PACI TIN or alley»! aforsaid, shall be performed Fred Hudson, L. H. Hazard and hi* to the satisfaction and subject to the uoa Austin and a friend, ala* from W. V. Ferguson, superintendent of iUpervision of the City Engineer or Pasadena, California, left yesterday Coquill* school*, returned the early other duly constituted roprosenative morning for a few days fishing at part of this week from a teip of ten _________ days, during which time be attend«! S®0™™ -_____ nothing in thia th* mouth of th* Rofu* river. ordinance shall be de*m*d or con­ Telling About People and City Recorder Frank G. Lesli* and the Smith-Hughe* Agricultural Con­ strued to limit th* power of th* prop­ Dr. Richmond made a flying trip to ference at Forest Grove, and inspect­ er authorities of said City to prose- c* Eventa in the City and ' cute and maintain public improve­ 1 County Portland last weak, leaving here Fri­ ed several now schools which are be­ ments, and whenever in the prosecu­ day morning and returning Saturday ing and hav* recently boon built in tion or maintenance of such improve- mentd ------------ it becomes necessary or «western Oregon and Washington. ♦ ------- .----------------- __ eon- — noon. “1* it insured?". For everal year* Mr. Ferguson has I venient to remove readjust, relocate One of those things your medicine cabinet A high school girl wishes to work in or change any of the jpran . „I», ------------------- Many bargains in Used Goods— must contain. a Coquille homy for board and room visit the new school buildings being : slices located in the nub Stoves, Ranges, Tables, Beds, etc, at and to go to high school. Anyone erected, thus keeping abreast of highways and alloys, the Hart’s House of Service. lesiring help of thia type may call school-room building architecture be done by and at the sole the grantee, its successors or assigns. Mr*. F. E. Bennett returned Tues­ Supt W. V. Ferguson at 75-L or 94-J. and construction. SECTION 4- Whenever it may be day from a week’s visit with her Mr*. Marvel Obertouffer, after a The two outstanding pieces of necessary or convenient in th* opera­ mother, Mr*. McBride, of Bandon. visit of several months with her school-house construction found on hi* tion or maintenance of a municipally Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGuffin and mother, Mr*. Birdie Sheri«, here and trip this year, believes Mr. Ferguson, ,>wned waler system to construct, re­ construct, or replace any of th* pro­ family spent Sunday at Charleston at in California, left Wednesday to re­ are at Vernonia, Oregon, and at Brem­ perty of any of the said municipally the home of their daughter, Mr*. Wal­ join her hueband. Mr. Obertouffer is erton, Washington. At Vernonia the owned water system, and such con- state superintendent of physical ed­ people are putting up a $75,000 grade . struction, reconstruction, or replace­ ter Smith. ment renders neceaesry the removal, school building of fifteen class rooms, readjustment, relocation or change of A. H. Bender, of the county clerk’s ucation at Columbus, Ohio. Mayor J. Arthur Berg while on a with a full basement, a spacious ca­ any of the conduits, pipes or other office, is spending this week on a va­ or appliances of said gran­ REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA cation at Merchants’ beach, north of business trip'-to San Francisco last feteria and kitchen, principal’s office, facilities tee, then and in *uch event such re­ week called on Vern Barker who is and a combined auditorium and gym­ moval, readjustments, relocation or One Pint Bandon. * nasium which is as fine a* one can change of property of said grantee St the Coffey Clinic in that city, and Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley. reports finding him getting along find in the large city schools. The shall be done by and at the sole *x- Mr*. Bertha Larson and daughter, zery nicely and feeling as well as stage is 30 by 50 feet in sise, with pense of the grantee, ite successor or This creamy, gentle remedy pleasantly and plenty of room back-stage, while the “SECTION 5—That the Janice, of Los Angeles, Calif, spent could be expected. quickly corrects constipatioil, heartbum, sour gymnasium has a playing surface 94 ite acceptance of this or Sunday and Monday a* guest* at th* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tourtilotte by 100 feet, bigger than any gym the franchise rights, prt stomach, flatulence—all those wretched discom­ J. A. Lamb home. and three children, from Porterville, authority hereby granted, for itself, forts caused by excess acid in the stomach. Sold Mrs. Zula Buchbeister is leaving Calif., are visiting the A. N. Gould floor in this county. its successors or assigns, covenants only at Rexall Stores. Bremerton is putting up a beautiful and agrees __ to and with th* City at a» Monday for Vancouver, B. C., to teach and Dr. Jas. Richmond families. $1000,000 structure, with an additional times" 11000,000 witn aaamonai, times to protect irotect and savo sav* harmteM harmless in the Bible school of the Foursquare They came up the coast route and are in the budget for equipment. I the ¿aid city from all claim*, actions, Gospel Church there. very enthusiastic over its scenic beau­ bttb uho.1 b-ju. SS5l£ Safety First! Um Cow Bell ties. They will be in this vicinity for in® lea* than a theatre,, with sloping which which may accrue to or be suffered by Dairy’s Pasteurised Milk and protect some time as the doctor intends try­ floors, balcony, spacious stage, pro­ any person or persons arising out of ing hi* luck on Rogue river and also jection room, and seating 1400 people. th* neglect of the grant** in the erec­ your health. will try to bag a Curry county buck Their gymnasium will seat about 2500 tion, construction, reconstruction, re­ Mrs. Don Estes and Mrs. Estm, when th* deer season opens. location, replacement, readjustment, people in their balcony and with th* maintenance, operation, repair or use Don’s mother, together with th* Otto STATIONERS DRUGGISTS Mrs. E. A. Woodyard, accredited addition of knock-down bleachers un­ of the conduits, pipes or other fa­ Davis family, are spending this week teacher of piano and voice, re-open* der the balcony, whil* the playing cilities and appliances solely owned or camping at Bandon beach. operated bv said graiftee, its succes­ her classes in music on Sept. 2nd. surface^ of maple flooring, is 100 by sors or assign*. A card received from the Paul Van Class instruction in fundamentals of 100 feet in sise. For gymnasium SECTION 6—That the grant** of Scoy family, states that they are en­ music for pupil* from five ear* old classes and daily use, a steel partition this franchise, its successor* and as­ joying the scenic wonders of Glacier to High School ago, if desired. Pri­ will be dropped down the middle of signs, covenants and agrees with ths 11 b! ’’'I HIT?! City of Coquille, a municipal cor­ National'Park in Montana. vet* lessons in piano for, pupil* from ths floor, making tyro 50 by 100 ft poration, that in consideration of th* Mr. and Mrs. Vane Maury arrived five years old through High School. rooms, boys and girl* to us* separate granting to it of th* right* and privi­ in Coquille on Monday for a two Private lessons in voice for High ■ides. Large shower rooms, dressing lege* embraced in this ordinance, it pay to the City of Coquille, Ore­ weeks’ visit with hi* patents, Mr. and School and adult voice. Pupil* desir­ rooms, equipment and storage rooms, will gon, if and when th* total number of Mrs. L. P. Maury and family. ing work for high school credit should and drying rooms, aro a part of gym­ consumers using gse from the gran COACT DIVISION ‘ " '■ of this franchise, it* successors or The Campfire Girl* Lperit Wodpey^ register promptly. Res. 612 8. Henry nasium equipment. qfgns, roaches a total of on* thou ­ On* of the things lacking in Co­ 169-L. SltS day night a* gueets- of Ann* Barto“ St. • ■ Phone ■ • • (1000) 'consumers, two pel cent. Inspect O mt Quality Merchandise quille, say* Mr. Ferguson, is seeded sand- K-ft the gross annual revenues «t the Bandon beach cottage of th* —Then Help Yourself and Save lawns and sightly grounds around the Editor Addresses Lions ed from service to said one thou ­ Bartons’. Mr*. Barton a^ted as, chap­ school building*. Not only in Oregon sand (1000) consumers or any number eron. **.. - A large turnout of Lion* filled th* PIBflMY and Washington, but in Idaho, Utah, in excesi thereof, now or hereafter Endicott-Johnson (Not in the Trust) Mrs. O. J. Culbertson arrived here small dining room of th* Coquill* ho­ Nevada, California and Wyoming, Mr. to be located within th* city of Co­ quille, Oregon, the same to be paid Sunday evening enrodte from Port­ tel yesterday at the weekly meeting Ferguson say* he noticed that mor*_______ SHOES for ALL the FAMILY _____ in annual installments not later than land to Brookings. She is making an of the Coquille Lions, at which time and more school* are keeping up their 'sixty ' sixtjr (60) day* da; after the end eLthe These hangv shopping store* specialise in Standard Branda and period in which there ha* been indefinite visit with her son, A. O. C. J. Gillette, editor of th* Coos Bay grounds during the summer as well as ¡yearly i SELL for LESS Timm, addressed the group. Mr. Gil­ ohe thousand (1000) consumers, and Culbertson. ! that U asetlll j AK- the winter, making them into little I Jt the City of Co- Hosiery Wash Frocks Men’s Furnishings lette talked on th* possibility of fur­ — Oregon, ~---- --- at ‘ the ” end * of * such Lingerie Notions Men’s Work Clothing When you send FLOWER order* to ther railroad development of Coos par$s to which the community could quille. period a verified statement of its BERGEN’S, you have that feeling of county, urging that this part of the points with pride. And where water gross Coquille earnings, and that it will allow Bandon safety. If the Flower* are from BER­ country keep on it* toe* for bringing was the scarcest, there the lawns Che inspection of its books at all seemed to be best cared for. GEN’S, they are always BETTER a line to Coo* Bay which would serve reasonable bourn upon demand of the ■aid City of Coquille, Oregon. BLOSSOMS. ' tf as an outlet from the valley and from SECTION 7—That said grantee, its Piano Instruction central Oregon by way of Bend. successors or assigns, shall at all Mr. and Mrs. Mason F. Belloni, of time* keep on Al* with th* City Re­ Other cltib visitor* included John Mrs. H. fl. Coleman, accredited Woodland, Calif, arrived in Coquille corder a subsisting surety company Tuesday for a few days’ visit with Wigant, Bandon Lion, now of Marsh­ teacher of piano, history and science bond in the sum of two thousand Mr. Belloni’* brother, Councilman field; Cl yd* E. Nil**, Coquille repre­ of music, presents the following dollars ($2000.00), condition* that it sentative of the Ford Motor company; course of study for term opening, and they shall and will, faithfully MYRTLE POINT Henry Belloni. comply with and abide, and bo bound and Charles Stauff, county treasurer. September 2nd: Frank Little, of Fort Lupton, Colo, by tne terms of this ordinance and all Moore System of Fundamental of the requirements thereof, and is visiting his sister, Mr*. F. G. Wil­ Music Training Classes. Pre-School faithfully and timely keep and per­ Watson Family Reunion son, in Coquille. Mr. Little is looking class. Class group a* taught in pub­ form each and «very term, convenant, ■round for a dairy location and will Jas. Watson ha* been enjoying a agreement, obligation and conditions return this fall if he can find a sat­ visit from an uncle and two aunt* lic schools in Portland. Class group required or imposed upon it or them and individual lesson. Musicianship by thia ordinance, and in accordance isfactory location. this week. Chas. F. Watson, of Musicianship with it* term* and raqtraint*. class for high school. Glide, Douglas county, came in Sat­ NOSLER A WALKER. ‘ SECTION 8—In all cases when it class for adult pupils. Individual les­ urday of last week and Mrs. J. A. ■hall become necessary to dig ditches son*. Musical kindergarten. Ensem ­ Leonard Hagstrom, of the publicity Floyd, of Redlands, Calif., and Mrs. or excavate on any of the public department of the University of Ore­ A. M. Crawford, of Portland, aro also ble work given with two piano*. streets, highways and alleys or said z. City, the same «hall be restored to gon, and Phil Overmeyer, of Carson, here. These throe are the only re­ Rhythm Band. 710 West 4th St. Phon* 85-R. It a* good condition as they were before Wash., were guests of George Bel- maining members of Judge Watoon’s such excavation without any unrea- loni the first of this week. sonsbl* delay. father’s Tamily, which consisted of SECTION 9—In all cases where Insure your car with Nod C. Kelley. thirteen children. Mrs. Crawford ia Bob Train is expected home today practicable, the main* and pipes of from Ke zer hospital at North Bend, the widow of the former well known the grantee, it* successors or assigns, Mrs. shall be laid in alleys ao as not to un­ where he was taken two weeks ago attorney general of Oregon. ORDINANCE NO. necessarily tear up the streets; pro­ for a broken leg. which he received Floyd was accompanied north by her AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY vided that no park, public square or nephew, Bert Floyd, of Los Angele*, - while unloading logs at Empire. public place of like nature shall be whn la a I ba viaitinff* at the Watao Watson COQUILLE, COUNTY GRANTING OF COOS, torn up if there is an equally prac­ "' STATE OF OREGON, Tuesday, Sept. 2, the Women’s Re­ who is also ▼‘»'t'n* Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 26 - 27 ticable way around it, the practica­ lief Corp, will have a dinner and pro­ home, a* is Mrs. E. B. Wateon, of TO NATURAL GAS CORPORATION bility of said way to be decided by Portland, whose late husband, Judge OF OREGON. A CORPORATION, Fresh, French and Frisky! Bubbling with his old sparkle gram during the noon hour. Member* Watson, wa* at on* time on the su- I ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, **j* the City Engineer. and his new song hits! SECTION 10—The said grantee grant*« ¿Z-h Th J. have Lan manv I A FRANCHISE FOR THE PUR .. are urged to attend a* special work OF FURNISHING THE shall do no permanent injury to any Maurice Chevalier in r is to be done in preparation for the prome bench. There have been many p^gg sti ;reet, —*■ “ sidewalk, *■*---- ’*■ shade T tree« ----- or — in family parties in th* visitors ’ honor CITIZENS OF COQUILLE, ORE- : “ THE BIG POND” inspector's visit. ly manner disturb or interfere with the past week, th* first being at Jas. ¡GON, WITH GAS FOR LIGHT, any >r sewer pipes, conduit* Then on I HEAT FUEL OR ANY OTHER any wator or Mr. arid Mrs. J. A, Lamb and Mr*. Watson’s home Sunday. Thursday, Friday, August 28 - 29 . f. .. 4 ¡LAWFUL PURPOSE, AND TH'. or other underground work now or Marvin Lyon* expect to leave tomor­ - Tuesday there wa* a big dinner at RKJH t , PRIVILEGE AND FRAN- ' hereafter to be laid by the City or any Greater Than Ever! row for a brief visit with the L. P. the R. R. Wateon home. The tables CH ISE TO CONSTRUCT, MAIN- authorised company or corporation. Eclipsing her meteoric singing sensation in “Rio Rita” SECTION 11—Whenever any grad* Branstetter family“at Capetown, Cal­ were laid in th* orchard and those en- ! TAIN AND OPERATE GAS WORKS Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon in ifornia,. nnd will bring Helen Lyon* joying the affair were all the above IFOR THE MANUFACTURE AND I .or grade* of any street, alley or av- OR DISTRIBUTION OF GAS, AND ; enue within the City of Coquille shall home on their return. “ ALIAS FRENCH GERTIE” viaitor* and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wat­ TO LAY GA8 PIPES AND MAINS ¡be changed er establiahed, if none All-Talking Thrill Drama B son and two children, Mr. and ’ Mrs. has been established at the time th* IN THE STREETS, AVENUES. AL ­ Mr. and Mrs.,J. L. Steven* with I mains, pipes or connections, of the LEYS. HIGHWAYS AND OTHER 7 C. L. Tuttle, Mr. and Mr*. M. R. two pf their ion*. Tom and John, left PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF ' grantee were la d, th* grantee, its Saturday, Aug. 30 Monday for‘a week’s fishing trip at Kramef and four eons, Mr. and Mrs. COQUILLE FOR A TERM OF successors or assFm*. st its or their All the Thrills of the Great Outdoors! Harry Folsom, of Marshfield and Mr. TWENTY (20) YEARS. AND SPECI­ own expense, shall change its mains, the 'mouth of Rogufc- river. They Zane Grey's he-man talk. Make love and fight—out loud. have reported the talqng by them of and Mrs. R. R. Watson and four chil­ FYING THE LIMITATIONS AND pipes and connections to conform to CONDITIONS OF SUCH GRANT, the grades so established or changed. Hear, see the action, drama, outdoor romance. Roaring two fish Tuesday, one of them being dren. Wednesday they all went over SECTION 12—Nothing in this or­ DECLARING AN EMER­ cowboys! A tremendous wild horse stampede! The fe­ to Coo* City where they enjoyed the AND a 30-pound Chinook. GENCY. dinance shall be construed a* grant­ verish gold rush! Frontier love! Another rousing, talk­ hospitality of Neil Watson, hi* wife ing an exclusive franchise or privi­ Thek Moose dance* in Graham Hall and two daughters. ing Western, like “The Virginian” lege for the use of any strrot, alley, The Common Council of the City of have been proving enjoyable affairs avenue or public highway or any part Zane Grey’s Coquille Does Ordain as Follows: under the management of Ernie Fer­ SECTION 1—That the City of Co­ thereof; provided, however that the ‘ THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS” city or any public utility, in the con- XtOrm ()m i '»••Z wa*^ puviiv wviiisyi ■ ■■ »lire VVU Announcement rari. Cole McElroy’s orchestra gave quille, County of Coos, State of Ore­ — a treat to dance lover* last. Friday I take this way to announce that gon, does hereby ( ADMISSIONS and Mr. Ferrari say* everyone has a our OPENING SALE WILL CLOSE Gas Corporation of 1 ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 10c ation, its successors ___ good time Saturday nights. " SATURDAY, AUGU3T 2$. A few right privilege, and franchise e con­ shall locate and lay such water mains Don Estes, of the Coquille post- specials will be slightly higher there­ struct. acquire, own, operate and and facilities *o as not to obseruct or ------------... ■■ . ■ office force, his wife, and also hi* after but if win be the consistent maintain a plant and system for the interfere with the said mains of gran­ dinance and all of the requirements ' and I manufacture and | or distribution of - - - ----- -r n -1 T "CSii ’ i 4 ’ !!**?* und * r thla fr*»chise ___ mother, wha-is visiting here from policy of this store to sell at the low­ aps light, heat, power, fuel and other tee. hereof, faithfully »nu and timely shall be forfeited. qvr-rtnM is__ Tk. -a oi. i" 1™1’ and to *»■«■>•*•*/ est prices consistent with the time*. 1 ocvnv« 1.— I»e gramee oi wns.keep »nd perform each and every; SECTION — Inasmuch Inasmuch as Little Arkansas, spent Monday SECTION 16 16— u it it is is ,i[,nCh|V*’ llj. ”“xeaaora oT assigns, term, covenant, agreement, obligation | necessary that thia ordinance take at the mouth of Rogue river and suc- We shall at aH times endeavor to » take shall bear the expense of laying and and caBd ition required or imposed ' effect immediately in onler to rive ’ seeded in bringing in the limit of make our price* reasonable and to . - a a - ' °P°n or them by thit ordinance, and employment to citixena of Comiiiu in three fish each for both Don and his give your every need our most careful system of eonduits, main« and pipe its mains to not more than fifty *«1 jjn accordance with its terms and re- connection with the construct orf*of the property the gas distrl^ti™ .Xm^nd thrt attention. Courtesy, Price and Friend­ lines, together with such fixtures or feet inside th protxr,v line lln* of “ any «7 atraint«. wife. the b gas distribution system, and that , SECTION 15—The actual work of it necessary to? tYe wwe and ly Service, is our motto. We thank appurtenances as the grantee, its suc- consumer. Frank Rowe, of th* Coquille Wood- you all for the patronage given, and ¡cessors and assigns, mav deem n?cm- i 1 SECTION 14—Ths said grantee' construction of the plant and laying Maith and safety of the’inhabitants shall tMt' Product* Co., together with Zed Fin­ for the friendly interest shown, and •ary or convenient m connection! shall forfeit and shall be deemed to of the pipes of the _ grantee ____ ___ of the Cit_ of V..¿7 hav* forfeited and abandoned all commenced within forty days after j L , 7 that or- i therewith, in, under, along or across have forfeited and abandoned all commenced within forty days after ley. returned last Friday from Wood­ trust we*shall be able to serve you all public streets, highways and allevs rirhta rights, t DrhrilsrM privilege* »nd and authority hero- hero- . the th* effective date of thia this franchi*?, franchi»?, and J.m>nce <>• made immediately effec- land, Calif., where they loaded two i better as we go along. I am person- of said city for the purpose of trans- conferred, eonterred, unless, within within thirty thirty | shall I shall thereafter thereafter be be prosecuted prosecuted dili- dili- , . Y*’ ®J>?*rgency is declared to ex- carload* of black walnut for shipment I ally and solely in charge and it is mltt'riR and distributing natural or dave after the effective date of this I gently and continuously to comple- , and this ordinance shall go into ordinance, it shall file in the office of tion and the said plant and distrbu- force and effect upon its passage and to Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Row* left | my earnest desire to serve th* com- i artificial gas to the public for heat -------- -s. - —a------- — -—-------- — t’jV City Recorder J^rder written wr_ tten acceptance acceutan? tion system shall be constructed and • aPProvri by the mayor. this morning for th* latter place , munity to the best of my ability. Not I light, fud, power and other lawfui th* serving gse Council and onoration and actually actuallv aervine 1 Massed *«s«d by the Common Connell | purpose* for the term of twenty (20) < of of. the P? rirhts rights and nrivilerea privileges conferred! conferred; in i operation where the walnut will be manufac- how much can I get, but how much veer* from and after th* ¿teetiv» which acceptance shall contain an ex- within by th* Mayor this ........ i-------- th* — City ---- of - Coqui»*, ----- , within _____ *PP«7«d . , I tuned into veneer under his supervi­ j can I give? shall be the standard with date of this ordinance. P»««» undertaking by the - grantee, --------- , twelve twelve months months from from the the date date upon upon ........................... lwo- assign«, which which the the grantee grantee begins T: SECTION 2—That all work of said ‘or K^f and its successors or aaatens. begins constiuc- ATTES A11 r-ST: sion. | this store. Very truly yours J. A. id ------- abide tion, and if not so constructed and _ Recorder. grantee, its successor or assign* *• frithfuRy comply with and Mate- “I* it insured?" Hart. It done in th* public strtote' highw^yi aM> ** bo0Bd by —----- ■ completed within said time, all right* Published—August 22, IBM. Quickly Sweetens a Sour Stomach 50c Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc n» ^.Service Hiland Theatre! Sunday, Monday, August 24-25 < • • C 4 * x’ h I ¡BSÄSSfl» ’iff ¡SÄ' S3 :ií'S si. ff irSs sk a