TUB COQUILLB FALL BY 8BNTINE1.. COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, FBBBUARY M. 1ML PAGE FOU» The Sentinel a woo easts is a woo tows H A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers H. A. YOUNG, Editer Sub—riptioe One Year .. ................. Six Months ......... • ‘-J? Three Month* • ........... -yV No gubsc r i p 11**ken. u"le“ ’d for in advance. This rule is impera Advertising Ratea adverti.ing, 25 cento per than 6 ineke«, 30 c«nt* J«' advertisement inserted fot 60 cent». R?adir 10 cento per line. No read or adverueomant of any ki ed for lesa than 25 cents. '■“tttSnS ' mon a chance to dip their hands into the U. 8. treasury, I sincerely hope President Hoover vetoes the act It is beyond my comprehension why men who have that which will grow in­ to maturity, want to eat it aa green half-grown frsit They do not have to guess that they will not need the bonus funds at maturity and they will find that fruit with a flavor all its own when fully ripe. Suppose they do get the green stuff now, what will they do when it is gone In all my life, I have never seen a time when so many people were ask­ ing so little from themselves and so much from the taxpayers. I do not mean those who are in real need, but those who’ make merchandise of “hard times,” whether they be those who are striving to get something for nothing or the freak politicians with hands outstretched peddling empty words. R. A. Easton. ‘ Office Corner W. Flret «nd Willard 8* rrffedtjff theMnlAKne approval of buyer* who seek eyw it engineer*continued to adopC titet has kept eoetiy-car designer» on the alert for with which tn distinguish their product*. Now, far 19*1, Durant presents a aerie* *f model* with new advantage* that bring snriy than ever, the price-worthine** of the line. Driving eaae ha* been .More power ia available... More »mart-oomfort ia contained within the body line*, a Thia year, too, more dealer* are re-aelling to satisfied , isorv aete oasrrr art buying tlteir way into the Durant fold. As was expected the Upton bill in So, here in the Wes», under the direction of the par­ th* legislature, which would have organization, 1931 find* the nationally-famoua feALUUUd. wiped out Oregon's prohibition law, was defeated in the senate this week Veteran member* of past legislative i»v a 16 to 1 veto._________ ’ session* are generally inclined to admit that in no previous seision, for many it’s a safe bet that although both year* past at leaat, haa there been houses of congress , attempt to put such a congestion a* that which c*n- President Hoover in the hdle by pass­ fronts the 86th assembly as the end ing the billion dollar soldiers’ bones sf its allotted 40 day* draw* near. bill, that he Will accept th* challenge Responsibility for this condition is and disapprove it. And it ia a ques­ plsced upon two conditions—failure tion whether enough senators can be to get the major measure* 'into the PTW DURANT OF 1991, ydw wiH Ind • apeefol FuRman louog* found to prevent its passage over his legislature early in the session, and veto. _________ the numerous and repeated public jemnt. Th* mere pressing of a convenient lever Instantly hearings which the big committees erts the sedan interior into pleasant, comfortable resting Coquille needs a better lighting sys­ have been conducting almost nightly tem in the business section. The city since the session got well under way. has not the funds to make the change The end of th* ¡fifth week of the ses­ which electrical engineers figure sion found only two meuures of any­ roughly would cost »2 per front foot. thing like major importance enacted But the councilmen are willing to help into law. These were the Rogue river defray the cost, and if the property cloeing bill and ths Port of Portland owners are willing to meet the city commission bill. -i.fr half way the improvement can be Two of the big administration bills, made. The system being considered the one-man commission bill and the is similar to that in Marshfield. hydro-electric commission bill, emerg­ ed from the utility committee on the There are other ways to atop the closing days of the fifth week after annoyance caused by small animals, having been subjected to numerous such as cats and dogs, than that of amendments in an effort to satisfy A* causing them a horrible death. Some­ far as possible all interested parties. one has been putting out food for The third big administration bill, the eats, which is mixed with ground utility district measure, was still in glass, and several have been tortured the hand* of the committee. from eating the stuff. Some of th* So strongly haa interest among th* residents in the north end of town legislator* been centered on these ma­ are positive they know the perpetra­ jor measure* that bill* of minor im­ tor and, if the practice is nqt stopped, portance have been neglected until the intend seeking redress. closing day* of the session finds only a small percentage of the bill* which R. A. Easton** Weekly Letter have been introduced, acted upon in There are people who claim there either house, and, most important of is more drunkenness now than before all, tax measures designed to solve Coquille Machine Shop prohibition. The following statement the state’s financial dilemma have is in ths Forward of February 14: been left to cool their heels in the “Aa far as th* Women’s Christian waiting room along with the small fry Temperance Union can ascertain, of the legislative family. a. m. until 6:0c p. m. under the terms Knapp voted with the 44 members of there is but one Keeley Institute doing Should the session adjourn, how­ of a bill intrcduced into the Hous* the House who put ov*r the free text business today. In it are abouf fifty ever, without ’having taken some def­ this past week jy Representative Nor­ book bill against the opposition of a patients, for the cure of inebriacy. ft» inite action toward the enactment of ton and others. Saturday hours minority of only 16 votes. th* first year of the Keeley Institute a strengthened taxation program and would be from 8:00 a. m. until 1:00 p.1 “In its amended form the bill was there were fifty thousand patients. one designed to afford some relief to m. under the terms of the bill. very acceptable to me,” Representa­ Eight years later when the founder, over-burdened property, it will not be tive Norton explained. “It does not The “band bill” to which the names apply to high schools and ths >1.60 per Dr. Leslie Keeley, died, he had treated fof want of sympathy with the situa­ three hundred thousand patients who tion on the part of the law-makers, of both Senator Hall and Representa­ enrolled student which the school 4 blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille wished to rid themselves of the whis­ who, almost unanimously agree that tive Norton of Coos county were at­ board is required to set aside each Machine Shop equipment and those needing that key habit” the tax situation has reached a point tached as co-authors, went down to year for the purchase of book* will kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of defeat in the senate this week by a not work any hardship on th* tax­ The evidence that should count with which demand* drastic action. the department. vote of 16 to 14. The measure was payers. ” a man is th* evidence of fact, not the It is generally conceded / that an­ evidence of imagination. Norton has lived in three other other intangibles tax law will be en­ of particular interest to residents of Let us figure with you on your requirements. A case was in the circuit court at acted before the session adjourns, Marshfield who had petitioned the states in which free text books laws Medford yesterday (Monday) that modeled largely after the act of 1929. Coos county delegation in behalf of were in effect—Colorado, Utah and many people in Ashland were inter­ It to also expected that the rate of the bill, although its provisions were California—and not one of these ested in. A man acting as agent for taxation in the excise set will be in­ general and could have been applied states, he declared, has regretted th* It step. He believes that the measure his aged mother, rented a house to cressed. This program, taken in con­ to any community in the date. PHONE 46-J COQUILLE a man whose boy of 16 years broke nection with the income tax, -ia ex­ sought to authorise cities and towns will prove one of real economy in that to vote a tax levy of not to exceed the porcelain on a hot water faucet pected to, within a few years at least, because of the expense attached to - T "" ■ ...------- ' ----------- r-— and cut his hand badly. It was a entirely wipe out the state tax within two mills for the purpose of financing the district, school officials will take —■J" - serious cut and one or two of his fin­ the six percent limit But many of bands. a greater interest in text book adop­ pens* of the real work of the eewion.” Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 24 tions and. see to it that officials en­ gers are not as usable as they might the legislators are not satisfied with and 26, Mark Twain's immortal story be. The accident occurred May 1, thia progress and believe that indirect Senator Hall, of Coos county, wm trusted with this duty do not make Don’t Pick, Don’t Squeeze ef Boyhood days, “TOM SAWYER,” 1980, and the suit for 120,000 damages source« of revenue should go to the one of three members of the upper changes any oftener than ia neces­ Say* County Health Dept. at the Liberty Theatre, Coquille. commenced and ended yesterday. extent of assuming the burden of house to vote against the Eddy bill sary. While proponents of the maasui's Those who knew of the circum­ support of the state institutions of providing for a study of the old age ttle fense to agree to split the costs. Th* river closing bill was set at reet Sat­ residents of Oregon for at least ten tive session and make it impossible known to infect and attack the human Kruschen Salts and am r?al pleas­ answer was no. urday when the chief executive af­ years and who had no other income. for the members to give proper atten­ being. The average person compla­ ed with results. I take it for reduc­ After -the plaintiff’s evidence waa fixed his 'denature to the measure Estimate« place the cost of such a tion to the scores of bills that are up cently rests his face upon his hands, ing and so far have lost 14 pounds afl in and the defendants’ attorney closing the stream to commercial fish- system to the tax payers of the state for consideration. rubs the hands and fingers over the and I think it is doing wonders f T me. I do not feel so tired evenings had asked for a non euit. again the' ing. Thia was the first major bill of at 81,00,000 a year. Much of the op­ “If we must have public hearings mouth and face, introduces the fin­ when I get home from work.” plaintiff asked the defense to split the, th* present session to receive the gov- position to thia bill wm based upon the state should rant a big tent for gers into the nose, ear or mouth, and A generous bottle of Kruschen cost. the answer was no. that testa 4 weeks costs but 85 ernor’s “okeh.” the heavy burden which it would have the use of the committees and not squeezes a pimple or ingrown* hair When the defense attorney got up imposed upon the already over-bur­ compel them to use the legislative with the name degree of surety aa if cent* at Fuhrman’n Pharma-y, Inc., or *"> dru& store in America—take to make his plea for a non suit, the A bill has been introduced in the dened tax payers of the state. halls where some of us want to put he were an operating surgeon whose one half teaspoon in a glaes of h't plaintiffs' lawyer got up and asked I House by Representatives Gil) and ( The Eddy bill which is expected to in a little overtime at eur desks, an­ hands were thoroughly scrubbed and *v*ry morning before break­ fast— w -cut out pastry and «nd fatty meats for a voluntary non suit Thus ended Winslow changing the name of th* find ready support In the house con­ swering correspondence and digging fitted ted with sterile gloves. glove«. Among adolescent girl« and 5° '^nt on potatoes, butter, cream one of the most foolish and contempti­ Roosevelt Coast Military highway to templates the appointment of three into the bills,” Norton declared. . . iirip Aruscnen ble casee of attempted extortion by law I th* Oregon Coast highway. Except men by the governor to make a . tudy “To my mind these big hsar.ngs are especially, pimples and blackheads of­ take off your fat. I have ever known. If the plaintiff for Senator Hall who does not believe of th* old age pension problem during pretty much a waste of time. The«* ten become troubleasome. Before ths bottle Is empty Rurplus Pimple* eoulll hare made his eaae stick, no the suggested name ia sufficiently th* next two years and report back to is no legislation before the se sitfn at should not be squeezed and blackheads fat is leaving you—indolence changes man. owner or agent, could rent a characteristic of the importance of the 1988 session of the leg slature which more than ten or twelve people should not be expressed. Hot water ——you’ll feel younger—eves Beo. F. Burr Motor Co BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP N. Y. Woman Lost 14 Pounds of Fat house without being hubjqct to. a the highway,-mOM of th* legislators damage auit by the renter, whether from the coast counties seem to favor he ran a nail or a sliver IntoHiis hand, the change. . fell off a ehair, or slipped ia the bath­ If Congre»« give« the with some concrete recommendations care to be heard and they could easily _______ in ..1 . a committee for a solution of this problem which be accommodated'* no excuse for most of the legislators admit is real room. There is ___ . drag- _ and pressing. f ¡ng in the general public in order to ........ ! give some ambitioui Both Representative* Norton and portunity to make a and soap vigorously applied with * this—you ought to know rough wash cloth and the adoption of it. Kruschen Salts is the ideal treat­ ment for constipation, indigestion. the - policy ’t squeeze - “Don't . pick, r don ______ _ ____ tv V ’’•Tvo“«n*ss and acidity. and hand* down” will eventually in- I T r“*5:,h«n morning—it’s ® daily dots* that doss It—if •yfully