SENTINEL. COQUILLE ÒfcìGOM. FRIDAY. FACI », IM». WM maturing September --------- ----- - maturing September 15, | Fifty-five teachers, most of whom were from the one and twu room 1949; 89,000 maturing 8 eptember 15, schools in the county, attended the 1950; prv-ichool meeting held Saturday, "’said bonds to bo in den urinations August 81st, at the Pioneer Hall in of One Thousand Dollars (81 ,o()fi) each and :o bear interest at the rate of not Coquille. exceed six per cent (8%) per an­ The teacher« have come back to the to num, payable oetuiannualljr, principal county . ¡th a great deal of enthusi and interest payable at the office of asm which wm evidenced at the meet­ the City Treasurer in Coquille, Ore­ ing by their hearty entrance into tlx gon. are its principal depositors, Bids must be unconditional and ac­ discuteion and their singing of their companied by a certified check In the not only on account o< theij respective school songs. amount of One ’ Thousand Dollar» money but also because of The speakers as arranged previ their personal character and The approving opinion of Messrs. ously were: Mary E. Thompson, of reputation. On the other Teal, Winfree, McCulloch A Shuler Beach View; Lester Gardner, of Vai will be'furnished the succec-ful bid­ hand, the honest .reputation ley View; Rosabel Shone, of Coquille. der. of a'commercial bank reflects The Common Council reserves the Cora Mackey, of Roy; Effie K. Shin credit on all its customers in right to reject any^an^ al ^ ida. doll, BaM Hill; and Dr. P. M. Drake their individual business public health officer. 84t3 Recorder, Coquille, Oregon. transactions, so that the fi­ At noon a very delicious lunoh was 1 , nancial benefit is mutual. served by the ladies of the Pio nee i NOTICE OF CAUCUS FOR NOM­ Church. After the meeting the teach n file with the City Recorder. Bid­ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Telephone U-L Coquille. Ore den are invited to examine plans and Oliver Harriman is ehairman, has been money as well as pupil time, for it ipecifications before submitting bide. NOTICE is hereby given that the school. undeirigneJ administrator of the es ­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd were sent to the 1,200 dubs comprising the has been noted that where pupils are All bids must be accompanied by a of James R. Benham, deceased, given a farewell party by their many federation which has a membership of responsible for their own supplies certified check equal to 5% of the tate V. R. WILSON «mount of ouch b'd to be forfeited to has filed his Final Account in the 1 frisnds on Thursday evening of last 60,000 women throughout the United that there is a loss of much time due the City in ease the successful bidder County Court of the County of Coos.! Optometrist > weak. All enjoyed a good time. They States. to pupils being out of papers, pen­ fails to enter into a contract and bond ■ ; in and for the State of Oregon, and According to Miss Emily Kneubuhl, cils, etc. Although the law in Oregon .0 perform said work. The Common | ! that said Final Account will be hoard I are now living at Dora. Errors in refraction corrected on the 8th day of September, A. D, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen executive secretary of the National does not allow the district to furnish Council reserves the right to reject 1930, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the iny and all bids. without the use of drugs. are enjoying a few days’ vacation in Federation, the purpose of the compe­ the texts, it does allow the buying forenoon of said day at the County F. G. Leslie, Coquille, Oregon Court Room in the County Court Douglas county. tition is to add to the large fund of ft supplies. 34t2 City Recorder. House in the City of Coquille of said Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson are vis­ material on the progress of women in Parents coming into Oregon from county and state, and all whom it iting their son, Edward, and family the business world already assembled sister states note the tremendous ex­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT may concern, should they have ob­ GRANT CORBY Notice is hereby given that the un ­ in Camas Valley. by the federation as part of its ser­ pense involved in getting children jections thereto, are cited and re­ dersigned has filed ner Final Account Attorney at Law Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kellar, or Arago, vice as a business women's organiza­ provided with texts and other sup- h the matter of the administration of quired to appear at the time and Richmond-Barker Bldg. place designated, and show cause, if visited at the Elmer Wilson home tion. plies. he Estate of Chas. T. Skeels, de­ any there be, why said account should Phone 157 Coquille. Ore. ceased; and the County Court for Coos not be approved and allowed and said Sunday. The flnest individual story of the Residence Phone 34-M County, Oregon, has set Monday, the estate closed Mrs. Julius Benham, from Win­ achievement of a business woman sub­ 6th day of October, 193(1, as the day i Dated this 31st day of July, A. D., Bridal Shower at Lee chester Bay, visited at the J. D. Laird mitted by October I, wilt win the first and the County Court room in the ,1980. A bridal shower was recently given 1930. home over the week end. prise of 150. The next best story will County Courthouse in Coquille, Coos Julius Lloyd Benham, for Miss Oveda Lewis, of Loe, at the County. Oregon, as the place for hear­ J. Arthur Berg be given honorable recognition and a 80t5 Adminiatrator. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Attorney at Law ing objections to said Final Account prise of »25. Christian Science Churches R. Lewis. Late in the afternoon re­ and the' settlement of said Estate. Roams 1 A 8 The contest is open to any woman Dated this 2nd day of September, “Christ Jesus" wss the subject of NOTICE freshments of cake and lemonade were Farmers A Merchant» Bank Bldg in the United States whethevu>r not 1980. the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches' of «erred to /he guests. Many beautiful Alberta E. Skeels, la the County Court of the State CoquUle. (began Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August the is a member of the National Fed- and useful gifts were received from Administratrix of the Estate of 'ratlon of Business and Profeesional of Oregon, In and For the »1. Chas. T. Skeels, deceased. _ 34t5 the following ladies present: Mes- County of Coos The Golden Text was, “We have Women’s Clubs. The contestants may damee D. M. Summerlin, Webb Mast, DR. W. V. GLA1SYEB soon and do testify that the Father write of their own business success, or Dave Baker, Carl Anderson, Ruby CALL FOR BIDS In the matter of the estate of Albert VETERINARIAN aent the Son to be the Saviour of the may tell of the enterprise of some Clinton, J. W. Sumerlin, James Cox, H. Powere,. Deceased. Sealed bids for the construction of Hher woman. feoirty Herd « Meet Inspector Notice of Final Account « world." (I John 4:14.) a gymnasium building for School A. F. Wilson, C. F. Leatherman, LyC. Manuscripts must not exceed 1,000 „„ Sitkirm,Oregon, ...v-u... u.’,.,,, wffl' W111. NOTICE >8 HEREBY GIVEN, District No. 65, Among the citations which com­ Coquille, Ore. words in length. To bo accepted, Leatherman, Mack Gant, E. Benitott, be received at the offace of ¿lerk, ♦ Zh,t the undersigned has filed in the prised the Lesson-Sermon was the fol­ Geo. Clinton, W. M. Willet!, T. ‘ G. School District No. «6. Sitkum, Ore- of Coos County. Ore- manuscripts must roach the offices'of •» Exocuirix of lowing from the Bible: “I am come Sumerlin, Ray Lewis, Owen Wilson, zon, at one P. M, September 10, 1930. **• County q * ExJut“^ of vation of the whole world from sin, 2 Gtanses Water, Not Too of the City of Coquille at th. Corn-1 ?urt Coo» County, Orejon. as the J“*™* sickness, and death.” (p. 45.) Cold. Help Constipation rfl said City, n,‘- for *_ ___ . »enham,. do- til Chambers in eaid an tlBl is- * ,n<* ?nd County 9®’“ Court ^ C®’ Roam *rt R? aa om ano “* " ^.«nd nng^^jecTZ; -H 01 ^v ’inVelki™ NOTICE TP CREDITORS One glass water is not enough - me of City of Coquille Water Bonds ttoe? for h*»Tln and the settlement •**i?** P* d '•«•••«d Plesas. tpkt notice that letters of Ladies Dreeses are given the most take 2 glasses a half hour before n the amount of Fifty Thousand Doi- or saio eetasm ‘ •®*°”>t e~_-------------------- I r^u,red ?Adminis(ra“in Sf the Estate bonds to be bo dated ‘ft said estate. ------- the state ' Wr careful attention by the City Clean­ breakfast. You get quicker and bet­ Isrs (»50,000), said J>onda Dated at Coquille, Oregon, on this P7’?»L’iOn<:h*« tor results by adding a little aimp’c September 15, Charles "* Marion Wickham, deceased 1930, and to m * . *. ---- J mature ers. No fabric is too delicate for glycerin, saline, etc., (known as Ad serially in 29th day of August, 1980. J J ’ * ;i lï.oÆo numerical order as follows of SiTt/Ln— °f , William Ò G. M»hl M»hl i Stanley, in First National Bank build- Court ( their modern system of cleaning. Let lerika) to one glass. ■ maturing September Unlike other remedies. Adlerfka 1944; them save you by phoning 103-L. I wivuin six acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel 87,000 maturing September and removes old poisons you never 1945; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Dated At Daied AugustUth, im 7? Many bargain.’ in Ueed Goods— thought were In your system. Adler 88.000 maturing September Notice is hereby given that the un­ Stoves, Ranges, Tables. Beds, etc, at ika stops GA8 and sour stomach in 194«; • within six months dersigned, Administrator of the Es­ 10 minutes! Relieves constipation in maturing September tate of Lawson A. Lawhorn, de- hart’s House of Service. Attorney*^/’ Executrix. 2 hours Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. * has filed in the County Court 8Iti Aa Administrator of said Estate Lfó Teachers Attend- Meeting | •1 The Pillars of a Bank Coquille I Volley Lumber Co Yards at T he F irst N ational B ank Complete Stocks for House Builders H. T. Wimer & Son The Modern Housewife Demands COQUILLE ELECTRIC Blacksmith, Machine Shop, Electric & Acetylene Welding Professional Cards i i COME IN AND SEE US