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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1930)
— - £ s < M UM. ■ t *’ « L 1 1.1 I ■ i i y' >• I, h ring, out and have a new deal. If by his filibustering. His attitude in such voters will stop and think they this is typical of his attitude in many will realize that ¿hat is Just what has other community undertakings — a a sees rares m a «oso tews happened. Ths old crowd which ran dog-in-the-manger attitude of rule or H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMBB polities and public affairs in Oregon ruin. In former years, at a time when for yian has boon turned out, and it he was handling his* firm’s contacts Publishers is this bunch of out-of-power boys with the Rose Festival, he hold up H« A. YOUNG, Editor who are so actively supporting Che in payment of his signed contribution until he could force the festival eom- dependent CffillU» candidate in hopes that | ~ aPpfndvrlL ’ SSS savrpev- v •• Subscription Rates One Year......... .............. 82.00 they will pgain be able to get their mittee to buy princesses' gowns at his Six Months ................. i.................. LOO feet in the trough. store. His mercantile competitors Three Months ..................................... «0 contributed and paid without obtain No subscription taken unices paid “JULIUS MARKS HIS MONEY” ing purchases. for in advance. This rule is impera - - C. C. Chap- In the early days of the state Under the ___ above head, tive. mar in the Oregon Voter tells of. chamber of commerce Julius and his - Advertising Rates specific instances where the indepen- I competitors signed contribution cards. Display advertising. 25 cento per dent candidate for, governor has ” His * competitors paid their aubacrip- v ’* inch- leas than 5 inches, SO cento per shown his pettiness in opt lie affaire tiona. Julius dishonored his. In or im h. No advertisement inserted for Irw than 50 cento. Readings notices which mark him as anything but the der to obtain bis financial support he U cents per line. No reading notion, public-spirited citizen his sycophants was put on the board of directors. or advertwemept of any kind, insert are now painting him. That of itaelf was not enough. He ed for less than 25 cents. • Nor is a man who never took had to be humored into the feeling enough interest in public affairs to [ i that he was controlling the state Entered at the Coauille Postoffice M cast a ballot until recently the sort of chamber, was its dictator. Then'be Second Class Mail Matter. man who should hold the highest ex paid—although he has not yet paid ecutive office in the state of Oregon. his earlier subscriptions. Today, the Below is Chapman’« undenied story staff of the. state chamber are feeling of how Julius has in the past humili obligation to help him in his political CAN’T BE DONE ON WIND campaign. To the honor of the staff Abolish the public service commis ated committees who were trying to do something worth while for Ore be it recorded that they have not sion! . yielded to this temptation, although Turn out the fellows who guarantee gon: they have been deeply troubled. public service corporations a profit! In the great state highway program Facts whicb ought to be told at this Let them take their chance in business campaign * of 1917, Julius L. Meier time are those throwing light on cam as does an individual or a partnership! was president of a good roads asso These and similar expressions of paign claim relating to Julius L. ciation but did not contribute a nickle Meier as a public-spirited citizen. dissatisfaction are frequently given In ao far as organized public spirit to the campaign. He offered a con by those who say they will not vote is of benefit to Oregon and Portland, tribution which, because of its miserly for the republican or demoncratic ( ? i no institution in the state benefits size coming from such a source, was candidate for governo? this year, t , » They say they are for Meier, without ! more than does the great store of spurned by the committee—a commit tee which later furnished two of the just knowing why. If they would which Julius L. Meier is the head and leading honored members of the state simply stop .and think they would re part owner. It benefits in increased highway commission. The highway alise why their desires for a change patronage and -increased profits. It campaign was conducted without his and their expressed intention to vote may be within the facte to state that financial assistance. Others, whose for Meiier are not in accord, for Meier the big store benefits in patronage and contributions represented acrifice and profits more than does any other one has loosely talked of. abdlishing the private interest in Oregon, so great is to which no strings were attached, put public service commission. up the money. Do the people expect to condemn its volume of business and so central In the great Oregon development water power sites, build power plants, is its location at the small end of the fund of >800,000 subscribed in 1928, Oregon funnel. and have the capital furnished by We grudge the big store none of its Julius Meier contributed not a nickle. those who have money to loan, unless He was labored with, importuned, —and there is the rub—the principal patronage or profits. But we believe waited upon. He haggled, argued, hu that the big fact of the big benefit and interest are guaranteed by the miliated, offered niggardly financial state 1 And do they want to pay in imposes upon that store the civic obli support disgracefully out of propor gation of doing its share in support creased taxes for years to come to tion to what bis competitors were giv ing organized public spirit in the make good that guaranteed It’s the ing. Finally he • wore the committee only way the money can be secured. sacrifices it makes for community ad out. _Its members declined to sacrifice vancement. We submit that the facts The courts hold that the state can their self-rerpect by waiting on him not regulate the business of public of how Julius L. Meier has met this further. Twice before his attitude civic obligation are facts pertinent to service corporations unless a fair re his qualification. for the honor of the h‘d _,in the_l’;i’eJUeK. turn on the investment is allowed by I abandoned, the committemen becom- the rates established. If you have governorship. Those who are in the habit of sup ’ ing disheartened. Finally they took regulation the constitution provides ’it up again and carried it over the that you must also permit profit-pay porting loyal community effort ac top—the full >300,000 raised in spite cording to their means do ao in part ing rates. The commission fixes the of the fact that its largest beneficiary, because they believe the »ffort worthy rates, but it did not adopt the laws, the big store, wss not represented by and the constitution. which permits and in part because they have confi one dollar in the >300,000. dence in the men upon whom the re regulation. That was done by the We hgajtate to bring out thesp people and their law-makers. And if sponsibility is thrust of expending the facte- Triere are many more contributed funds. Usually these men they establish rates too low for the lar tenor. We do ao only under com corporations to make a profit the are the heads of the civic organization pulsion of the conviction that they are ■courts are quickly asked to set such in whose name the funds are gather ed. Occasionally they are members pertinent facte bearing up on the fit- rates aside. ne«s of thia man to receive one of the In Portland, street car fares could of a committee whose names are pub greatest honors within the power of lished in advance so the community be reduced to five cents if a tax was Oregon electors to bestow,' To nu- levied to insure a return to the trans may know to whom the expected con I merous public spirited citizens of portation companies of something tributions are to be entrusted. human interest side of life and plowed In either event, those who give from ' Portland who have had to struggle more than the cost of operation. furrows of thought into the brains of ' with Julius L. Meier for years in mat And then there are the irrigation motives of community loyalty and men. He had been deaf for many ters of community effort his candidacy development bonds in eastern Oregon. public spirit do so without attempt to years. “Adventures In Silence” gives for gover»or-is a sorry'spectacle. The public service commission did not take special advantage of the mass of hie experience with life and people Such a guarantee the interest to the bond their fellow-contributors. as a deaf man. To say we are enjoy giver does not insist that part of the buyers. The bonds could not be sold i R. A. Easton's Weekly Letter ing the book puts it mildly. For the the state legislature guaranteed contributed fund shall be returned to I In looking through end studying reading of this book is more than en î- until the interest for a term of years. But his firm in patronage. Neither does I thF proposed cosirtttutioMQ amend joyment for it enlarges life. Wo __ __________________ _________ the land would not support the such pro- a , giver attach to his gift a con- ment and measures as given in the know how the “Hope Farm Notes” Jects and the bond holders stand to dition th«* the responsible spending pamphlet to the voters I marked all enlarged the boundaries of our lives. lose. Whose fault was it that the committee shall violate its best judg the propositions as I shall vote on We knew he was deaf but in this book state as a whole,was taxed to pay ment as to how the mass contribution them. we get behind the scenes with deaf We can do any kind of Blacksmith or Machine the interest Not the public service shall be expended. Repeal of the State Payment of people and learn of their adversities Humble and mighty, loyal commun ' commission’s. u Work, bis or small. Irrigation and Drainage District In and triumphs. As Phil Metschan pertinently asks, ity supporters unite in their giving in terest. 300. Yea. I vote for repeal. Any man who rides his handicap in All are “Does a dairyman burn down his farm j . the fellowship of equality. A complete line of Hardwood and Steel Proposed State Cabinet Form of stead of having his handicap ride him ' 1 buildings because his herd does not I not able to contribute equal sums, but Government Constitutional Amend- is an encourager, to his fellows and a produce enough to furnish a profit? all can back their gifts with loyal meat. 303. No. I vote against the spreader of the gospel of good, cheer. Edwards Wire Rope Or doss he buy cows which will serve spirit. The man who takes advantage amendment. Reading “Adventures In Silence” of the expected large size of his gift him better?’“ Bonus Loan ConvtituUbhal Amend- take« the reader into intimate rela If the public service commissioners —the man whose share of a commun mnt. 306. No. I vote against the tionship with a good man, a man who Phones 202 and 94-M are not efficient, elect a governor who ity burden is heavy because of his amendment. realized that loss of hearing was wealth or because of the prospective will appoint men who are. Don’t Motor Vehicle License Tax Consti growing on him and prepared himself destroy all regulation of the service benefit that accrue« to him from the tutional Amendment. 307. No. I to meet it. corporations. Then rates would soar. success of every community effort— vote against the amendment. The verdict of not guilty in the that man knows not the deep satisfac Motor Vehicle License Tax Consti trial of Roy C. Lyle, ex-prohibition ad WOULD DEPEND ON GOVERNOR tion of joining whole-souled union in tutional Amendment. 30». No. , I ministrator and his co-laborers, gives Elsewhere on this page, R. A. mutual sacrifice for the common bene vote against the amendment. great satisfaction to those who are Easton, former East Fork resident, fit That man is to be pitied. All his Constitutional Amendment for Fill not interested in seeing liars and r. • • now living in Ashland, tells how he wealth cannot yield unto him an in ing Vacancies in the Legislature. >10 criminals triumph. The evidence of Will vote on the thirteen measures on ward happineas such as is enjoyed by Yea. I vote for the am-ndmyit. the prosecution here earmarks that ’ which Oregon voters will express an his humblest business competitor who Legislators’ Compensation Consti the father of liars had able assistants can give little in amount but who sac opinion at the November election. tutional Amendment. 312 Yes. I in the witnesses whom the U. 8. gov On many of these questions the rifices with faith in his fellow man vote for the'amendment. ernment produced-to try to make ill- Sentinel agrees with Mr. Easton’s de and in response to his own loyal de Two Additional Circuit Judges Bill. repute, of the character of men who sire to do his part m community ef cision, but on the proposed change to 315. No. I vote against ths proposed had run down and rent to prison the a cabinet form of state govemme nt, fort, lafr. member* of a notorious booze runners we are no* so sure but that the change we write these linee, Julius ( In<.om„ T„ Bm 3n , and bootleggers gang. It really looks We carry • ntock of SHINGLES and are areata for . L. Meier is holdingup hi. contribu- ! i.a,' would be a benefit. as though the boose gangs with the .s There is a great deal to be said on tion to the On-to-Oregon movement. Ant<> . cifarette _ . . .. i ------- —Constitutional aid of the Duponts, the Raskobs, the either side of the proposal. To have because hie associates on the execu- ■ Amendment. - 81». No. I vote against Governor Roosevelts and the Senator practically al! authority vested in one tive committee (he was added to that I the amendment. Wheelers, with localized assistants, executive head would centralize re committee in the hope of placating Two Phonon—101J and ; Rogue River Fishing Constitutional were' out to blaspheme the constitu sponsibility , 4rhlch might on the other him) will not risk an advertising ■J*— Amendment. 321. No. I vote against tion of the United States of America hand, work to the state’s detriment if gamble with >100,000 funds contri the amendment. and make vile the character of honor a governor was elected who played buted by you and I and the rest of us. Lieutenant Governor Constitutional able men and their upright official . politics rather than giving the people None of us in the rank and file of giv Amendment. 823. Yes. I vote for life. They shall not accomplish their the beet service possible. It would de ers attached any strings to our con the amendment.. desire. For their madness in the pend altogether on what kind of a tributions. We did not mark our People Water and Power Utility devil’s service is their destruction. governor Oregon had whether the money. The mass of givers signed ■-Wustaw Districts Constitutional Amendment. R. A. Easton. cabinet or the present form would be the same contribution form. They did will demonstrate without charge his , opS?in< in • remarkably short time. 325. No. I vote against the amend most efficient. unequalled method at not insist on being named on any !.. of their success is in ment. , Courtesy, Price and Friendly Ser That a governor could be recalled if committee. They just gave because MAR8HFIELD ! vice combine to make Hart’s House of his acts were unpopular does not ap they believed in the worth of the A birthday came my way recently. comfort or detention from work. It Service a pleasant, profitable and pro-’ peal to us, for the recall is not a pprt movement snd believed it wss good Among other things received is a •»«’•'••»ting, sanitary, ff the state constitution, with which business to advertise Oregon in a ffreeai' e place to trade. Come and see book, "Adventures In Silence,” by Her lnd »c.tu*“y hold» mp- tf we are in complete harmony. It is too competitive day and age when com turM which heretofore were consid- bert W. Collingwood. Mr. Colltag "rpd uncontrollable. often unjustly invoked. munity advertising is producing sub wood who died two or three years ago from Il a. m. U 4 p. ■. troot>!c«- backache and stantial results for state and cities was editor of the Rural New Yorker ^’"’Lpation, nearly always a conse The remark is frequently heard which engage in it along line« the quence of rupture, promptly disap- for more than 40 years. .The page _ Mr. C. F. Retl-ch says: from republicans who are not sup success of which has been proven by which gave his “Hope Farm Noteor- The “ Perfect Retention Shields ” ■h’2T,CE; All whom we have treaV experience. porting Phil Metschan, republican hold the rupture perfectly, no matter vi»J|Or ’»« a landmark in the paper and to the • ’’V1 ten Jrear’ in candidate for governor thia year, that For months Julius L. Meier has ob which many turned the first thing. what position the body assumes or vited to come in for.a free inspection. they want to turn the old crowd, the structed the On-to-Oregon movement how heavy a weight you lift. They __ . HOME OFFICE: Those “Notes” always contained the C. r. Redlich, Minneapolis, Minn., give instant relief and contract the Boston Block. Mimeapolto, Mias. - The Sentinel I I — -S ; r* ■( I fl I II ! Ôt-L * « 1 I H. T. Wimer & Son Blacksmith, Machine Shop, Electric & Acetylene Welding I h •y -r ? ■ » ■1 COME IN AND SEE US Transfer and Delivery Local and Long Distance Hauling li h .4 Mill Wood Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. i lj>. rf ■ I ? • 1 RUPTURE EXPERT HERE V ’i h <■ ■ be