Sentinel PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER I 'KO.M HO VOL. XXVII. NO. 8. COQU1LLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, ;---------------L--L2 Hot and Cold Thia Week | Both summer end winter hsve been ‘ I FRIDAY, MARCH C, 1931. ■ ’■’■gAggg' . 1"! B.B.TOÜRNAMENT J. J. Stanley Home From South Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stanley, of thia city, and Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hanson, enjoyed in Coquille thk> week, with a ' of Marshfield, returned last Friday range of 50 to 60 degrees in tempera-1 evening from ture. Sunday was a beautiful day, ____ «ThD.v tu « their vwr four *u«r weeks’ trip '•“P to For Gas, Says Pipe Line Co, Of not too warm, but the thermometer. upens next murada y at Bay—, Southern California and Taxaa. Af- 1 tor attending ths funeral of Mr. Coquille Meets Port went up to 76 degrees on Monday, on ■ ficial Hero This Woek - j Stanley’s sister in L m Angelos, and the north aide of Vernon Smith’s Orford First Meeting Postponed visiting relative* there, they went as j house on Sanford Heights and was 4. ; ■ .■ , w * possibly ten degrees higher in the < far east as Galveston, Texas, where The city council Monday evening did Next Thursday, Friday and Satur they spent a week with Jdhn Stanley, Bishop Arthur J. Moore, said to be Again Wednesday evening there shade here in town. On Tuesday «ras not 50 per cent of the Fat Elk* there was a cold wind all day and not grant thè petition of Lyman Car day, March 12, 13 and 14, the Coos ' who was on a trip down there from one of America'a great preachers, own and sna others oinezs for xur i «. County BMketball Tournament will be 1 New York. They arrived in time to wiH preach here Sunday. Bishop Ar Oil A Gas Co. stock represented at' that night the mercury got down to rier, Dewey Brown the meeting in the hotel and adjurn-' Henry street between played in the Marshfield armory, ' attend the Mardi Gras, which Mr. thur J. Moore, accompanied by Pre sewer main on 1 ___ _ 27. Yesterday morning it droped two ' where it has Been held all but one ment was taken until next Monday' 1 Stanley says was a very nice affair, siding Elder J. B. Needham and wife, below that, reaching 23. With fru.t I Seventh and Tenth, but did instruct evening, March 16, at 8 p. m., at the buds swelling and some kinds in full the city engineer to prepare plans and time since the tourney’s beginning in but to him Coquille Corn Show par will drive over from Roseburg Sat 1924. Teams from Marihtie’d, Co ade« and carnivals haa put all other urday afternoon. Bishop Moor« will same place when it is hoped to have' bloom, it ie pretty evident that spring sufficient stock represented to proceed ¡to hero?but^ffl^re'toil"^V’‘w\'ther*< property which would be affected was quille, Roeeburg, Myrtle Point, North such celebrations in the khade, and it preach Sunday morning at 11 o’clock on the pétition, but the councilmep I Bend, Port Orford, Coos River and seemed quite tame in the Texas city. at the Pioneer Methodist Church. with the election of directors. 4 atti ' Smith ■ report, the ther- ■ ' Riverton ...I LI compete J9^._ Cartton 1 d,d not I wi"h to foro* “ will for the honor White no business was transacted The Coos visitors encountered Jots Bishop Moore’s career has been a bril Wednesday evening it eras a very in- ! mometer m standing at 24 degrees where lhe P™P*rtX <”">"• objected of winning the meet and the toward of cold, rainy days in the south*and liant one and his ministry has been **k*i that more names be secured which follows, ----------- ------------ a trip ----- to . the State were glad to get home for such a one outstanding success. He was a tereeting session for those who were this morning. This is the second morning of the winter, the "n th* Pe'‘tion. Th. proposed sewer Tournament held in Salem, present. They heard V. J. Freeman, I coldest warm day aa Monday of this wook. railroad man, married and had a I - — a - doubt —* the 1981 tourna While passing through Arisons they family when he was oonverted. Boon Without of Vancouver, B. C., one of the of record being one degree colder than «eded to serve the property in that district and the paymeata by the pro- pro ment should ho one of the moat closely came across two auto accidents where after Ms conversion, ho felt the call | «»»trict ficials of the International Pipe Line I this morning. perty __________ perty owners owners there there for for the the North North contested ever -------- held ... in ____ this __ district. the violent downpour of rain had to preach. In only a shot time he Co. which stands ready to purchase “Poor Father” Toniwht Outlet ewer are worsted unless they Though outstanding performers who flooded the highways sufficiently to became pastor of one of the greatest gaa from well or «relia in thia section I Hear Hear “Poor Father” Tonight { : are allowed a connection with it. : Sparkle now and then are missing, sweep cars from the pavement and churches of Methodism in the State of at any time that as much aa 100,000 Do not fall to see "Poor Father," A request for sidewalk grades on Well balanced squads with plenty of a woman and child were drowned in Texas. He went from there to Bir- feet datly produetion ia secured. at the Community Building this even Riverton avenue where Mr. Bertehon reserve strength are on hand to in minghaea, Ata., as pastor of one of J. F. Eewell, president of the Fat one of the accidents. ing. The cast H m worked hard the is building new houses was referred sure excellent team play. Every team Elk company, met Mr. Freeman in Instead of having culvert« under the the greatest churches in the South. past week to wear off all rough edges to the city engineer. has met defeat during the entire sea paving to carry off the sudden floods, During his pastorate of four years in Portland last week when both were at and give a presentation worthy of the Lengthy reports were submitted by son and as a general rule scores have the highways dip to permit the water that city, there wan not a Sunday but tending sections of the oil and gas ladies’ socirties which are presenting Councilman Kline and City Engineer been close, the games, being hard producers’ association of the North , to run across the pavement, and it was what there were conversions or addi it and which will be a real evening of Stacer, endorsing the proposal to pur fought. > 1 while eroesing such depressions that tion« to his church. In the four years west. ... . ........ fun for the audience. chase 160 acres on the Rink creek Marshfield and Coquille, county the ears were swept Into the ditch, there, ho had an average of twelve to Mr. Freeman was invited to come Admission «rill be 50 cents. . ,1 watershed for 85000, a» ^protection champions in the “A" division, are, of unite prith the church each Sunday. down and inspect the w«41 hero and to the city’s water supply. Mr. lCline’s course, the favorite« to play in the He wm the first one elected Blabop happened to be here Wednesday even report went into detail. It showed final game. The former haa a team < at the General Conference which met ing. that there was 6,810 thousand feet of eeol-headed 1 ’ basketeerH able to in Dallas, Texas, last May. Bishop After a visit to the well yesterday timber on the land which would for a •hoot, pass, or _ Moore ha« th«- >u perin tendency of tee morning, he expressed himself as long time be worth more than the city them. The local »eal a mnt at are much quintet much’ Northwest, the Pacific, and the Ari quite positive that gas in paying quan was asked for the land. the same type, their main asset being zona Conferences, with hto home ia tities «rill be struck and a field devel More than 50 were present at the Mr. Stacer recommended the pur well developed team play. I “The purpose of the taxpayers’ San Francisco. The editor of tee Pa oped here. meeting of the Coos County Dairy chase also of land on the Walker . All the other fives are aching for meeting last Friday night, and which cific Advocate recently said of Hat: Working on piercing the bridge man's Association in the Community ‘‘Bishop Moore ia a man of good judg which stopped the gaa flow a month is to eventuate in a permanent organ creek watershed to protect that source the chance to beat the favorite«, and many of them are strong enough to do Building here Wednesday night, when ment and a good heart. Future his ago is still in progress with excellent isation, is not for the purpose of ob of supply. I all of the 45 dairymen present signed Councilman Jeub reported that it The "B” league teams rate high, torians «rill «rrite Arthur J. Moore prospect that the reservoir will be structing progress or fighting needed an agreement to use nothing but down as one of the greatest Bishop« tapped when the drill breaks through improvements,” was the statement of Stevens & Koon, engineers in charge both of them having powerful scoring dairy products ht -their homos, eUm- of the last water supply improvement, machine«. one man who attended the meeting. of our church in all its history. They the hard limestone foundation. i insting substitutes, and a committee The following schedule« as an will rank him with Francis Asbury Mr. Freeman said that there are I The session in the court house last had stated that the city’s supply consisting of the board of directors— for his labors, with Joshua Soule for half a doten or more producing gas week was looking toward a taxpayers’ would probably be better with the nounced by the committee can be tak Geo. Hampton, A. R. Davenport, Lee timber above the lake removed, al en as official: organisation Which will be ready and his good jundgment and will give him walls in the Aberdeen and Hoquiam Evans. Joe. Nilsen, Hillis Perkins, E. Preliminaries—Thursday an exalted place all by himself as a section of Washington, besides those anxious at all times to confer with though the supply might be short for L. Detiefsen and Jos. Landrith—was Myrtle Point vs. Riverton, 8 p. m. flaming, evangelistic, preaching bish in tee Okanagon country in eastern tax-levying bodies, make recommen two years while the underbrush was appointed to meet with the granges ^Coquille vs. Port Orford, 4 p. m. dations aa to how taxes can be lower growing. op.” He is the youngest bisbop of hie Waabington. and any civic organisations which are The councilmen seemed to feel that Roseburg vs. C om Rivor, 7:30 p. m. church, yet one of the best. It is a At the present time the Internatiou- ed and generally act in an advistory willing to further the dairymen's in . logging operations above the eousee caDscitr, -.Mgr hfirid vs. North Bond, 8:80 p. rare opportunity for the people ef tela ai ¿ernpuny to building from Okana terest tn securing greeter consump- ijp. iff WJN contaminate A»' m section to hear such a man. Many gan country tototoJ —1 WI1, and Heir •Mw* the «vault of the mectini ‘ I tion of dairy products. <s Semi Finale—Friday throughout the eounty wiU avail maps are prepared for a route couth held by North end property osmers water, and it would, seriously. Other purposes of the aseoastion Water Superintendent Epperson re Twot Thursday afternoon winners, themselves of the opportunity to hear from there to Portland and through earlier in tee year, and wm called by as outlined by Pres. Geo. Hampton, ! him. Oregon to the California line. Build the committee which Geo. H. Chaney ported the water at the big dam as 7:80 p. m. Two Thursday night winners, 8:30 are to secure more cow testing asso ing of thse 24-ineh lines will, of had appointed—Ju. Watson, G. E. peven feet below the spillway, which ciate.™,, a higher price for butterfat, is unfertunate at this time of year. ; Trott and Wesley Downs — to keep course, await gan production, but the 12 New Indictments . : P « and to secure a dairy inspector. The council ordered the water su Finals—Saturday. speaker assured the stockholders property owners posted on what was The grand jury submitted ita sec Roger Morse, of the extension de I perintendent to lay 1100 feet of pipe Two Friday winners, 8:30 p. M that the line would be ready vrithin being contemplated. partment at O. S. C., talked on the ond report for this session of court, There were about 16 present last line and install two hydrants as a Two Friday losers, 7:30 p. m. 66 or 80 days after gM is struck. cost of producing butterfat and the yesterday morning, and were thanked . e The line In Wsshington the development to Friday evening. W. L. Kistner was matter of the protection. by Judge Brand for their services and will be laid from Henry street along dhoseH as chairman and Geo. W. Swin It’. . Joint Champioinnhip ‘ altogether for gM which to tapped at dismissed subject to call. The mem- the price. County Arent Jenkins depths of less than a thousand feet ney aa secretary of the temporary or Seventh to the L O. 0. F. cemetery, ______ _____ bere of the grand jury are J. L. 8tev- _ _______ ____ _____ Coquille High School’s basketball says there . was more interest in his with hydrants near the R. E. Nosier and with the demand for it and the ganization. In*x «•!•/*, Kate Watson, oqoad finished its 1981 season in a taik, and that it produced more di^-' residence and the cemetery. Thia is Another meeting to to be held in overproduction of oil, invertors are tie with Marshfield High School for cuseion, than anything he has heard Hargarrt^ Detiefsen^ W. ^T. ^Alpine, seeking thoee fields which promise the court house next Friday, March a protection which has been needed in first place in the district standing, Nite O. Milter and D. W. ShWten. since he came here as county agent. 18, at which time the committee that district for years. In their report yesterday they re with and one defeat. C0-1 . --------- nine wins ___ Everyone who spoke of the subject Four ordnances were read ana quilie.„ on)y With the franchises the Interna- named to make suggestions for a per . ................... of tha MOOn waB of ¡„pector was in favor of it. turned twelve true bills, eight of «y ex? p at hand’ of *n>omp«>n «M the county them blind, and three not true. tional hks already secured for dis- manent organization will report. This posing of gas In the tovms and cities committee consist of Ju. Watson, O. The indictments ««ere against: enced a',uad. in*.7e iT* 5ame tlM! coort w” 'm’y »‘ting to learn what conviction for obstructing paying^ BMWon on • tlw Mamhfteld floor. The the dairymen wanted, m funds for an they are in the market for all they C. Sanford and W. E. Haesler. " * " ." _*" -------- — Casey Jones, of Coquille, poos— a?yv.^’."d ,oeal ’’•r *dn,in“t*re<‘ to Marshfield inspector were budgeted last-Decem- eion of liquor. can get. and should the field here While taxes is one of the live sub show promise they stand ready to as jects of discussion in Oregon, Coos of material, machinery or rubbish. its only loss in the return game played b«r. Harry Wise, of Broadbent, assault, __ _ Those present favored the ar>- sist tn its development eounty and Coquille, as it to nearly Exemption in made for material« used on the Coquille floor. I pointment but did not want a man being armed with a dangerous weap The most promising feature of the everywhere, the people .should re in building construction, which are ' Roseburg placed third in the* named who would compel unneces on. • .................. v'att hero of Mr. Freeman, who ha«' members that It is the taxes which we placed in the street, and for wood, league, white Bandon with tight and Theodore Mayes, forgery, baH sary changes and heavy expenses in had yeans of experience in oil end gM have voted on ourselves which is mak coal and merchandise unloaded tem inexperienced men and a lack of re the operation of their business while 81000. fields, ie his statement that prospects I ing them so burdensome. porarily on the prohibited areas. F. L. Andrews and Wm. Robert«, serves, went through the season with prices are at such a low level. for a gas field in this vslley are the Another ordinance provides a fine out a single win to her credit. What reductions the city council,1 Their bonds It was decided to increase the board larceny at Marshfield. brightest imaginable. the eounty court, or the legislature of not to exceed 825 for driving across Coach Hartley started the season of directors of the organisation by were raised to 8750 each. * can make are almost inflnitessimal. curbs and on to parking, or parking teat January «nth an inexperienced two, both come from north of Coos Not true bHle were returned in the At the same time we are watching the ears between sidewalk and curb. following cases and the defendants squad, Ellingson being the only letter Bsy. __________ ______ ___ _______ tax-levying bodies it would be well to released from custody: The penalty or fine which can be man from the previous year. Out of juries in Circuit court this «reek. ' ' P1“* • more careful watch on our- imposed by the city recorder for per green material a fighting five-man of I t Claude Walker, charged with grand C. of C. Campaign la On The flnst, on Monday, was that of «•!’«» «nd see that we do not vote sistent or flagrant violations of the fensive was developed, with every The Chamber of Commerce mem larceny. Thais Meyer, against Harry Qlttle- for more improvements than we can prohibition lairs, was by ordinance player a scoring threat Thia year is Harvey Atkinson, for non-support. bership drive for 1981 had not been sohn for 85526 damages, due to an or •** «rilling to pay for. Walter Smith, charged with oontri- increases from 8100 to 8250. The the best season CoquiUe has had in completed when Geo. W. Bryant re automobile accident. The jury, after ------ 1 — 11 11 minimum to 85. The ordinance wm years and the first bMketball cham- ported to the directors Wednesday bating to the delinquency of a minor. pionship brought to Coqt^He since evening, but the indications The grand jury spent a week hear adopted by a 8 ta 1 vote. being out eight hour«, failed to reach_____ Legislature Adjourns were ing testimony of R. C. Dunham and an agreement and Were dismissed The council ordered that the 111,- that the directors would have about j Some time during the early hours 149.09 of North Outlet sewer bonds.1 To Coach H*nrV Hartley to due a John VaR, former manager of Dun Tuesday night. the same limited fund to work with. this morning the Oregon state legis 28 in number, dated March 1, bearing *^,at*TJ**” at. tW* ’ncc**' **• ham's store in Coquille. The grand The suit of Fred Ahlberg vs. Fred j. — - ------------ ” — .as last year. Some new members lature adjourned sine die, and after a'■ httle promis^of organise- ' weM while otheT1 dJd jury found no caine for bringing in “ 6 and n which «rill • run J. - I a winning - ------ Baker Co., on a logging contract « m v per K—- cent interest, — „... — . — — , W,l, BWUIVM WWB1V W.rai, UIU not « settled when the jury awarded the 53-day continuous session the mem ' for 10 years, be advertised and sold • n» , warned up a team that that could contribute this an indictment. The legislature at regular council session on April 6. h1*,, PF»™ «•* *> ‘"vincible in their I bers left for home. As an aftermath of their investiga plaintiff 8736B6. | year. Membership cards will be •*- ' M>tS. ' tions, J. B. Bedinfield this morning The case of Lanrronce DeOs vu. 8. has been condemned in some quarters Rv llinnimnii» v/atte tite rn»»w»il nr. ' sent out by the secretary when the By unanimous vote the council or foe not doing anything, but such filed a suit for Mr. Vail against Dun | The final “ A ” league standing is aa L. Shumate, for 8600 alleged to bo campaign is closed. dered that 'Hall street, from the city follows: due on logging operations and labor should not be the claim of those who J. E. Norton and L. L. Knapp, ham's, Inc., for return of al! property hall to Front, and Willard street, be- Won Lost Percent representatives in the legislature, deeded by the former to tee tetter at liens, wm started yesterday and wm supoprted Julius L. Meier in the campaign last year, for he was given tween Front and Second, along the Coquille the time Mr. Vail’s connection with still on thia morning. have been invited to attend the next Liberty Theatre and Sentinel build Marshfield the local store csaaed, and for the re Criminal cases heard and sentence« everything he asked for in the way of forum meeting, March 18, and tell ing blocks, be removed from the two- Roseburg turn of each papers as bo signed at pronounced this week were as follows: legislation. Whether the senators what occurred at the eesaion just and representatives befieved that the hour parking limit sone. Mvrtle Point Ike Allen, convicted last week, of ended. Their talks to the chamber that time. At the suggestion of Councilmsn Le North Bend soiling liquor, hto fourth or fifth con governor’s requests and demands were two yean ago, during which they told viction, wm sentenced to one year in advisable in all canes, they gave him Fevre, it was voted to change the Bandon Men Will Give the Dinner many items of interest which had not » the power he asked, and Gov. Meier name of Coquille peace officers from the pen. appeared in the press, were enlight The American Legion and Auxiliary Edmond Gallier. indicted last week «rill have his hand on the helm of the "Marshal“ and “Deputy Marshal” to Gov’t. Did Not Match will meet Monday, March 9th, ia the ening. state activity to a much greater de Coquille Police, and the recorder wse for assault and battery, pleaded guilty The meeting «rill be bold in the city Legion Hall at 6 AO p. m. for a dinner Last December Coos county budget- gree than haa any governor since instructed to secure badges with such Tuesday and wm fined |50. ed 35.000 for the Hoffman Bridge- »*■“ 7:Sfl to m • and everyone. provided by the legion men. After wording. *- Walter M. Pieree ’ b incumbency. At the conclusion of the DeOs vs. Powers road, provided an equal 1 whether a member or not, ia invited having been a guest of the Legion re The city’s dump grounds, east of Shumate case today, Dave Davto, in cently at a smoker and lunch, the Sen amount was spent by the Forest Ser- to **• present and hear them. Second street, were leased to C. B. Roseburg Has the Edge dicted for possession of liquor and tinel editor knows that the ladies of vice. That department agreed to Gregory for as long a period sc re still, «rill stand trial. Following that the Auxiliary will not go hungry be No Meetinc Next Week Dispatches from Washington thia match but 11300. so of the uneTrend Theodore Moore will be tried for pos cause they have no hand in the din morning reiterate that Roseburg has ed balance, the county court ordered There will be no meeting of the Co session of a still, and next will be the edge in the selection of a site for this week that 11000 be transferred quille Choral Club next week as sev ner’s preparation. h«ard the ease of Oregon vs. Moae the 12,000.000 Soldiers’ Home, and to the District No. 8 maintenance ere! of its members will bo in Port Myers, indicted for grand larceny. that announcement of its selection fund and used between the junction of land attending the grand opera. The A. Meredith, who haa been on hie will be made soon. The state of Wash the Seven Devils road beyond Empire, nvat in the Alsea country on the 8i- wees bo on next meeting will Thursday, 1 ranch ... ington has made a hard fight for it, and Sunset Inn. Feb. 19, and a good attendance ia sr- ; uslaw for the past seven or eight but Oregon may win in thia instance. gently requested, for it is the club’s months, returned to Coquille last Too often Oregon has had to take the Call Farr A Elwood for transfer purpose to present a concert this Friday evening and ie again <m duty leavin’s, when there weren’t any! »4 fuel. ' spring. 1 I» At Hotel Barber Shop. TO FORM TAX PAYERS ASS’N «»- «to- r “WILL USE MORE s dairy product