» PAGB FOUR The Sentinel a sees mmb ia a mm raws H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers . II. A. YOUNG, Editer______ Subscription Bates Ono Year .... Six Months .. Three Months No subscrip----- ---------- -- ------- .—. for in advance. Thia rule ia impera- forest produces, fur which the Domin ion is noted. Il is estimated that »»26,000.000 was spent by American .motorists who crossed the international boundary in to Canada last year, traveling in ap proximately 6,000,000 automobiie. Border facilities, including bridges and underwater tubes, ■were called up on to handle a steady stream of travel back and forth across the lino. Rail and steamship lines between the Unit ed States and Canada also reported that their travel held up well during 1930, while thousanfls crossed boundary by airplane. Advertising Rates Display advertising, 25 cents per inch- less than 6 inches, 30 cento per inch. No advertisement inserted tor leas than 50 cents. Readings notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertiaement of any kind, insert ed for less than 25 cents. feAXLUUA Probably the most ambitious of these consolidations, judged from the standpoint of the number of em ployees and the total expenditures, ef fected ia that involved in the newly qreated state polish department which will bring under one supervising bead the present traffic division, the pro hibition, the fire marshal’s office and the patrols of the fish and game de partments. This department, which will begin to operate under the con solidation next August, will include within its organisation a small sized army of more than 200 men. Thirteen boards and commissions are included in the new department of agriculture which will begin to func tion on July. These include the board of horticulture, pure seed board, live stock sanitary board, stats veterinary, dairy snd food commissioner, state chemist, stats bacteriologist, advisory livestock brand adjusting board, stal lion registration board, board of stats far directors, markst agent, limo board, and the standing committee on agricultural lime. Ths dspartment will be headed by a director to be paid 15000 a year with five diviaion chiefs at salaries to bo fiixed by the director and approved by ths governor. The appointment of county bee inspectors, fruit inspectors, meat and herd inspec tors and veterinarians, made by the county courts must be approved by the director of agriculture. The third consolidation wipes out the board of inspectors of child labor and the state welfare commission and ths function of these departments are merged with the state bureau of labor. 15 years of research. 3 years in the home now . -2 year Expenditures from the funds of the Bntered at the“ Coquille Postoffice as state during the next two years to Second Class Mail Matter. *». talling 39,928,142 were authorized by the legialature which concluded its labors in the early hours of last Fri day morning. Of this amount <9,780,- NEW HIGHWAY COMMISSION • The first change in the shake-up of 048 was appropriated from the gener al fund of the state, or approixmately the State Highway Commission oc , OW, out of a performance record unmatched curred Wednesday when C. K. Spauld 82,000,000 more than will be available from all the revenues of the state dur in the industry, comes a new Three-Year ing, of Salem, succeeded C. E. (Pop) Gates, of Medford. , According to ing the two year period, increasing Guarantee on the General Electric Refrigerator. the state deficit by just that much, ex press reports Gov. Meier did not state cept for the fact that Governor Meier Thia remarkable warranty protects you for Abrw whether Mr. Gatos resigned or was will exercise his veto power in killing full yean against service expense on die entire re removed. He had served on the com- ( a number of these measures. Already mission for nearly four years. frigerating unit. It is.based on the soundness of the veto axe has descended on appro The new commissioner is a lum the Monitor Top principle —*with berenticaUy priations totalling nearly <100,000 berman and capitalist, and served in and more are expected to follow as the roc mt legislative session as a Four proposed constitutional the governor and his advisors reach senator from Marion county. Enjoy every General Electric advantage—fast amendments will be up for approval them. Whether this is a» far as the an freezing, three zones of cold, and an All-Steel Only in one Instance did the legis or rejection by the voters of Oregon nounced “house-cleaning" in to go is lature reject the recommendation of at the general election in November, cabinet with maximum food storage space. not known, but it ia hoped the state its ways and means committee in 1032, as the result of action taken by road body is not to be made a politi passing upon appropriation bills. That the legislative session. One of these cal football. was in the case of an appropriation of provides for an increase in the com, of members of the legisla R. A. Easton’s Weekly Letter 826.000 to be expended by the state pensation chamber of commerce for the promo ture to »8 per day for not to exceed “Backward, turn backward, 0 tion of agricuture. This measure was 60 days at a regular-session and not Time, in your flight, killed in the aonste with members of more than 20 days at a special ses Make me a child again just for to the ways snd means committee lead” sion. Another of these proposed con night.” r~ ing the fight against the appropria- stitutional amendments would set up Such was the lament of .»ome pooT’^on ------ Several other attempts were property qualifications for voters at * O?^r “**• UP*< appropriation measures elections involving bond issues or that sob stuff does not interest folks I but without result, notably in the caae special tax levies. A third measure so much now, for the reason the com ' of the 31,181,000 for the state board would authorise tax levying bodies ta mand given to the Children of Israel of higher education against which i use the tax levied in any one of the ar the Red Sea to “Go Forward," has Senator Schulmerich, Wash- three preceding yeans as the base for of more strength in it ington county, led vigor- the next tax levy. The fourth pro a I said, “does not interest folks so ous attack with a number of position involves the waiving of the d* ass*» mo much now.” I should have said some other senators voting against the right of trial by jury in criminal eori*»-wM« folks, for that poet's lament is meat appropriation as a protest against eases except those involving capita! MAC sad drink to Rascob and Smith and what they tertaed unjustifiable expen offenses. , I * lady Norton of the Democratic party, ditures in connection with the main Collection of the state income ti^x for at the recent meeting of the na tenance of the state’s five institution tional democratic committee that -trio of higher education. which was to have started on April seemed to be in chorus when they Dreams Not Prophetic Special appropriation measures ap 1 will now be deferred until June IS, chanted: “Backward, turn backward, proved by the legislature indlude an according to announcement by the (Coos County Health Department) 0 time in your flight, give ns the sa item of 383,000 for the purchase of a state tax commission.’ This action It was a wise old Roman who re loon again, not just for one night.” building now occupied by the state was taken beesuse of the uncertainty marked: “It is.a surprise to me that For The harlotry of boose knows no sax. printing plant This money is to be surrounding the status of the intan when two soothsayers pass in the rock a DIRT DITCHES STUMPS That town of Audobon, New Jer borrowed from the funds of the in gibles tax act the provisions of which streets they do not laugh in each sey, should hide herself in sackcloth dustrial accident commission under are largely interlocked with those of other’s faces.” Superstitution was and ashes. According to the newspa the provisions of a bill paased by the the income tax act a marked product of old Roman days. per reports^ a girl, whose mother had legislature of 1027 authorising such a Many things were viewed in the light been murdered in New York in or loan in connection with the new state In the event the new intangibles of an omen. der that the heinous crimes of that office building. tax aet in attacked by referendum a Today many people visit fortune city’s policemen might bo covered, Total appropriations authorised by special election is to be held on July tellers and astrologers in the hope of was so taunted by her school mates this legislature exceed those of the 14 at which the voters of the state lesming what is ahead of them. Most The economical and quick way to do hard jobs. that she remained away from school 1929 session by approximately |l,M0,- will express themselves as to the de persons believe in dreams-despite the Giant ia best—Giant is cheaper two days and then committed suicide. 000. sirability of thia tax. fact that we are told that we dream We are exclusive agents Language fails to express damnation constantly from the moment that wo for those who wore responsible for Due principally to the prolonged fall aMeep. It ia thus very easy to New m by Standard the torture inflicted on that high session the clerks and stenographers pick out isolated pictures in number A now gasoline, establishing an ad school girl of Aubodon, N. J. There employed by the 1931 legislature drew less reels of movies that pass before Coquille Phone 16 was a home wrecked, not by a wom down approximately 03000 more than vanced standard of motor-car per us each night, that are true and will formance in all cam. was announced an’s sins hut by the criminal greed of did those of the 1929 session, accord be enacted some time in the near fu today by Standard Oil Company of New York policemen. Tammany is ing to the per diem sheets of the two ture. It ia called “Standard” avarice and greed, whether found in houses as filed with the secretary of California. The aame holds true of birthmarks. Gasoline, and, although it ia a premi the policemen of New York city or state’s office. It is time that we reassured expectant um motor fuel in quality, it wffil be in the democratic national committee. While the clerk hire in the senate mothers that their children will not be We in truly thankful that Robert show» a saving of approximately 82,- sold at no increase over the regular PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Sharked just because they watched a prices. G. Duncan, of Portland, Oregon, the 000 over the previous session, the neighbor's house burn down the other The new gasoline has been given We also carry new and used sewing machines. so-called “Oregon wild eat,” lost out house per diem committee waa more night. These marks on the baby have Expert machine repairing. in his appeal to the United States lib*al and approved salary claims for the Company name, the announce nothing to do with experiencee or circuit court in San Francisco and its small army of employees totaling ment says, because it is the finest Electric Wiring & Supplies sights beheld by the pregnant mother. gasoline the Company has ever pro that the. fine and imprisonment sen more than 86000 in excess of the A child is born with a strawberry col duced without Ethyl, and k the re tence of the federal court in Portland amout prid out in 1929. Clerk hire ored spot on the forehead. The moth sult of all the Company's flfly-three « upheld.. R. A. Easton. in the renete totalled <2444940 this er immediately thinks back to the New Odd Fellows Bldg. First St., Coquille years of experience in the refining of year compared to <26,124.60 two years time when someone playfully throw a motoring products. Spend Huge Travel Sama ago. Clerk hire in the House this trawberry to her, she missed catch Among its advantages to motorists Expenditures for travel by Ameri year totalled 841,716 compared to ing it and the strawberry struck her are a higher anti-knock quality, lma cans both at home and abroad, and by 836,901 in the 1929 session. face. Or a baby has a large “port the Kruschen way is the safe way to carbon formation, the elimination of lose fat. Try one bottle and if not visitors to the United* States during The senate per diem committee wine” mark on the back of his back. unburned gasoline odors, an all- joyfully satisfied—money back. 1930, reached the stupendous sum of I which »disallowed ail claims for over-i The distressed mother believes it is around improvement in engine per approximately five billion dollars. time except where overtime work was I due to her sitting night after night in formance, and a decrease in valve insure your ear with Nad C. Kelley This is the figure named in a survey actually performed, was attacked j front of the open fireplace watching' sticking, fouling spark plugs and of travel trends and expenditures re from the floor by Seoator Upton who the dancing flames. Or a child ia crankcase dilution, the Company an NOTICE p ceived by the Oregon State Motor As declared that the committee waa par born without a hand. The frantic In the County Court of the State of nounced. In 3 Months and sociation from ths American Automo simonious in ite attitude toward the mother just knows it happened when Oregon In and For the “Standard" Gasoline, effective in bile Association, with which the state pay of clerks and stenographers, County of Coos Feels Years Younger the baby was three months along. organization is affiliated. The amount pointing to the moro liberal attitude every ear, ia particularly adapted to She says: “Why, don’t you remember “I have been taking Kruschen Salta motor cars of high compression. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary equals, if it does not exceed, the total | of the House committee. that was when John got his hand In for nearly 3 months. I have contin Brown, Deceased, ued taking one tearpoonful in warm value of American commodities sold Scrutiny of the per diem sheets of the saw and I had to do it up for water every morning. I then weighed Notice to Creditors State C. of C. to Meet throughout the world. In other the houses reveals that House em No. 2868 217 pounds, was always bothered with him?” NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, words, the snnual outlay of Ameri ploys« were better paid than those of The number of variations of this pains in my back and lower part of The annel meeting of the State That the undersigned has Iteen duly cans for travel is now practically the senate all the way along the lino Chamber of Commerce will be held story is legion. If every little inci abdomen and side». “Now I im glsd to say I am a well appointed by the above entitled Court, equal to the foreign trade* of the exoept in the ease of the chief clerks this year in the Multnomah Hdtel, dent that occurred during the period woman, feel much stronger, years i as Administrator of the estate of United States. Out-of-state tourists on tome of the more important com March 2«th. starting at 10 a. m. Pres of expectant motherhood left its mark Founger end my weight is 170 pounds. said Deceased, and has duly qualified do not only feel better but I look I as such. spent in Oregon approximately twen mittees, such as the revbion of laws ident R. S. Hamilton, Bond, will pre on the child, we would all be marked. Now. Therefore, all persons having ty-fl ve million dollars in 1980—over and judiciary in which the senate pay side and details of the program will The fact that wo are not shown the better, so all my friends »ay. “I »hall never be without Krushchen claims against said Estate are hereby I fifty per cent of the expenditure was more generous. Desk clerks in be announced soon. folly of this belief. The close fidelity Salts, will never cease taking my notified and required to present the coming from California tourists. the house received more money then There will be a round-table discus at times to place an incident in thia daily dose and more than glad to high same, together with proper vouchers By far the largest part of the five the same employees in the home, this sion period provided during which all period is just an accident. With the ly recommend it for the great good therefor, to ths undersigned at the i is in it.” Mrs. S. A. Solomon, Now offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, billion dollars was spent by motor difference in two instances amounting communities of the state will be given host of commonplace things that hap that Bern, N. C, Jan. 1980. 'T. S. You Oregon, within six months from the ists touting within the United States to more thah 8200. Doorkeepers and time to present ideas on state devel pen to a mother in a nine months* may think I am exaggerating by writ date hereof. ing such a long letter but truly I Dated thia 11th day of February, and in Canada. These expenditures sergeant at arms in the house received opment and suggestions for assistance period, it would be strange if some . amounted to more than 83.500,000,000 8440 for their 53 days of service while in conducting projects having state did not coincide. It ia stranger still feel so indebted to you for putting 1981. out such wonderful salts that I cannot Milton Earl Nosier, and accounted for nearly half of the in the senate the pay of these func wide significance. that more do not do so. say enough.” Administrator of the Estate of entire sum spent on vacations) travel tionaries ranged from 8376 to 8840. A bottle of Kruschen Salta that lasts Mary Brown, Deceased. 516 Every local Chamber of Commerce 4 week» costa but 85c at Fuhrman’s throughout the worid. In Canada the Notice: Farmer»—Wo buy Beef Pharmacy, Inc» and druggists the or commercial organization ia invited revenue from American tourists al The Coquille Machine Shop has em to send delegates and take part in the Veal. Port. Poultry and Rides, at the world over. Take one half teaspoon most equaled the total value of the deliberations. ECONOMY CASH MARKET. Co- in a glass of hot water every morning ployed Fred Selmer to operate its exports to the mother country of Great before breakfast newly installed blacksmith shop. Give quiDo. Oregon. Attention to diet will help—-cut out us a trial. Britain and exceeded the value of all .... — pastry and fatty meats—go Ught on. dairy as wall as C. W. Gardner, manager. potatoes, butter, cream and sugar— 100 for I1M N *10 *. GENERAL ELECTRIC $ Mountain States Iffll Power Company HIGH EXPLOSIVES G FARR and ELWOOD Sale on Radios and Electrical Appliances COQUILLE ELECTRIC Carolina Woman Lost 47 Lbs. . ♦