Th Pirate Club girls entertained with a -delightfal evening pasty last Friday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Glaisyer on East Third street. IXancing and playing Michigan were ‘he amusements of the evening. Pritos for the best Michigan player were won by Elisabeth Pierce and Harrison Greer.ough. These who enjoyed the] •>arty were Misses Betty Glaisyer, Margaret Paulson, Anae Barton, Elis abeth Pierce, Beryl Unaoeld, Carol Young, Sarah Margaret Nye, Audrey : Aaeen snd Harrison Greenough, Craig Parrott. Billie Pooh, David Smith, Allington Glaisyer, Frederick Fuhr- ; ■an, Herman Ellingeen and Bob Col* , her. COURTI VINGS - SATISFACTION SCMUNthlDSWMS Pale Face Gingerale 3 betties 39c APPLE CIDER Sweet Oregon. Gallon 35c (bring container) . MAX-I-MUM SYRUP WEEK Cello-Fan Candies you see what you buy. Half 0». pkg. IBe FIESTA Wafers, Jumbo sise assorted fla- vorij Spettai 26c lb POPCORN Jolly Time, new crop. It Shortening Magnolia, the quality ingredi ents of this shortening make your cooking more tasty, and you get more for your money. 3 U m . 45c'. S lb*. $1.17 P&G the large bar of White Naptha. 12 bars 38c OllionS Yellow Globe. All winter keepers. 20 lbs. 35c Potatoes Squash-Pumpkin Hubbard, and Golden Yellow Pie Pumpkin. 2c lb. | Turnips New crop, tender. Large bunches. 5c ea. j Raise Them You Eat Them" LOUIS L KNAPP (Farmer and Dairyman) Port Orford, Oregon Republican Nominee for Joint Representative State Legislature transfer