— — men i a huahand toll? A great human drama of men and husbands—and the women they love! Sunday 2:00 P. M. -Adm. 35c, Child 10c A‘ night 6:30 and 9:00 P. M. Adm. 50c and 10c J« b - „ esd a r, »nd Wednesday, December 9 and 10 B?WSfa.70P SpEED." A comedy drama with SSA aide-slpitting fun-fest that combines a thrilling b°at rSCl WI?1 a wonderful romance. Locale— - a «•«»min« AH.™er ?otel’ He rides the waves of Laughter! A dy fitting for the beet ?n town. Come see! and hear! 332 First Street, Coquille. Oregon t^e^fr^^BRi,DE”r'Wiv^ Wary Astor “nd IJoyd Hughes 5thc pkyl <*X),“ng Her Goose.” It is the story hv u 1 Waf ndxed with crooks, thieves, and whatnots y.a mi8ta*te and when her husband found out, what a sur prise. rit. 27* ^t.?rday’ D*.«be«’ 12 and 13 ster I" *THE SEA BAT." Man against mon- that ln ?°uth Seas. Here s the great adventure picture Jh*t you ve been waiting for. Okay for man, woman and child “PAINTED DESERT” sw EET MAMA “CHECK AND DOUBLE 'HECK” DANGER LIGHTS” “JOURNEY’S END” GOLF 4.9« Every Tuesday evening until further notice, each and every lady will be en titled to one free game on the Playmore Golf Course. Mrs. Hal Baxter won ladies’ low prize Tournaments every Monday evening for men with scores under 45 the previous week and for ladies with scores un der 50. JNO. C. OERDING Beys* Set Apartment, Electric Range, with Oarage, in refined surrounding», to adults. Phone 178-M. 47t2» Want Ads EXCLUSIVE agent for Southport Coal in Coquille and vicinity, $8.00 per ton. Prompt delivery- Robt. C. Train, phone HOM. 47tf