PAGE FOUI The Sentinel a wee saris is * seeo rwm H. A. YOL NG ami M. D. GRIMES publishers H. A. YOUNG. Editor Subscription Rate« Ona Year................ W-J® Six Months . *................................. Three Month«......................... • ••• -«® No subscription taken unless paid for in adv an«». Thia rule is impera- Advertising Rates Display advertising, 25 cents per inchifess than 5 inckes, 80 cento per inch. ’ No advertisement inserted for lose than 50 cent«. Readings notices 10 cento per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of any kind, »nsert- edJor toss than 26 cento._________ the brains of the linger«. For that kind of singers do not seem to be able to understand that it is man’s business to help himself when be can help him self and God’s business to help man when he—man— can not help him- *slf. There are more “miracles” per formed in the world today then ever before. It ia no less a miracle tot the reason we may stand by and see and know how vjo job is done. When the devil quoted scripture to Christ in asking him to jump from the pinnacle of the tempi«, Christ told him, “It is written thou shah not tempt the Lord thy God.” >' R. A. Easton. News From State Capital C hoose E lectrical G ifts I« I » Easy to give—Useful to have L Four major problems will confront the Oregon state legislature when Esterad at the Coquille Postoffiee ar that body meet» at Salem in its thir / Second Class Mail Matter. ty-sixth biennial session next month. •cause they are always appropriate— t These are taxation, rate regulation, O ■ sower and roads. always appreciated-— so easy to get and so The action of the supreme court in While most of the northern portion of the United States has been suffer validating the intangibles tax has re- useful to have ... that’s why Christmas gifts ing blissands, «now and down to aero ■ived the tax problem which was be temperature, this favored southwest lieved to have been permanently and ' Oregon * Action is getting ready to satMfaetorilv disposed of with the have gone electrical-—that’s why electrical gifts !» blossom its early spring flower». adoption of the three-fold tax pro- Along th« highway a mile or two this <?rsm by the last session which in- are the most fitting expression of the modem side of. Bandon on Wednesday we -lnded the intangibles, exciee and in come tax. With the failure of the noted rhododendrons budded and Christmas spirit. many Of them showing the delicate intangibles tax, following one year of pink petals of beautiful bloom. operation it is generally agreed that Azaleas, too, are occasionally seen, «nmething must be done by the forth- There’s a great variety to choose From— and the grass in the bottoms is as --'ming tension. Just what that some green as though the season was four thing should be. however, ia not so generally agreed upon. Members of something appropriate for everyone—welcome months farther along. the tax commission themselves favor a re-enactment of the intangiblee tax LETS BE REASONABLE gifts ranging from electric refrigerators, ranges. to correct the defects uncovered by Elsewhere in this issue is printed a ’he supreme court. Others among letter from Lans Leneve addressed to percolators, toasters, waffle irons and other use* them State Treasurer T. B. Kay, ad th« editor of the Sentinel, in which he goes further into details on th« vocate the re-enactment of the entire Ful table appliances, to docks, lamps for every subject of gdtae wardens who may tax problem into a single income tax measure, similar to that in operation -have assisted prohibition officers in Christmas Specials tbeir work. Th* instances he men In this state In 1928, a program which tion, other than the Ray Sutherland meets with the objection that it would General Electric Refrigerators case, may be correct; we do not know lot produce as much revenue as >13.50 Down (13.50 a Month And electrical gifts are bo easy to buy. No whether they are or not, bkt w« do would be realised under the three-way plan. know that any argument between on» Hetpoint and Westinghouse Ranges Next in importance to the tax prob need to mud around in the mod rush—just check who is strongly prejudiced against >5.00 Down lem, and by many regarded as of the prohibition law and one who bqy Balance Easy Monthly Terms lieve» in law enforcement is futile. even greater importance, ia the mat ter of rate regulation.* Governor And while he may not have jumped Thor and Easy Washers at conclusions his knowledge of facts elect Meier who made Ms bid for elec ’ >5.00 Down Choose electrical gifts in the Ray Sutherland caae was in tion squarely upon the platform of Balance Easy Monthly Terms the late George W. Joseph, the major correct. -------- - - —- Nor will the Sentinel further permit plank in which proposed the abolish rants tomorrow. There’s nothing better for a and many other beautiful gift: the appearance of attacks on law en ment of the public service commis priced at a Rea! Saving to our forcement officers in its columns, sion, is expected to have something customers when those attacks are riot justified. definite to propose to the legislators We have given Lans space for his along this line. Just what this some reply and no good can be accomplish thing Will bo, is, course, as purely speculative to for at the general ed by prolonging the discussion. As long as the prohibition law is a public is concerned. One suggestion law of the United States, the Sentinel goes only eo far as to ehange the name of the present commission in believes It should be enforced. order to get away from the prejudice R. A. Easton's Weekly Letter which has grown up around that or We had a beautiful Thanksgiving. ganisation. Another plan involves a The union services t the church were consolidation of the duties of, the well attended The hymns sung ware »resent three-man commission in the in tune with the spirit of the day and hand» of a single commissioner. Still the sermon by Mr. Irwin, pastor of another program calls for the com the Nazarene Church, caused the con plete sboltahment of the commission gregation to know that real thanks and a return to the old “home rale” giving is one of the feeders of a grow idee, leaving regulation of public utilities in the hands of each separate ing and fruitful life. The opportunities that come at this municipality without any interfer time of year to support the Y. M. C. ence by a state body. Much interest centers in the forth menu. A., the Red Cross, the Tuberculosis line of duty entirely. The sportsmen the state show a reduction of approx Lans Leneve Writes Con Association and other kindred causes coming “power” problem. Governor imately >4,000,000 since 1929, the ap cerning Game Wardens of this state pay in their good money give people a chance to prove whether Noibiad, basing his views upon a County commissioners are forbidden portioned valuations of public utility for hunting and fishing licenses with vj their support is only with their lungs voluminous opinion from the attorney by law to engage in the business of properties as fixed by the tax com- 1 Editor Sentinel:—In your editorial the clear cut understanding that it be as they sing thanks or with the where general, has already called attention supplying the county with materials mission have been increased by slight column laat week you stated that I used for the protection and propaga with that puts strength into the arms to the need _for legislation which will or labor, according to an opinion by ly more than that amount. had jumped at conclusions concerning tion of our game and fiah. Wardens' protect thW water resources of the I. H. Van Winkle, attorney general. of the oar pullers. Local or county assessments for game wardens taking part in a cer salaries are paid out of this money County Judge Sparrow, of Jackson rftate and preserve this resource to The county commissioner, the opinion 1930 tot*l 8940B18.620.09 compared J tain liquor raid and stating that my to protect our game and-fish and not county, had an experience which gave the people of the state rather than pointe out, is a member of the court with 8944,789,311.47 for 1929 while reflection upon the game department to go chasing moonshiners about the him a new kind of a jolt. The clipping allow it to be gobbled up by private that approves or rejects claims public utility valuations show a total was unwarranted. However, I have country. There are officers and plen from the Ashland Tidings tells the utilities. Governor-elect Meier is also against the county and is, by the very of 8184.342,071.38 compared with different ideas than yourself upon the ty of them paid to enforce the prohi •ter/: committed to a program which calls nature of his position, disqualfl^d 8180,199,380.35 in 1929. subject and many more sportsmen are bition law; in fact there are twenty for state development of water power, from dealing with his own depart Heavy losses tn land values—tillable of the same opinion as myself. such officers to one game warden in “Even if I were suffering with acute as also are a number of the members ment. and non-tiBable—account in largo If I erred in citing just one case, I this state. appendicitis and the beet doctor in the tf both the House and Senate, so that measure for the lower county valua know of enough other cases where And so, just because the prohibition world stood at my bedside and advised it is reasonable to suppose that some State Senator J. E. Bennett, of tions. Tillable lands which were as-1 game wardens were present during li law ia a failure, I see no need to eeek an operation I would refuse because very constructive water power legte- sessed at 8249.082.968.47 in 1929 are quor raids, to justify any statements to enlist the service« of the state God would care for me,” said the sta lation will come out of the next ses Multnomah county, was in Salem this assessed at only 8243,612,388.20 on I have made, • without being - accused ■ game department to try and enforce past week with a pocket full of bills ter of a 10-year-old boy, when she sion. thia year’s roll, a loss of approximate- ' by you, or any one dine, of jumping at it. ready to shoot into the legislative hop »p peered with other members of the Roads, always one of the big prob ly 85,500.000. Non-tillable lands show conclusions. It would be just about aa arlly a boy’s family before Judge Alex Spar lems before the Oregon lawmakers, per when the session convenes next thing to do aa seeking the aid of the a reduction in valuation from 879,142,- Press dispatches stated that two month. Among other reform» which PreM dispatch«» row thia-morning toex plain why the ’»n be expected to take its place in 172 In 1929 to «rr rfR’UOfi this year, deputy ____ game _________ wardens were ____ in the __ department to help the fire boy had not received medical treat the spotlight of public interest ae Bennett hopes to accomplish is a a 1'ws of mo*-' *>»•< ♦ ’■’.OAO.000. Sutherland mixup and that the law war<**n‘' run down firebugs. Just be- ment when suffering from infection in usual this sees ion. James Mott, repre change in the time foT holding pri This reduction is nsrtfslly offset by enforcement department of the game C,OM • ',w happens to be a law is mary elections. Bennett believes that both hand». sentative-elect from Marion eounty rn increase in the aa’essmmt against commistion had sent more wardens no «xcu*« for an officer to leave his "And if my arm were cut off at the tnd former member of the House from the primary date should be set up timber lands from 858 456 169 In 1929 to the scene of the shooting.________ i ''wn Particular line of duty when he elbow and the blood spurting, I would Clatsop eounty, has already announced nearer the date of the general election needed badly on his own job, be I have a press dtapatch of recent not call a doctor because God would his intention of attempting to force in order to eliminate the prolonged to 868 681,996 this veur. The asseeaed h- dogcatcher, game warden, traffic valuation on ei ’ v Irn ’ wo-ensW« has campaign of “ ballyhoo" which Alls the d ate stating that a game warden as- ’ care for me,” the father ef the boy through a bill placing the North San- atao been ’neTessed bv n«a*1v *5 000 - ! f sted in rsiding a still near Ashland 'fflcsr or policeman. interim between the two elections. told the judge. tiam highway on the state road map. 000 and some in-ess-s a-e shown In a „j./wa8 kHtod. Yours truly, Lans Leneve. Judge Sparrow reminded the family Mott has a reputation as a scrapper Mh»r lines but nn th* other hand Ihre j One warden in thia county wa. The total taxable values of Coos that a famous general once started and whether he succeeds in putting for we?lu concerning a part county based upon the 1930 assess *£* valuations .how »nhstartl.i re- | NOSLER 4 WALKER. his men to battle advising them to over his program or not he ie going to ment ia 828,319,735.70, according to ' “keep trust in God but ksep your pow „f the Ine™ te nrilitv I ! ” give the stand-patten on the highway Th" bmnt nf the increase in ntlHtv der dry.” figure» released by the state tax com ' handcuffed to a husky woman and program no little worry. - ’ «»-- ’men’« G born» hr t»l*n’^n»‘ Judge Sparrow took no action in mission. This includes local assess, last about met his “Waterloo.” Wheth '■«»nnsnie« and hv Joint ntfFt ’ ea— elee- In addition to these four major the caae today, but warned the parents ments, as made by the eounty assess er he wa» present at the raid with the ; Both of these that if future complaint« came before issues, there will be, of course, num or, amounting to 125,331,721 and the ♦rit. water sad r«S. !d»a of finding illegri gam* I do not him he would be required to take dras erous lesser problems, not the least of apportioned valuation« on public util ’tetns have h«en >nerv««"d h” *wmw- know, but do know hs took part in ! tic action in the matter. Judge Spar which, by any means, will be the ever ity property within th« county as de ,m*+»lv 91 800 006 n»er l’st veer’s ■he raid with officers paid to enforce Conghg and Sore Throat row heard the caae after it had been present fish squabble. State Senator termined by the tax commisaion, to- «mres. Vl-ctric »nd water and ra« tv« prohibition laws. There are other - Relieved Almont Instantly ' Miller, of Granta Pass, who was in ntil ’ ti«« hsre al«n He-n increa-ed hut taken up by the county humane so telling «2,968,014.70. The total tax ''»«•a I could <He. .u 7* cough« end »ore Sedem this past week, is known to able value for the county represents railroad comnnnie«. «taetvJe and ciety. So with this knowledge, I again as hroats hefc*e th**« ailments lead to have been busy since the recent elec an increase of 279,072 in the assess tre*t ralfwavs and «Ytire*» a"d trie- sure you thst I have not jumped at da-eero-is ills. Use Thoxine, a doc- famous nreseriptfon which I have heard and read some fool tion sounding out sentiment among his ment over 1929 dne entirely to in -^»nh r'.'nnanles have all been given any conclusions and ae for the unwar nr s bring» rel ef within 15 minus», yet opinions about “God” but that experi colleague« with respect to the Rogue creases in public utility valuations in •’«creaaee. ranted criticism of which vou sneak, n<> harmful dra>«. ------------------ ence of County Judge Sparrow ia the River fish bill with a view to reviving the county which have jumped from > Yh''’*ne work« on a different prin- it is very evident that our ideas differ the measure at the eeming session, in 22,«20.387.70 in 1929 to 82,968,014.70 "hadw^-fc T/wt"» * F. * A. M prise taker. etnle, It haa a quick, double action j rrastly on the subject. There are law _w * iiTitation and Mol If a grownup went« to practice fool spite of the action of the people in in 1930. inter^aFeauV Rtet-d OmmonJcsrinn »nd election enforcement d-partment. in every ^ireet to the th “faith.” that is an independent privi defeating the measure. The total assessed valuation of the af nffi<w« 0< o»*wirk T^vtre Nn. 68 Jne of outlawry and officer» are paid J"**11 ekHdren because It 1«‘nl"a»ant lege. unless the fool faith jeonardises Taken by and large the tMrty-eixth state as a whole amounts to 81425,- A. F. 4 A. M.. Tweed»’’. December 9. : to enforce tbeir special lines of work. I „.V1'" a Tv 4»«t a gar- the health of a helpless child or the biennial gathering of the lawmakers 160.592.37, an increase of only 8171,- st. 7:90 n. m. All memh-rs renu-st-d health of neighbors and community. which opens for its forty-day session 900 55 over the valuation of 81,124,- tn he nrwient. R. H. Mast, Bee. be and no doubt are, real American ^,7»° «re not satisfied your monev I am ef the opinion there are many on January 12 can be expected to pro- 888.891 A2 for 1929. citixens, they arc not being paid to St” ** ™*un<tad. Sold by Fuhrman'» hymn« of th« “God would oar« for me" While local assessments throughout enforce the dry taw. ft to o«t of their idni7^toii«,BC' aD oth<r- *°°d “Is It insured T" 7-- Mountain States Power Company Children Like this Safe Prescription ». If, fl