The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, August 15, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
I They complain about the weight of
the "cart wheels,” though no one out
here objects to money of any kind.
R. A. Eaatort Weakly Letter
In May, 1897, we moved from Em­
E. A. YOUNG, Editar
pire to the East Fork of the Coquille.
We lived for several months in the
Subscription Rates
house which is now the home of Mr.
One Year.......................................... W-W and Mrs. Jack Mayse. It was then
Six Mon'ha............ ......................... L00
we became acquainted with Mrs.
Three Months.......................... 40
No sujseription taken unless
paid Moaty Minard and her family. The
for in advance. Thia rule is impera­ Minard mill then wm a mw mill and
a grist mill in the same building. As
I remember it the grist mill wm up­
Advertising Rates
stairs. ML M. Young had the sawmill
Display advertising. 26 cento per
inch: I ms than 5 inches, 80 cento per **A road led from the lumber yard,
inch. No advertisement inserted for
less than 50 cents. Readings sotM which wm fenced, to the Minard badn
10 cents per line. No reading notice,
or advertisement of any kina, insert­ and continued on beyond to the Martin
Miller place on Elk Creek, where it
ed for lets than 25 cents.
connected with the “county road”
Entered at the Coquille Postoffioe as which came up Elk Creek and contin­
Second Claes Mail Matter.
ued about two miles up the saeok to
the John Miller plane. John wm a
Office Cerner W. First and Willard St.
eon of Martin.
At the mill yard there was a gate
which opened into this road which
HARD TIMES TALK went to the Minard barn and contin­
ued on to the Martin Miller place.
Tn spit» of all the talk of hard times
There were also gates, one a little
which has been current for the last
gate which opened into a trail, which
ten pionths, a study of the report of
led from the mill yard down the river
the Federal Reserve Board shows that
bank to the Minard house. As < re­
for 1930 the industrial and mining
member, also a big gate which opened
production has been equal to the aver­
into one of the Minard cultivated
age for the last eight years, although
fields, the same field into which the
lower than the peak of the boom pe­
little gate opened. Alm them wm a
riod in the early part of 1929.
gate which opened from that lumber
In the retail trade, sale« reported to
yard into a road which led to the Mike
the Board for June of this year are
Krantz place.
ten per cent lower than June of last
I have no recollection of ever hear­
year, but lower prices account for a ing that the road which ledd to the
large part of this decease and the ac­
Minard barn and continued over to
tual amount of merchandise changing
the Martin Miller place wm a comity
hands is more nearly the same for
road. Neither have I any recollection
both years than the figures indicate.
of ever bearing that the road which
Employment and payrolls, however,
led to the Mike Krantz place wm a
are on a downward trend in manufac­
county road nor that the trail which
turing industries, which is a natural
led from the little gate to the Minard
condition, for more and better ma­ house waa a public one.
In all the
chinery in consantly replacing the hu­ years since, 1 never heard questioned
man worker in all industrial plants.
the right of the Minards to have the
To offset this, new factories and new gate at the road which loads from the
business are being opened up all tbs lumber yard into their pasture, to
time. The manufacture of radios, air­ their bams and on to the old Martin
planes and electric refrigerators are Miller place until I road in the Sen­
examples of modern necessities which tinel that that gate had been dyna­
were practically unknown ten and fif­ mited.
teen years ago.
______ __ bridge, _
Aa to the Minard
I waa
According to corporation earnings that'the bridre was'¿¡tilt and’ the
reports, th. net profits of the report-
M th.t the
ing companies for th. first six month. farnJ,
The Pioaeer Methodkt Church
S. D. Walters, Pastor
191 So. Henry St , Phone 50-J
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Solo by Mm. Marvel Oberteuffer,
accompanied by Mary Esther
Hartley. This will be our last op­
portunity to bear Mrs. Oberteuffqr be­
fore she returns east
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Rev. J. B. Needham, Presiding
Elder of the Portland district, will
preach at this hour and will hold the
First Quarterly Conference after the
ovenmg service.
Duet by Miss Barbara Richmond
and Miaa Katherine Jane Hassler.
Epworth League and Junior Ep­
worth Society 7 p. m.
You are invited to worship with us
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Clyde E. Niles,
Christian Science Society
formerly the Ford Dealer at Sheridan, Oregon, has joined our
bunday School at 9:30 a. m.
Sunday Service at 11 a. M.
Subject for next Sunday, "Soul."
Wednesday evening m ee tin g at 8
Free public Reading Room open in
Church Building every' Tuesday and
Friday afternoons from two to five.
The public ia cordially invited to at­
tend our services and to visit the
Reading Room.
company and the firm name from now on will be Niles - Baker
Motor Company.
Mr. Niles has had a large experience in the Ford field and
stands very high both with Ford Motor Company and with the
Ford patrons where he operated.
Church of Christ
Bible School 10 a. m. Nod C. Kelley.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.
Evening Mrvices 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting and choir practice
each Thursday evening.
The public ia cordially invited to
attend our services.
D. L. Hackett, minister.
Mr. Niles has taken over the management of our company
and wishes to extend to the people of the Coquille territory a
most cordial invitation to drop in and get acquainted
Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Morning Preaching, 11 a. m.
Evening Preaching 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:80
p. m.
Scriptural, spiritual preaching.
G. A. Gray, Pastor.
Niles-Baker Motor Co
Formerly W. J. Baker Motor Company
_un o
K . per
. below the Hawm ffl
nd j take their
North Side Church of God
of , 1880, while
|i] .
their grists to the
Pastor Bradley, of Shawnee, Okla­
of th*
cent below 1928. The industries
“ , when it wm possible to haul a load homa, will preach at the regular I
have suffered most are the automo­ over the roads. Never did I hear that morning service at the Church of God I
bile, mining, coal mining, textiles and the "eounty road" extended beyond Sunday morning, August 17.
building materials, their net profits that lumber yard. I read in the Sen­
falling off from 85 to 70 per cent. On tinel that Judge Brand ruled that the
Foursquare Gospel Church
the other hand amusements, drugs, road from the lumber yard to the old
259 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore.
railway equipment, restaurant chains Martin Miller place is a county road Rev. Elmer and Jean Sadler, Pastors
4-H Exhibits at State Fair
snd shoes have all enjoyed a substan­ for the reason it has been there forty
Brother and Sister Sadler extend
Thirty-four counties are to be rep­
tial increase.
For the industrial years. Can he get away from the fact
their thanks to all for the large love resented at Salem Sept. 22 to 28 when
group as a whole, net proflts in 1980 that the gate hu also been there for­
offering given to them for their va­ more than 500 members of boys’, and
represented a return on net worth ty years? If forty years establishes
cation. Brother Sadler is back on girls’ 4-H clubs will take an active
(not stock market quotations) of five the right of the road, why does it not
duty after a short visit with friends > part
per cent in six months, or ten per cent establish the right of the gate also?
Sadler will [ hibit
in Auburn, Wash. 1
annually, higher than for either 1929
I read in the Sentinel that Leland remain with her mother for a few ' fajr.
or 1928.
Gross timings of public Minard is intending to carry the case
weeks’ rest. She hopes to be with
At j,Mt six «»unties nexer before
utility systms, including electricity, to the state supreme oourt. I am not
telephone, etc., are slightly below the expressing an opinion as to whether us again Friday, August 22nd. Mias exhibiting are to send delegates with
Ena Fanson wm called back on duty special displays of products, while
normal rate of increase and the net that would be «rise or unwise, but
in her home church. Everyone en­ others will materially increase their
earnings vary from four per cent in­ from the facte m I know them, I hope
joyed Miaa Fannon with her straight­ exhibits, according to H. C. Seymour,
crease to two per cent decrease.
he wins, for I belieye he is in the forward messages. She is the girl
of Corvallis, state club leader. The
This period of depression has been right and that the law of the land and
evangelist of Hillsboro, Oregon.
gain in exhibits this year ia made pos­
a test for the stability of the install­ not the law of the dynamiter should
We are sorry them was a misun­ sible by a new arrangement whereby
ment plan of buying and this system rule.
derstanding about the Dunkerd quar­ every club is given financial aid in
of credit has stood the strain «roll. The
All the years the Minards ran those tette being with us last Thursday.
bringing entriM to the fair. At a
leading finance companies have not mills or mill, they accommodated ev­
had to re-poseesa an undue percen­ erybody. Mrs. Monty Minard is one Somehow they failed to notify us, ex- I meeting of county superintendents in
tage of ears. Of course, with the low­ of the beet women 1 ever knew. I am cept through another party, a month Salem, it wm voted to allow each
ering of wages, the man who is buy­ willing to chip in a dollar to help before. We hope to ham them with club 50 cents per exhibit, with a limit
us next year.
I of
Heretofore it has boon noces-
ing on time, has had to curtail his carry on the case. There ought to bo
Gravel Ford expects the group each f.ary for a club to scorn at leMt M
other expenditures in order not to a hundred of old timers left who will
Thursday, 8:00 p. m. All turn out for ' points to receive the |50 offered by
lose the articles he has partly paid chip in to help the Minards now.
a good service.
j the state fair board, t h ose counties
for and this has affected the sale of
R. A. Easton.
Sister Buehheister welcomes all to unable to reach the minimum limit
new goods to some extent.
the morning prayer meetings in the thereby forfeiting all outside aid.
Interest rates are lower than they
Christian Endeavor Conference church at 9:80 a. m., Tuesday, Wed- Valuable awards for the two boys
have been in years now and we are
and two girls adjudged the outatand-
The eleventh annual Christian En­ nesday, Thursday and Friday.
beneAtting locally by this when the
One week from today, Friday Au- ing -4-H members in the state am
school district made a saving of deavor Summer Conference will be
812,000 this week by refunding school held at Turner, Oregon, August 25- gust 22nd, will mark the closing of available again this year through the
’s CVWffaj
vacation V* Bible
of three prominent Oregon-
Sept L It’s purpose is to furnish j the
---- -------
— -----
vmbw school,
¡« vimiuvih
be w‘tb “•
tbat night. They ¡ana. The four honor members are to
Bank deposits of all kinds are grow­ training in Christian Endeavor work P'Bn
AU •r* working on a program that will he guests of E. L. King, suporinten-
ing rapidly. Time, demand and gov­ and other lines of leadership.
ernment deposits of the banks of the young peopdo who wish to attend are »how us what they have learned in dent of the Southern Pacific lines of
i Bible school. There are over fifty an- Oregon, at a banquet in his private
Federal Reserve have increased by eligible.
'car, where they will be presented
six and one-half per cent over those
attend classes on various phases, of
Saturday night, street meeting 8:00 with highly-prised watches by Guy
of one year ago.
Christian Endeavor work. Afternoons P- m-
I Talbot, president of the Northwestern
All these facts indicate that the
! will be given to ________
directed recreation,
* Electric Company.
_________ I Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, ____________
Richard W. Price,
country is prosperous and that we j j—-»__ M___ _______
a..»»___ ee _ a ex
__ .
• m slaaa
A A 11 - —
Including a_______
volley-ball, swim-
* claB* tor wm
11 a. m. preach- manager of m the Crater Lake Lodge,
have no cause for alarm nor com­
ming, boating, etc.
Each evening , *“<> • missionary message and inter- will be host to the quartet during a
plaint. Boom conditions are never as
address, eating pictures from Oiina. At 6:80 week’s vacation next summer at the
desirable as the steady, sure growth
Young People’s meeting; young boy Southern Oregon resort
that is being enjoyed generally by the given by Dr. Victor Morris of the
University of Oregon.
The closng and girl, you are welcome. At 7:45 ;
average industry and business con­
event of each evening will be a bon­ p. m. a big evangelistic s*rvice; sub­
cern at the present time.
fire meeting out of doors, at which ject, "The Dragon, What Is It?" by
Professor Roes Gulley of Eugene, Brother Sadler. Hear this message.
The American pen pie are noted for
dean of lb* conference, rill preside.
New Way To End
adopting fads but the interest in
Distress In 20 Minutes
flowers and gardens which is sweeping
this country is more than a mere Tax Foreclosure Sale Tomorrow
The 1925 Coos county tax fore­
passing fancy. Flower shows are at­
The Coos County Board of Eq isli-
tracting crowds of eircua-like propor­ closure sale will be held on the front zation will meet at the Court House
If you want to instantly . relieve
Coquille. Oregon, on M nday. the weary, inflamed, burning feet you
tion« and one little garden magazine stope of the court house on Saturday,
nust lirst REMOVE THE CAUSE.
boasts of over a million and a third August Id, beginning at 10:00 o’clock publicly examine ’le a.«sras;"eM rjBi,
And the general cause of moat foot
subscribers. It is to be hoped that a. m. This will bo a regular public and correct all errors in .alna ion, troubles is harmful acids and poisons
which accumulate in the tens
this interest will continue long after sale, subject to competitive bidding, descriptions or qualities of 1 nds, ■vhich
loi-X ww
or xxesiv t nr.uiuri
..<»4. SA - ”
A j, w
' reve
V|'ll 1 u • II^W
other pre s en t-da y mdtrnmee record«
me. It shall be the du*y of ill per­ the Oxygen in Radox can force out.
at tree-sitting and other modern hob­
Immediately rid your pores of
sons interested to annear at the
bies are forgotten.
above olace and time sto ted.
Peti­ these
trouble-makers by soaking
tions or applications fcr the re luc- ■ our feet for 20 minutes in a wonder-
thm of a particular aaseesm nt «hall f illy soothing, cleansing, revitalizing
With silver declining «0 per cent in
be made in writing, '«rifled by >ath Radox Footbath. You’ll be astonished
value, the silver dollar has become
of the apnlicM’ or bis attorn v and st how marvelously soothed and cooled
be filed with th* bo .rd within fl teen your feet «rill be--walk all next day
more of a token of value than ever
days from tbo tin»' 1' is r*oui»<,| to with greatest comfort!
and its use will decline mors and
Rsdox is guaranteed to give any­
meet, and any petition or applica­
more. There are easterners who come
tion not so made, verified and filed one flawless feet or money bach— and
to this coast who have never seen a
shall not be considered or acted upon that means painful feet—sweaty feet
by the Board.
—corns, bunions and callouses.
silver dollar, so' universal io paper
J. P. Beyers,
Radox at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc.
currency on the Atlantic seaboard.
*~rni—. or any drug store. Read directions.
Coquille, Ore
H. T. Wimer & Son
Blacksmith, Machine Shop,
Electric & Acetylene Welding
We can do any kind of Blacksmith or Machine
Work, big or small.
A complete line of Hardwood and Steel
Edwards Wire Rope