i THE PAPER THAPS LIKE, A L'ETTER from home COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER », IMS. Nealy 65,000 Subscribed Exhibits and Entertainment Myrtle Point Surpass All - Previous Records The committee which has been soliciting stock subscriptions for the Pat Elk Oil A Cas Co., on the pro- . position that the fundi should be paid M In if 820,000 to raised, had nearly completed their canvaas, in Coquille i yesterday with 240 names on the list I at 820 each, or nearly 85,000 as some have pledged more than the 820 All roads lead to Myrtle Point this jflrura. The committee had set 85,000 week where the Coos ‘ A County “■ Curry n *' *" as what Coquille would do before they Fair got going under full steam yes­ began canvassing the rest of the terday, and this afternoon Coquille is county, and their expectations will be as quiet as the Fourth of July or any realised. other holiday. Yesterday was Ceos With the encouragement offered by Bay day at the fair, but the streets this support, the directors of the here were more quiet than usual, company have continued drilling, with with business off. * one shift only, and the hole to now True to forecasts, the fair is larg- down more than 1500 feet, well be­ er than ever before, and the exhibits low the «,„0^ tred, told the Sent'nel Tues- year, and the six per cent increase al­ let sewer job. Peart Bros, offered to lay morning something of the process lowed by law, the tax rate will be do it for 31628, and Anderson A Mat- by which they wiM, operate. son for >1990. The engineer’» esti­ practically the same as last year. £ Contrary to a report heard that it There is one item of 14700 for re­ mate including surveying, inspection, only the peculiar product of the tirement of outstanding warranto in etc., was 81,746.99, and by adding 5%, eman wells in California whieh the list, which indicates that the bud­ or 881.40 to that 81628, a total coot of •as capable of transportation in tank get for next year’s expenses will be 81709.40, is reached, which is 827.54 qirs, Mr. Rust says that any natural less than for this year. below the estimate. produced anywhere, can be used. There were five bidders on the The flow from, the well la treated Knowlton Heights bridge job whose More Pheasants Released heat and compression and can be bids on the white cedar type ranged Deputy Game Warden C, A- Hear­ RUSSELL MARTINDALE t separated into its five compon- from over 314,000 down to 811,638.23. ing this week released four cratea of gaseous parts. There are really and His Bine Ribbon Dorset Ram For the fir and cedar construction, Chinese pheasants, about 45 birds, on , but the sixth is more like gaso- the kind decided upon by the council. Coquille High School Smith-Hughes the north bank of the river, hut not Reart Bros, bid 89,155.90; Anderson of the aupr.Mne cou?t to succeed the students captured a lot of firet prim». the „ on any hunting preserve. Nearly one I which has a miniature well drilling and Matson <9.296.05; H. A. Harris ht> Thos McBride, the position now in the open classes when stock was hundred birds were released by Dep­ outfit in operation, with derrick, mo- .. to turned into a liquid and is then 89,476; Tom Lillebo, ‘ of Reedsport, ur. ..a. 01. ,S'JSiTZ judged this morning, according to a uties Frank Osmond and Fred Watson, placed in tank ears for transportation. 810 560; «ni J. W. and J. R. HiMstrom of Gov. Nobblad. Judxe Kelly has wire received here at ten o’clock. near Myrtle Point a few days before bubbling up from below m the pump Upon arrival at its destination it is 810,664.82. mad? a good record as circuit judge, Russell Martindale, with his two thpt. These last shipments were of keeps up its steady operation. pressure again given the heat and Five per cent for engineering, etc., K^Z*Xl’a^’nd^triAr«diiMta ' Bnd » !*"• <* Dorwt sheep . buck and birds more than half grown, which treatment which restores it to its will bring the frtal eost of the bridge in the other pavilion are strictly hitfl nrsing is he is nominated for the of- three ewea in one and five spring will be in prime condition by the time gaseous state, and released into the up to 89,613. The engineer’s estimate flee. lambs in the other, received six first 1 the season opens, Oct. 15. clam and suffer nothing in comparison Iteains. was 810,363.50. , - , prises and two seconds. with previous year. location Mr. Rust stated that the__ ____ Two claims for damages were filed Fays Holverstott, whose specialty . The 8mith-Hughes and 4-H against the eity, 4nd both were re­ is pigs, received two first prises, and displays really make the fair this ferred to City Attorney Corby for in- , 3 Herman Ellingsen, with his calf, from year. There are calves, heifer«, triant. and that building operations vMtigation and report. a field of 60 entrants, won third prise. «beep, hogs, and pigs, by the scores, and the laying of mains would begin That of Weighill Bro«., who operate ■ It should be understood that this three barns being needed to accommo­ *ery soon and be completed ae quick- a dairy on the Kiitner ranch, waa for competition was not among Smith- Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2nd and date the boys’ exhibits of what they Unusual as is a golden wedding an­ 8250. Mr. Weighin'« claim waa that Iv as possible. He confirmed the pre­ have accomplished the past year. It 3rd, the big collegiate comedy, “Aunt Hughes students, but in the open di­ vious report that from 875,000 to niversary, there are couples jvho reach the open £rench across their field, ' is truly remarkable what the young Lucia." will be staged in the com- vision in which ferment, Smith- >100,000 would be spent here ia in­ the sixtieth anniversary of wedded where Knapp A Goes were construct­ * people __ ______ have done, and that_ depart- munity club building. . The play la be­ Hughes boys and 4-H dub boys, were stallation, and expected that Myrtle > life. An event of this kind was ob­ ing the North Outlet ne wer to the '■ rnent alone («'worth a day at the fair, ing put on under the auspices of ^a entered. In the Smith-Hughes sec­ Point and Bandon would also be piped served in Coquille last Monday when river, had so interfered with the feed­ Auxiliary. The tion they stand good chances to win for gas this fall. The poultry section is larger than American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Folsom passed ing and watering of their cattie that ’’ ’ more ribbons. ‘ ■ t heretofore and many bird, which will show ia distinctly collegiate in evqry r^Whrth r the gas can be furnished the flOth milestone. the flow of milk had been very materi­ X well nigh perfect are- on dis- way and is a story of the homecoming It was in Lake Crystal, Minn., that ally reduced, and that it waa not pro- at a price which-will permit it to Kernin Refuses City Offer - largely replaca wood and coal in Co- Mr. Folsom and Ella C. Fischer were bable the cattle would get back to —- of Buia Bula College. All who have —,n...B of exhibits, stock- 1- seen it claim that no one can afford The j judging The water committee of the city ffuille remains to be seen It is doubt­ united in marriage, Sept. 15, 1870. norma] this year. judging, club work judging and the to nffis it Prior to that time he had been an council—C. L. Willey, A. O. Walker tul that it can ba sold as cheaply, for Walter Paulsen claimed 8150 dam­ awarding of ribbons fot the thousands 1 ~ Tbe whok school is anxiously and Ray Jeub—met with R. F. Kernin amount of heat units, but Indian scout, but with the respenoi- age« for the death of a horse which of competitive entries is going on to­ awaiting the arrival of a wealthy old and his attorney, Ray Conway, of 4be advantage of cleanlines« wffl be btifties of a family ho settled down to had died as the reault of foundering ....................................... ... . maid,' Luiia Wakefield, who is worth day. 7 heme life, although for 80 yeans he it»elf when it escaoed from its pasture Roseburg, Tuesday evening in an ef- all on the side of the gas. Better racing than that of any pre- j fifty million dollars. They expect fort to effect a compromise on the could not give up the pioneer habit. one evening in July and was turned. •------- s—-. j — a— ­ |wr to a large sum of money for vious year was demonstrated yester When the railroads began building Into the E. A. Wimer barn lot by the price to be paid for the well Mr. Ker­ . 7 Service Clubs to Banquet day, with the best attractions being the building of a football stadium. nin drilled on the E. A. Folsom place a in Minnesota he moved his family to city marshal. The horse found Mr. A meeting of representatives of the Nebraska, later to Oklahoma, and scheduled for today and tomorrow. Jerry WaUon, one of the college boys, couple of years ago, for the eity. No Wimer’s stock feed sunplv in the seven service clubs in the county was when the Cherokee Strip waa opened There were 45 running horses in the with the help of his room-mates. compromise was reached. barn and ate itself to death. held here Tuesday evening, at which there (they were living on the line titables yesterday noon, with several George and Dick, dresses himself as A couple of years ago the city made The protest of Bert Folsom against owners who had never been at the an old lady for the entertainment of a deal with Mr. Kernin to furnish a time it was decided to hold a get-to­ between the Strip and .Oklahoma) and the keeping of foxes st the J. W. Par­ gether banquet in the Hotel Coquille, the railroads were bringing in settle^ Myrtle Point track before, and addi­ his fellow fraternity brothers. ry place was referred to Deputy Mar­ sufficient amount of good, potable wa­ _________ tional stalls had been prepared to While dressed in the outfit he is ter ~ to supply the city's needs, at the on Monday, October 8, at 7 p. m. ' by _____________ the thousands, , he desired another shal Brown. The objections voiced AH the clubs are enthusiastically j^ B tlar and f ,„' e Oregon, mistaken for the real Lucia Wakefield. ayl>ed7£i' o'f take care of the stables’ overflow. were that the odor from the fox cor­ for the banquet and it was hoped to An hour’s visit at the fair grounds He finds himself in a pickle while •For thirty years, off and on, he and ral was objectionable and that the Mr. Kernin drilled the well, struck yesterday noon did not give the Sen­ playing the part of the old lady but a flow of water of sufficient volume havs the ladies as well, but with 200 Mrs. Folsom have been residents of yelping was a constant annoyance. Lions. Rotarians, and Kiwanians ex­ Coquille, and for the last three years tinel reporter time to note in detail he enjoys the proposals of ths men. to supply the city, but it was con­ Permission was asked by the Co­ pected, and accommodations in the continuously at their home on Henry the scores of interesting and unusal He makes loves to the girls and adds demned by the state health depart­ quille Lumber Co. to lay steam pipe banquet hall for only that number it. street. things to be seen there, but in addi­ to the comedy of the evening. ment as not fit for human consump­ lines under' end across Front, Taylor was decided to have a beach gather­ tion to the entertainment features The east consists of fourteen char­ tion—or potable. Of the eight children born to them ! ing at a later date when the ladies will the three oldest are gone, two sons and First streets to several business there is an educational value to such acters who keep the audience in an However, when the Rink creek sup­ haildings. The council indicated that a splendid fair as the Coos A Curry uproar from the time the curtain goes ply ran short last year, the health also be invited and make this first and a daughter. The living are Bert, permission would be given, but de- seseien s stsg affair only. has arranged this year that far trans­ up until it drops on ths third act Ernie and Roy, of Coquille; Louis, of department permitted the city to use A prominent state speaker will be McMinnville, and Fred, of Portland. ' layed granting it until an agreement cends the mere pleasure-producing Big special features of the show the water from the well, although still Was signed which would insure the , are, first, the “Business Men's Flap- claiming that it was not pure, and the secured for the occasion, but the com­ features. Mr. Folsom Is now 88 years of age, street naving being left in first class -------- — ' per Chorus,” made up of 28 Coquille eity did use the well water until the mittee is not ready yet to make an an­ and is still active and interested in condition. nouncement I I the everyday happenings, making one Miss McCurdy Got Deer Early business men, dressed to represent winter rains began. Grades on First and Elliott street«, characters such as Clara Bow, Teach­ or two trips down town each day. In By reason of the city’s use of the To Miss Phyllis itcCurdy undoubt- youn|ter days he was a tinner and to conform to the fill on First street, er’s Pet, Baby Face, etc. Second, a water Mr. Kernin claim« that he to day President Ferguson announced erly belongs the credit for being the men’s glee club whieh sing old-time that the Coquille den would turned to farming when he moved to which is practically completed, were entitled to the amount primarily i established by the council. first Coquille lady to kill a deer after songs, give college yell* »nd add a acta at host« for the evening, with ev- Nebraska. agreed upon, 85000. the season opened. She and Earl great deal of pep. The Glee Club ia ery m< yher on the reception commit- , Mr, FoIgom> who fc M years The franchise asked for by the This the city refuses to pay, al­ Hamilton were out back of the Mc­ made up of 18 buaine« men. Third, toe. H, W. Covalt was appointed to h Jn UBUguany health, Natural G«s Corporation of Oregon though last year it did offer to settle Curdy place hunting when two bucks the business and high school girls’ have charge of the ticket arrange- gnd continuw her household duties as was granted by a S^to 1 vote, Coun- ' with him for 82600. This amount jumped oat. Earl waa carrying the costume choruses, and another the meats; D. E. Rackieff. program «“»j£- tirelessly as a woman lees than half cilman Wimer voting in the negative. ride and shot one. He then handed it unique Baby Pageant made up of lit­ was the difference between the 85000 man; Ralph Noah, stunts; and C. W. democratic candidate will be turned off between 2 u — « and 5 Point, by Deputy Game Warden C.' fou"d J* bottles of beer, 14 pints of let while, the Beach str set bridge is the practice of Dr. G. Earl Low here f„. govtmor fa to speak at the fair p. m., while the maater meter to be- J moonshine and half a ration of win« A. Hearing and A. H. Grimes. being constructed. Monday. cams up from Gold Beach , jn Myrtle Point this afternoon, and ing installed at the reservoir, | in the house. They followed Jones’ —u sa.da.ssm... '.......... ssWs. i—«| last week, and has made rapid pro- Phil Met>chan. ------ - - . aurau from Fwnwa the house, thinking * *- « V * — — L republican candidate, There is still an abundant supply in - — away he — was -- 7" Deserved Praise for Coffee Shop Hotel Men Coming Sept. 27 gres« in becoming acquainted with will be there tomorrow afternoon. the Rink creek storage, the water I r A . going for Mquor, but failed to got Julius L. Meier, independent can­ ing only ton feet below the top of the Late Compton, of the Hotel Co­ the people of Coquille and vicinity. L. L. Graham, district deputy pas- h>m with any on his person. Re­ quille. is expecting an attendance of His family, consisting ef his wife and didate, addressed a very fair crowd dam at a time when a new supply is renger agent of the Southern Pacific, turning to the house they found the sixty here next Saturday, Sept, tj, six children, will not join him here there yesterday afternoon, and later daily expected. who was in Coquille Wednesday, and stuff which they believe was taken in » called on many of the merchants and for a sneeting of the Southwest Ore­ until about the first of the year. -------------- ------- ' who covers a lot of .territory in Ore- by Witake. business houses ia Coquille, being in­ gon Hotel Men’s Association. He will When taken before Justice Dodge ComPton s Coffee Shop Coquille Grangg Next Friday troduced by John E. Rosa, of the Dance and Fashion Show—26th **"• ertertain the visitors in the elegant here is the finest eating houee in the yesterday, Johnny’s .bail was set at new Banquet Hail of the hotel and ia Coquille Grange meets next Friday, Ferners A Merchants Bank. The Coquille Woman’s Club dar.e« state- -and be bars none. 8500. Because she had firearms with planning a program different from Sept. 26. After the meeting there the boose, Mrs. Frye’s bail was set the ueual. will be an entertainment and a roll Safety First! Use Cow Bell at 81000 on one count and 8500 on the call. All members urged to be pres­ Dairy’s Pasteurised Mik aad protect other. Both were still In jail this ent your health. Calling carda 100 for 3L50. “AUNTLUCIA” OCTOBER 2 E 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY