: ■ - h... » •. I .... .T'' ■ .1 . ...... ✓ VOL. XXVL NO. 84. < Bank Board ' To fill the vacancy on the First N<- tiinal Bank’s board of directors, left vacant by the death of Chas. T. Skeels ÄÄ Relensed - R« UM ™. Week- More To Be Sent In Later sch«»... sen, a stockholder in th* ' bank far several years, to th* position, and he qualified at th* board mooting Wed­ nesday evening of this wssk. The city council, in regular session A truck arrived from the game farm An enrollment of fifty-one student* The bank’s officials state that they f Tuesday evening, made a call for bid* Wednesday with 380 Chinee* pheas-I - . i ate greatly pteasod to have Mr. in the seventh B diviMon of th* Jun­ for the »60,000 water bond* recently ants for liberation here. Warden ' Detief^n OB tbe board, a* they eon- ior High School made necessary the voted. The bond* will be issued in employment of an extra teacher for aider him on* of the outstanding of the Coquille public sdiooi faculty this denominations of »1000 each, will bear called Harry Slack and wanted to' d'a^ymeT o7coXi co^ty fcX th * m . , pZremiviritiX. 7 not to exceed « per cent interest, will ’ week, this large group having been bs dated Sept. 15, 1980, and will ma- 1 ' ** 7er/ íou,,<, The board now consists of tfe throe divided, with a teacher in charge of tore: »1,000 on Sept. 15, 1944; »7,000, j tha they were non* of them more oflJcers, L. H. Hazard, 0. C. Sanford, each of the two section*. Jack Ken­ Sept. 16, 1946: »8,000 on Sept. 16, in, ¡than haif grown and some of them B D. W*bb, and the three not in ac- nedy, a recent graduate of Monmouth each 194«, 1947 and 1948, and »9,000 1, la*, than that, and decided that on «- dally controb Normal, was hired tost Tuesday ev­ tern** su*. w**!-------- ” protection needed * “* the Harry count 7. of T the for Harry A. A. Slack Slack and and E. E. L. L. Dettofsen. Det Jef sen. ening at a school board meeting, upon 1950. Bids will be opened Sept. 22. jjreung better ' ____ sps 1 ■ ■ *p birds • mw that ■■• mw they would wvwew be wrwwww» the recommendation of Superinten­ The council estimates that water (off on the Russ fuSnal.v Ruso lands across acroas the river dent Ferguson, to fill the vacancy. He wer* turned out ever over receipts will pay all interest and retire ; and the birds were arrived Thursday morning and imme­ the bonds on those dates, if not esrU- What wUl probably be the last earli- ( ■ there there. diately took up the work. Mr. Ken­ ‘■'I Mr. Slack is not a member of any gam* for the Coquille Loggers thia ciiman entities nun to release mor, horses on th* track than nedy will handle Junior High athlet­ city affaire and that he will not ever ’rieh a11 «*r expenses paid, boy* and girls signed during the first , structure with white cedar decking, different localities and it wa* his opin- 10 not ify him at once. four days of this week. This is an P similsr in construction to the Henry ion that with at least a month’s sure ’ u “"1|k*ly that the odd gam* increase of twenty-seven over the en­ street bridge. This would coat around I protection, that th* bird* would be- with Salem be played this .year, tire first month enrollment of last »10,000. ' come better able to fend for them- ,or Eugen* and Salem are scheduled ywsF. Bid* for that bridge, and for the ««tve* by th* time they had scattered U play • three-game serie* for th* Band oa Street Tonight Miss Madelyn Ward arrived to take laying of an tff-inch sewer on Willard out over the valley. — .championship of th* Willamette Val- the place of Mm. Belva Gage, who The local band will be on the street street, from th* Busy Corner inter-1 Another shipment of birds b *x-jley tonight at about 7 o’clock to play a 1 section to th* river, to replace the pected in the near future and it k! "Chuck" Wirth and Al Brown are last week requested a leave of ab­ sence for a year, due to illnea*. Mia* sboft concert. They will play in front ' present 8-meh outlet, will b* opetwd hoped that arrangements will be mad* — j - - « 1 Ward is teaching th* fourth grad* in of th* Mt States Power Co. office. Sept. 22. * to have them liberated in different the Lincoln building, while Miss Elea­ City Engineer Stacer reported that section» of the county if they are of nor Brown ha* been transferred from Knapp A Goes could flnteh th* North a 8iM tojnetify it. that building to th* second grade in Outlet sewer laying in th* bottom in About eighty wild turkeys are ex- th* Washington school. 10 day* more and that Henry street pected either tomorrow or the first of ThH year, a* in past years, it wa* could b* turned over to the paving the week and these will be liberated in i found neceaaary to transfer ever 50 | contractors, Anderson A Matron, next the semi-prairi* section southweet of student* from th* Lincoln building to ! The "Day* of ’49," scheduled to be the Washington school, due to over­ Monday. Knapp A Goes were mad* a powers. partial payment of »4,388.56 for work I Referring -.................................. to th* above, ~ Deputy brid h> th* Community Building here crowded condition* in the north side already completed. ______________ _______ ______ _______ . Saturday _ ¡Warden Hearing this morning naked _________ on Thursday, Friday and *v- school. Very few objection* to mov­ ( The same firm was also paid »1,- the Sentinel to state that he had not! enings of next week, b to be given by ing have been registered by parents 716.64 on account for the new water expected the birds to arrive until th* Coquille Post No. 8«, American Le­ or students, which fact th* teaehsrs ith, but thaj he wa* at homo at the gfon. and school administration greatly ap­ time and received no notice from th* The purpose of th* L*gion is to preciate, as no one understand* bettor than they th* inconvenience c to the majority of the students movingjs made neceaaary: four-day stay there was terans in distress, and for their miik Due to th* fact that th* sort at that time, and an earlier date would < busy one and they ’ fund. „ secured j.— rC. of C. Funds Are Low of town has built up so rapidly dur­ ¡be before the corn is fuNy matured. tion which will be of greet advantage . — Games of chance, with Legion ten ing th* past few years, and alao to The tIrt f,U of th* Cham- ; Another joint meeting of th* direc­ to the Coquille department, both in buck bill* a* the only medium of ex­ the fact that the school district ex­ fire-fighting and salvage work. Co««««* director, was held tors is to b* held at th* city hall next tends out two and one-half miles on Water Supmintendent Epperoon “ the hate) dining room Wednesday es ng*, will be conducted by the Le­ Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, and ev- the Marshfield highway, the Lincoln was authorised to purchase 1660 feet evenln< *“»> •« on* dire• Up to th* time of going t* proa* should be completed from Brooking* tober that they would return west Coquille, Medford. Corvallis, Eugene Point of the West," this fall. Mia* arrangement* had not been committee would meet with him at any to Astoria. 'and that Dempsey would positively and Longview, Wahs. time he could visit Coquille. Mary Esther ------------ Hartley, remained ™*d*. Robt. L. Stewart was appointed by return to CoquiHe soon after that to ——•---------- ,, who ----- ---------------- Several angle* enter into the com­ The city’* position is that the con­ here when her mother returned to' ' here when her mother returned to! ’ Pres. Farr as th* Coquille represen- ' fl 11 his postponed engagement her*, putation of standing of the dealer. tract was not complied with when the -—-J Speed San Diego a couple of month* ago, Would Spaed Up Mail Service tative to the Development League, ---------------------- — The ear* in th* district of each are water supply wa* declared impure by drove the Skeels ear south. City Budget Committee I Postmaster H. C. Gets makes the the state health department. Th* sponsored by th* Roseburg Chamber j determined and th* biggest feature Mrs. Skeels has rented her home statement that mail delivery in Co­ of Commerce, whose object is the con- to act with figured is the average of tire* per ear city will probably hold that a fair to W. E. Thompson, principal at the quille could be speeded up and th* etruetton of another rail line through Jf| expenditure. sold by the dealer. On* thousand cars profit and the cost of drilling is an Washington school, for the school service made mor* efficient if all pa­ that city and over to the coast. • f<>r is th* estimate for thb district which equitable settlement, but the council year and expects to return t* Co­ tron* of the office would have their was appointed by Mayor Berg Taea- includes some of the smaller commun­ is not willing to pay the »6,000 which w. quille next June. correspondents use a street address. would have been paid Mr. Kennln had I-argest Road Work in 2 Year» evening and confirmed by the ities around Coquill*. The carriers have a good ide* where potable water been struck. By how large a margin the local ' ' I