COQUILLE. « Will Haadh Mrs. W.). Ct________ . for the 1230 »ale of th* Christmas Seal* to be sponsored by tbe Coos ! County Health Association announced I yesterday the appointment of her co­ . workers in the forthcoming sate. They , are: Mrs. J. T. Brand, assistant . ’ chairman and Mrs. Lynn A. Parr, — publicity chairman. NOBLER A WALKER. K. F. Grider, president of tbe Coos , . Elwin Alford was a Coquille visitor County Health Association, pointe eut ’ that this will be the 24th annual sale from Brewster valley yesterday. , of the tiny health eeala, th* first sale Eyes tested—glasses fitted. V. R- having occurred in Delaware in 1207. ' Wilson, Optometrist, Coquille, Ore. Since that time th* returns have in­ Cody Carlson was in CoquiMe from creased in velum* until last year over . his Bear creek ranch this morning. 15,500,000 waa raised in the U. 8. Safety First! Use Cow Bell through this method. , The sale in this county last year Dairy’* Pasteurized Milk and protect was 11400.04, with tbe state total your health. »58,444, and it is hoped both these Mrs. Paul Van Scoy went up to figures will be exceeded this year. Portland tbe first of tbe w«*k to con­ The disease prevention work of tbe sult Dr. Sears for bee sinus trouble. Association for 1231 will depend Notice: Farmers—We buy Beef, largely upon the generous support \4al, Pork, Poultry and Hides, at the given the sale which opens the day af­ ECONOMY CASH MARKET, Co­ ter Thanksgiving. Ninety-five per cent of the funds quille, Oregon. raised in Oregon wifi stay in the Mrs. Martha Mulkey and taro chil­ state, only 5 cents out of each dollar dren, who had been visiting her par­ contributed the National Tu­ ents at Petaluma, Calif., returned berculosis Association to help finance home Tuesday evening. scientific research and ether activities, Amateur School Circus at Valley according to Mr. Grider. View school, November 22, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Conrad has announced the fol­ Adm. 25 cents for adults, school chil­ lowing as chairmen for tbe Seal Sale dren 10 cento. Under six free. in their respective communities: Mr». J. Arthur Berg, Coquille; Armistice Day was observed in Co- quihe Tuesday only by the cessation Mrs. Anne Kicking, Bandon; Mrs. H. of business, practically all stores, G. Dement, Myrtle Point; Mrs. Esther Jones, Powers; Mrs. Verne Lundy, shops and offices being closed. Twin Oaks; Mrs. Earle Steele, Bridge; Wanted—Tenu, Camp Stove«, Fur­ Mrs. E. L. Clausen, Broadbent; Mr*. niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Co., J. W. Ruble, Coaledo; Mrs. W. J. De- next door east of Farmers and Mer­ Boert -Gravel Ford; Mrs. H. L. Hef- chants Bank. 15tf fley, Parkersburg; Mrs Fremont Jef­ Samuel Bertelson, who came here from Alturas, Calif., recently, is im­ pressed with the outlook for this »ac­ tion and may decide to remain. •- Insure your ear with Ned C. Kelley. M. D. Sherrard left at four o’clock this morning for Orland, Calif., where he has a fruit ranch. He expect* to seed «Macros of it to alfalfa this fall, and did not know when he loft wheth­ er he would be gone but a few days or three months. Tbe ladies of the Missionary Society of the Pioneer Church will have charge of the Sunday evening eervice, beginning at 7:30 p. m. An interesting program has been prepared with special music, etc., and a cordial wel­ come la extended to the public. Myrtle Point’s mayor, W. W. Baynes, declared a holiday this after­ noon from 1:30 until 4 o’clock, on ac­ count of th* Myrtle Point-Marshfield football game being played there. Coquille’s final conference game will bo with Myrtle Point hero next Saturday, Nov. 22. Dr. Richard Berg is a guest this week at the home of his brother, J. Arthur Berg. Dr. Berg’s residence is in Portland, but he haa Juet returned from New York where he was taking a special medical course. He ac*4hi- panied Mayor Berg down from Port­ land Wednesday and expects to leave Sunday for his home. Mrs. Sadie Jayes returned Tuesday evening from Salem, where she had been visiting two sons, and Portland where she had been taking treatments the past month and also visiting a daughter there. She feels now that she is oompletely recovered from the ailment which has been troubling her and says she feels better than she has for years. Mr. and Mrs. John Troickler, resi­ dents of Coquille who left hero twelve years ago and for the eight years have been in Nome, Alas­ ka, were guests at the Fred Belloni home from Saturday until Monday of this week. When Mr. Treickler re­ turns to Alaska early next spring, he wifi fly from Fairbanks to Nome. Both their daughters are married and live in San Francisco, and Oakland,1 California. Programs Spoiled by Noise Both afternoon programs as sched- uled for the Community Building dur­ ing the Com Show, were carried out on time and before good audiences, but there was so much confusion due to constant travel through the build­ ing that no one could get satisfactory reception. And some of the boys seemed to think that no one wanted to hear and spent the hour of the program playing there. Christmas Seal Sale Starts At Annual Celebration We believe in the community in which we live. We have a climate and SHINGLES a country that cannot be surpassed. We believe in every legitimate form of advertising our community. Th* original purpose of the Corn Shaw HINGLES Is a remarkable was and is yet a good one. This year both by name and by nature. It la the Corn Show committee ie to be evidently aa old disease, since Its commended for their splendid work. popular aa well aa Its actentUlc name The exhibits were excellent; the pa both go back Into antiquity. Its popular name of shingles to a ride, program, band, etc., were very corruption of the Latin word, cingu­ good, perhaps, better than usual. Those who were responsible are to be lum or girdle, while Its scientific name, herpes socter. Is from the Greek congratulated and their efforts are word which means the some thing; greatly appreciated by the community. so it to dear that the thing about thio But why is it that we lot a group peculiar disease that Impressed those who do not particularly care about the aadent people was the same that community or the CornShow spoil the strikes the observer today, namely, good that the Show might accomplish, the girdle or belt-llke eruption run­ >-f . by their drinking and disorderly con- ning around the body. Shingles Is a comparatively com­ luct Both nights during th* show mon condition. It occurs rarely tn our city was wide open. Drinking men children, moot commonly la persons and women were on every street. If under twenty-five. It la also common a man should have been in our city among those over sixty. It Is moot at that time looking for a place for a prevalent in the spring and fall. home for himself and family, he Ito cause to In doubt. Many author­ would hav« moved on. If we are to ities regard It as a specific Infection, have a wide open city with our Corn like smallpox, measles or scarlet Show, we are better off without the fever. In some coses, an attack billows In­ Show. It loses its usefulness when the rough element is permitted to des­ jury or exposure, as a broken leg or exposure to cold or wet. Others re­ troy all the good mght accom­ gard It as resulting from some form plish. Have we had our last Com of poisoning, either from a center of Show? We believe that we have if Infection as a boll, or from absorption it means a license for »very hoodlum of poison from the bowel* to do as ho pleases. We believe that The peculiarity about shingles to we have unless the officiate can assure that the eruption always follows the us law and order; for a number of course of a nerve. The most common those who have worked hardest for form Is that which follows one or two the success of the Show have said of the Intercostal nerves, which run below the lower border of the ribe; that they are through unless they can usually only one side, the right, la have this assurance. affected, rarely the eruption Is on We not only believe in our country, both sides, forming a true girdle er but see believe in the people of this belt community. And we ar* voicing the Other nerves involved may be the fries, Randolph; Mrs. J. G. Hartwell, Riverton; Mrs. Clarence Schroeder, sentiment of those law-abiding citi- todal. the opthalmte, when the' eyo- xens who have their homes, their ball is Involved, the temporal, In the Arago. children, and their interest here and forehead, the crucrlal In the thigh, and the sciatic in the back of the leg. who care for the finer things of life. Cora Show Responsible for The attack generally begins with a S. D. Walters neuralgia In the nerve involved. la a Crowds—Not for Conduct D. L Hackett few days the eruption appears on the G. A. Gray akin on the line of the nerve. The akin Elsewhere in this issue appears an Elmer Sadler to bright red with little pimplee scat­ article, signed by five Coquille minis­ D. Loroe. tered along the line nt the nerve. ters, deploring the drinking prevalent There to burning, Itching, and dull ¡n Coquille last week end. That there throbbing pain. Mild cases last for a National Grange Convention waa drinking no one can think of de­ week to ten days. More severe casee Members of the Grange and those nying, for there waa too much of it. may run a mouth or six weeks. The But the point we want to make is who ate interested in the workings of eruption generally disappears without that it was in no way connected with the Grange «rill be interesting in leaving any scars The pain Is coo- the Corn Show, except that the two knowing something about the National trolled by morphine. If necessary. The days', celebration attracted thousands Grange Session now being held la eruption to treated with slue and to Coquille and some of the visitors, 'Rochester, New York. It is a ten-day boric acid dusting powder and coal­ session beginning^November 12 and ing washes m well as home folks, made it the oc­ ISM. Waataea NawasMMV tJato*.» lasting until the 21st. casion for excess. Mr. ad Mrs. CharieaC. HuKare Maideehair Trse Eahibited At the old time dance Saturday ev­ the delegates from Oregon. Ms*. flnkn or Ulsl DllildeBllalr trMf. «e* * »»a■• v " w * sata l*ta l 4*1 v ■XM^PeKV^gp . • is 4s sav DIU*’’, 4SI I taC-ZS I in IS , ening there waa no a liquor in evidence, •or were drinkers there, and the same George A. Palmiter, wife of the forte- JapaD the only tuuderti survivor of a applies to any CornShow feature. The ,r Mast r, to a national officer tree family of which ten focati ape dee are known. Is represented by an Corn Show itself was clean, enjoyable, an<^ w’" *n Attendance. ind a complete success That some - The only election of officers in the exhibit In the hall of plant life at the of Nutural History. abased the eamivai idea and spirit is National Grange this year is on* Field Mi I no fault at those In charge of Cornlm^"ber ot co““‘ttt* I Chicago, which include- a branch In full flower, need*. fruita and wood. Show affairs. It is a practice that has and one member of the board of man­ agers of th* National Grange Month- become altogether too prevalent Shifting Maa whenever celebrations are held. To *• David'e mother gave a man solicit- The business session* of tbe Na-' Ing work a task for the day. After a reduce it to a minimum ie the duty of those responsible flor law enforce­ tional Grange will be held in the ball J weary time trying to keep the laborer ment, but it is not fair to those who room of Hotel Seneca this year. The on the job she called him a shiftless are working to advertise and boost seventh degree wifi be conferred on man. A few days Inter a stranger Coquille to talk of abandoning the perhaps the largest class of candidates called and the Ove-year-old lad said: “If you are a shifting man. mother'll Com Show because a few, compara­ over to receive this degree and per- not give you a jolt.' tively speaking, make it an occasion harps the largest class to receive a degree in any secret order. This de ­ for exceas. The great majority of DistrisS's Claim Allowed those here last Saturday evening were gree will be conferred Friday, Nov­ The District of Columbia waa sot ember 14; the firet class of 2500 can­ law-abiding and law-respecting. originally considered In the appoint didates will begin taking the Seventh meat of Rhodes scholarship*. After at • a. m. in the Masonic yean of consideration It was ruled Observed in Schools This Week degree Temple, the second clam at high that the district be treeled as part National Educational Week hia been noon, the third at 2:80 p. m., fourth of Maryland, and the flrst election observed this past week in the Co­ at 5 p. m. and the fifth at 7:30. The I under thia arrangement was held tn quille High School by a series of daily sixth group will begin at 10 p. m. December, 1224. assemblies, at which time the students and if necessary a class at midnight Social Division and the High School faculty have I This day is .expected to be the big "row Hundred" is a phrase joined with outside «peakers in ob­ day of the session and plana are be- In the gay nineties which ro­ serving this occasion. ihg made to entertain 20,000 vj-'tom te the relatively small number Bishop W. T. Sumner, Mrs. Ines in the city of Rochester. Chase, of the Coquille Schools, Lyman The national lecturers’ conference Carrier of the Coquille school board, will be held in the City Armory at' and Lynn A. Parr, superintendent of 10 a. m„ November 14. Mr. Hulet, the Marshfield public schools, hsve State Master of Oregon, is to be one 1 addressed the etpdente of the school of the speakers and will speak on Beauty in Goodness this week on subjects pertaining to "Why a balanced program la neces­ That which la striking and beau­ education. Student speakers, the High sary in every Grange,” There will tiful Is not always good. hut that School orchestra, the mixed chorus, be addresses by Alexander Legge, of which Is food Is always beautiful and various faculty members have tbe Federal Farm Board; —Ninon de Leucine. Arthur taken parts In the program to make Hyde, Secretary of Agriculture, and the serie* of awembHes a decidedly interesting group of student gather­ ings. — GLENN NEIDEIGH S Take Special Notice when Psycho and Mental restore you to complete lasting health? Consultation Why be ill C. E. Convention at North Bend I Science will I The county convention of Myrtle Union Christian Endeavor, opens in the Church of Christ at North Bend thia evening. The sessions will be presided over by Miss Alda Sloan, of Coquille, who is president of the Union. There will be morning, after­ noon and evening suasions. jand free. Also why drift along in doubt and uncertainty when gifted psychologist and metaphysician wifi accurately re­ veal to you your past, present and fu­ ture and put “you" on the right road to Health, wealth and success? A complete five dollar reading for one dollar and fifty cents from Nov­ To Open Shop December 1 Opening of Mrs. Alice Baker’s ember 12 to 22nd. Do not miss this Gown A Gift Shop has been postponed opportunity. Apts, over Ante Park until Dee. 1, due to the fact that the Grocery, Myrtle Point, Oregon. remodelling and decorating of the old postoffice quarters is not yet com­ FOR RENT—5-room Bungalow, elec­ tric range in kitchen, at oast end pleted. •f Second street E. M. Wilson, phono 143-L. j^e CTRL WANTED—For general house­ work and taking care of children. Write XT, «are of Sentinel. It* KEEPING WELL A Healthy Baby is a Happy Baby Care and discrimination must be taken in select­ ing baby's needs for health, hygiene and comfort. Mothers expecting the best only, and at a moder­ ate price, will find it among these Tiny-tot item«. Soft, durable rubber nipples, Tiny-tot Sets, con­ taining a soothing cream, smooth, fine talcum powder and pure, mild soap—glycerin supposi­ tories and lanolin. At all Rexall Drug Stores. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. n» DRUGGISTS xVScrtice Sto division I,’; Inspect Our Quality Merchandise —Then Help Yourself and Save Endicott-Johaaon (Net in the Trust) SHOES for ALL the FAMILY These handy shopping stores specialise in Standard Brands and SELL for* LESS Hosiery Lingerie < Men’s Furnishings Men’s Work Clothing Wash Frock* Notions^ Coquille Marshfield Bandon ■ ■ ■ The Oregon Farmer, one of the best If you want to subscribe for a Port­ agricultural papers in the northwest, land daily &• clubbing combination can bo »ecured in conjunction with we offer with the Sentinel will eava The Sentinel for 25 cents. »2.25 for you mo toy. the two for oae year. —— ■ Call Farr A Elwood for transfer and fuel. “to it insured?** The Gown & Gift Shop December 1st ’ . ' < ■ ' 'f ■‘v- â ■ J . instead of November 15 as was announced Hiland Theatre! MYRTLE POINT G* Sunday and Monday, Nov. 16-17 The STORM Teacher of Violin Blizzards that bite with the sting of peril - - avalanches that engulf puny lovers - - Nature at her worst—and best For Appointment Call Norton's Meste Store Phone 42-J Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 18 - 19 Ruth Chatterton in Chadwick Lodge No. 18 A- F. & A. M. Special Communication Tn*- Nov. 18—7:30 p. Work !■ E. A. THE LAUGHING LADY When Scandal Threatens—She Laughs! Thur«<|py, Friday, Nov. 20 and 21 Bert I.ytell la Last of The Lone Wolf Colorful • Glamorous - Daring - the kind of motion picture that charms dull care away Saturday, November 22 THE SEA BAT Adventure—Romance—Actually Filmed in the South Seas! ADULTS 50c '4 STATIONERS ADMISSIONS CHILDREN 10c