COQUILLE COQUILLE, AN ALL < January 6, from 7 to 9 I Eight meeting» will complete M . . the course, one every Monday evening. i Dr. Dean Osborn, of Marshfield, will ’ LL SELECTION * Ford Service at Low ____ oo 6 Grinding Valve» and Cleaning Carbon • • • • • DRIVE your new Ford into the clean, well-equipped shop—tell us when you want it—and we’ll have it You ready. One of the best investments you can make, performance the will be surprised how much it improves of your car. ■T' t ’ ■ y./’/ X. •' ' - - - Niles-Baker Motor Co* . Phone 25 Authorised Ford Dealer Coquille, Oregon Transfer and Delivery Local and Long Distance Hauling Agents for McLain Coal Mill Wood 101-J and 224-L Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co SEPTIC TANKS ____ crsra are the only safe and sanitary way to dispose of sewage where connection with a sewer is impos­ sible. -V" We manufacture Septic Tanks for both the Wholesale and Retail Trade 88x48 inch Tanks, sufficient in size for a family i Other sizes in proportion, of 6, holding 200 gallons - - >28.50 Before ordering see the COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP COQUILLE Furniture Storage If you are moving and have need for storage of your fur* niture—just phone us. We will take care of it for you. FARR and ELWOOD Phone 16 Coquille Chadwick Lodge No. 18 COLDS and HEADACHES It to the meat speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets ' * A. F. A A. M. stated Oemmanteatiea Tuesday, Dee. > Annual Election of Officers With the aid of Keith “Brick” U h - of the classes. Athletic lie, well known Coo» County football * be * >'L charge C ‘ m , factory foremen, teachers. official and coach, the Sentinel ha* , directoi and Boy Scout leader*, and choaen the following aH-county team Campfire Campfl for tbe local conference. The first people who are acting in any capacity a» group leader» are urged to attend team: Enrollment for thia George Milosevich, M. H. 3., end. there classes. county claaa will be limited to thirty- Linus Seeley, C. H. SM end. five or forty people, and early regis­ Chuck Johnson, M. H. 3., tackle. tration la urged. People in the vicin­ Ken Bowers, N. B. H. 3., tackle. ity of Coquille will regiater with W. Pat Miller, B. H. 8., guard. V. Ferguson, who will act as local Red Cary Bones, M. P. H. 8., guard. Crees representative for thia work. Otis Rogers, M. H. 8., center. Brick Wagner, M. P. H. 8., quarter. Registration may be made either by phone or by mail. E. Blomquist, N. B. H. 8., half. Ted Perry, M. H. 8., half. Highway Shop Addition Soon Stanley Puiford, C. H. 8., full Thia is an oleven of well-bela wd, The State Highway Commission are versatile players, all ofwhom have »»king for bid* for an extension of played two or more yearn, some being the Service Building at Coquille. Plana chosen on all-etar aggregations in and specifications may be secured at 1929. Mr. Leslis has seen every team, the local Highway office in the First in the county, with the exception of National Bank Building, Coquille, Coquina, in action this season, so Ore. Bids will be opened Dee. 11. hterefore he is well posted on the r -.. . ■■■ various performers in the district “Is it insured?" The ends, Milosevich and L. Seeley, though pressed closely by other eandi- i dates, have boon outstanding through most of the schedule, Both are sure, hard tackler» and chargihg offensive men. Milosovich is an excellent punt­ er, a fact which was proven when be out-kicked North Bond Thanksgiving Day. L. Seeley ia a brilliant The Spirit of Youth Ia In Me eeivar, his catches time after time Millions of men and women the gaining much yardage for Coqqille. world over know that the Kruschen They are, in fact, a well balanced pair. Method of burning up fat and getting weight down to a healthv and shapely Johnson and Bowers, tackle«, are basis is a safe and sensible one. ___ the inspirations of their team-mate«. But there are millions more who are not fat who ought to know that They are the boys who time afte* time spurted this and that player Into giv- Kruschen Salts l^eeps the body free from harmful toxins and acids—puts ing their utmost for victory. Both re- lilH( ----------------- nerves. into your internal organs, eeived all-county county last season and in glands, and fibres the six vitalisii vitalizing 1930 rone still higher in the estima- yMnoreta that nature says it should have if you are to be vigorous, ener­ tion of the experts. On defense and getic and free from petty ailments. offense they tackled with the vicious- . „ if ,:x_ your TTiight we: is normal and you neas of giants and charged with the have no fat to lose—eat anything you power of tractors. They rtand head want and take one half a teaspoon of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot and shoulders above others. 1 water before breakfast every morn- Miller was the whole Bandon de- ii ,nS„ 85 cent bottle lasts four weeks fense, at times. Though, not very .nd *T after tbe first you will large, ho has what io known as real r, lDe "S? bottle you • 1 . * realize what a wonderful rejuvenating nerve and his incessant fighting has combination Kruschen is—You wifi always made him a problem to op- probably feel younger than you have position. Ho tackles hard and chargee for J1111 c*«*re’’ •«». brighter hard, is experienced and tough. What You can got Kruschen Salts at more is needed? | Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc., or any real C. Bones alternated at guard and drug store in the world—It’s the in­ tackle. Two other boys are better expensive way to have glorious health and to keep ft. than he at the latter post, but he is too good a man to keep oat There- fore he has been chosen as a guard. NOTICE OF BOND 8ALE FOR CON- STRUCTION OF BEACH a position for which he is well suited STREET BRIDGE and whore, if he could have devoted his full time, he would have been NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that denied bids will be received by the un- __ thoroughly at home. f designed until the hour of five o’clock The pivot man, Rogers, ia a fine de* P. M. on the 22nd day of December, fensive player and his spirals to the 1980, and thereafter at about seven backs have always been true as weR, thirty P. M. publicly opened by the causing very few fumbles. Ho is tall Common Council of the City of Co­ and hsavy, having an ideal bqjjld for quille at the Council Chambers in the City Hall in said City, for an isaue of a center, perhaps the most responsi­ City of Coquille Beach Street Bridge ble place in a lineup. Rogers has Bonds in the amount of 89,000.00, said handled this responsibility very well bonds to be dated the 15th day of De­ cember, 1930, and to mature serially ail season. in numerical order as follows: The backs, Wagner, Blomquist maturing December 16th, Perry and Pulford are well balanced maturing December 16th, and versatile. All can carry the ball, Perry and Puiford exceptionally well. maturing December 16th, Wagner can pass and rocaive pastes, as can Blomquist Blomquist and Pul­ maturing December nth, ford have been the punters of their re­ maturing December 16th, spective teams and in this department the first named has been outstanding maturing December 16th, all season. Wagner knows football ,000 maturing December 16th, and as a defenaive back he ia without a poor. Pulford can supply the nec­ maturing December 16th, essary punch. Time after time he line-plunged for yard after yard and maturing December nth, his mates consider him their most «aid bonds to be in denominations ____ of valuable player. Blomquist will pass One Thousand Dollar, (81,0000) .... Z . . .. . '.Tiunt xnousana vonari (»l.UW.Utl) and kick and at times lug the pigdtin J each and to bear ihtereat at the rate iiL.. ir.« tv vwr mwnn «i ¡.he rate on plays thht will surprise. Perry, I of not to exceed six per cent (•%), the mighty atom of the Marshfield per annum, payatrfe semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the system, is able to circle end, cut off- <>ffic<> of the City Treasurer in Co­ tackle, and spinner over guard. quille, Oregon. Bids must be unconditional and ac­ Though there are other fine backs in the county these are the ones who companied by a certified check in the amount of Four Hundred Fifty Dol­ have been really greater than the lar. (1460.00). others. r The approving opinion of Messrs, This eleven has been picked without Teal, Winfree, McCulloch and ShutorJ prejudice and after fair consideration. will be furnished the successful bid­ der. The chief selector is an old football The Common Council reserves the star, himself, and through hie contin­ right to reject any and Ml bids. ual following of the game, knows It F. G. Leslie, Recorder, Coquille, Oregon like a book. He made no mention as <7t3 to a second team but here is a good one which would closely follow the all-stars. A second team might be: Lloyd Ray, M. P. H. 8., end. Tom Dimmiek, M. H. S., end. Ray Detlefsen, C. H. 8., tackle. John Sampson, M. H. 8., tackle. Belmont Ireland, C. H. 8., guard. Al Glaisyer, C. H. 8., guard. Carl Lorenz, B. H. 8., center. Wilbur McDonald, M. H. 8., quarter. Maurice Ward, N. B. H. 8., half. Ernie Pearson, M. P. H. 8 . half. Tony Milosevich, M. H. 8., full. Red Crone Flrat AH A series of First Aid classes, to be held under the auspices of the Amer­ ican Red Cress, Coos and Curry Coun­ ty Chapter, is to begin the first of the year, being held at the Marshfield high school building. First aid for shock, the treatment ’ of wounds, bleeding, artificial respira­ tion, splinting broken bones, treatment for poisoning, and all emergency treatment directly after accidents and before doctor arrive«, will be dealt with. Special emphasis wiH bo laid on prevention of accidents. g The first meeting will be hold Mt, 1930, and the further vim of 358.91 with interest at 10 per c?nt from October 1st, 1980, an At­ torney fee of 8200.00 and coats and disbursements, t j get her with accru­ ing costa. I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE 27 th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1930, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ gon, offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to the following described real property, to-wit: , - ' Lot Twelve (12) of Block Fifty-two (52) to the Town of North Bend, Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of said Coos County, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to re- Abstracts, Conveyancing, J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Rooms 1 À i Farmers A Merchants Bank »Mg Phono *7 Coquille. Oregon DR. W. V. GLA18YER veterinarian County Herd * Moat Inspector Coquille, Ora J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Riehmond-Barker Building Coquille, Ore Phonos: Office MM, Roe. MR desnpticm in the"manner provided by, 4fit5 Sheriff of Coo” Co uat^Oregon