A Great Convenience I WILL SPLENDID OREGON TRAVELERS' CHECKS Few men know Oregon better than Phil Metschan, republican candidate for governor. He has had a broad experience all his life to fit him to understand the problems of the State and its people. He is bne of the people—successful T he Fi RST N ational B ank OF COQUILLE PRESIDES T V»C E PRES. IQUILLE in his business by hard work and forethought. Phil Metschan has always been closely con­ nected with the masses of*the people. He has been a bank clerk, a traveling man, a clerk in a fish market, and he has done every job in a hotel from cooking to clerking at the desk. The Modern Housewife Demands More Outlets for Electrical Convenience. End the inconvenience of insufficient plug-ins by phonin'; 160-J S. r\i.’i.n 111 many capacities with honor to Inm m!f m public ami civic affairs Phil Metschan mm lim i- put.utmn of doing his best unselfishly. He nas been a director in the Port ami Chamber of Commerce; has been for 12 years a member of the Port of Portland Commission ; has always ’ COQUILLE ELECTRIC Front 8t. -'.aS _ J ^^TSCfHArN C. A. Langworthy, Manager Next door to Jack Page Barber Shop Professional Cards Republican Candidate for Governor been active in the Republican party organiza­ tion; was during the war a captain of liberty loan drives and active in raising funds for Knights of Columbus overseas work ; was chairman of a committee to raise funds for the new Portland Màsoniç Temple ; and is at the present time a trusetee of Willamette University. Phil Metschan has his own ideas for the good and development of Oregon, and will use his best judgment for the good of all regardless of the vote-catching methods of demagogues whose practices and preachings are decidedly different He is progressive without being radical, and is a capable administrator—patient, tolerant and just. ' ' • • - - ‘»-t« Our Governor should possess those qualifications which will permit him to work in peace harmony with the legislature and with other elective state officials for the upbuilding of ?on. PHIL METSCHAN POSSESSES THESE QUALIFICATIONS TO A MARKED Honest, sincere, industrious, quick of wit, and easy as an old shoe, Phil Metschan make Oregon one of the greatest Governors we have known in many years. He is for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Free Text Books in Public Schools. Old Age Pensions. 6. Enforcement of Prohibition Laws. Minimum Wages for Girls working in Stores. Strengthening Workman’s Compensation Act. Ratification of Child Labor Amendment V. R. WILSON Optometrist 7. ~ Development of Oregon by Utilization of Power Resources by both Public and Pri vate Enterprises. The administration of Phil Metschan will be an administration of which the whole State will be proud. Oregon will go forward under the direction of Phil Metschan. GRANT CORBY Attorn«/ nt Law William E. Walsh, Chairman Coos County Republican Central Committee. Paid Adv. . J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Offire in Fiept National Bab) Building, Coquille, Oregon 4