The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 05, 1930, Image 1

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NO. 84.
Bank Board
To fill the vacancy on the First N<-
tiinal Bank’s board of directors, left
vacant by the death of Chas. T. Skeels
Relensed - R« UM ™.
Week- More To Be Sent
In Later
sen, a stockholder in th* ' bank far
several years, to th* position, and he
qualified at th* board mooting Wed­
nesday evening of this wssk.
The city council, in regular session
A truck arrived from the game farm
An enrollment of fifty-one student*
The bank’s officials state that they
Tuesday evening, made a call for bid* Wednesday with 380 Chinee* pheas-I
- .
i ate greatly pteasod to have Mr. in the seventh B diviMon of th* Jun­
for the »60,000 water bond* recently ants for liberation here.
Warden ' Detief^n OB tbe board, a* they eon- ior High School made necessary the
voted. The bond* will be issued in
employment of an extra teacher for
aider him on* of the outstanding
of the Coquille public sdiooi faculty this
denominations of »1000 each, will bear called Harry Slack and wanted to' d'a^ymeT o7coXi co^ty
not to exceed « per cent interest, will ’
week, this large group having been
bs dated Sept. 15, 1980, and will ma- 1 '
The board now consists of tfe throe divided, with a teacher in charge of
tore: »1,000 on Sept. 15, 1944; »7,000, j tha they were non* of them more oflJcers, L. H. Hazard, 0. C. Sanford,
each of the two section*. Jack Ken­
Sept. 16, 1946: »8,000 on Sept. 16, in, ¡than haif grown and some of them B D. W*bb, and the three not in ac-
nedy, a recent graduate of Monmouth
each 194«, 1947 and 1948, and »9,000 1, la*, than that, and decided that on «-
dally controb
Normal, was hired tost Tuesday ev­
su*. w**!--------
” protection needed *
“* the Harry
count 7.
of T
Harry A.
A. Slack
Slack and
and E.
E. L.
L. Dettofsen.
Det Jef sen. ening at a school board meeting, upon
1950. Bids will be opened Sept. 22. jjreung
sps 1 ■ ■ *p birds
• mw that
■■• mw they would
wvwew be wrwwww»
the recommendation of Superinten­
The council estimates that water (off on the Russ
Ruso lands across
acroas the river
dent Ferguson, to fill the vacancy. He
wer* turned out ever
receipts will pay all interest and retire ; and the birds were
arrived Thursday morning and imme­
the bonds on those dates, if not esrU-
What wUl probably be the last
earli- ( ■ there
diately took up the work. Mr. Ken­
‘■'I Mr. Slack is not a member of any gam* for the Coquille Loggers thia
ciiman entities nun to release mor,
horses on th* track than
nedy will handle Junior High athlet­
city affaire and that he will not ever
Bids wer* also called for construe-. club holding shooting privilege on year will be played at Bend Sunday. ic», besides doing regular ctoss work.
tion of the Knowlton Heights bridge, ’ these lands and acted simply as he The team will leave here Saturday
A a re-nomination.
A total of «77 student* thus far
»jrg informed the Sentinel
twp sets of/speciffcations being *r-; thougbMfor the best interest of the noon, provided enough cars can be have enrolled in the entire twelve
secured and Manager Fortier ask*
yesterday that he would make no ; tioM t0
in by civle or. derod. One is for an all white cedar bird^j^*^
grades, the high school showing the
t to seeura the office irtla hut ■
. .
bridge, which would cost around »18.-1 ThFre has been report of continual anyone who is willing to make the
greatest inereaee, with a total of 204
, 000 and th* other for a Doughs Ar JUegsl shooting of the bird* in several t(iP over> ’rieh a11 «*r expenses paid,
boy* and girls signed during the first
, structure with white cedar decking, different localities and it wa* his opin- 10 not ify him at once.
four days of this week. This is an
P similsr in construction to the Henry ion that with at least a month’s sure ’
u “"1|k*ly that the odd gam*
increase of twenty-seven over the en­
street bridge. This would coat around I protection, that th* bird* would be- with Salem
be played this .year,
tire first month enrollment of last
' come better able to fend for them- ,or Eugen* and Salem are scheduled
Bid* for that bridge, and for the ««tve* by th* time they had scattered U play • three-game serie* for th*
Band oa Street Tonight
Miss Madelyn Ward arrived to take
laying of an tff-inch sewer on Willard out over the valley.
.championship of th* Willamette Val-
place of Mm. Belva Gage, who
The local band will be on the street street, from th* Busy Corner inter-1 Another shipment of birds b *x-jley
tonight at about 7 o’clock to play a 1 section to th* river, to replace the pected in the near future and it k! "Chuck" Wirth and Al Brown are last week requested a leave of ab­
sence for a year, due to illnea*. Mia*
sboft concert. They will play in front ' present 8-meh outlet, will b* opetwd hoped that arrangements will be mad*
— j - - «
Ward is teaching th* fourth grad* in
of th* Mt States Power Co. office.
Sept. 22.
to have them liberated in different
the Lincoln building, while Miss Elea­
City Engineer Stacer reported that section» of the county if they are of
nor Brown ha* been transferred from
Knapp A Goes could flnteh th* North a 8iM tojnetify it.
that building to th* second grade in
Outlet sewer laying in th* bottom in
About eighty wild turkeys are ex-
th* Washington school.
10 day* more and that Henry street pected either tomorrow or the first of
ThH year, a* in past years, it wa*
could b* turned over to the paving the week and these will be liberated in i
found neceaaary to transfer ever 50
| contractors, Anderson A Matron, next the semi-prairi* section southweet of
student* from th* Lincoln building to
! The "Day* of ’49," scheduled to be the Washington school, due to over­
Monday. Knapp A Goes were mad* a powers.
partial payment of »4,388.56 for work I Referring
to th* above, ~
Deputy brid h> th* Community Building here crowded condition* in the north side
already completed.
______ _______
. Saturday
this morning
naked _________
on Thursday, Friday and
*v- school. Very few objection* to mov­
The same firm was also paid »1,- the Sentinel to state that he had not! enings of next week, b to be given by ing have been registered by parents
716.64 on account for the new water expected the birds to arrive until th* Coquille Post No. 8«, American Le­ or students, which fact th* teaehsrs
ith, but thaj he wa* at homo at the gfon.
and school administration greatly ap­
time and received no notice from th*
The purpose of th* L*gion is to preciate, as no one understand* bettor
than they th* inconvenience c
to the majority of the students
movingjs made neceaaary:
four-day stay there was
terans in distress, and for their miik
Due to th* fact that th* sort
at that time, and an earlier date would < busy one and they
„ secured
rC. of C. Funds Are Low
of town has built up so rapidly dur­
¡be before the corn is fuNy matured.
tion which will be of greet advantage . —
Games of chance, with Legion ten ing th* past few years, and alao to
The tIrt f,U
of th* Cham-
; Another joint meeting of th* direc­ to the Coquille department, both in
buck bill* a* the only medium of ex­ the fact that the school district ex­
tors is to b* held at th* city hall next
tends out two and one-half miles on
Water Supmintendent Epperoon “ the hate) dining room Wednesday es ng*, will be conducted by the Le­
Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, and ev-
the Marshfield highway, the Lincoln
was authorised to purchase 1660 feet evenln< *“»> •«
on* dire<tor gion members.
Worth while prize* have been se­ building will doubtless be crowded
of 8-inch iron pipe to lay on Henry Pr*Mnt-
street, from Second to Seventh, before J
of **
J cured to present to the person turn­ every year until the t'm* comes when
the paving is done there, and 1890 ioure* *<
‘nd ing in the largest bank roll each the community can afford to build an
“"i11" ,ub**?P' I night A different color of bill has addition to the Lincoln school. In
not improve conditions, and tt might ■ The next forum meeting of th* feet of 4-mch pip. to lay erot on Fifth ‘
h proviry ' been printed for each day, so that fact, in a year or so, it may be even
possibly be detrimental.
, Chamber of Commerce, on Sept. 17,
a"hindi*ne* in carrying en thTwork' J there will be no object in hoarding necessary to ask all students living
There ar* many well qualified men will be a Corn Show pep meeting and will relieve the district south and west '
Treasurer W. 8. Bickels reported ' the - “money
- * ” for a
* killing on * th*
* next couth of Tenth street to go to th*
in Coquille who could be chosen to sue- farmers and dairymen are to be given of Patterson’s Grove which ha* been
night. The prizes will be electrical Washington building (excluding high
coed Mr. Walker, but that “watchdog a special invitation -to attend and help **rv*d by an half-inch pips, with no
and Junior high), reserving th* Lin­
of the treasury” will be missed, not arrange for the biggest and best dis- water available a good deal of th* son that the probable collections for
Dancing, with a ten buck piece of coln building for those who com* to
only in financi-.l matter*—he is chair- play of corn, fruit and vegetable* ever time.
Against this there are fixed ex­ paper for admission, will be continu­ school from Sanford Height* and be­
man of th* fnanoe committee-but in attempted to be shown in Coquille. . j The property owners on Eleventh
yond, and those who live out near th*
ous throughout each evening.
every diserseion of municipal policy
street were given permission to take penses of »359, leaving a possible »46
There will be *1600 worth of mer­ hall park.
for use on new projects which may
Found Dead in Bed Yesterday out the old planking, east fron Mrs.
chandise prise* given away by the Le­
Four out of five of all grad* stu­
I Mrs. H. D. Jowe was found dead in Mulkey’s residence, one block, and put arise.
Mor». Concrete la Oil Well
J. E. Norton, who was present as gion on wheels, board* and other of dents live nearer the Lincoln building
enough gravel to get by this win­
Drill! lg wa* stopped on th* oil well th* family apartment* in the Jone* on
chairman of the Com Show Associa­ the game device*. This wa* assured than th* Washington school, which
at Fat Elk Tuesday boon to allow building on Front street opposite the ter. They expect to ask for a per­
tion, stated to the director* that th* yesterday when W. V. Ferguson met gives on* an ide* of the problem fac­
more cementing being done.
The Coquille Hotel yesterday morning manent improvement next year. The
state highway department would like a salesman at the Bay and placed or­ ing th* school authorities every year
work will be done under the supervi­
drill had penetrated the cement that about nine o’clock.
the opinion of the pedpl* hi thia dis­ ders for the niftiest bunch of novelties in proper distribution.
wa* placed in th* hole and while no
Dr. Ridhmond, the family physician, sion of th* street commissioner.
trict a* to whether a temporary wid­ ever brought to Coquille. They are
The Southwestern Motor Co. was
trouble bad been encountered it was who was called immediately, pro­
ening of the Port Orford-Ku ctor* not junk by a long shot, but ar* arti­
Wins Trip to Akron, Ohio
thought better, on account of th* cav­ nounced the cause of her death as a given permission to erect a tile office
creek section of the highway was de­ cle* ranging in price up to »8 and *4,
The Coquille Service Station was
ing nature of th* shale* to place more heart attack and states that she had building on it* used car lot, and Mr*.
sired this fall, with the .permanent retail.
the winner of the Goodyear Zeppelin
cement tn to protect th* bore.
The bank roll prizes include an
been suffering from heart trouble for L E. Thompson-Stunz to make alter­ surfacing left until 198Z or if was
race among the dealers of the second
ation* and improvements on the build­
The drill ha* already penetrated two several year*.
desired to wait until next year and
clsaa in Oregon and about the middle
layers of oil sand with a good shew­
Mrs. Jone* who seas forty-two years ing occupied by th* Townsend Barber have the entire job complete.
The and an electric percolator. However, of this month A. 0.' Walker will en­
ing of oil in both and they are now of age had been a resident of Coquille Shop. One of the changes win be th*
director* went on record a* favoring J
joy a trip to Akron, Ohio, as the guest
drilling within a few, feet of where the for the past eight years and for some placing of a concrete front on the
. that the permanent work be done next I may be substituted for the percolator. of th* Goodyear Tire Co.
third strata 1* supposed to lie.
time conducted a ladiea ready-to-wear building.
In the first class of the Oregon di­
g on Front street.1 A totter from Ray Blompton, Rose- fr’
It is expected that drilling will be shop in their building
on front
Front street.
r on
¡km m^-msi be completed until late in lttl, and Dempsey Coming in November vision ar* included two dealer* in
attorney, notifying the C m UB€U
^firmed adviaable to have the
resumed today or tomorrow.
She was a member < of the Neighbors
Manager Roy Watson, of the Le­ Portland, on* in Vancouver, Wash.,
itoo of th* Roval that W.
F. -------------
against the "
of Woodcraft and also of the Royal I
widening and complete oiling finished gion fight committee, received a letter and one at 8alem. First class dealers
Mft. Skee's Goes to California Neighbors.
by the time the bridge r don*. If this from Dempsey’s manager this week, st * those which do a tire business of
Of her immediate fam fly living in must he acted upon soon and an agree- plan is adopted by the highway de­ dated at Memphis, Tenn., and stating
Mr*. Birdie Skeels left Wednesday
more than *60,000 a year.
morning to spend nine months with Coquille are her husband, H. D. Jone*,
partment there will be some traffic that
__ ________
at the conclw.ion of their
In the second etnas are those doing
would be started, was read by Record­
her sister and brother* in Ban Diego,
delay« on the coast route next year, and southern tour, which would pro- ____
_____ ___
______ a ______
from __ *26,000
to ___
year _
Her son,
son, Morvan,
Marvin, will
eater , Tighlman.
Calif. Her
wm WL*|
- —----------
but in 1932 th* Roosevelt Highway bably take all of September and Oc- tire«, and those dealers are onro in
the Army and Navy school, the “West >• Up to th* time of going t* proa*
should be completed from Brooking* tober that they would return west Coquille, Medford. Corvallis, Eugene
Point of the West," this fall.
arrangement* had not been committee would meet with him at any to Astoria.
'and that Dempsey would positively
and Longview, Wahs.
Esther ------------
remained ™*d*.
Robt. L. Stewart was appointed by return to CoquiHe soon after that to
,, who
----- ----------------
Several angle* enter into the com­
The city’* position is that the con­
here when her mother returned to!
Pres. Farr as th* Coquille represen- ' fl 11 his postponed engagement her*, putation of standing of the dealer.
tract was not complied with when the
-—-J Speed
San Diego a couple of month* ago,
Spaed Up Mail Service
tative to the Development League,
---------------------- —
The ear* in th* district of each are
water supply wa* declared impure by
drove the Skeels ear south.
City Budget Committee
Postmaster H. C. Gets makes the the state health department. Th* sponsored by th* Roseburg Chamber j
determined and th* biggest feature
Mrs. Skeels has rented her home statement that mail delivery in Co­
of Commerce, whose object is the con-
to act with figured is the average of tire* per ear
city will probably hold that a fair
to W. E. Thompson, principal at the quille could be speeded up and th*
etruetton of another rail line through
expenditure. sold by the dealer. On* thousand cars
profit and the cost of drilling is an
Washington school, for the school service made mor* efficient if all pa­
that city and over to the coast.
• f<>r
is th* estimate for thb district which
equitable settlement, but the council
year and expects to return t* Co­ tron* of the office would have their
was appointed by Mayor Berg Taea- includes some of the smaller commun­
is not willing to pay the »6,000 which w.
quille next June.
correspondents use a street address. would have been paid Mr. Kennln had
I-argest Road Work in 2 Year»
evening and confirmed by the ities around Coquill*.
The carriers have a good ide* where potable water been struck.
By how large a margin the local
' ' I<sst month witnessed the greatest
all Coquille people reside, but even
Lesion Auxiliary Election
so it slows up distribution if the
Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday,
street address is not given on letters,
Sept 8, in th* Community Building at
newspapers, periodical* and package*.
8 o'clock. This will be a special meet­
ing for election of officer*. Mrs. Cliff
tai, I19.S84.64 was for general roads,
Kern wHl tell something about the
»19,059.9« for special roads, *16,662.- W. C. T. U. Election Next Friday Waterproof L O. O. F. Building
trip her mother, Mrs. Cal Ray. made
96 for market roads, and »3.574.71 for
The regular monthly meeting and
The outside of the basement walla
to Franco with gold star mother*.
district road maintenance.
election of officers for the W. C. T. U. of the new I. O. O. F. building are
The large departmental silver cup,
will be held Friday, September 1», at being treated to a waterproofing pro-
offered for the greatest percentage
2 p . m . in the Christian Church, Co­ eses. end today Kaiser h MHler start­
gain in membership for auxiliaries in
quille. The County W. C. T. U. meets ed plastering th* building. Mr. Tully
Oregon during the past year, and
Friday, Sept. 12, at 10 a. m. in the expects to have the flrot floor store­
which was won by the Coquille Aux­
Preabyterian Church, Myrtle Point, room * ready for occupancy by th* first
iliary, will be on display at th*
Lunch at noon.
notify Mrs. of October and the lodge rooms up­
C. Farr If
stairs will be