Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1930)
THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1», 1936. Game with Bandon Tomorrow 7 flAIQV IUCDEPTAD etMl^SX’sSi IHECIÏÏ COUNCIL Ufllnl INbrtb I UH There are two things which make the Coquille-Bandon gam» hero to morrow more of a toss-up than the L Matchmaker Roy Watson has ae- scorq of the Myrtle Point-Bandon To Be HeM in Coquille Nov. 7-8 game which the former won 25-7 two Of Burt Brown Barker at All Plan to Secure One for Coos and -ured tor this card “Wildcat Pete,” of Eugene, who holds the world’s cham- weeks ago would indicate. One is the Committees Are Service Clute Banquet Curry Approved by Meet piomh ^''middleweight belt, and Jimmy over confidence of the Coquille play •• Appointed Monday ing Wednesday Ryan, northwest junior middleweight ers. They are not hopped up, but re r -- ------- "■ > champ, who will wrestle two hours to gard it as already in the bag. Coquille’s twelfth annual Com | Another thing is that Öandon was Ths Ali-Servica Clubs banquet at Recommendation was made Wed- 4 decision or two falls out of three. Mayor Berg and four councilman, Show has been definitely set for Fri I shy three of Its test players in the the Hotel Coquille last Monday was1 nesday evening at a conference be They are two of the beat wrestlers of Wimer, Willey, Medley and BeTloni, day and Saturday, Nov. 7-8, and the . Myrtle Point game who are now tack all that had been hoped f >r, and more. tween about 20 Coos county dairy their weight—166 to 158 pounds—in were present for the regular session committees which will' have charge i in the "game. There was jollify, good «fellowship, men, Judge D. F. Thompson and Jas. the wbrld and will present a match of the city fathers Monday evening of the preparation and detaiki of this Add to that the fact "that Green- entertaining stunts, a good exhibi T. Jenkins, of the Coos county court; worth oeeing. when considerable city business was A- six-round boxing match between attended to. fall festival have been named. They (uuail « tion of “tail twisting“- as practised R. L. Wagoner, Currv eeunty com- . ough, , vowr, center, may w be »u* out uw«u«d because vx of a have just four weeks from today in, bruised leg; that Detlefsen, tackle, by uy Lions »-KHis Clubs, viuoB, snd «no then uw» an excellant Tniss:oner, and J. H. Tule, extension Kvrreit Shaw and George Caudle, City Attorney Corby reported that which to line up the most ambitious has a strained back, and Woodyard, 40-minute talk Burt Brown Barker, economic from O. 8. C.. that a dairy both of Coquille, will be the main the claim of Walter Paulson for $150 two-day»' entertainment and agricul half, a sore shoulder, and there is vice president of U. of O.. whose ad- inspector, for the two count es to be fight event, while Royce Richmond, of for the death of a horse which found tural display Coquille has yet at good ground for a pessimistic view. drees on service was an inspiration,' appointed by Food Commissioner C quille, and Ellsworth Willett, of ered and died from eating too much ,L-e, will open the card. . tempted. Bandon hopped and Coquille let down; and was closely listened to throughou- John D. Mickle, should Ms tecured. barley in E. A. Wimer’s bam, after, Thy top price is $1.50 for ringside being turned into the horse lot by the The exhibit committee, which has that alone can cause the defeat of a| out. • • n The suggestion, -which will most one of the most difficult assignments team which is doped to win, if the i There were approximately 175 in likely be adopted was that Coos coun seats, $1.25 for reserve, $1.00 general, marshal, was a just one and should be . . _ for the show, requests that all gar elevens are anywhere near evenly attendance from the Kiwanis and R»- ty shoujd budget $1800, the limit pro students 50c, and ladies 50 cents any- psid» dener» and farmers who have corn, matched as Coquille and Bandon are.' tary Chibs of North Bend and Marsh- vided — by law. for the purpose and twhere in the house.. He recommended that the Weighill potatoes, root crops, vegetables of sny But if Coquille putu up the game to- fijld, the 20-30 club of the Bay, and that the butter and cheese factories Brothers’ claim for $250 for interfer kind, apples, or any of the nlyriad of morrow that was played last Saturday the Lions Clubs of Bandon, Myrtfo associations should pay the other $600 Pomona Grange to Meet Oct. 14 ence, annoyance and loss caused by the article* exhibited at the Corn Show, the victory ___ _____ __ _______ _ Coquille. ____ Point and Coquille. should rest with « ni-eded to secure a"good man. Coos County Pomona Grange will laying of the sewer line across the have them prepared and delivered at Ths gams'starta at 2 o’clock. t. . | I Lafe Compton C had prepared a most More sanitary conditions in dairies , moot at the North Bayside Grange tai Kistner ranch should be held up till on isvtza.Slzx aAVan.nniivca ylinnxav* fnv the Community Building by Thursday • Another game scheduled for tomor- enjoyable eeven-courre dinner for the s -I b the main reason for this movement, next Tuesday evening, Oct. 14, instoat the sewer was completed. before the *how opens. Poultry will row is that of Myrtle Point va. North guests who were served promptly and and It was pointed out that there are of tomorrow evening as provfousty an Action was deferred on both claims. again be one of the big features. Bend which will be played on North efficiently by a special corps of wait- many small competing dairies and nounced. A license was granted Leslie Good Master Henry Gustafson {resaes who were presented with the cheese companies which because of Just what entertainment will be • Bend’a new field. win to conduct the Quille, or Pelican makes the announcement arranged for cannot be told in detail I $20- or more collected by Tailtwister* competition and the fear of losing cafe, just west of the Hotel Annex, Geo. Ulett and Ray Jeub during the regular patrons, are purchasing un now, but the Monotony Killers are v» TDV ThO A 117X1 but his request for. permission to build going to present “Ace High” on Fri- JUKI L/K/\ W lv clean milk, fearing that if they turn evening in the way of fines. a woodshed alongside was laid over. it down It will be taken by some day evening; ths, Bixby ‘ Entertainer» I TÍ7DM President W. V'. Fergusoi The bond of thr* Natural Gas Cor F UK OC 1 . I EKM Coquille Lion., acted as toa neighboring manufacturer by the from Portland will I be hem both day.;1 poration, in the sum of $2000, was ac the Coquille Band will be on the job I gnd between songs and stunts by th* irate producer of the raw product— cepted. The company’s acceptance of w various clubs, introduced the presi ' and as a consequence a considerable continuously; new sporte will be pre the franchise'Was also on file. Following is the jury list drawn this That a republican county central sented; and Saturday night the old- 1 dent snd secretariea from the several amount of inferior product is going on Peart' Bros.’ bonds for completion of week for the October term of Circuit committee is not a republican com l i the market. s.-rvice clubs. fashioned barn dance will close a the Knowlton Heights bridge and the court which opens here next Tuesday: fSvtbably the most amusing ■ They also point'd to the condition mittee wan the decision of eleven Willard street sewer, in the sums of gala two day*. Th« husking bee is to Robert W. Gosney, Englewood, car as far as uanitation goes, of many members of that erstwhile organisa $4577.95 and $814 respectively, were wm that by the Marshfield Rotari be omitted this year. penter; Ardyce Christiansen, Myrtle who by the aid of a load spea dairy tarns iff the dirtriet, and the tion which met at the city hall here accepted. Following are the committee as Point, housewife; William T. Alpine, Wednesday afternoon to elect a suc necessity of pressure in the enforce presented an Amos ’n Andy signments. decided upon Monday ev- The agreement of the Coquille Riverton, miner; Edith Montgomery, cessor to J. F. Gardiner who resigned W1 * ■ -^-, ment of a general clean up. The solu wme-cfacking and springing jokes < Lum be? Co. to leave the streets in as North Bend, housewife; Clyde G. Ar tion. they agreed, is In a dairy in ' .cause he was moving to eastern good condition as they were before the a score or more of those present. General Committee—Corn Show. cher, Prosper, laborer; H. A. Todd, Association Directors—J. E. Norton, | spector hired jointly by the two coun Oregon. When the fun of the evening hi work of laying the steam line from Arago, farmer; Carl G. Bock, North. Before a selection was made James ?Bc"T^Ai’ Nn °WU'4; y a’ ES’ AlgU'Hans«. North ended the toastmaster introduced Mr, ty courts and an association of dairy the mill to the hotel began, was ac Watson presented his resignation as cepted and filed. „ T y b’|Bend. farmer; Edgar Capps, Bandon, Barker, who stated that it -was the men which is yet to be formed. republican state committeeman, re H. A. Young. garage man; L. W. Lund, Coquille, first time he had ever addressed a, The petition of Jaa. Watson and marking that he had publicly ex- i Exhibtt-XJeo. IL ¿«»kina <jmir- wUlism D. Hale, Bridge, iqpettng of associated service club*. I School Board Met Yesterday others on Spurgeon Hill, asking that riremed hn intention to resign if he J- L- W- M Cunning, Ed. Charles 0. King, North He rcfsrred to his hearers as ’’the *j 1 The <-chool board for the Coquille sewer laterals be laid to "their places, Detftfoen Roy district; Ben Moomaw, antomobik m„; j. K steven,. boyw who have put unity into com district mei yesterday afternoon for did not support the republican candi was granted. date. He said he had decided to sup E' ** cl“UB*n- Broadbent; (Coquille, merchant; John W. Aaplund, munity.” .... . * 1* slte'i -wvian, allowing bills to- A payment of $4,689.21 was ordered - Mov.m«ta pf th* sort ve ^tallme $1916.45. Thi, sum included port the" Indepenfont candidate, Marshfield, superintendent power On motion of Tro Baling, 6T WMfb lasting R11_i. of Southwestern Southwestern iritis;. works line and improvements made - than any building ■ ... ■. W '>630 to to the Bank lagan y. who praised Mr. Watson for Td[Be’nd. engineer; this year. ‘Diis cleans up the account Claire M. Otwy, ’ mortsr; The material for handiiB< the refusing his life-lowg adh-rence to the republi Leatherman, Lee; Frank Southmayd, I . Marshfield, salesman; Allen A Hon K ‘nd dl“PP*-r’ boni issue, and on which the district except for the 15 per cent, or $3,814.- E. Baker. Baker, Myrtle Point; Walter Norris, Fair- but he who puts his trust in. thought, MVed J12 by i#04 for can party and referred to the honors 65, which the city will pay in 85 tMyrtle Point, showmaji; Joseph Nil- it had acocrdod him, the resignation view; Lester Bogard, Leneve; Cody' ( Mn Riverton, farmer; “ R. H. Bryant, .ri idea, is building sometKng tbatiU1£ impri>yement aa; and days if the line is working satisfac •***". mrrrwn, i«ww| «». wrgeai, .was not accepted. Carbon, Parkersburg. . -■ {- ■- ■ „ _ s. ' ’ torily at that time. They were also (Continued on tenth page.) — I $225 for gravel fcr the school grounds ' 1 Bridge, rancher; Delbert R. Hunter, This again brought Mr. Watson to Fin*nee-J- W LaW, eh.irmaa, J. M.Triffield’" tarter;' paid $7,776.44 on the North Outlet ____ . _____ ; J. N. Jacobsen, , and for concrete for the now Smith- ' , his n|a feet IceI wreo me motion motion that u>ai the vne com- with the com- L. Stevens, R. L. Stewart, Wm. Zoael. c — - Coquille, farmer; Beatrice I. Getz, Co- Highwav Commimioner Here | Hughes class building n >w under con- : mittee on record as endowing ths sewer job, with 15 per cent held back ■ - P"WW7-1 * Elrod’ <*alm«n, O. q^7’h7^if~ Reidar Buggs, M. A. Lynch, of Redmond, state by the class. candidacy of Julius L. Meier. ’ The for 85 days. A O. A Wmllr. T. Gant. Gant, Lafe r.Amnljw Compton, A. Walk Anderson A Matson were paid $4,- Marshfield, banker; Doris Pickard, highway commissioner, Roy R. Klein _ Tbr b’ard v<>t*d to ,**"d *• vote showed a majority of one for the er, Keith Leelie. 695.98 on the North Henry paving Marshfield, stenographer; Sars Bem- Crider to the state meeting of high motion, 11 to 10. highway engineer. W. E. Chandler, Boot!»—S. M Noalsr, chairman, L. h,7d. Marshflrid," boLsewife; - . -________ W. A. engineer foe southwest Oregon, were school principals at Salem, Oct. 18. , Several members of the committee, improvement. H. Hazard, N. C. Kelley. In the interest of safety and to di Sept Ferguson reported to the among them Andy P. Davis, of Marsh Ireland, Coquille, millwright; C. F. Street Decoration — f ~ D#part‘ Austin, North Bend, machinist; Las Coquille visitors Wednesday evening. board that another teacher in high minish fire hazard, Assistant Firs then left the meeting before the field, Mr. Lynch, who ia a merchant in ment, C. W. Gardner, Chief. Chief Frank Schram asked that the school would probably be needed when ter A. Borgard, Riverton, farmer; • Community Building — Decoration , Inez Glaisyer, Coquille, housewife; J. Redmond, had never been south of this fail’d eighth grade data of 30 la election of E. R. Peterson, another city provide for electrical inspection. Meier supporter, as secretary was an and Afternoon’s Entertainment, Co E. Ford, Marshfield, meat man; Rus Coos Bay on the coast highway and advanced. There is already an in The matter was referred to the light quille Woman’s Club, Mrs. Inez Glais sell C. Dunham, Marshfield, merchant. when they left yesterday morning it crease of 45 in high school over last nounced. committee. Whether the eleven will be allowed was for Gold Beach, Brookings. Cres yer, chairman, assisted by the Boy to speak for the 69 members of the cent City and thence north by the year. Scouts* j. « Dodge Dealer in the Valley Having been notified by three more 1 committee, or whether an attempt will Auxiliary Netted $171 Redwood and Pacific highway. Music—Corn Fjeld Canaries, J. L. college* that they have no graduates be made to get all memebrs together Ben Mathews, Dodge and Plymouth The Coquille Legion Auxiliary Mr. Klein stated that the Rogue Smith, president." whom they can recommend for music at another meeting, has not ypt, been dealer for southern Coos and Curry Sports—Lions dub, W. V. Fergu netted $171 last week from the two river bridge was being carried for instructor in the Coquille schools, Mr. announced by Chairman Wm. Walshs. counties, was a visitor here yesterday performances of "Aunt Lucia” and ward strictly on time, and while meet son, president. • Ferguzon is now turning to teacher from Myrtle Point where he makes hie Special Feature Friday—Business from the very favorable comments, of the work so far, was invisible, be agencies as a last resort. headquarter» in the L. H. Pearce gar Ixtwer Mill in Trouble ing foundation work under the river ’ s heard on all aides, feel that their ef •nd Professional Women’s Club, Mrs. age. forts to present good entertainment is surface, that next spring the progress George Bryant, president. With attachments filed on the West Journalism Class Visit« Sentinel ' I Coast Mr. Mathews has been selling Dodge would be rapid and that the "Bridge appreciated. Lumber Co. last week,/by its Friday Night Entertainment • at cars since they were first brought out, would be ready for use by the last day One feature on the program was in MildrytL ;■ Hartley, English ¡t appears doubtful that the Community Building—Monotony Kill teachw in C. H. S., and ter Engliah lower miu wilI ajain. It can’t was associated with J. O. Fisher, at advertently omitted in the Sentinel’s of 1981. ers. Tracy Leach, president. clays of 30. who are studying journal- ‘ with tb , preMnt price of flr lumber . ’Marshfield, and after going with Mr. write-up of the show last week. We Special Feature Saturday—Ameri rm at this time, spent an hour in the One init w„ filed by Mc . Fisher to Everett, Wash., returned to One suit was by Denni# Dennis Me can Legion, R. L. Stewart, commander have not been asked to say anything Mrs. E. E. Bender Is Dead Sentinel office Wednesday morning, earthy in which he aska a receiver for Marshfield and joined Jno. A. Biegger Saturday Night Entertainment, about it, but as it was overlooked in Mrs. E. E. Bender, wife of a brother About a month ago he re the hurry of Friday morning ’ s aush watching the various phases of get- the plant Hia ciaim is for pay for agency. Community Building—J. L. Smith, of Gn< Bender, of the county clerk's ceived his franchise as dealer for the we want to add that the Apache dance ting up a newspaper, and the way in 81 7 >2 »o feet of logs, at $11 a thousand, chairman, assisted by the Canaries. office, passed awaj at Marshfield at which job work is turned out. popular Dodge and Plymouth liner, in 'or for $3,490.19. Old Tim* Dance, Community Build by Allingtbn and Betty Glaisyer was eleven o’clock last night. She had this section. As is always the case, with young V. V. Hagedorn has two claims ing, Saturday Night—J. P. Beyers, one of the show's most prominent suffered from Bright’s disease for a He keeps models of both these cars feature*. »“tabUa -sa. Their A TtVIi (UalK-lIlg dancing was Wvl clever, “““r, - - a « - _ __ or old. the almost human automatic chairman, Jas. T. Jenkins, J. A. Lamb, they looked the part of Paris under- *•" ',nd b6*n bedf*t tor * action of the linotype was the most named in his suit, one for $300 and on display at the Pearee Garage and the other for $942.86, for log*. A. N. Gould, Goo. O. Loach, Walter world denisens, .nd were entitled to month, "‘«’"th, having hsvmg spent «pent a couple of cf would like to meet anyone in the interesting to the students, although Laird, Henry Hees. __ _ — -........ ....... . market for an automobile'. Elsewhere all the generous applause with which 7**k" n Kc'*'r Broiu hospital. Their the press feeder which will “feed” in Seating Arrangement, Community their art waa maatad Band Elects Officers — “ >t Broadbent. in this issue appears his edvertise- a nheet of paper or card board, and Building—Wm. Bettya, chairman, B. Besides her husband, she is sur The Coquille Band which has made msnt with prices quoted on two models remove it after it is' printed, without Folsom, 8. A. Archibald, Harry Osrd- vived by her father, Albert Dennie, veveral public appearance* during the which have recently been reduced $100. ing, Lowell Simpson, Dan Brown. New Front for Bank Building of Rogue river in Jackson county, the touch of a hand, was another point past month, and has shown that Co of considerable interest. Masque Carniual Features — F. G. The First National Bank directors who with his wife and son were pres Lady Candidate Here Whether these annual visits by the quille is to have as fine a band a» Leslie, chairman. S. M. Nosier, Geo. have decided to improve the front of ent at the end. can be found in any town, organized students of the high school gives them Mrs. Myrtle P. Wilson, of Portland, O. Leach, W. E. Bosaerman. Aaron the west end of their building by put Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday evening by the election of Ifilson, Mrs. R. R. Watson. Mrs. W. ting a marquee across the front, from at the dhapel in Myrtle Point Satur i better understanding of the methods W. A. Zosel as business manager; V. whose attempt to flip as an indepen ' v which Printing is done, or not, the dent candidate for governor failed be- E. Bosaerman, Mrs. Geo. R. Johnson, the stairway west and putting on art day afternoon at 2 o’clock. Sentinel force is always pleased to R. Wilson, secetary-treasurer; Earl esuae she had not sufficient names on Mrs. Gladys Watson, Mrs. Tracy tit» below the plate glass windows. b>moMtrate operations for the young Nosier, director; Tracy Leach, as her petition, and also because she Leach. Another change will be the cloaing of sistant director; Macy Anderson, li A Whole Evening of Fun folks. failed to file it with the secretary of Reception Committee — Mayor J. the recessed entryway between the barían; and Loe Enyeart, drum major. state in time, was a Coquille visitor Arthur Berg, chairman, James Wat two rooms, and putting in an entrance The Leader Class of the Pioneer Wednesday morning. Four Before Court of Honor 77^ ,1 son. O. C. Sanford, J. J. Stanley, John for each room. The change affects Sunday School are putting on a Si* J. 8cout Executive E. A. Britton was IJ,,e Readv S<x,n She is making a personal canvas of E. Roas, H. N. Lorenz, L. H. Hazard, The Title Co. office and the former “Anti-Gossip Club,” on October 17th, C. D. Walker, F. W. Martin, W. E. Mt. States Power Co. room which frill beginning at 7:45 p. m. There will al here Wedn’-dav evening from Rose- Chas. Gardner, who has the con- the state, seekng newspaper support, and askng that the voters write her Hassler. be occupied by Carr*. S cents to $1.00 so be solos, duets, readings, piano burg for the first Coquille Court of tract with the Coquille Lumber Co. name in on the ballot. She has an , ____________ Honor this fall. C. C. Fair and Ned to lay the steam pipe line from the solos and munic by the orchestra. Store, as- soon as the remodelling is Keep this evening open. Remember C- Kelley were also members of the mill to the Coquille Hotel, hopes to Herculean job on her hands, and while completed. Was Tough tile Hands court which awarded badges to the fol-; have the work dqpe so that th* hotel her platform may be the best ever of OstebeT 17th, 7:45. Pioneer Hall. The Chan. F. Winters jewelry store lowing Scouts * i can be heated from the new source of fered to the people of Oregon, a guess Prices 85c and 15c. r in Bandon was robbed Tuesday night Forum Meeting Next Wednesday is that not five per cent of the voters Fay Holverstott, merit badge in supply Sunday. by a man or boy, or both, of between A Com Show meeting, with the dairying. Further extension of the 11 m will wifi 'remember her candidacy on Nov. Start on Corn Show Play 4. • » $100 and $200 worth of merchandise, farmers and dairymen elsewhere Sam Korhner, merit badge in cook- wait until this first unit has been including wrist watches, fountain noted as being on the exhibit com Th* Monotony Killers will begin the ♦ ing, and also a star badge, awarded to tasted and proves that a central heat- pens, clocks, bill folds, etc. The pe mittee, ss guests of the chamber, first of next week rehearsing “Ace those who have five merit badges. »«< ptant here will be satrfactory. culiar feature of t$e robbery was that will be held at the hotel next Wed High," the comedy which will be pre Donald Farr, merit badge in cycling. ■■■ ■■ ■ the thief came down through the sky nesday evening, Oct. 15. President sented at the CornShow, Nov. f. Geo. Ulett, star badge. i The H. «. Norton Music A Btation- light on a knotted telephone wire, and C. C. Farr announced Wednesday ev There are ton characters in the cast Dwight L. Hackett, Wade H. A retill ery has taken over the line of maga- went out the same way. using a step- ening that the regular forum meeting and the president, Tracy Leech, has snd every member of the troop were r.ines formerly carried by Fred Wi- Iadder to shorten his climb. wouldte turned over to the Coni appointed Mrs. F G Leslie, Miss preeenL i mer’s Bee Hive. Let us serve you. The store, in a single story build Show committee. No program has Raima Lindros and Wm A. Zosel, as ---------------------------- -, The next Court of Honor wiH bel ing, adjoins the Dunham grocery. yet been announced. the casting committee. held Nov. N. 11 SPEAK FOR 59 COMMITTEEMEN : ..*■ r Calling cards 100 for $1.50.