We Wish to Announce at this time that our modern up-to-date equipment recently installed has lowered the coat of production at thia plant, therefore we take great pleasure in sharing such good for tune with our public by giving them an A-l, standard qual ity of workmanship at our •** i Exhibit Prixe ra • . .4 14311 Carw Show t i I 8 C’ B'UWB U«horaa (U<»“>-^ohn at 1930 Corn snow Broadbent, 1st, 82-00. ____ _ ■ ! 8 c- Brown Leghorn* (dark)—John (Continued from firat page.) __ Negl> Broadbent, 1st 82.00. p — Ben | 8. C. Rhole bland Rod—Laura Mi- Monas nW Arago, 82 00; Lois 8c Moomaw, Arago, ',nl> MYSTERY Tied With Red Tape Artichoke. j ribbon. I Barred Plymouth Rocks—J. Potatoes, long type—*. A. Krew- son, Sitkum, 84.00; Frank Burgssa. Kibby, Coquille, 1st, 82.00; Georg* W. Leneve, 83.00; O. H. Aaaen, Arago, Martin, Myrtle Point, 2nd, 81-56; J. W. Kibby, Coquille, 3rd, 8140. 8240. Barred Plymouth Rock Capons— Potatoes, round type—J. D. Clink George W. Martin, Myrtle Point, 1st, I enbeard, Coquille, 8440; Clarence The time baa long passed when a bank was surrounded Hatcher, Fairview, 83.00; Alton Dun- 82.00; Clifford Martin, Riverton, 2nd, with ao much mystery and rad tap* that cuatomera felt ill at 81-50. Effective Monday, November 17th: gey, Coquille, 82.00. every time they «seni to the bank to transact buainea*. Black Jersey Giants—Keith Holver Hubbard Squash — Alma Halter, Today, th* progresaiv* bank ia a FRIENDLY INSTITU Gents Suits, Cleaned and Pressed stott, Fairview, 1st and 2nd, 82.00 and Arago, 8140; J. N. Jacobaen, Coquille, TKXN—designed to give ice cheerfully and aa a BUSINESS 81.00; Mr*. Frank Lans, Coquille, 50c. 8140. $1.25 DUTY rather than aa a favor. Aiutratorpa — 8. B. Loeper, Coquille, Banana Squash—Ernest Hstoher, At leaat, that ia how this bank regards it. Gents Suita, Sponged and Pressed Fairview, 81.50; Alma Halter, Arago, 1st and 3rd, 82.00 and 8100; Orval Perhaps that is on* of the good roa-wns why many refer Haga, Coquille, 2nd, 8140. 75c 81.00; George Hampton, Arago, 5Oe. to thia bank a* “my bank,” based on the spirit of friendliness Buff Orpbington — H. Martindale, Miscellaneous Summer and Crook Genta Suits, Pressed Only ‘ and co-operation they encounter whenever they call. Neck Squash—O. H. Ajgfo, Arago, Coquille, 1st, 82.00; Mrs. Albert Gul- Perhapa, too, it is another reason why people like to save Htrom, Coquille, 2nd, 81-50. 50c 81.50; E. J. Myers, Ar8go/81.0R; Mr*. whore they think they ar* welcome, and where, in addition, Bronze Turkeys — Mr*. W. M. John Frank Lans, Coquille, 50c. Genta Trousers, Cleaned and Pressed they know their ia absolutely aafe. Stock Squash — Hoffman Bro*., son, Leneve, 85.00; W. M. Johnson, Whether yob wish to open a savings or cheokmg account, 50c Leneve, 83.00; Lois Noell Roberts, Broadbent, 8140; J, W. Powell, Fair or wish to transact business in one of the other departments Fairview, 8100. Wearing Apparel and all other work including view, 81-00. . of this yoo will appreciate this spirit of friendliness Muscovy Ducks — John McNair, Co Pumpkins'(table variety)—Rarvey «rhieh ms believe is g»od business. Curtains, Rugs, and Tapestries of all kinds quille. 1st and 2nd, 82.00 and 81.50; Smith, Bridge, 81.50; Hoffman Bro«., FRIENDLY, HELPFUL SERI II E Broadbent, 81.00; C. A. Holvsretott, H. Martindale, Coquille, 3rd, 8140. Priced Accordingly Call or Mallard Ducks—Mrs. Afcsrt Fairview, 50e. Pumpkins (stock variety)—R. J. Gulstrom, Coquille, 82.00; Carlton Smith. Coquille, 81-50; Sidney Cad Holverstott, Fairview, 81.50.. Stock Beets or Mangels—Jo* Mi- man, Coquille, 8L00. Toulouse Geese—Sam Uni, Arago, 51.50; T. P. Hanly, Len Free call for rx* 419 Front St. eve, 81-00; E. L. Detlefsen, Coquille, Coquille, 1st, 82.00. Golden Sebright Bantams—Joy and 50c. Stock Turnips—O. H. Aasen, Arago, Ruth Pettengill, Coquille, 1st, 82.00. Coquille Rabbits—A. B. Gant, Lee, 82.00; 81.50. Walter Krantx, Coquille, 8140; Sam Stock Carrot*—Mm. Ben Monson, Whetstone, Coquille, 8100. Lakeside, 81.50. The Pioneer Methodist Church Church Dry Onion*—H. L, Aber, Coquille, Street Sports Winners S. D. Walters, Pastor 1st; Myrtle Holverstott, Fsirview, Rev. Hale B. Eubanks, Prieat-tn-charge 191 So. Henry St., Phone 50-J 2nd; Harry Heffley, Bandon, 3rd, all From the number of ladies who par- 180 E. Second St. Telephone 140-J ribbons. tic isted in the roller pin throwing Sunday School 10 a. m. Twenty-second Sunday after Trin Morning Worship 11 a. m. Tomatoes—Henry George, Coquille, contests both afternoons of the Corn 1st; E. J. Myers, Arago, 2nd; ribbons. Show, there must be a lot of “Jiggs” Sunday is the last day of the Na ity, November 18th: 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Cabbages—C. V. Smith, Coquille, In Coquille and vicinity. But the tan tional Education Week and we invite 10:00 a. m. Church school. 1st; Carlton Smith, Coqufile, 2nd; gent at which some of the pine Sew the teachers and pupils of the schools 11:00 a. m. Holy Eucharist and ser M m . Wood, Sumner, 3rd; ribbona. When the stick left the ladies* hands to worship with us. mon. Parsnips—Ernest Hatcher, Fair was proof that many Jiggs had not Evening Worship 7:80 p. m. Wednesdays and Fridays: 840 a. m. view, 1st; H. L. Aber, Coquille, Snd; been practiced on recently. Ed Vin The women of the Woman’s Mis no name, 3rd; ribbons. ton doos not look as though ho had sionary Society will have charge of Holy Communion. ■ Garden Beet*—B. L. Smalley, Ara been the recipient of hand-thrown the evening service. Church of Christ. gon, 1st; C. V. Smith, Coquillo, Sad; roll'ng pins, but the way Mrs. Vinton Epworth League and Junior Ep Carlton Smith, Coquille, 3rd; ribbon*. walked off, or rather threw for first worth Society 6:80 p. m. Bible School 10 a. m. N. C. Kelley, Table Carrot*—B. L. Smalloy, Ara prise both afternoons, among a large Prayer meeting and Bible study Supt. go, 1st; John Neal, Broadbent, 2rd; number of contestants, was condu Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Morning woruhip 11 a. m. ribbona. it ve that an expert was toying with Choir practice Saturday, 7:30. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Quince—L. J. Swan, Gravel Ford, the other ladies! Every person should have a church Evening service 7:30 p, m. Snd, ribbon. Nor did the Sentinel know, when home • and attend regularly. If you Bible study and choir rehearsal each Home Beauty Apple* — Reuben Ji referred a few weeks ago to the are not attending elsewhere, we in Thursday at 7:80. T \ Brown, McKinley, 1st, ribbon. wild r man ___ _____ from Lea Leo in in Sheriff Sheriff Hem Hees ’ ’ vite you to worship with ua. • We extend a hearty invitation to Golden Russet Apples—Mrs. Frank company, that Hardy the community to attend any of our Burgess, Leneve, 2nd, ribbon. training for a prise at th* Corn Show. servioes. Golden Pippin Apple*—Mr*. Frank He won H hand* down. D. L. Hackett, minister. Burg***, Leneve, 3rd, ribbon. Following in a list of the prise win Gloria Mundi Apples—Dan Lewis, ner* In the sporting events for each Church of God .... .... Myrtle Point Coquille Langlois Coquille, 75e; W. V. Schroeder, Nor afternoon: * Sunday School 10 a. m. Tel. 126 Satnrtlay, November 8 I way, 50c; E. M. Clayton, Coquille, 25c. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Northern Spy Applet—R. E. Dead- 50-yard dash for boys under 10—1, Prayer meetings every Thursday mond. Fairview, 75c; Mr*. Frank Floyd Arneson, 81-50; 2, Lowell Wag evening 7:80 p. m. Lane, CoquiU*, 50c; George Hampton^ goner, 50c; 8, Ivan Robinson, 50c. I Everyone cordially invited. Arago, 25c. 50-yard dash for boy* under 15—1, 1 Pastor John Bradly. Summer Rose Apple*—C. A. Hol Brace Ackerman, 81.50; 2, Rex Car verstott, Fairview, 75e; Myrtle Hol nal fas, 50c; 8, Herbert Carl, 50c. I Christian Science Society verstott, Fairview, 60c. 100-yard dash, free for *11—1, Ken Sunday School at 8:80 a. m. BelMower Apples—George Davis, neth Thompson, 83.00 ; 2, William Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Coquille, 75c; W. V. Schroeder, Arago, Wkbb, 82.00; 3, Donald Curry, 81.00. Subject for next Sunday: “Mortal* 50c; George Davis, Coquille, 25c. Potato Race, free for an—1, Bruce and Immortals.’’ Baldwin Apples—B. L. Smalley, Ara Ackerman. 82.00; 2, Herbert Carl, Wednesday evening meeting at 8 [ go, 75c; Mr*. Fr*nk Lane, Coquille, 81.00; 3, Tom Schaer, 50c. o’clock. 50c; George Davis, Coquille, 25c. , d 50-yard dash for married women— Free public Reading Room open in King Apple»—Georg* Hampton, , Mm. George Martin, 82.00; 2, Mrs. Church Building every Tuesday and I Arago, 75c; J. D. Clinkenbeard, Co Paarl Dunkel, 8140. Friday afternoons from two to five. 50-yard dash for girl* under 16— quille, 50c; L. M. Aassn, Arago, 25c. The public is cordially invited to at J. D. CTinkenbeard, Coquille, one box 1, Pearl Dunkel. 81-50; 2, Carlone Ir tend our services and to visit the vine, 8140; 3. Verfta Haga, 50c. I' of Kings, let, rib1 on. Reading Room. Delicious Apple*—O. H. Aasen, 50-yard dash for girl* under 12—1, Arago, 75c; L. M. Aaaen, Arago, 50c; Ella Arneson, 81.50; 2, Dene Harris, 0. H. Aaaen, 3rd, 25c. Baptist Church 81.00; 3, Rosie Spurgeon, 50c. I, Local and Long Distance Hauling Ladies egg race, free for all—1, Winter Banana Apple*—O. H. Rev. D. Lores, Pastor Aasen, Arago, lot and 3rd, 76c and Mr*. Harold MeGrow, 8240; 2, Miss 8unday School at 10 a. m. Margerite Agostino, 81.00. 2fc; L. M. Aasen, Arago, Snd, 60c. B. Y. P. U. at <:K> p. m. Agents for McLain Coal Spitaenberg Apple*—O. H. Aasen, Rolling pin throwing contest, wo- , Preaching 7:80 p. m. Arago, 75c; W. V. Schroeder, Norway, men onlv—1. Mr*. Ed Vinton, 82.00; Prayer services Thursday 8 p. m. r'0c; George Hampton. Arago, 26c 2. Mr*. Jerry Peart, 8140. You are cordially invited to attend R. I. Greening Apple*—R, J. Hol- Horse and rider weight guessing verotott, Fairview 75c; 0. H. Aaaen, contest. men only— O. W. Eliason and ‘ Methodist Episcopal Church Arago, 50c; L. J. Swan, Gravel Ford, James Jenkins, tie, each 81-00. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Friday, November 7 Morning Preaching, 11 a. ■■ Strawberry Apt les—George Hamp 50-yard dash for boys under 15— Evening Preaching 7:80 p. m. ton, Arago, 1st and 2nd, 75c; and 50c; 1. Junior Bailey, 82.00; 2, Norman, Ricketts, 81.00; 2. Orvsll Reuse, 50e. | Devetoping a driving po Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 W. V. Schroeder, Norway, 3rd, 25c. p. m. Winaaap Apple*—R. J. Holverstott, ------------------------- - ------------ --J- .u Fairview, 2nd, ribbon. Scriptural, spiritual preaching. I G. A. Grey, Pastor. Swar Apples—W. V. Schroeder, Marriage IJcennes I Ladies Draises are given the most Norway, 1st, 75c; R. J. Holverstott, eareful attention by the City Clean | Nov. 8—Lawrence Crabtree, of Fairview, 3rd, 25*. Foursquare Gospel Church ers. No fabric is too delicate for Wenatchee, Wash., and Fay Fogel • Winter Sweet Apples — B. L. Smal Rev. Elmer and Jean Sadler. Pastor« their modern system of cleaning. Let songer, of North Bend. They were ley, Arago, 1st, ribbon. East Second St them save you by phoning 103-L. married Sunday by Rev. T. M. White Larte Gravenstein Apples—Franco* _______________ Friday, th* regular weekly service. at the bride’s home on Sunday. O’Connor, 1st, ribbon. 50c: 8, Pearl Dunkel. 50c. Saturday. Children’* Church. 2 p. Notice* Farmers—Wo buy Beef. Nov. 10—Clyde W. Brewer, of Yellow Newton Apples—O. H. 50-vard d»«h for married women— Veal, Pork, Poultry and .Hides, at the North Bend, and Lorene Margaret Aasen, Arago, 2nd, ribbon. 1. Mrs. Ruth Varney. #8.00; 2, Mrs. ECONOMY CASH MARKET, Co- Hart, of Kirby, Ore. Coos River B?auty Apples—O. H. Sarah Rosedale, 8140. quill*, Oregon. Nov. 10—Sherman Morris, of Co Aasen. 1st, ribbon. Ladies’ egg race, free for all—1, quille, and Alice Margaret Cunning Smokehouse Apple*—B. L. Smalley, Mrs. Mattie Meal. 81.00; 8, Mrs. Ar NOSLER A WALKER ham, of Marshfield. They were mar Arago, lot, ribboir. thur MUler, 81.00. ried here Monday by Rev. S. D. Wal Sweet Apple*—B. L. Smalley, Ara Beet crop of whiskers—1, Hardy ters at hie home. go. 1st, ribbon. , ■ ( Mast, 88.00: 2. Lyle Bishop, 81.00. Nov. 10—Holly Jarvis and Rowena Jonathan Apple*—Mr*. T. B. Mao- Steer weight guessing contest for Gregg, both %f Marshfield. Donald. Myrtle Point, 2nd, ribbon. farmers—1 and 2. C. D. Masi »nd Nov. 10—Orville Lee Goodman and Fall Pears—H. L. Aber, Coquille, George Johnson tie, 82.80 each; 2, Minnie Evylene Fisher, both of 75c; J. D. Clinkenbeard, Coquille, 50c; Ratliff Lawhome, 8100. John Neal. Broadbent, 26c. Rolling pin throwing contest for A Battle Creek physician says. Marshfield. Tuesday, deeper teaching Nov. 13—Wiliam Vernon Hagquiat, Constipation is responsible for more Winter Pears—B. L. Smalley, Ara woesen—1, Mrs. Ed Vinton. 82.00; 2, prayer and tarry meeting to follow of Marshfield, and Annie Forster, of misery than any otner cause.” go. 75c; L. J. Swan, Gravel Ford, 50o; Mm. George Martin, 8100. Wednesday, Bible School, 6:45 p. m. But immediate relief ha* been North Bend. They were married by I Mr*. Frank Lane, Coquille, 25c. found. A tablet called Rexall Order Thursday, Gravel Ford meeting 7:45 Poultry lie* ha* been discovered. This tablet Rev. 3. D. Walters here yesterday p. m. 1:80 p. m., City Slaters meet in ¿¿k. I One Dosen White Egg*—8. B. attracts water from the system into noon. the commissary room. Anyone wish the la«y, dry, evacuating bowel called .ndNo^£iyi.TiXof ing to meet with us is welcome. the colon. The water loosens the dry . _ , Coouille. 81.00: C. A. Holverstott. food waste and causes a gentle, thor and Mwrlea Sell, f ough, natural movement without wood, Calif., and Paulin* A. Sneddon, ‘ —----------- Eye* tasted—glasses fitted. V. R. year. forming a habit er ever increasing of Marshfield. | „ D<>Mn B™wn Eggs—Mr*. L. R. Wilton, Optometrist, Coquille, Ora. the dose. If you want to subscribe for a Port- ___ _____________ ; Hampton, lot, 82.00. Stop suffering from constipation. Safety First! Us* Cork Bell 8. C. White Leghorns—H I. r*—— Chew a Rexall Orderlie at night Next Dairy’s Mtk and protect ita. n»k l ™. day bright Get 24 for 25c today at RaxaU Drag Store, Coquille, 8140; W. M. New Low Prices No-D-Lay Cleaning & Dye Works Phone 176 Coquille Valley Lumber Co Yards at Complete Stocks for House Builders Transfer and Delivery Mill Wood Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. REUEF FROMCURSE OF CONSTIPATION Farmers & Merchants Bank