The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 19, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    liti ÇOQÜILLB
Sunday and Monday Sept. 20 - 21
332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon
Clara Bow in
New Fall Modes
“Love Among the Millionaires”
With Stanley Smith, Skeets Gallagher and Mitii Green.
There’s no stopping the irrepressible “Red Head Clara!”
Where she is, with the new Bow Stream lines, the new
coiffure, the new boy friend and a million dollars worth of
pep, pegsonality and the bld zingo! Singing four great
Bow-de-oh-Bow songs and lovin’ like Bow only can.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 23 & 24, Marie Dressier and
Polly Moran in “CAUGHT SHORT.” A million laughs
starring the perfect comedy team in a Wall Street joy­
See them buck the stock market and you’ll re­
member them for life.
Thursday, Sept. 25, Bebe Daniels in “ALIAS FRENCH
GERTIE.” Glamorous Saga of a Girl "RaffleB.” Tough
Mugs and Stylish Birds in a thrilling crook romance of
upperworld racketeering.
Friday and Saturday, Ken Maynard in "SONS OF THE
SADDLE.” A rip-roaring Western, fine riding arid a
big fight for red-blooded folk.
On Friday Night we will start the Mickey Mouse by Walt
Disney, the greatest strip cartoon in talking pictures.
Every child under 12 years of age will be admitted free.
rom Bettys letter)
fov-douQ with uantodt
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Hat Fashions
A lovely children’s garden party
was given Saturday by Mrs. J. E.
Norton at her home on North Heath.
The affair was for the pleasure of the
¿children who so nicely assisted Mrs.
Norton at her musical afternoon. Also
a number of others were included.
The day was so delightful that tables
were placed in the garden where th*
refreshments were served. The table
was attractively decorated, having
many favors and Surprise 3 on it for
each little guest.
Misses Marilyn
Campton, Esther Peterson and Mar-
tha Carrier assisted in th* serving,
(n the game* played Isabelle Unsocld
and Aileen Perry won prises. Those
present were Beverly Jean and Joy
Norton, Isabelle Unsoeld, Aileen Per­
ry, Marilyn and Dori* Compton,
Patsy Norton, Esther Peterson, Mar­
tha Carrier, Shirley Price. Clarabe)
Watson, Donna Gets, Martha and
Patsy Berg, Patricia Peart, Louise
Woodyard, Rheo Walker, Bonny Jean
Elliott, Margaret Rose Covalt, Norma
Buell, Elaine Gray, Marion Addison.
For FaU
Knife Hospital Notes
Mrs. May Barnett underwent a ma­
jor operation Monday morning, per­
formed by Dr. Jas. Richmond.
Dr. Richmond also- performed an
appendicitis operation for Ellert, ten-
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Carver, of MyrtJe Point Tues­
Dr. 0. H. Clark*, of Myrtle Point,
performed a major operation Tuesday
for Mr*. Alva Huntley, of the North
Mr*. Ralph Barnes, for whom Dr.
Richmond performed an appendicitis
operation yesterday, underwent the
ordeal with only a .local anaesthetic,
and when it was over walked to her
room, both uniHuai features being at
her own request.
Former CdRuille People
Meet on Long Beach Streets
Howard at Southwestern
. 3«t2*
FOR SALE—Large National Cash
Register. Terms, if responsible.
Hart’s House of Service.
LOST—Either on Spurgeon Hill, or
on highway in Coquille, dark brown
plaid car robe with fringed ends.
Finder please return to Sentinel
Probate Court Items
Wns. H. Hull Jr., of Coquille, wa*
last Tuesday appointed administra­
tor of the estate of Kate M. Hull, who
died at Riverton, Aug. H. The ap­
praisers named are C. W. Kline, Hal
Baxter and John Yoakam. The estate
is estimated to consist-of 110,000 in
real property and »1000 in personal.
John Helman ha* been appointed
administrator of the »1000 estate left
by his late wife, Eleanor Holman. Hal
Baxter. C. W. Kline and I. A. Elrod
are th* appraisers.
Want Ads
CHINOOK SALMON—for Canning -
Fresh daily. See or call Sho-ty
Martin, Riverton, Ore.
To Willamette and Normal
Coquille is to be represented at the
Monmouth Normal this year by three
voung ladies, Misses Gretchen Mehl,
Pauline Chase and Pauline Ellingson,
who will leave for there Sunday. •
Willamette University has four
Undents from here already enrolled,
Clarence Barton, who has tranferred
from the University at Eugene for his
snior year, and Barbara Richmond,
Tertrude Mehl and Ray Griffith, all
A last May's C. H. S. graduating
FOR SALE—Two acrj* improved WANTED—Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur­
land and 5-room house with bath,
niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Co.,
on Marshfield Highway, one mile
next door east of Farmers and Mer­
from'business district of Coquille.
chants Bank.
Inquire Mrs. Geo. J. Bohrer. Phone
3«t2* WANTED—Man with car to operate
profitable retail business in Coos
WANTED—Will do Dressmaking at
County. No experience necessary.
261 South Heath or will go out by
Must be honest and industrious. No
hour or day. Mrs. H. E. Shelley.
capital required. Write Dr Ward’s
- —
__._________ ___
Medical Co, Winona, Minnesota.
Established 185«.
MARRIED MAN, experienced farmer,
want* work on ranch, or to rent
place on share*.
Elmer Baxter,
OF BUSINESS teaches—
285 Hall Ave., Mamhfield. 85t2»
Gregg Shorthand or Speedwritina
Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley.
About twenty-five of the Coquille
Bookkeeping A Accountancy
teachers enjoyed a picnic supper and
party at the Richmond cabin at Ban- (
don Wednesday evening.
A short
Commercial Letterwriting
biHines* meeting was concluded, Mr*.,
Secretarial Studies (Gregg)
Marie Stewart elected a* president.!
Salesmanship and Business Eff’y
They plan to have regular social
Commercial English
gathering* each month during tha
Commercial Law
school term.
Spelling A Word Study
Court Reporting
Sept 15—A) R. Phibbs, of Dexter,
College in session Monday, Wednes­
day and Friday nights at 208 So.
Hall. Write or see us NOW re­
garding special rates to first en­
rollments for our expert instruction
State Fair
Legion Auxiliary Elects
American Legion Auxiliary officers,
elected at the regular meeting last
week, and who will be installed at the
next meeting for the coming y*r,
Mrs. Gladys Cano, president.
Mrs. Edna Archibald, vice president
Mr*. Gladys Watson; secretary­
. ,
When you tend FLOWER order» to
BERGEN’S, you hare that feeling of
safety. If the Flower* are from BER­
GEN'S, they are always BETTER