hunting and Ashing are my favorite outdoor sports. As for indoor pastimes T enjoy either playing or watching a card game. My ambition is to see better hunting and fishing. My favorite make of shot gun Ip a 12 gauge Winchester and a 30-30 is my favorite rifie. A 22 Colt’s automatic io my favorite pistol. My favorite size shot are 7H’s and Pe ters is my favorite brand of ammuni tion. Bait fishing is my favorite way RACKLEFFm P harmacy ^ Rackfeff’s Pharmacy 434 W. First St. Coquille Myrtle Point Won Coos County B. B. Tournament Oregon ECONOMY MONITOR TOP Bunday a visit was paid to the State Commission Fish Hatchery on Ferry creek near Bandon. There are about 150,000 Eastern Brook Trout eggs being hatched at the present time and something like 275,000 Cut-throat trout in the ponds that will be liberat ed in August. Around a million and a half trout were liberated from this hatchery in Coos and Curry counties in December.. Steel traps were strung about one entire aide of the pond as a guard against mink and cranes, while more traps were set on the top of posts for kingfishers. Thia shows how the law protecting kingfishers and crane» is looked upon by em ployees of the game commission. The law governing the two above men tioned birds is pretty generally disre garded, owing to the toll they take from fish. -J Myrtle Point (1«) (4) Carver Felsher («) Ray Wagner (2) Bones dp. Lineups: Coquille (22) (6) L. Seeley («) Ellis (5) Ellingson (6) Pulford Wood yard Shaver Not to be outdone by the Colts Arms Co. the Smith A Wesson Co. are putting a new 22 revolver on the mar ket. It Ta a duplicate of their famous 38 Special, .having target sights, a six-inch barrel, solid frame. The new high velocity 22 shells can be used in this weapon. These new shells are not safe to be used in cheaply con structed 22’s nor automatics. GENERAL ALLogTBBL ELECTRIC BBVRimBBATOB. hsWIssn COMMIRCIAL B b A u OIMATOBB • BLICTBIC WATBB COOLBBB BLBCTBIC MILB COOLBRB Ms SI 4l Mr gtams/I h om-ftwr—. hsr/rrrr rnrj f i r-iw-T r-j-rr-i—l -ir rr nr-- ■■-■■■+ Fisk Tires Great Western Battery GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO Phone 195-J BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP COQUILLE Mrs. E. G. Robbins, of Broadbent, was brought to the hospital Monday for a major operation. Although not able to leave the hos pital yet, Mrs. Robert R. Watson is recovering nicely from the major operation she underwent last week. CaUing