SOCIAL NOTES Another Avalanche . of Valued î»'Wü, PRUNES Oregon Italians, large size, meaty, add to your health. Eat them every morning. BUTTER Brookfield or Safeway. ite brand at a saving; Your favor 5 lbs. 29c COFFEE RED BEANS SATURDAY and MONDAY SAVINGS J Jj Mayonnaise j tost Foods Gold Medal, known as the best. Pint Jar 33c B Pumpkin Doughs, Golden Pie pumpkin. Make a pie today. Large No. 2*4 cans 2cans27c Oxydol the wonder powder, cleans everything, washes the most greasy articles. O -L«. quality better can recommend Cabbage Potatoes banks, in carry-all. Bananas Fresh, crisp, firm. 25 lbs. 49c Fancy, ripe fruit. 4 lbs. 25c 191 LEADING CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS OF OREGON, ON PAGE 55 OF THE VOTERS’ PAMPHLET, CON CLUDE THEIR ARGUMENT AGAINST THIS MEASURE AS FOLLOWS “BECAUSE this amendment would open the flood gates of pub lic expenditures at the taxpayers expense; “BECAUSE it would create a new class of political agencies, and give them unlimited power to incur debt, levy taxes and spend public money; “BECAUSE it would invite the worst kind of poltical gerry mandering for promotional schemes; “BECAUSE it would discourage new industry from locating in Oregon; “BECAUSE it would retard efforts to secure federal develop ment of the Columbia, and “BECAUSE Oregon needs all of its present tax-paying indus- ries to share the necessary cost of government Oregon cannot afford a new class of uncontrolled tax-spending political bodies, operating tax exempt property in a hazardous business enter prise, at the risk of the already burdened taxpayers of the state.” Protect Your Homes and Property Against MORE BONDS AND MORE TAXES. The Mountain States Power Company RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION