Safeway Storcs^a guide to better shop ping, and« key to a better living at less cost Acquaint youT- self with these better food store) today! Ti il Fi Rsi N ational B ank SAVINGS FOR SATURDAY AND NONDAY PRESERVES MINCEMEAT Marasca Brand Pure Fruit, the highest qual ity. Your choice of blackberry, strawberry, raspberry or loganberry flavors. The Modern Housewife Demands 3 lb. glass jar 63c More Outlet« for Electrical Convenience. End the inconvenience of insufficient plug-ins Bacon Medium weight Back*. cure. Lb. 25c by phoning 160-J BULK DATES Salmon COQUILLE ELECTRIC St. Mild Sunny Point, fancy Alaska Pink, a saving that la real. 1 lb tall cans C. A. Langworthy, Manager Next door to Jack Pago Barber Shop 2 can* 23c Coffee . fresh Airway Quality Blend, roasted, fresh ground. Professional Cards Lb. 25c HONEY 3 Iba. 73c H. S. Brand, pure vegetable oil use in your cooking. In bulk. 29c quart Ivory Soap Starch A* fine a* soap can ba, almost pure. Medium bars - Amaixo Corn or Gloas, amazing quality. 1 lb pkg*. 5 bars 26c 4 pkgs. 29c CRYSTAL WHITE Your favorite, for laundry purposes. 3 12c bar Potatoes Quality JOHN C. 0ERD1NÜ CO. Conveyancing, local Burbank*. 20 Ibe. 39c Abstracts, Ö Cranberries 1 7c up rv_ _ n.i* . Welcome to the Corn Show For Quality Meat« and Service PHONE 20 NOTICE markei your