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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1931)
Sentinel VOL. XXVII. NO. 7 interest when the world can be brought to learn what they are. The speaker referred to the upward I trend of business conditions as start- 1 ing with the new year, and said that Ì C. of C. Drive Next Week E EMPLOYERS The membership committee of the Coquille Chamber ot Com««rce will start the work of raising funds for this year’s activities next Tureday Frank Branch Riley Entertains tourist travel yrill be the firut to feel To Discuss Problems and Needs Stockholders of Fat Elk Oil & morning, It ia confidently expected & Prufensiunaí W®- the impulse. “Go after it" that last year's subscription of near Scheduled by County Dairy Gas Co. to Elect Directors and Pleases Coquille y alley Of the many humorous sallies made ly $1100 will be increased thia year Association Audience Wednesday, March 4 by Mr. Riley, one will be mentioned. te and that $1300 or $1400 can be He told of a meeting attended by cured. Several important matters of spec-, g While there were upwards of 75 Frank Branch Riley, noted nation thousands in Philadelphia, and how h# The third annual dinner tendered by Thu success of a Chamber of Com tried to r preach the gospel of the. . ial interest to dairymen will be di»- rkholdena F ___________ _____ _______ .____ rkholdere of the Fat Elk Oil & Gas merce depend« entirely on the individ the ladiee of the Bu ally as one of the moat able speakers had in *the Coquille Hotel banquet ual membership. Hearty co-operation, fissionai Women's Club ever to come out of Oregon, came to Northwest to orib lady who had baked, cussed at meetings sponsored by th« Coos county this week, saw what the him questions that would be consid- Coos County Dairy Association during z >m for the annual meeting Wednee- suggestions for increasing ita activi their employers M _ ___ southwest Oregon empire is, and cap- ! ered foolish here. The meeting was the week of March 2 to 9. Subjects ly afternoon, there was but 23,000 ty, and a desire to um the Chamber proved just us •njoyablejh affair as tured the imaginations of all who met mostffashionalble, «wallow tail coat«, on which it appears there will be moat •hares represented, either by proxy or of Commerce for promoting the in the two which preceded r ind possi or heard him. Hia ia a very attrac- decollette dresses, the “barbwire”, intereat are: increaaing the local eon- in person, which was 3,000 less than terests of Coquille, will create a most bly more so. It was an affair of good tive personality, hia thoughts and dree«—the one, you know, that pro- sumption of dairy products, figures the 50 per cent required by the com harmonious interest in the progress fellowship, with songs, music and an ideas are sound, his humor is pungent tecta the property, but does not ob- ’ on cost of producing butterfat and pany’s by-laws. «_________ _____________ -__ ____ - - ___ - — - - ___ assisting in making . of C ■ quille among ita commercial, in- excellent repoet and he has a command of the English struct the view." I ways of cutting costs, a dairy inspect- The meeting was therefore ad- dw.trial and business intererta, giving evening pass all too quickly. Thi« language which paints the most beau- Univerearl praise has been accorded or for the county, and gow testing ae- journed until next Wednesday even- pn impetus which will surmount all 4fa”«r »!»•«> in the Coquill« Hotel tiful pictures for the ears of his audi- Mr. Riley for his talk here, one man sociation work. fag. March 4, in the hotel, at 7:30 obstacles. obstacle«, dining worn and the table« were taste ences. ! remarking, “Even the wooden seats Everyone who cares to attend any p. m., at which time it is expected suf Every resident of Coquille and vi- fully decorated with yellow daffodils. He did not com» to Coos county to didn’t get hard while I sat and listened of these meetings will be most wel ficient proxies and attendance will be cin ty ewes it to him or herself to Music wm furnfatted by Mrs. Faul come, for beside the items mentioned •»cured to piake legal the election of add their individual effort in making Walker who sang two «elections, se tell of the wonders qnd attraction« ef to him for two hours. above there will be matters relating a board of dieretors for this year. this Cinderella of the states, but he thia the most prosperous year the Co co m pan ied by Edythe Fare at this to marketing and other uubjecta in IB J. F. Ewell, president of the com quille valley ever enjoyed. “Poor Father” Next Friday did tell some things about Oregon piano. The latter also pleased with while at the same time bellinw how his The committee which will make the two piano solos. “Poor Father,” the sparking comedy directly related to the dairy industry pany, who opened the meeting, stated that the filling of the bottom of the membership drive consists of Goo. W. lectures were received in the east, and which will be presented by a cast of which will be discussed. Following is one of the several While the individual dairyman is well for 50 feet a few weeks ago, just Bryant. L. H. Hasard, t. E. Niles, R. songs sung by the entire crowd to Che many amusing incidents and ques twelve in the Community Building tions which confront him in the land next Friday evening, March 6, is spon- * almost helpless in regulating the prie« after th« drill had «truck the heavy A. Jeub, Geo. F. Burr and H. A. Slack. the tune of “Smiles:" received for his butterfat it is thought limestone capping, had been cleaned ________ . where “out west” means Chicago. ho red by the Coquille Woman's Club a ¿s nnrkT that all county dairymen working to« K sufficiently to enable the casing Mr. Riley was also invited lea to vooB Coos and the Pioneer church ladies. to be drawn up and drilling had now V/Vl. O * JlMl gether can get some results along this county in order that he mi| gbt, for the nd infirma- line. Low prices now being received begun on the bridge formed by the first time, secure first hand informs- ' ■ SIX TRUE BILLS HOUSE TODAY for dairy product« are caused largely . forces which pushed the pipe aside at tion as to the resources of Coos and 1 ___ wvw^ Tvvnwy bT Iow buy*n$ P°wer ot public, the 1450 foot level. The drill ng is Curry counties. RY GRANO JURY *n<i by tbe lncre»»«<l “»A ot dairy BOW going ahead with a ten-inch bit While in Coquille be «pent a couple The newly opened store of 'Natural J substitutes. In many parts of Oregon and it fa expected aoon to again tap of hours at the Smith Wood-Products Gas Corporation of Oregon in this city dairy organization«, granges, cham- flow of gae which played havoc plant and hia questions were an indi No secret indictments, six true bills 1 bers of commerce and other civic or- with the casing and bent it to an has been the acene of great activity cation of his keen desire to learn al) and seven not tru«, is the summing up 1 ganizations have token active steps to angle which temporarily stopped oper- during the past week and now every posible about Oregon industries and thing is in readinoaa for the big “Open of the partial grand jury report, auh- ’ increase the use of dairy products, ations. opportunities. House” celebration to be held thia mitted to Judge Brand at five o’clock Merchants in many cities are co- Speakers were called on by Mr. He spoke to a large crowd in the last evening. But the grand jury is 1 operating by discontinuing the sale Ewell to tell what they thought of (Friday) afternoon and evening. armory at Marshfield Tuesday ngl:t This appliance display is one of not through yet and will probably re .of substitutes and by advertising the prjpbsition. Ben McMullen, who and to a crowd which nearly filled the Mrs. Leona Bryant, preaident of the main in session most of next week, t several opened la this alate by Natur ' dairy products. Coos county is pri- . was instrumental in getting the pro banquet room of the Masonic Temple | club, welcomed the “bosses " in a moat al Gas Corporation of Oregon, includ The indicted are: marily a dairy county and should be ject started, said it was up to the here, Wednesday evening. ing those of Klamath Falfa and La cordial and convincing manner, and Dave Davia, for possession of li able to do as much as any other place people to put it. over, or it wouldn’t He was introduced by W. V. Fergu the response was made by W. V. Fer Grande, where plants have been re quor; bail fixed at $500. A.,<.if the dairymen will come out and go Financially he meant. son, who mentioned the pleasure Mr. ( guson, superintendent of schools. 1 Dave Davis, for possession of a si 111 ^help. cently put into operation, and at Bend, I A. E. Gault, the company’s first Riley had given the student body of Mrs. Bertha Smith, who raid she which will go into operation very , and worm; bail $1000. VsSsrazl ai sail law The reeulta of a survey made by I ; — president; - • Hhae Chas. • Harran Hagan, head driller, the high school when he addressed “ i had never before made a speech, but " rr' ' -ry-S ’ — Edmond Gallier, for assault with shortly. A store fa also being opened grange.« in Coos and Curry countiea -i •ho ‘ said the depth reached waa 1496 them that morning. whose interesting talk convinced her fists on Traffic Offier A. S. Currie at at Cottage Grove where a gas plant recently ahowed that a large amount fret, ... that ___ the well ... wm . _ in . ________ good shape, Comparing Coo« county conditions and distribution system is under con hearers that she could, brought out the Silver Spray Gardens in Bandon; of dairy substitutes were sold locally. With lack of finances the great draw- with those he had seen elsewhere, Mr. I the statements that the club had con- struction. i bail $500. Tbe amount sold to farmers was very k; Waitace Dement, and Wm. I tributed $37.60 to the Coquill« Band Riley ventured the thought that there I Now with the time for actual Fernie Morgan, larceny of a ahot- high. Committees requested the sup ague, all spoke briefly. The latter must be a boom on here, and referring rite of gas ooruing nearer, thia “open the past year, and $25.62 to the Li- ___ gun, bail $1000. port of merchants fit adirntfa l iig-dufapl ifathat one-half of the land area of house” celebration has been planned br^,ry‘ • (, to Coquille, he said. "Lead t—--, ** Theodore Moore, posseaaion of still preduets and eenae dfaeontinued tofi f Punty was now paying taxes heard enough about you, with your C. C. Farr gave th« last talk, his for Coquille, so that all residents dnd and worm; bail $1000. ing substitutes. Ae a result of this fol tl outstanding ' building permit«, and whole county, and that to M om Meyers, larceny of three fellow merchants will have an oppor- subject being the B. P. W. club, aa other attention-compelling activities.” •* the amount of butter sold was in- ' strike an oil field here would result in ( pairs of loggers’ boots; bail $2000. . tunity to visit the display at their' seen by a business man. He paid tri creased materially for a while. This a material lowering of taxes, There are fine American« in the I leisure and ask any questions con bute to the dub m one of the vary es Th« following were the defendants work was not followed up and many east, educated people, who hav« trav C. C. ~ Fristoe, well known geologist, sential factors in the civic develop aga’nst whom the grand jury return . dairymen are urging that an organ- who is deeply interested in the com cerning tba operation of appliances ment and community life of Coquille. elled ail over the globe, and who ap ed no indietmenta: and the new fuel with which they j ized effort be made to increase the use pany now drilling for oil at Sutherlin, parently have never heard of Oregon Those present for the dinner were: Chas. Cox, charged with larceny. ' of dairy products, products made at which is down 2880 feet, made the are to be used. —“I think there must be ninety million Aagyt Hoyendahi. Mr. and Mrs. Mil Ed Bieacke, for assault. - - Experienced salesmen will be on home. principal talk of the afternoon. of them.” was Mr. Riley’s thrust. But, ton V. Walker, Belle R. Gould, H. A. Frank Guilliams, for pMsession of , th» floor to correctly demonstrate The Extension Service, through the He expressed the belief that there he added, the wide-flung sections of Young, Florence Ferguson, Lyman mash. three gas appliances, but no one will County Agent’s office is arranging would be oil production in this terri the United States are growing closer Iester Smith, for poseresion of a be a-ked to purchase during the cele Carrier, D. F. Thompson, Blythe Cous tory, but, of course, say all the time, sentimentally and indus ins, Mabel Payton, Mr. and Mrs. W. (Continued on last page) still. bration. that., the wells drilling here or at trially, and although the easterners Jack Crane, for larceny. To lend to the gala air of the “Open E. Thompson, Helen Stanbrough, Jno. Sutherlin would strike it. He did say who have scaled the Alps cannot in Stephen Gall, tor possession of li house” arrangements have been made E. Rosa, Harriet H. Gould, Edna A. Another Mann Act Violator that the earth structure, where the imagination hurdle the Rocky moun Robison, Edythe Farr, F. W. Martin. quor. Arrival« at the county jail the past Fat Elk drilling ia going on, was per for music to be furnished through the Myrtle DeLong, J. M. Rfvenoa, Ula tains, they will in time. Alvin Allen, for larceny of chicken«. courtesy of Oerding Hardware Co- week were as follows: fect in its indication of oil and gas, Sectional attitudes he described as Two case«, one of them in connec local radio dealers, and light refresh M. Leaoh, Mr. and Mra. H. 8. Norton, Lynn DeringeT, fined $40 in justice ' with the major axis of the structure follows: In New England it is: What tion with juvenile delinquency at the Helen Roseman. Wm. Gilbert, Clara ments will be served through the af do you know? in the south: “Who Bay, have not been reported on yet, court at North Bend, for careless lying in a northeast to southwest di ternoon and evening by Natural Gas Bosaerman, Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. ■ rection, the eame as exists in the are you? in New York, How much and the nutrfber </' witnesses who have driving. I Grimes. Geo. E. Oerding, Ida F. Oerd Dommick Garonne, Feb. 24, who has Texas field. Oil is found in sand, in Corporation of Oregon. have you? in Coquille parenthetiMlly: been subpoenaed indicates qthat the Construction work on the gas dis ing, F. G. Leslie, Saima Lindros, Hode What will you have? but the big jury still has considerable work on since been committed to the home of shale and in limestone formations, but tribution system has been underway Caughell, Jennie Lindros, Grant Cor feeble-minded. the longest lived wells are struck in question in the west is: What can you hand. for the past several months and the by, Gladys Watson, Wm. A. Zo««l. Ted Mayes, arrested in Marshfield sand. do? I plant is now underway. This new gas Alice Percy, James Watoon, Jennie yesterday for passing bad cheeks on Mr. Frfatoe stated that a gas devel Manufacturers in the east cannot be service will be of great benefit to the Price, Mr. and Mra. J. P. Beyers, Roseburg Plays Here Tonight a Tillamook bank. His bail was fixed opment here would be jiftt as valuable persuaded to erect plant« in the west, future growth and development of R F. Slater, Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Rich- Coquille Hi has one more basket at $500. as an oil strike. Gas pipe lines are nearer the source of raw material, be jond, Mrs. Bell« Knife, Ewell Plum thia entire area. Paul Tomieh, arrested in Marshfield now used to carry the output of the cause back there they have millions in hall game to hurdle, that tonight at mer, Viola Newton, H. E. Hose, Alio* This work has also done much to their trade area. Out here scattered the Community Building here, when Wednesday on the charge of taking Texas wells as far north as Omaha, Perrott, R. L. Stewart, Eleanor Fol- relieve the local unemployment situ population is not so easily accessible, . the fast Roseburg quintet will en $1000 from another man in a bunco a line ia also building to Chicago, and ation during the winter, with every i som, C. A. Rietman, Doris Kay, O. but the forging to the front of Los deavor to dump them from their posi game, fa held in lieu of $2500 bail. It there will be no trouble in selling gas effort being made to use local labor C. Sanford, Ida K. Owen, W. V. Fer- Angele« as the sixth manufacturing tion at the head of the percentage eol- is thought he is wanted in Montana from a Coquille field. The gas welfa i guson. Ines R. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. and supplies. . ' in Washington, Idaho and Montana “ Ar’rengem’enta also also being made <**■ W B7‘*’ city in the United Staton, prove« what umn where they are tied with Marsh on the same charge. Byno Thibbett was arrested in Myr- are being profitably operated. will happen when people generally field. The Boy Scout preliminary for an appropriate ceremohy at the Gould. jBertha J. tie Point Wednesday, and fined $30 in , But gas doesn’t stay put in ite sub time the plant building is completed ®n’rth- Jnn* Walker. com« to know and appreciate the west starts at 7. Tomorrow evening the final game Justice Bolt’s court at Marshfield for terranean beds as does oil, the im- as we who now live here do. * and ga« is first turned into the mains, Crater Lake, the most precious of on the Coquille schedule ia played failing to have a license on his car. mense pressure giving it new outlets, Mail Truck Arrive« in which both city and company of «11 Unde Sam’s jewels, is known to so with Bandon here. The latter is no He bought it on contract In Arizona, and the striking of orl would be more ficials will participate, with all citi-1 ____________________________ ____ The new mail truck for the Coquille The license charge gave the officers satisfactory in the long run. set-up but the fast-going C. H. 8. few! Were it in France, Americans sens invited to attend and inspect the i portoffice, which will be used for'par --------------------------- ---------_ him for the De- would pay more to see it than the an bunch should win. A B-team prelim- an excuse for holding • poet .... * eels delivery and • for the collec * . of .i Justice. 1 He had two ^rjjere Hjg Liquor Came From? gas plant, if they so desire. partment nual receipts from their crops. But inary starts at 7. Every week sees a number of ad tion of mail from the half dozen boxes Thia will be the end of the season girls with him who were making their ( it is neglected because it is near that 1 In connection with the sentencing of ditional consumers signed for this around town, arrived Tuesday. It unknown body of water, the world’s for C. H. 8. except for the county way by selling magazines, and had John Olson, captain of the “Main” new gas service and with the opening has replaced the rented one hereto tournament which will be played accompanied him from Colorado, largest ocean. I which was captured last Nov. 27 with of the present complete appliance dis fore in use. It is a Chevrolet chassis Scenic attraction«, historic place«, March 13-14. The schedule for that through Arison« and California, up . a full cargo of liquor aboard at Em play in this city, it ia felt that a num with special postal body, screen rear romantic’interert, are-little considered «ories of games has not yet been hero. At Myrtle Point he tried to pire, an interesting story, if true, ber of residents will take early ad door, and it fa evidently meant that get rid of them and they reported to by those in darkest America—the east adopted. , comes from uub-rosa source«. It is vantage of the chance to purchase ap no one shall ride in it except the driv the officers. erners—who fondly believe that all that the liquor on the vessel, as well pliances, so as to be on the lines when ed. It has but one seat The num- history of the United Stat««, and ail Ike Allen Convicted as the truek loads captured in Coquille gas is first turned into the mains. ' her, **10,563,** on its side, refers to beauty of nature, is concentrated on Down to 25 Tuesday and at Dallas, and also the many loads the number of such mail trucks in Ike Allen, of Coquille, was retried the Atlantic seaboard. The Pacific While Tuesday morning, with its which escaped official notice, were not use. New Manager at Oerding’s Northwest is the only part of the in Circuit court thia week on the Canadian bonded liquor at all, but waa United States which has never been aharge of selling liquor. A jury at 25 degrees above sero temperature, Theodore H. Olson, who is the new all processed from wood alcohol, ex Huge Egg Waa a Freak under more than one flag; the only the last term disagreed, but the one was not the coldest of the winter just pert flavoring making it resemble ____ _ ths _ manager of the Oerding Hardware past, it was within two degrees of it. which heard the evidence this week section not acquired by conquest or real stuff. The labels looked authen- ’tor«, arrived this week and has-been Aaron Wilson last Saturday On two other occasions the thermo voted for conviction. purchase. / busy making the acquaintance of Co brought in to the Sentinel a freak Sentence will be pronounced at 10 meter has dropped to 23. Approxi tic enough, but it is possible to secure quille people. He comes here from egg laid by one of his Plymouth Rock “I still love the Columbia river high o’clock Monday morning after the at mately an inch of rain has fallen the '»Ms for any brand of liquor made, Sutherlin where he had managed a hens. In else it waa phenomenal, way,” declared Mr. Riley, “but the and the story we jiear •» that the stuff torneys have argued Dal King's mo past week, bringing the total since hardware store, and says that with measuring 8 inches around oae way, Oregon Coast Highway is the most was made soma where along the coast, tion to set the verdict of the jury September 1 to 26.5 inches. the building up of the local store's and 9 inches the long way, but the wonderful road In th« world.” and that Capt. Olson had put out to aside because the indictment did not The world war was fought and mention that the sale of liquor was a s»a with the load so that the branders stock, he contemplates an active cam most freakish characteristic was dis Coquille Police in Uniform ended; we are now at death grips for felony. could give the bottlea the real tobacco paign to build the «tore's business to closed when the outer shell waa acci • the highest point it has ever known. dentally broken and another normal the comemrcial supremacy of the Coquille’s police officers, Wm. How chew appearance. » He is a musician, greatly interested vised egg, with hard shell waa dis world, and here on the western fringe ell and F. E. Poulton, appeared in Olson wae fined $1000 this week tn Jury Dismissed Until Monday their new uniforms which the eity federal court at Portland, sentenced in orchestra work, and hdpee to bo closed inside the outer one. Both in of the continent we face a consumer market of uncounted millions, who With to six months in jail and will have his I associated with the Coquille band. He side and outside inner shell was the • After the close of the Evans Auto has provided, last Friday. is married, but Mrs. Olson and their usual yolk and white portion of an want our products. Loading Co. vs. Chas. Richert ease, regulation police cap, blue uniform, vessel confiscated. son 'and daughter will not join him ordinary egg. and badge of office, there need never a suit' to foreclose a lien was hoard in Attract the tourist was Mr. Riley’s here for a few weeks yet. Ole Paulson haa purchased of H. D. ininnetion. It is the largest source of Circuit court yesterday afternoon, be trouble again in locating an officer Trespass Notices, printed on doth, income poasibl«; and Oregon and Judge Brand dismissed the jury until by strangers in Coquille as hae some Jones the concrete house across Elliott Calling carda 100 for $1.50. for salo at thia office. times been the case in the past. street, weat of the Episcopal church. WaMdngton have th« attractions to Monday morning. J