Special Fall Announcement October 17th and 18th Store at Mike’s Feed & Coquille, Oregon New shipments of Black Bear and Filson Rain Clothes and Cruiser Coats, Bone-Dry and Weyenberg Shoes and Alligator rain coats are now on display. ; Don’t Forget the Football Game Saturday -------------------------------------- ■ - SERVICE DAYS We urge every DeLaval user to bring his complete Separator or Milker unit or parts such as magnet, tube, stall cock, etc., to our store for careful inspection, which will be made FREE OF CHARGE. Should any part need replacing due to unusual wear or accident, this will be done, and a charge made only for any new parts used—no charge for service. COME EARLY TELL YOUR FRIENDS Free Service to DeLaval U»ers « ■ ----------------- - ■ Just load your old Separator or Milker into your auto or wagon and bring it in for service. Lumber Co October 17 and 18 MIKE’S FEED & SEED STORE COQUILLE, OREGON Yards at Coquille Tel. 126 Myrtle Point 25 - Complete Stocks for House Builders Wanted—Tents, Camp Stoves, n’ture, etc. Arrow Hardwire next doer east of Farmers and chants Bank. 'Is it insured? Three Governors Attend Exposition PRogueRiverPro^c^ Owners