3 DAYS Thursday - Friday Saturday Oct. 9-10-11 ORIGIN Unquestionably The Greatest Sale Ever Conducted By A Drug Store Anywhere For Your Benefit With every sale article you purchase at our regular price, you receive another just like it for one cent Midnight Face Powder Your choice of three „shades of Rachelle and Evening—a delightful new powder—it «lings wonderfully Midnight REXALL REMEDIES & PURETEST PRODUCTS Cocoa Butter Cold Cream Delightful cream for and chapped skin. roughened Rexall Orderlies The ideal laxative tablets. Give prompt relief from constipation. Form no habit. Box of «0 Soothing and pleas- ant r«li^C for dry ir- ritating coughs. ¿29 . * S-es. jar Rexall Cherry Bark . Cough Syrup t j> 50c Bottles Rexall Theatrical .Cold Cream b» Sise • Harmony Cream of Almonds Agarex Compound Palatable lubricant with Phenolph- thaletn. zwUgflB / I imii. Also Agarex, plain without Phenojph- thal ien. Peptona An efficient Iron and Nux Vomica tonic, for improving the appetite and for simple anemia. «—«——■----------------------- -------- Creams and Powders Jonteel Face Powder | TOILET ARTICLES Perfumes ond Tales 35c Bottles 36c $1.00 Bottles $1.01 - $1.00 Bottles $1.01 Rubbing Alcohol Puretest Invigorating and refreshing rub down. Jonteel Vanishing and Cold Cream A pleasant cream to use before applying face powder. I’uretest Aspirin Tablets Bring prompt relief from common headaches and pains. Bottle of IM IWFI CANDY AND STATIONERY 2 69c Bottles 70c •Puretest Mineral Oil Russian Type Colorless, odorless and tastelosa. Pint Sise 50c Bottles 51c $1.00 Bottles $1.01 Puretest Milk of Magnesia . Ml 31 Shaving Cream Hospital Supplies HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Unadulterated juice of ripe Concord Grapes 35c Bottles 50c Tubes Druggists 50c Bottles 51c Liggett’s Assorted Chocolates Maximum Hot Water Bottles $2.00 Bottles I An excellent antacid . for hearburn and Tf sour stomach. ——A mild, gentle laxa- rrw ti*«- New assortment of chocolates with wonderful centers. / Coquille Rexall Drug Store Stationers