- • . .líÚ'-’. Ifa ; i . r-''' ................. - — Yesterday's Lions Club S mm Í qb was hostess to a farewell who is tanv- won to live in Granta Pass. Those mt wore Bemita Morris, Pauline ____ay, May Burr. Froda Wilson, Gordon Neil, Frod Coleman, Victor Richmond, Edna Richmond and Mar­ jorie MdGuffin. J F' t 1» •V_- I i I i 4' » »/ '» I it ■ ■ Walter Lansing, member of the Lions Club of Baker, but whose headquarters are now at Salem, was a guest of tha Lions Club yesterday noon. He is a member of the state traffic force, and gave the Lions a (Very interesting talk on what the i traffic department is doing to induce Farmers ■ ' — — - - —Wo buy - ™ Beef, safety on the highways. Of what use NOBLER 4 WALKER. Veal, Pqrk, Poultry and Hides, at the is it to educate children, care for them » \ ’♦ Eyas tested—glasses fitted. V. R. ECONOMY CASH MARKET, Co­ and fit them for life’s duties, if their I lives are to bo snuffed out in prevent­ quille. Oregon. Wilson, Optometrist, Coquille, Oro. Kenneth Btockhoff, son of Mr. and able accidents or by the carelessness Mn>. Clara Alien visited her sister Mrs. S. H. Stockhaff, of the Ruas of some reckless driver, was the main at Forest Grove during Thanksgiv- thought of Ms remarks. place acron the river, is slowly re­ Other guests were Jos. Hackett, of covering from his accident of tart Sale of Christmas Novelties and North Bend; Mr. Maxwell; Mayor week when his horse fell with him, Home-made Candies in the Courier breaking Ma left leg below the knee. Chas. Harlocker and Jesse D. Clinton, building Saturday, sffi day. The large bone was split and the leg of Myrtle Point. Wade Arstill paid a fine tribute to Mr. and Mrs. George Chaney and badly bruised. The spill occurred in family returned Sunday from Port­ one of the lower fields, and Kenneth Dr. J. R. Bunch, who with the . other land where they spent Thanksgiving. has been at the Knife hospital here ^Coquille dentists, has done ao much Ito improve the health of Coquirfe since. Mrs. Orville Baker and baby I children by treatment of teeth and Safety First! Urt- Cow Bell i lectures on their care. over from A Dairy’s Pasteurised Milk and protect | Robert L. Stewart, of the M l States Tuesday, and your health. Knife. Power Co., was supposed to give a Mrs. Marshall Way returned this Jtffi. W. Laird, who has been con­ short talk on “Selling juice to the morning from a tw» week»’ visit with fined to Ms home for the past month public,” but his rotation of the ex­ her daughter, Mrs. Paul Sterling, at with an ankle that would not permit periences he and Clint Archibald had his walking without crutches, went as meter readers in the Willamette Wheeler, Ore. through the experience Tuesday that valley caused a rush of applications Don’t forget to get your hemstitch­ ao many people of 50 or over are for possible vacancies in the position ing, stamping and Kodak finishing for finding necessary to their health, that in Coquille. a Christinas done st The Haskin Art There will be no 'Lions Club meet­ at having their teeth extracted. Al­ Shop. Drane Bldg., Coquille. 47t3* though painful for a couple of days, ing next Thursday noon, but the Marl A. Simms, of the Marshfield Ma condition is now returning to nor­ weekly session will be in conjunction Cyriery, was a Coquille visitor yester­ mal and ho hopes Me ankle trouble with the Myrtle Point den at the hotel day and called at the Sentinel. Hie will be relieved. mere Thursday evening, December 18. bicycle adv. appears etaewhero in thia Dinner will be served at 7:45. Wanted—Tense, Camp Stoveq, Fur- ---- ---- Hr» — niturs. etc. Arrow Hardware Co., Basketbafl Next in Sports Word was received of the death of next door east of Farmers end Mer­ William Weotbrook at Eden Valley a chants Bank. With the curtain fast dropping on week ago Saturday. He is survived Mrs. Edna Storm and her daughter, the football act, the one hiding the , by two sons, Walter and Gerald West­ Mise Helen Heald, after a year and a court game of basketball will soon be brook. . ; haff residence in Coquille, left tart palled with high school and college . The Lediee Aid of the Church of Monday for their former home in San teams scampering around on hardwood Christ will hold a basaar December 12 Diego, Calif. Before leaving tha floors in preparedness for the coming and 18 in the vacant room in the I. ladies called at the Sentinel to state winter season. Thia week all aspir­ O. 0. F. building. Will have cooked that they had greatly enjoyed the ants for Coos county quintets wiH be food sale. > Coo» county climate and hoped to re­ out and as well the independent ag­ A turn to Coquille at eome futuro time gregations will soon be organised. “la it Insured 7" Monday evening. Coach Hartley, C. to make their home. They volunteer­ Mrs. W. V. Ferguson and children ed the information that they would be i H. 8. mentor, was putting an outfit of left last Sunday for a two weeks* visit enthusiastic boosters of Coquille and i twenty-five hoopsters through early with her sister in Portland. Mr. Far- training paces, watching them closely its climate in southern California. guson took them out to Roseburg to harness the more enthusiastic and where they took the train. Banquet for Departing Logger to pep up the easy going type. More boys are expected out later, causing Pedigreed German Police pupa for As a farewell for one of their num­ Hartley to divide the squad, one to sale. S. B. Leepar on Marshfield ber who is going to spend the month practice at 8:30 and the other at 5:00. Highway near Cunningham crossing, or more that Coos Bay Logging Co. That much material is to be on hand tf camps aro shut down on a visit to his for the locals is a eertainty, with a Mrs. Sarah Wickham, who was quite did home, a half score of loggers held nucleus of four men from last year’s ill a couple of weeks ago, is sufficient­ a banquet in the Coquille Cafe on first string around which to build a ly improved now so that she is up a Front street last Sunday evening, lineup. part of the time, but is still unable Tommy Wing serving them a turkey Only one of these is a regular, dinner. Severus McCarthy, a high to leave the house. though one other wae two season« climber in the Eden Ridge camp, and If you want to subscribe for a Port­ ago. The regular is Denton Ellingson, land daily the clubbing combination who is also a nephew of Dennis Mc­ center, and the old, Stanley Pulford, we offer with the Sentinel wiH eave Carthy, of Marshfield, was the man forward-guard. The two other men in whooe honor the send-off was given. yon money. He left Monday for Blackville, New are Linus Seeley, forward-center, and The American Legion and Auxiliary Brunswick, Canada, where hie parents Ray Woodyard, guard. This, ef course, moot Monday evening in a joint meet­ reside. He expects to return soon af­ is s starter but when a coach loses ing and a pot luck dinner at 6:80 p. ter the first of the year. It was a four men like Jug Lorens, Ray Grif­ m. in the new Legion Hall, all mem­ joHy party of woodsmen, including in fith. Stephen ’ Chard and Everett bers new and old are urged to bo its number, besides the guest of hon­ Seeley, he is pretty hard hit and must thoro. >i ' . I or, Wm. Nygron, Francis McCarthy, really rebuild «11 over. One encour­ aging fact, however, is that among Get yonr Christmas Novelties and Bob MiMer, Frank Cowan, Wm. the other boys there are some fine- Broyles, Norm Jameson, Claud Stout, Home-made Candies at the sale in the looking prospects. Tom Cury and Happy Lavin. Courier building Saturday. Mr. qnd Mrs. B. L. Nosier and fam­ Suffers Fractured Knee Cap ‘ ily returned Sunday from Vancouver, Wash., where they spent Thanksgivi­ Lloyd Laird, son of Mrs. J. W. ng visiting Mrs. Nosier’s father, Mr. Laird, was brought to the Knife 'Hos- Bellmore, and Mr. Nosier’s father, pitsi bens this week and on Wednes­ Wes Nosier. day submitted to an operation, by Dr. Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Op­ Richmond for a fractured knee cap. tical repairs. Broken lenses dupli­ The injury was received last week cated. Wilson, The OPTOMETRIST, when in company with his wife, Mrs. ; Coquille. ; „ 45tf Laird, their daughter, and her broth­ er, Jay Shriefer, of Myrtle Point, A farowell dinner party was they were coming down from Portland given last evening at the Chrte to spend Thanksgiving at the A. A. tain Church parlors for D. L. Hack­ Shriefer home. Just this side of Cres­ ett and family who are leaving next well they struck ice on the pavement, week for Lakeport, California, to and although not traveling very fast, make their home. the ear skidded and turned over. It Dr. J. E. Richmond, orthodentiat was necessary to wire the cap to­ specialist in the straightening of gether and Mr. Laird will be laid up teeth, is making regular monthly trips for some time. to Coquille and will be in Dr. Riet- man’s office Monday. January 5th. Awarding Pina and Letters Examination and consultation free. At the high school assembly this Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oerding, with afternoon two torch pins are to be Louis Baker acting as chauffeur, left awarded, a two-bar lin to both Melba Sunday for Portland to attend the McCoy and. Barbara Unsoeld. funeral of Mr. Oerding’» brother, Her­ Football letters are also to be man, which was held in Cornelius on awarded to the following who won Monday. The three returned Wed­ them thio year, some of them for the nesday. „ fourth time and a large percentage ef Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley. them for the last time at Coquille High: ’ A banquet in honor of the Coquille Stephen Chard, Ray DeClefsen, Oke football team is to be held this even­ Eckholm, Denton Ellingson, Worden ing in the high school gym. with Miss Ellis, Eldon Gilman, Allington Glais- Helen 'Roseman, instructor, and the yer, Tailant Greenough, Belmont Ire­ members of the Home Economies land. Stanley Pulford, Frank Schram, classes preparing and serving the * (Mark Seeley, Harold Stevens, Ray dinner and the male members of the Woodyard, Harold WiHiams, Linus faculty providing the funds. Seeley, Alfred Plaep. Call Farr A Elwood for transfer and fuel. ... J. J. Stanley, dean of Coquille bar­ risters, has been confined to He bed all - tMa a cold which — ------ week with w w»^ de- • valoped into the eld-fnehfamed grippe. I He wae quite ill yesterday but is somewhat improved today. Mrs. Stanley was compelled to go to bed with the same trouble this morning. At the Parish hoin» Wednesday af- ternoon the Women’s Guild met for their regular weekly meeting with : Mrs. Bart Folsom and Mrs. C. C. Ev- I land as hoatosee». Those present dur- | Ing the afternoon were Mesdamos W. - H. Mansell, E. A. Walker, C. D. Walk- i er, C. J. Fuhrman, L. H. Hasard, Roy Neal, W. V. Gtaisyev E. L. Vinton, Kennett Lawrence, H. E. H om , James Watson, George W. Taylor Sr., A. J. Sherwood and Rev. and Mrs. Hale B. Eubanks. The ladies of the “Needle Workers” club were delightfully entertained yes­ terday for luncheon at the home oi Mrs. John BeHoni at Myrtle Point. Those who went up for the day were Mesdames Frank Pook, George Gil­ man, Lee Hand, E. A. Wimer, Frank Osmond, Jack Arnold, W. D. Simmons and Mrs. Cecil Elwood, of Marshfield. For December 19th the ladies are plan­ ning a turkey dinner for their families. Just where this affair will take place has not been decided upon. Mrs. Everett .Overton wss the de­ lightful hostess Thursday afternoon to the Y. M. W. club. The ladies spent the hours most pleasantly in sewing. Those attending were Mesdamos Hen­ ry Tiedeman, Alton Dungey, Paul Brinkley, F. B. Stewart and Leslie Dey. The Merry Makers club members enjoyed the afternoon on Thursday at this week at the home of Mrs. Georg« Goodman. Sewing was the diversion for the following attending: Mesdamee C. C. Gardner, A. L. Burch, Morris Morrott, J. D. Bell, Ira Chase and E. L. Townsend. The Eastern Star ladies of Beulah Chapter gave a 6:30 o’clock dinner for the Eastern Star and Mason children at the Masonic Temple last Friday ev­ ening. The committee in charge of the party were Mrs. E. L. Vinton, Mrs. Roy Neal, Mrs. Bert Foisom, Mrs. Willard Bosserman and Mrs. Wm. Zosel. Thirty-four children were served and afterwards games were played and a good time was had by all. Mrs. E. L. Vinton is entertaining this evening at her home on South Coulter street with five tables for Bridge. This is the third delightful party Mrs. Vinton has given recently for the benefit of the Eqstern Star so­ cial fltub of Beulah Chapter. A high score prise will bo given. Those in­ vited were Mesdamos Willard Boaser- man, J. E. Paulson, A. N. Gould, Hal W. 'Pierce, H. H. Oerding, E. A. John­ sen, Keith Leslie, H. S. Norton,.C. S. Lehmanowsky, H C Gets, Harlan BuckingliSm, Walter Litxenberger, R. E. Boober, Frank Thrift, C. W. Kline, Roy Watson, C. T. Seibig, F. W. Mar­ tin, Misses Harriet Gould -and Maxine Paulson. A Seatette Close-Out Sale ^tarts Tomorrow The C-C Self Service Store this week announces its retirement from the Coquille field. D. R. Norton, of Bandon, president of the corporation which also has stores in Bandon and Marshfield, says that the other two' are doing well, but that the local es-• tablishment has not been paying its way. I As a consequence of this decision a close-out sale of everything in the store wiH start tomorrow morning at nine o’clock and coming as it does just before Christmas, offers shoppers an* opportunity for bargains on anything in the store. Note their adv. on page1 five of this issue. i r... - n< » ------ . Chief Big Boy and Dance Band '■« JIB ■s SOCIAL NOTES Four enemies are lighting the home, according to Edward Saplr of Chicago university: The cramped modern dwelling, the motor car. the Indepen­ dence of woman and labor saving de vices. He should add the neighbor’s radio and the fellow who distributee dodgers.—Loe Angeles Times. 11 * Puauhmeat by Ostracism Ostracism was introduced In Greece by Clfsthenee shout 510 B. C. Aellan aays that Cllsthenes was the first to be oetradxed. In 48S-4R7 R. G. Hip­ parchus wae exiled and a few years later Xanthlppus and Aristides were banished In this fashion. Alaskan Totem Pole» The totem poles, which the rid tor to Alaska will find an numerous on the seashore among smoke and feast houses, are not Idols or del- ties, but pictorial records of history and mythology as the Indians un- derstand them. E. R. Ferrari has secured the well- Plamags of th. Male known and popular Indian Dance ............ ........................ ................ Nature . gave llie nuxater all of ........ bls Band for an appearance at the Gra- fine feathers to attnsrt the hens, and ham Hall here tomorrow, Saturday, tor ,he purpner he gave man evening. This dance band has just money.—Florida Tim»* Union, completed a tour of a dosen state«,1 Many Danger«»» Moaquitoes furnishing music for enjoyable dances I Experiments hare shown that seven in hundreds of cities, and they have made a decided hit everywhere they species of mosqnlto may transmit yel­ low fever, rather than one species, as have appeared. was originally supposed. Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Animal tracks can he collected by pouring plaster of peris In them and lotting It harden Into a mold, mva Boys’ Life. and the of uval, next wee* week wfli we« tatter part vi wni TW.k ft Ov.r return with a two-ton load of grape- Most ef the shadows that cross the fruit'and oranges, large juicy fruit. pathway la Ilf» are caused by stand­ which he will have for sale at the Geo. ing to our own light ------------------------ r*' -.i i ■ F. Burr garage on Hall street. Mr. Ostrich Sherrard says he wiH bo prepared to An oatrich frequently attains the offer attractive box prices on specially For Rent—Garage on Marshfield picked fruit from that California cit­ weight of 300 pounds.—Washington Star. highwsy, near Fifth Street. $4 a rus bolt. month. See A. L. Simpson, or phone Coquille Laundry. It* »-ROOM HOUSE For Rent - Two blocks east of court house on Sec­ NOBLER A WALKER. «■•< ond street Phoae 5R13. if GIFT HEA EÏ U ARTERS * > w V» • t ELECTREX HEATING PAD ' I I 77 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. DRUGGISTS Hassler Given Year in Penitentiary and Paroled In sentencing W. E. Hassler on bis two convictions for violation of the corrupt practices act. Judge Brand last Monday morning stated that the infractions of the law which he had cbmmitted were not technical, that the law had been enacted to protect candi­ dates from untruthful and slanderous attacks, that the law was constitution­ al, although seldom used as a means of prosecution, and that the jury find­ ings were proper and correct. He sentenced \the Courier publisher to pay a fine of 3200 for not comply­ ing with the law as to author, printer and distributor, in the “Jim Jinkins” card case, and having no option in the matter, sentenced him to a year in the penitentiary for criminal libel of Frank Osmond. The judge then ordered Hassler pa­ roled, and in doing so declared he was not using the jury’s recommendation of parole as a shield, for his own ac­ tion. They may have exceeded their duty in making such recommendation, was the judge's statement, but they did not exceed their privilege. His honor also stated that he issued the parole because he thought the de­ fendant was not alone in culpability, that there were others equally re­ sponsible with him in violating the law. ' Until he is pardoned by the govern­ or Mr. Hassler loses hie right of fran­ chise, notwithstanding the parole. STATIONERS Ham, Egg, Waffle Supper The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will hold a fancy work sale in Guild Rail, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. Beginning at 4:30 they will servo a ham and eggs and waffle supper. Ev­ eryone is invited to be there and those who have eaten the ladies’ waffles be­ fore will be sure not to miaa it Yeomen Dance Every Saturday The Brotherhood of American Yeo­ men are having delightful Old Time Dances at the K. P. Hall each Satur­ day night and these dances have been well attended. One real feature of these evenings has been a lunch served free after the dance. The com­ mittee in charge annouees that these entertainments - will continue every Saturday night all winter. I Sentinel and Sunset $2.25 Due to a special arrangement with the publishers of Sunset Magasine, the Sentinel is aMo to offer to new subscribers the magasine and this paper for »2.25. The regular com­ bined price for the two is 93.00. GLENN NEIDEIGH Teacher of Violin For Appointment Call Norton's Music Stere Phono 49-J For Fire, Auto er Accident Insurance Card of Appreciation I take this means of expressing my gratitude to the customers and friends whose patronage was greatly appre­ ciated while I was conducting the Co­ quille Auto Park, service station and store. Vano» Weekly. NO8LER A WALKER. Call on Ned C. Kelley All Lines of Insurance ' Coquille, Oregon And save irritating delays in case ef I mu Hiland Theatre! MYRTLE POINT Sunday and Monday, Dec. 7-8 66 Hell’s Island” A dramatic story of sobs and smiles, drama and diversion, razzing and romance with the screen’s most popular “buddy” team, the inimitable Jack Holt and Ralph Graves, ✓ Sally O’Neil and Molly O’Day in Literally Speaking Armies ef Bina and Gray • At the close of the Civil war there were living 1.700,420 Union soldiers and approximately 741,000 Confederate soldiers. "SISTERS” Human interest drama that will stir yoia—touch you__ divert you! Thursday, Friday, Dec. 11 - 12 « Way Out West” Safety First! g Uee Cow Bell Dairy’s Pasteurised Mflk and protect your health. - Saturday, December 13 - Doable Feature “DAMES AHOY“ A Howling Comedy of Girl» and Gobs! and Hoot Gibson In “SPURS“ Coming Dec. 14-15-16- “CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK” e' Camels Good Travelers Some of the racing camels are ca­ pable of doing more than 100 miles a day. ’S' Whoopee Bill Goes ‘Western’—and the whole nation goes hysterical! William Haines in About Oaraotvea All of us are always going to do better tomorrow and we would, too. If only we started today. ADMISSIONS ADULTO 50 c CHILDREN 10 c u I Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley. A* » / 1 $6.00 Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. a ■ 3 Of course, you remember the attractive values in Christmas Gifts which were offered to you here last year. This year they’re better than ever be­ fore. Electrical appliances, toilet goods, choco- lates, stationery, hundreds of practical gift sug- gestions are now on display at new low prices. You’ll find an early Visit well worth your while. Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 9-10 Those who ridicule the (tally dosen Stated Communication and election of officers of Chadwick Lodge No. «8, have authority back of them. “For A. F. A A. M., Tuesday, December 9, I bodily exerctae.” says the Bible, “prof- at 7:30 p. tn. All members requested Iteth little.” to be present R. H. Mast, Sec. Prworviag Animal Tracks — ss-= c I