Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1931)
TIRE 1 Big Saving, Remember v- hen you are driving fast you are no safer than your tires. Better be on the best! Goodyear— enjoying lowest costs by building MILLIONS MORE tires than any other company—offers in its latest 1931 types the finest tires ever produced. Complete range of low Spring prices. Ask to see the stunning new Standard All Weather. Get our Special Proposition on “New Goodpears All Around” Double Eagles — New Heavy Duty Standard All-Weather C oquille S ervice S tation for ™ Spring Apetites OT only are the Foodstuffs offered by this Store noted for their goodness and wholesomeness, but for the extremely low prices as well. Scan the list below and plan your meals by ordering some of these fresh vegetables: N Broccoli Lettuce Carrots New Onions Asparagus Cabbage Rhubarb Bell Peppers Cucumbers Ripe Tomatoes Phone 133 HOOKER’S Garage ROOSEVELT Busy Comer Grocery Super Service Station Open Day A Night ------------------ The Ladies Aid of the Methodist, her marriage to Donald Joseph at her I Church went to Norway Wednesday ; home Friday, February 20, at Nampa, Miss Charlotte Brceains spent the I afternoon and met at the home of Idaho. Miss Hickman was music week-end at her home in Eugene. I Mrs. J. H. Barklow. teacher in the grade school here last Mrs. Milne was able to leave the Mrs. Anna Lemon returned this year. Mast hospital Sunday afternoon and I week' from Drain,, where she visited Three plays will be given at the return to her home in Powers. I at the home of her daughter, Mn»- Ar- high school auditorium. The cast of solicits your trade and invites comparison. Joe Williams returned to his home I thur Nelson, and family. the first one, “The Women Folks,” is: in Portland the first of the week after I Two basketball games were played All work Guaranteed. Anthony Gardiner - George Baxter a few days’ visit with his parents, Mr. I at the high school auditorium Satur- Mrs. Gardiner* - Mm. Ed Lewellen Expert Shoe Repairing Logger Shoes made, to Order. snd Mrs. W. W. Williams. He was I day night. The first one was between Dorothy Gardiner - Janet Martin FOR THE MEN! Special Attention given Ladies’ Work called here by the illness of his father, I the Myrtle Point Independent team Gertrude Gardiner Charlotte Brosains who is reported to be improving. Dress Plaid Sox 1C. I and the the Roseburg Independent j Aunt Julia Mns. Goo. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kenyon and I team and the second game was by ! Lucile Camp Ridiculous price Lucile Sumerlin son, Johnnie, returned Friday from a Worth 3 times—pr. the Fellowship 'hall. After the reg-1 business and pleasure trip to Eugene. Myrtle Point high school and Rose Georgia Rey - - Thelma Snyder News Notes From Powers burg high school teams. T he local The second play, "The Elopers: ” Mr«. E. G. Gamwell, cur local post- ular business meeting Hasel Lewis,' Eider and Mrs. Weatbrook, of Eu teams won in both games. Phyllis Gerald - Billie Lund miatreM, spent th? week end in San program chairman, announced the1 gene, were Myrtle Point visitors Sat - - Naomi Roberts . “Oregon Made Products.” Eighth urday, ■4 • I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kincaid and Mrs. Gerald Frahctsco. Giles Harries and Earl Fite return-1 children, of Long Beach, California, Roy Smith - - Leonard Shelton Ed Vinton and party returned from grade pupils, Oregon maids, under the - - Cecil Barker | direction of Bertha Ahn, sang two t^e last of the week from a busi-1 are visiting relatives in Myrtle Point Policeman the nugget patch Friday. and Bridge. Mrs. Kincaid is a daugh The last play, Friday for Lunch,” “What Oregon _ ness and pleasure trip to Portland. Mrs. R. F. Milne, Mm. Bill Maraee, 1 lovely numbers. ter of Mrs. Lily Fish and this is her has the following cast: Mrs. Roy Frey and Mrs. Bruce Mun Makes, Makes Oregon,” by Mae Zim-1 The funeral of Jake Stibetx was I Here’s "SOME" Values! first visit here for a number of years. James Gosling • Dick Barklew roe have all returned to their homes merman. “Things Oregon Makes and held at the Schroeder chapel Monday William Gosling Mr. and Mrs. Irving returned the Lloyd Davenport Cedarized Storage Bags after an illness at the Mast hospital. Sells the World,” Minnie King. “The afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Ran-1 finst of the week from Grants Paas, Phillip Penton Frank Lemon 19e 35 Mrs. Harry McAdams returned I Housewives’ List,” Rosa McAdams. ton of the Methodist Church had Betty Winters - Mies Thelma Howe where they visited for a few days. for Clothing from Portland, where she went to “Messages from the Loyal Legion of charge of the services, assisted by I Goo. King, of Eckley, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Endicott White Cups & visit her father who had been hit by Oregon Home Makers,” read by all. Rev. Mr. Wiley. Mr. Stibetx leaves | “Oregon’s Lumber,” Helen K. Gem his wife and four children, Albert, I and children returned to their home week end with friends in Myrtle Point a car and is in a serious condition. Saucers A shower was given Mrs. Wm. E. well. “Dairying and ito Importance,” Paul, Marjorie and Mrs. Deiph, to I at Dunsmuir after spending a few Mrs. A. J. Hoover's solo class met White Dinner Osborne Wednesday afternoon at the i Ella Langor. After the social hour,' mourn their low, besides other rela-1 days visiting in Myrtle Point. ' Saturday at the Fellowship hall. the hostesses, Mrs. Jim Gamwell and Plates Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hennes« loft last home of Mrs. Belle Bennett with Mrs. tives and friends. Interment took Twenty-six pupils were present. Bet’y week for Mills City, where they will Paul Brewer and Mrs. A. B. Bennett Grape Cut Water Mrs. Allen Rolf, served a lovely lunch. place in the Myrtle Point cemetery. Stewart, Clara Baker, Bobbie Lewis Harvey Gant was filling tost holes Glasses Miss Vernita Laird left Wednesday make their home. Their many friends assteting. A social time was enjoyed and Allen Stanley put on a tread drill. on the Gant ranch for Pepper Broth for Berkeley, California, where she wish them success in their new loca together and delicious refreshments A good program was given. Memory were served. Those who attended ers when he drove the team too near will remain for some time visiting tion. stars were won by Irma Hubbard, Mrs. Chas. Rackleff is enjoying a were Mesdames J. Crosby, Clifford and one fell in dragging in the other. friends. She was accompanied sb Bonnie Crew, Bobbie Lewin, Earl The hole was twelve feet deep and aix far as Roseburg by her parents, Mr. visit from her sister, Mrs. W. T Croby, Nettie Crosby, C. Iverson, P. Hoover, Kenneth Enyeart, , Bernice Thcmas, of Port Angeles, Washing-1 Bunch. F. S. Bunch, L. Bothwell, L. wide. Happening about 9 a. m. it was and Mm. P. W. Laird. Hillis and Frances Ellen King. letter Where your dollars have 2 p. m. before the last horse was I L. Sumerlin, Jas. Guerin, Lily Fish, C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mast and Zada ton. game» were played and the hostesses, taken out. more sense. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Moon returned H. Bunch, J. Bogan, J. Clinton, J. Whobrey returned last Week from a Mrs. C. H. Crew and Mrs. Hazel First National Bank Bldg. Wednesday from a trip to Chehalis, Leep, W. M. Osborne, A. R. Bennett, trip to Calistoga, California, where Lewis, served hot chocolate and sand Washington, where they visited Mr. Paul Brewer and Mr. Bennett. Brewster Valley they visited relatives. wiches. The next solo class will be John Carver wae taken to the Mast Moon ’s father. Farmers are surely making use of Mrs. Reuben Roupp is confined to March 27 with Mns. Amos Payne and The golden wedding anniversary of hospital Monday afternoon for medi soma dairy cows to C. O. King this her home this week on account of iH- Mrs. Carl Briggs as hostess. Mothers this lovely spring weather. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Lundy was cele cal treatment for injuries received in week. Mr. King is going to try dairy Ed Abernethy was called to Forest present were: Meedames A. W. Bo- brated at the morning service at the the Bryant camp at Brewster valley. ing again and will sell his sheep as The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian rigo, Wes Appleton, Carl Briggs. C Grove on account of the illness and they do not seem to be very profitable. church met Wednesday afternoon at Methodist Church Sunday. The music H. Crew, Daxid Fox, Douglas Hillis, death of hi.« mother. McKinley Notes I Kenneth Barker and Fred Dev Several Brewster folks attended the home of Mrs. E. C. Barker. After and sermon were in keeping with the Hazel Lewie and Amo« Payne. the usual business meeting delicious ■vent. McKinley Grange No. 582 met at ereux, of McKinley, went to er l_ut in Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Morgan were McKinley Grange last week. . Mm. Frank Strong, of Garvel Ford, the Community hall last Saturday the navy a few days ago. Milf'jrd Ernest Kreweon is in Coquille, refreshments were served and a so delightfully surprised Saturday even was in town Sunday and visited her Several new ideas were discussed and Mast took them to a recruiting sta cial time enjoyed. ing on the occasion of their fifty-first •lurting at present. After the long Julios Benham is preparing to put Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Hickham and I husband, who is receiving medical it was decided to hold twice a month tion in California. wedding anniversary when their his gas donkey on a new sled. I son, Kent, left Wednesday for Ash- cart at the Mast hospital. meetings hereafte^. Ono meeting is trip he broke an axle in turning neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett and three I to be devoted to busmens and the around after reaching home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn called on land, wherethey will spend several Dave Carey and eagle in a body to children arrived Wednesday -evening | other to mostly social and literary the Kreweon family Sunday. _ _________________ The weather man at McKinley, H. I days visitin* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bur- wish them many more such happy from Cockran, California, and will . programs. The matter of organiring L. Hansen, offers the follow ng Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson visited bank, who are attending Ashland Nor days. The evening was spent playing visit at the home of Mrs. Bartlett's a juvenile grange was also brought monthly summary for February: I mal. games and in delightful conversa at Jo* Lett’s of Arago Sunday. John Carver, who has been work-' Miss Kathryn Furman returned the mother, Mrs. Jim Hayes. Mr. Bart up and it was deeided to organise one Maximum temperature 71, on the tion. Later a lovely ' lunch was lett ekoects to leave in a few days for if enough children are available to 12th. Ing in Bryant ’ s Logging Camp, was first of the week from a trip to Granta served. Those present besides the Boulder City, Nevada, but Mrs. Bart have a working organisation. Among hurt Monday when a log rolled over MJ.n:mum temperature 25, Feb. 24. honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, lett and children will remain for a I the aB(J him. The ambulance came out after Precipitation, 3.A7 inches total. the visitors were Mm. Finley were Messrs, and Meodames Dave him. longer visit. . ' daughter, who teaches Greatest in 24 hours, 1.25 on the daughter, Verna, Verna, who teach«« the Carey. John Purvis, John King, El- LeRoy Powers, six-year old son of McKinley school. There were several 18th. win Hull, John Miller, Meadames Notice: Farmers — Wo buy Beef. Dates of killing frosts, February fl, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Powers, was taken new faces nreeent from Sitkum and Shell. Gimal, McNeel, Chas. Stallard. Veal, Pork, Poultry and Hidas, at the to the Mast hospital Tuesday night the home nelghbothood. I. J. Bennett 7, 12, 18. 24. Sr., Sol Morgan, Allan .and Lyman ECONOMY CASH MARKET, Co The total precipitation for January snd onerated on for appendicitis. He was able to be there. He ha« not been Rolf and Bruce Munroe. quille, Oregon. is reported getting along nicely. j very well since his two car accidents wna 7:45 inches. The Powers Woman’s Club hold Friends of Miss Georgia Hickman so dose together. their regular meeting Wednesday at received announcements thia week of. Walter Lawhorn and Lee Mast sold Insure your ear with Ned C. Kelley. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Saturday Specials CARR’S