Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1931)
Should Have Had Sargon At First , Junior Hi Notes» R^tk. BUW M«™ I ««¡S or Junior Hi assembly met on Monday, On Saturday evening, Pioneer M. E-1 ________ IS HEREBY GIVEN that opening with ths flag salute, Ameri Church welcomed Bishop Moore as' by NOTICE virtue of “9„ an order onl*r of~tl t«*» County cans' Creed and several song». After an honored guest when members and Court of Coo* County, 9ta ite of Ore ,nd entered On the “I’ve got the strength and vigor a short business session, basketball friends assembled m the halL About f™; ?u*y f, 1981, authoris- -n,. .a.iu « u. now I had twenty yean ago,” recent letters were ewarded by the coaches, -r — — - . --------- ------- property herein ly stated Theodore Pierce, 98 loth St., Mr. ktogwdy and Miss Shone. Boys tables where a delicious dinner was described, I will, on Saturday, the receiving totters on the first team served at 6:30, during which the fol 18th day of April, 1931, at the hour of te.i o cloek in the forenoon of said were: Lawrence Morris, capt., and lowing entertainment was given: Our bank is not merely the day *t the Paukon Service 8talion at Linn Swain, forwards; Louis Donald The male quartet, Messrs. Leslie, the tov.u of Bridge, Coos County, place for you to make your son and Tom Thrift, guards; and Bill Thompson, Smith and Gant, ruodered Oregon, offer for sate at public auc deposits to be drawn out Peart, substitute, with Hobart Sehaer two splendid selections and later Mm. tion to the highest and best bidder for again with cheeks. We are as running center. Those receiving June Walker sang two lovely solos, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of Elmer T. Thompson. De totters on the second team ware: Toni accompanied by Mrs. Woodyard at ceased, in and to the following des much more than that to ypu Sehaer, Marion Clone, Jesse Barton, the piano. Presiding Elder Needham, cribed real property, to-wit: if you will take advantage of The Northeast quarter of the Donald 8mith, J.m Romisonr and Ken who with Mrs. Needham acasmpenied our important facilities in the neth Arrell. Those receiving letters the Bishop in from Roseburg, then Northeast quarter of Section thirty- two and the following Oregon-Cali commercial field. Consult us on the girls’ first teem were: Helen very appropriately introduced the dis fornia Railroad Grant Lands, title to freely regarding your finan Pinkston, capt., and Esther ManseH, tinguished visitor to the audience, af which was vested in the United States forwards; Fay June Nosier and Mar ter which Lyman Carrier gave the by act of Congress June 9tli, 1916, cial problems. No doubt wo to-wit: The Southeast quarter of the garet Ayers, centers; Alfreds Harry welcoming address. can be of valuabta assistance. Southeast quarter of Section Twenty and Marjorie Judd as guards. Those Bishop Moore's refponse was compli nine all in Township Thirty South of Make our bank your bank. receiving letters on the second team mentary to the interest, hospitality- Range Eleven West of the Wilamettc were: Phydelliaa Morris, Norene Mc and goodwill entended him in his re Meridian in Coos County, State of Oregon, containing eighty acres, Keown, Wood, Clance Krants, cent tour, including CoquDto. The more or lnoi Ardis Halter and Geraldine McCarthy. msin content was masterful in ita Dated the 13th day of March, 1931 Elvin Waterman, Cecil Thrush is with us »rain. mental and spiritual appeal, pointing Administrator of the Estate of El Harry Gisholt and Jean Perrott out the needs of the church for a re mer T. Thompson, Deceased. 9t5 I were absent Tuesday from th» 8-B vival of the religion which has the room. daring of Abraham, the protect of NOTICE TO CREDITORS “Indoor baseball’’ is becoming pep- Mases and the marvelous compassion Notice is hereby given that th ular again between showers. of Jesus for the last, the least and the deroigned has been appoint-, d by 'he County Court of the Slate of Oregon The gravel Which was put on the loot. for Coos County, Adminiatiat i of school ground last fall has been great- It is possible that the following THEOIKJRE PIERCE the estate of Henry Johnson, r e- lines written on the occasion, may ex ceased; and all persons having claim: Portland. “My stomach was so acid | ly appreciated by the school. On Fridays Mr. Thompson’s 8-A press the sentiment of those who against said estate are hereby re I couldn't eat without suffering quired to present them with the prop hearing objection» to such final ac agony. I had a bad case of constipa ’ English class la having debates. Last were present: er vouchers to the under.igned st ths count and the settlement of said co- law offices of J. J. Stanley, in First tate. tion; my sleep was restless; and I wan Friday the subject was, “Resolved Fellow traveler on the way. Eva 8. Currie, * National Bank building, Coqui'!»., tired and ‘all iiÇ during the day. Sar that the Philippine Islands Are More Glad you are our guest today. Administratrix Coos County, Oregon, within sta I 7t5 gon ended every one of my troubles, Useful and Valuabta than the Hawa Hope you’re well and feelin’ fit, months from the date of thia notice. I Dated March 13th, 1931. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS and I enjoy hearty meals, along with iian Hands.” The negative won by For there's sure a lot to that DR J. F. YOUNG ».very close decision of two to three. Clarence A. Johnson, Notice io hereby given that the un sound sleep, and fool fine all the time. When you kyep a ploddin’ through 9t5 Administrator. • Chiropractor Mrs. Earl L. Schroeder visited our dersigned has been appointed admin Sargon Soft M/ws 'Pills ended twelve All them tasks you have to do. istrator of the estate of Ellen D. Phene 61-R years of constipation for mo, and I chool on Tuesday. NOTICE Oddy, deceased. Now therefore, all .1 Cor. Second and Moulton The combined beginners and Pep Think you’ll like our .city fair, In the Circuit Const of the State of persona having claim» against said never have to take laxatives any Oregon In and For the Coquito, Oro. estate are hereby notified to present I more, Sargon is the medicine I band, which have been practicing to Tain*t so much for else an’ flare the same to the undersigned at the gether for the past month, are look But it sort o’ rests the eye OM». .föÄfÄ should have had at first** office of Edward H. Joehnk, in the ing forward in their practice to the Nestlin’ here ao peacefully ▼a. , Coos Bay Natiunal Bank Building, in Sold by Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. JAS. W. WHEELER • preparation of a well-rounded pro 'Mong the hills that smile at yen, Harold C. Stough, . Defendant. ------------ Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, Physictan A Surgeon gram, that is to be presented to the With the river flowin’ through. u n “c?0?! J. U I within six months from date hereof, The Oregon Fanner, one of the best general public some time in April. To Harold C. Stough, the above I juiy verifiej law required Ellingson Bldg. Coquille neo u aa by uj law required. defendant: I Dated this agricultural papers in the northwest, There are twenty-flve members who Them green trees a reachin’ high thia 27th 27th day day of of Febni February» j Leave calls at In the name of the 8tate of Oreg m I 1M1 can be secured in conjunction with have been showing good progress in Always seem to take my eye, Hudson's Drug Stere or at Co- “ Lloyd ----------------- you are hereby required to anpeer and W. Oddy, The Sentinel for 86 cents. *2.26 for ' their band work. Three of the stu- Kind o’ like they’« reachin’ through answer ths complaint filed again« i < quilto Hotel _ _ . a - i - - — --z. , -j-- i Administrator of the estate of Ellen To Heaven, seein’ if they mightn’t |°u “ »he above entitled suit with n 0. Oddy, deceased. the two for one year. CUJ ns , , denta began their study considerably view four weeks from the date of the first I ■»■ *----------------------------------- I later than the others, but with added An angel parsin' to an’ fro. publication of this summons, U-wit: J FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURE SALE SALE JOHN C. O ERD IN G CO. ' incentive they are progressing rapid- An* aee in it a face they know. On or before four weeks from the 6tb NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, day of March, 1931; and if you fail ' ly. The attendance at rehearsals has Coeveyaeciag, Abstracta. BARN SPRAYING so to answer, for want thereof the Fhat under and by virtue of aa Exe ' been good with an occasional intor- Well, here’s hopin’ youH enjoy cution and Order of Sale issued ou; plaintiff will apply to the court foi Real Estate, INTERIOR DECORATING j ruption from other activities. Those Place an’ people ’» much as I, the relief prayed tor in her complain, of the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon for the County of Coos on the And in the future ’ s woe or Weal herein, to wit: For decree nersin, who have been regular have shown WALL PAPER HANGING dissolving the bends of mat nanons 14th day of February, 1981, in a Ser- Don’t forget our own CoquiMe. the best progress. heretofore end now existing between lain cause in said Court pending AM work done at reasonable price plaintiff and defendant anti for such wherein M. McKeown is Plaintiff, and I Weather Delays Gas Plant other and further relief aa to the t. J. Sullivan and Ruby Sullivan are with beet of material. DR. J. R BUNCH oafondanta, Case No. 9250, of said The inclement weather has caused -->urc and commanding me to soil DENTIST LIQUID or TABLETS a little delay in the work on the gaa ______ >r publication I ^^Vv upon y< Thompson Decorating Co. jL x SS I.."Jiftlz, X-RAT Servis» plant of the Natural Gaa Corporation an ordì „Jet oi __ ______ ________ _ Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever Coquille, Ore. Circuit Judge, Coos County, State I Oregon, duly of mad* and entered of Oregon, in this eity, but thia week of Laird Bldg., Opposite I'onluttaw 666 SALVE oi Oregon, duly mad» and entered I ¿fis -z ■ , haa seen the completion of the exca hesrin Telephono S3-L CegsiUe. Ore hgfgin on the th« 2nd 2iwi H.v day of March, 1931. I 1 jirdi0 and coats and diabunaementa CURES BABY’S COLD retber with accruing coats, 1 vation work, according to J. W. Judy,’ Gttas. Murphy « Sk.pworth, Attorneys for Piaiotin I nir >N SATURDAY, THE 21et I local representative of the company Madrid* Oro™“ “d r“M"8tet f « Jil “k ‘“¿nJ« * Vrid f here. Maraanetd, vrogon. -------------------- — 1 day nt the front door of the County This means that construction work the City of Coquille, will proceed as rapidly ao possible on NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE-1 ’¿ourt J100** MFNT BONIW I ^OOi!* bounty* Oregon, offer for sale the construction of the plant build Error» in refraction corrected IS HEREBY GIVEN that *"d hind ing, which it will take approximately the NOTICE without the aee of drugs. City of CoquHle, a municipal cor-1 ",t and three weeks to complete. The va- poratian of Coos County, 8tete of t^^jKtanteta^idto^hifcU^ . Coquille, Oregon | porixation equipment will then be in- Oregon, pursuant to the pro.islorM I v »Z pfro&iroXfX^doBn "t^v'ti^t ^Wa^Th^^of^ltok | stalled and the final testa mads previ of Section thrrtv-three t> /dUr (4) of the oritInal townaite of ous to the plant turn-on for gas ser provistoM Shirty-eight, inclusive, of an act Myrtle 'Point, Oregon, (now City of I r. '. " ... ?_____ : .. z , ■ vice in Coquille. adopted by the legal votem of the Myrtle Point, Cooa County. Oregon), In order thst sll residents will be City of Coquille in the year 1913, eaid as per plat of said townstto on file provisions being known as the Ban able to take early advantage of this tbe Bonding Act, and by virtue of and of record in the office of tba service, the Natural Gas Corporation croft an Ordinance passed and adopted by County Clerk of and for said Coos of Oregon is spons#ing a special the Common Council oa the 2nd County, Oregon; also Beginning ____ at _ a . point . ' : which I2.ï L is 412 *25 whereby water beater sale for the next month. day of March, 1931, orth 10 feet Null I? degrees East of .2 the ! . These may be purchased on exception the Common Council of said City was initial point or from eomer of the, duly authorised to issue and sell im .2 Myrtls Myrtle Point. Coos County. County. , ally low terms, and with a liberal al provement bonds for the construction Town of and running thence North 10 ! lowance made on your old tank or of the North Outlet Sewer, more par Oregon, ana degrees East 808 feet more or lees,j Issa,! ___ ____ _ _ ______ 1 more or Pi water heater, depending upon the siso ticularly described as: Commenting along what formerly wae was the West; on Seventh 8 treet; thence along of gaa water heater purchased. line of First Street prior to the vaca- vaca-1 I Henry Street Southerly to the Hoary lien of any portion of said street to ' I “Spring la housecleaning time in Street Bridge; thence souchweste. ly tion every home,” stated Judy, “and house to the Coquille River including later-1 the Northeast corner of the land of! grantors (Ida J. and T. W. Me- DR W. V. GLAUS YER cleaning time means hot water time. ale and branch line« in the City of Uloskey), thence North K 80 degrees ----- Oregon, to the amount of The rigfl site heater is essential to, Coquille, line of the right- VETERINARIAN *11,149.09, and that by reason there West to ths Easterly lay and 1 supply the correct amount of hot of sealed written proposals for the. of-way of the Coos-Bay Rooeburg "ami Coaety Hard A Meat taoiwrter and Navigai on Eaetern Railway Navigalon . water and we will be pleased to as- ourchaoe of said improvement bonds | Company; thence Southwesterly Coquille, Ore. I slot in the selection of the proper ap or any thereof, will be received at the along the said Easterly line of said office of the City Recorder until five right-of-way to the point where the pliances. o’clock P. M. on the 8th day of April, I “The exceedingly low terms which A. D., 1981, and that said bids wifi I e Northerly line of the County road in tersects said right-of-way; thence we are offering should bring the con opened and considered by the Council following the Northerly line of ssid lettuce, venience of a gas fired water heater at a session held on said date at 7:30 County road Southeasterly to ths o'doek 9. M. at the Council Cham- within the reach of every home in Co bers in oaid City; said bonds will be Northwest earner of land owned by carrots,, quille, and we are sure many will take designated as '‘improvement bonds Charles Adams; thence East along cucumbers, tomatoes and the North line of said Adams tract advantage of this opportunity to pur Series J-2,” and Bond Number One 10 feet, more or less, to a point 130 green onions art more crisp wiU be for the sum of *149.09, and chase heaters,” concluded Judy. bonds two to twenty-threo, inclusive, fest from First Street and being the and full oi flavor when freshly will be for the sum of *500.00 each; Southwest corner of another tract of all of said bonds win bear interest at is nd owned by Charles Adame: tnsnee picked. The same is true Criticises Bay Sports '.he rate of 6 per cent per annum from North 10 degrees East along the West oi beans, peas and sweet com. Coquille, Oregon, March 12, 1981 the date thereof and said bunds will U m of said Adams tract 93 feet to Northwest corner of said Adams Editor Sentinel: Joey Coffman, the be sold to the highest bidder but for the To make the most of your tract; thence Booth 30 degrees East not less than par and accrued inter deselect little fighter that this county gardening effort, plant the est. and said bonds wHl be dated the 120 feet, more or less, to the place of has ever known, entered the ring at 2nd day of March. 1931, and will be beginning; also any and all title to first quality tested seed now the Armory at MarsMeld Wednesday payable in lawful money of the nro, (IdaJ. and T. W. McCloskey) FORBCLOSURE BALE to that portion of said First available in the Northrup, night amid the boos of the Mamhflold United States of America. The Coun Street heretofore vacated and which NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, cil reserves the right to reject any crowd. He was up against a danger and ail bids; each bid must be ac vacated portion of said Street abuts That under and by virtue of an Ex King ft Co. seed boa at a ous man, a boxer and a hard puncher. companied by a certified check in the upon the said promises heretofore ecution issued out of the Circuit Court nearby dealer*». the State of Oregon for the County Our Joey came through with the goods sum of five per cent of the amount described tees a «trip of lead hereto of fore conveyed to Coos County for of Coos on the 11th day of February, bid to be forfeited to the City of Co and pat the famous George Vincent 1981, in a certain cause in ssid Court quille by the successful bidder in earn 1 right-of-way, containing about ta pending whsrein Benjamin L. Smalley away in three rounds. What happen he shall refuse to accept and pay f<n | acres; Said sale being made subject to is Plaintiff, and John Dor rath is De ed? Joey Coffman was booed as be »sid bonds. The City will furnish to fendant, Case No. 9448, of said Co trt left the ring. Is thia a gesture of the successful bidder a transcript of redemption in the manner provided by and commanding me to satisfy the law. sportsmanship on the part of Marsh ths proceedings of the Council fo» Dated at CoquiIle,Oregon, this 18th sum of *100 and the further sum of »aid improvement but the sueeees'u. *614N costs, together with accruing field fane? Are they jealous of Co bidder will be Tequlnrd to furnish at day of February, 1981. eoeta, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE H. K. H rrs , quille’s classy little fighter, or what? hie own expense, the opinion of sue'. 815 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon 14th DAY OF MARCH, 1981, at the Jack Shermer, of Coquille, “trita Attorney as he may desire as to ths hoar of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of legality of said bonds. med** the famous Coos Bay slugging day at the front door of the By order of the Council of said I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT said County Court House in the City of Short to perfection and the referee City of Oxiullto, dated the 2nd day I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer called the fight a draw. The only way of March, 1931. the undersigned has filed his Final for sale and sell at public au.-tion. to the Coquille Valley fighters may win •«______________ F' 0Cny*R^corder: 1 Account in the matter of the admin- the highest and best bidder for cash tratioa of the estate of Alice Hat. h- in hand, all ths right, title and inter a decision on the Bay, it seems, is to ar, deceased, and the County Coart est of the said Defendant in and to stow their man away, as Joey Coff NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ror Coos vriiuikbjr, far County, - _ has set the following described real property, man did and then be booed to the In the Matter of the Estate of Viola Saturday, the 28th 28Sh of March, to-wit: rafters. Do you caM that sportsman 1981, »1 the day and i M. Collier, deceaeed. The South half of SWK, Section 9, Room to the County __ tn Township 29, South of Range 18 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. _______ ship? I don’L—A Fight Flan. r .Hiuilte, Coos County, Oregon, as the ~~ Z__ Z.—'. West Willamette Meridian, »1! In C-,os That the undersigned has filed in the C '■ ions to _ said _____ __ County, Oregon, containing 80 acres. County Court of Coos County, Or» plane for hearing obtoetii Safety Pint! Use Cow Beil Dairy’s gon, her Final Account as Adminto- Firjil Account and the settlement of Said sale being made subject to re Pasteurised Milk and protect your tratrix of the Estate of Viola M. said estate. demption in the manner provided by law. Collier, deceased and that the said health. Court has set tiareh 30th, 1931, at Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 13th r of February, 1931. Call Farr A Elwood for transfer the hour of 10*» o'doek A. M. at the County Court mem in Coquille, ■odiasi Oregon. as th» time »ad ilaa» for Our Bank T he F irst N ational B ank Professional Cards 666 Grow Vbur Own Wgetables ll standard size vegetable ¿»Cob S' IS;'*’ " 'Tl r