PAGI THREE SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. W. V. Ferguson entertained with a delightful Bridge toe Thursday i aft err. don at her home on South Beach street. Guests for four tables were includ -d Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Grider aasisted the hostess in serving. High «core prises went to Mrs. C. D. Walk­ er and Mia. Grider. Those enjoying the afternoon were Mesdames E. A. Johnsen, E. F. Grider, J. M. Drake, Julius Ruble, H. 8. Norton, J. E. Nor­ ton, C. D. Walker. Frank W. Martin, Cyril McCurdy, Keith Leslie, Levi Wilson. D. E. Racklei?, Jack Kennedy, Kenneth Medford, Hale B. Eubanks, Claire Lehmanowsky and Homer C. Gant. ! Sunday and Monday Sept. 28 * 29 - Lila Lee and Conrad Nagel in "Second Wife The truth about second marriage brought to the screen for the first time, bringing to the homes of the world in one tremendous dramatic sweep a problem no picture dared treat before. ” , Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, Ramon Novarro and Lottice Howell in “IN GAY MADRID. A trilling, passionate romance of old Spain. Hear his golden .voice in unforgettable melodies. See him fight. See him in his greatest role. “SIS- most Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3 & 4, Mary Nolan in “YOUNG DESIRE.” She vaa the Queen of the Side Show. And he was just a smaU-town boy. A smashing climax. Mi» Members of the “Mothers Club of the Roy District’’ met Wednesday af­ ternoon at the home of Mrs. Allie Miller on the Fishtrap road. A short business meeting was concluded and the rest of the afternoon was spent in sewing and conversation. Those attending were Mesdames Lou Kline, W. E- Cross, Harry Abar, Au­ rora Willard, I. 8. Robison, Elmer Shull and Rock Robison. In two weeks the club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. John McNair. ¡Mrs. J. Arthur Berg. Mins Gentry I was presented with a tovtiy guest prize.. The invited guests included were the honored guest, Mita Gentry, ' and Missoa Edna Robison, Maxine ' Psulson, Pauliip Chase, Mesdames J. Arthur Berg, George W. Bryant, C. A. Rietman, Hale B. Eubanks, E. F. Grider, W. V. F.rguson, H. H. Hart­ ley, Harry A. Slack, H. C. Cant, Mur! F. Pettit, O. T. Gant, Luckey L. Bon­ ney and E. A. Walker. Boys Suits Thursday Mr». C. J. Fuhrman and Mrs. Lyman Carrier wer« joint host­ esses to the members <>f th« Just-%- mere club at the home of Mrs. Fuhr­ man on Spurgeon. hill, The luncheon table was most attractively de;oratod with orange colored French marigolds and tapers of the same color. Coven were laid for Me dames O. C. Sanford, W. S. Sickels, Paul Van §ciy, Emma Lyons, Nels Osmundson. H. A. Young, L. H. Hasard, R. A. Wem ich, Frank L. Greenough, J. L. Smith, Bert Folsom, A J. Sherwood, Hal W. Pierce and the hostesses, Mrs. Carrier and Mm. Fuhrman. A delightful afternoon was spent on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Josh Ruble on the Marshfield highway when the ladies belonging to the Needle Workers club and a few addi­ tional guests were entertained at a o’e o’clock luncheon. A profusion of autumn leaver and potted plants were used for decorations. Those who en­ joyed the day were Mesdames W. D. Simmons Jack Arnold,-E. A. Wimer, F. A. Pook. C. J. Elwood, Frank F. Sehram. George A. Gilman, F. B. Os­ mond. R E. Simpson, E. L. Hand, Sam Arnold, Pau) Osmond, T. C. Zo­ sel and E. C. Yarbrough. Í îrom Betty5 r Did qou ndtiiz thzu tfu Jana .Ía¿tuutdlî it WOQ 'ÊzCCULÔÔ tfituì d/tCAOco_aî J. C PENNEY CO., Inc 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon MIi it insured? WANTED—Good horn?, preferably on ranch, for four-montha old Water Spaniel puppy, male. At training age. Inquire of Mrs. A. 0. Culbert­ son, Coquille. 1 „ x /XLÌ x -419 FRO n TJ§Ï’ co£ui LLE.ORE. ’CLU3IVE8UT' RENT—Furnished apartment, large rooms and kitchenette FOR SALE—Two acres improved land and 5-room house with bath, on Marshfield Highway, one mile from business district of Coquille. Inquire Mfa. Geo. J. Bohrer. JPhone «00LL. 3«t2* PIANO BARGAINS—Prominent pi­ ano manufacturer has two small new upright pianos and one new baby grand in your locality. Rath­ er than ship elsewhere he will sell you any one of these at factory prices. Terms it desired. For par­ ticulars write: F. W. Grosser, 521 Knott Street, Portlsnd, Oregon. 7t2 CHINOOK SALMON—for Canning- Fresh daily. See or call Shorty Martin, Riverton, Ore. 87t2* FOR SALE—Parlor heating stove, in good condition. $10. Call 193-J, Coquille. It* SHORTHAND STUDENTS A STEN­ OGRAPHERS: get out your note­ books and listen-in tonight and every '.light over radio . tation KOOS between 6 and 5:80. The contest and prizes which the SUCCEED SCHOOLS OF BUSINESS are pre- ,aenting will interest you. Gould Furniture Co NOBLER A WALKER. SACRIFICE—4-room plastered house with bath and breakfast nook, two porches, laundry tubs, furnace, 30 outlets of wiring; garage, 12x18; price $2300. Terms, or w.ll take clear lot or acreage for down pay­ ment. John 8. Sandors, Ml West Sth St Phone 17J-L. BAtL* NOSLER & WALKER, Inc wish to announce that one year ago we took over the late T. A. Walker’s ’ agency. Mr. Walker was in the insur­ ance business in Coquille for 35 years. FOR SALE—Large Na.ional Cu«h Register. Terms. If feepons. le. Hart’s House of Service. tf Now, as another step forward, as a step to increase our business and to render better service, we have taken over the insurance agencies of Mr. George Moul­ ton. Want Ads WE WRITE EVERY LINE OF INSURANCE Nosier & Walker, Inc Coquille Phone 192-R IS IT INSURED?" WANTED—Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur­ niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Cg., .next door east of Farm ora and Mer­ chants Bank. Irttf