FAM J. Dse, bro her of Mrs Wm. Cand- ■m, accamjan^d by hi* wife and twp -luidreo, eame in from San Franc-aco last Thursday for a visit. They in­ tend leaving next Monday for home. While here they were enjoying all th* attractions which Coos county offers and were warm in their praise of the ucenery and highways. Japanese Festival. Be* Spencer's August reduction sole ef Ladka and Misses frocks. J no. C. Girding left Wednesday on u business trip to Grants Paas, ex­ pecting to return today. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing is a specialty with the City Cleaners and Tailors. Ju«. phone 108-L and they will do the rest. Mrs. Edw. Lorens is enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Levons, of Glendale, who arrived Monday. S. L. Grigsby, brother of Mrs. L. P. Maury, arrived laat Tuesday from Klamath Falls for a short visit here. A n your knives and »cissors dull? Don’t swear—bring them to Hart’s House of Service. We Sharpen, tight­ en, repair or trade. tf Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Epps, Sundsy morning, at the Pink­ ston Hospital, a seven-pound son. Elmer 8huil is the first Coquille man to purchase one of the Bantam Austins. Ho drove down with ft from Portland yestordsy. Mr. snd Mrs. John Jayos, of Salem, came down last Thursdsy for a five- day visit with his mother, Mrs. Sadie Jayes, and sister, M n . Bertha J. Smith. NOBLER A WALKER. Guests at the Roy Watson homo this week, who left for home this morning, won Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Sanden, of Evanston, Illa. Mrs. San­ den and M n . Watson are cousins. Call Farr A Elwood for transfer and fuel. W. S. Hall, Who formerly owned the ranch now owned by Roy Shull, on the North Fork, snd who has lived in Mor.mouth for several years, is reported to be very ill and not expect­ ed to live. Insure your ear with Ned C. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Buckingham and tittle daughter, Betty Mae, re­ turned Sunday night from Corvallis and Portland, where they have been visiting friends and relatives for the past two weeks. Japanese Festival. Mrs. Aletha Halo, Misses Muriel Simpson and Devons Shaver drove to Portland last Saturday in the Simp- eon car. M n . Hale drove her own car back, arriving Tuesday, and the other two returned Wednesday. See Spencer’s August reduction sale of Ladim and Misses frocks. Miss Mildred Staninger, who clerks in a store at Roseburg, underwent an operation for appendicitis there yes­ terday. Her mother, Mrs. Jos. Stan­ inger, went out Wednesday to bo with her until «he loaves the hospital. Many new things arriving for our Big Opening Sale. You will miss something is you fail to come and look us over. Hart's House of Ser­ vice. L. 3. Minard was in from Dora on Wednesday arranging for an appeal from the decision by Judge Brand in Circuit court laat week, by which the land on which he has been paying taxes for years is adjudged to be still a county road. Give the City Cleaners a chance to attend to all your cleaning and pros­ ing needs. Every garment given careful attention. Prompt service at all times. Phone 108-L . V'x . ' ? Gex F. Burr, C ojo eounty dintriuu- tor for the Bantam Austin, aecurei «om: figures last week from F. R. Coi thorp. of Boise, Idaho, district manager of the Northern Life Insur­ ance Co., which make interesting read­ ing- Leaving Boise the noon of July 12, he drove to Portland, San Francucj and Sanaa Crus, Calif., arriving there July 15. The distance was 1*09 miles and he used 28 gallons of gas, or . . averaged 50 milea to the gallon. From i Santa Crua, which ho left July 19, he drove to Coquille, arriving here the 20th. In the 2200 miles he had cover­ ed, his average driving spesd was 45 miles an hour, for the time he was travelling. E KEEPING WELL TEACHING DEAF CHILDREN SAFETY Try This Bracing RUB-DOWN V DUCATOR8 realise today than ever before that all teaching Mrs. H. C. Gets and daughter, to simply a process of conveying tacts Gloria, who it was thought hsd pneu­ from the teacher to the pupil. Thto monia at Good Samaritan Hospital in can only be done through the five .’ortland, where she is in training, senses. It to only through tbe senses irrived home last Ssturdsy, and the that any one can learn anything about latter will remain for a month’s vaca- the world outside one s own body. Of ion. As soon ss she arrived at home these five senses, two are mors Im­ ho fever left her and she is now ports« than «1 the others. These are seeing and hearing. Through thaae .psprently as well as ever. two senses, 97 per cent of our knowl­ We have thoroughly renovated and edge to gained. v-painted the old City Meet Market Net only teachers, but membem of ----------- - ------- r miiding and invite you to eame and - the school boards as well as parent* Old Racket In New Form | realise the absurdity and wastefui- ee our large line of goods et appeal­ It is becomingunsafe for an auto- nae* ef sending a child to school who ing prices. Look for the Hart sign: ist to stop and oSjj?*help to anyone on has defective eyes. Mo« of ow Hart’s House of Service, Coquille. the highway, for the most innocent schools now realise how absurd It to Dr. P. M. Drake and Chas. Char- Full Pint 75c sppesring msy be double croaaers. to send a child to school who can’t >esky, manager of the West Coast t” Last Suitday night, D. B. Randall, of read Its books or see what the teach­ nilL left thia morning for ths north ■ Mb away fatigue, soreness, lameness with this Loa Angeles, was approaching Marsh­ er puts on the blackboard. So today n the former’s car. Mr. Oarnesky refreshing Puretest Rubbing Alcohol. It’s a rub­ tbe majority of our schools test each field, when he observed an old man pupil's eyes when it first enters school topped at Eugene and will return bing tonic. There’s new life in every drop. In­ leave a stalled car with a ean. When and either has its eye defects cor­ erth his family, while Dr. Drake ex­ vigorates the tissues. Indispensable in homes, Randall offered to give him a lift th< rected by suitable glasses or puts the camps, gymnasiums and hospitals. pects to meet Mrs. Drake and daugh­ ancient pulled a gun, forced Randall child with detective vision in a special ter in Portland on their return from This officially recognized Puretest Rubbing Alco­ to drive on to a side road, whore a daee where teaching methods are i month’s visit In Colorado. They hol is sold only at Rexall Stores. companion waited. After relieving adapted to suit the child’s vision. will return Sunday or Monday. In the same way it to now recog­ Randall of 880 they got in to their nised that the child with detective J. E. Paulson went up to Por land own ear and and limited hearing cannot be put Ae first of the week and upon his r$- la the same class with normal chil­ tnr-1 yesterday was accompanied by Newlywed» to Arrive Sunday dren. To do ao to unfair to the child Mrs. Paulson and their daughters. Cards from Mr. and Mrs. Truman and expensive for the school. So Maxine and Margaret. They went on Peter», of Portland, have been received many of our beat schools today to« down to Bandon where the family will by the friends oi the bride and groom tbe hearing of each child on admto- remain the rest of the summer in here, announcing the wedding of H. C alon and, by sorting out those chil­ their beach cottage. Although tired Gant and Miss Beatrice Peters last dren with limited hearing, either pro­ Mrs. Paulson « tood the trip pretty vide treatment for thoae deaf chil­ last Saturday at 4 p. m., in Trinity dren whose hearing can be Improved well. She has gained 24 pounds since Episcopal Chapel in Portland, Dr, A. or provide special classes with special­ «he began to improve and the salt air A. Morrison officiating. ly trained teachers for those children and ocean breeses are expected to The happy couple is expected to ar­ whose deafness is incurable. □rove beneficial stimulants. rive in Co juilie Sunday and they will This would seem to be only com­ Japanese Festival. be at home to their friends at 685 mon sense. Tet It hss required neerly seventy-five years to secure general East Second street, after August 16. recognition vt ao simple a conduion. Bonds Sold at 4% Per Cent It was la 1868 that little Jean Llppltt, Is Again First in Zeppelin Race The eounty court, on Wednesday the deaf daughter of the governor of COAST DIVISION awarded the >300,000 bridge bond is­ The Coquille Service Station again Rhode Island, was taught Up reading. ranks first this week in the Goodyear sue, authorised by the voters on May She was the first child tn thto country i beet Our Quality Merchandise 16 for construction of a crossing over Zeppelin race, the winner of which to receive such Instruction. Seven Then Help Yourself and Sate isthmus Inlet, between East side and will receive a free trip this fall tn years later, In 186R, the ia« year of Bunkor Hill, to Smith, Camp A Co. Akron, Ohio. SucS towns as Med­ the CIvH war. Mrs. Hubbard taught and associates. Their offer was for ford, Salem, The Dalles and Longview her little daughter Mabel how to un­ derstand speech without hearing. Thto Endicott-Johnson (Not ia the Trust) 4ft % internet bonds. There were taro furnish strong competition for a deal­ deaf daughter years afterwards mar­ SHOES for ALL the FAMILY other bids opened Tuesday at 4% per er in a town this site of Coquille, but ried Alexander Graham Bell, whose ef­ These handy shopping stores specialise in Standard Brands and cent and two at 5 per cent. Archie Walker and his -rustlers’’ fort* to devise some machine by which — SELL fer LESS The successful bidders offered 62.7 have strong hopes of winning out. ! hto deaf wife could hear led to tbe Hosiery Wash Frocks cent* premium on eaeh $100 bond or a Men’s Furnishings Invention of tbe telephone. Lingerie Notions total of 61581 premium. . Y« It has takes years to g« re­ Men’» Work Clothing M. P. Hotel’s New Manager sults. The American Association for Following is the complete Hat of Coquille Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosslow, who the Hard of Hearing, organised tn Bandon bidders and their offers______ , Security Saving. A Trust Co., At- b,’s, be<" 1910, has now a committee working kinson, Jone. A Co., .nd Blyth A Co.,! bt>U1 OB F‘ftb for, »*•» on a simple plan for testing hearing The Oregon Fanner, one of the beat He Will Fight High Heeia Inc., 8100.33, or piwmium of 8900. In- ye,r 'ev"ed **’r ««•"¿ctiona m th« of school children so that every school agricultural papers in the northwest, tene«t 4M per oent. I capacity this wesk. The new man- teacher can examine each pupil and James H. Kerby, who seeks the Smith, Camp A Co., IMrcefFair A ^e"^nto h" bed for transfar Point Herald. heels. In a statement of his policies, premium 81681- Interest 4ft per and fuel. * he said: “If elected to the senate I eeat. will introduce a bill to prohibit manu­ r Bank of Southwestern Oregon, facture and sale of high-heel, narrow­ Wells, Dickey A Co., A. D. Wakeman sole, ill-fitting shoes. I will attach A CoM 8101.25, $3750; interest 5 per A. F. & A. M. cent. the referendum to the bill. I regard Stated Communication the high heel as a menace to our civil­ Morris. Mather A Co, Bylleaby A Aug. 12—8:00 P. M. isation. No woman can be normal Co., Seasongood and Mayer, Farmen who is addicted to high heels, which and Merchants Bank, Coquille, Mu­ will cause a generation of imbeciles. nicipal Reserve and Bond Co., $100.90 « High heels and hootch are the secret snd furnish bonds; interest 5 per cent Premium $2700. of the crime wave now sweeping out For Fire. Auto or Accident First Seattle Dexter Horton Securi­ fair land.” Insurance ties Co., C. W. McNair A Co., and Call on Central Illinois Co., $100.17, pi Ladies Drosses are given the moat of $510; interest 4ft per cent. careful attention by the City Clean­ Fubrman’s Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Service A ncient Tiger Skeleton Rebuilt at U. of O Ray Jeub was charged at the Lions Club weekly luncheon yesterday, with having borrowed J. L. Smith’s saddle in order that he might not appear at a disadvantage over in eastern Ore­ gon where all young men ride the bucking bronco, and are esteemed for their horsemanship! Ray did not deny nor affirm the statement that he had been over to the buccaroo sec­ tion, but claimed return of the saddle to Mr. Smith and the latter corrobor­ ated his statement D. D. Hall was a guest at the lunch­ eon and spoke briefly to the Lions. Cesd W Thank*--------- Courtesy, Prie* and Friendly Ser­ For the many acts of kindness and vice combine to make Hart’s House «f for the sympathy shown us during our Service a pleasant, profitable and pro- recent bereavement we wish to ex- S"”'" u«. «. C-. .a I for the beautiful floral offering* at Walter E. Newbury, formerly ia*3** funeral. Mr». Ruby Cousins, Blythe Cousins, the tax collection department of the sheriff. office, whoso home ia now Mrs. Ethel Boileau, Mr. and Mrs. L. at Gaylord, was a Coquille visitor this R Angelo, Mrs. Betty Palmer. morning. He ia on a ten-day leave See Spencer’s August reduction from the hoi pi tai at The Dalle«, sale of Ladle« and Mieses frocks. where he Is receiving treatment Japanese Festival. sf, Chadwick Lodge No. 68 ers. No fabric is too delicste for their modern system of cleaning. Let them save you by phoning 108-L. He Borrowed the Saddle Ned C. Kelley All Linen of Insurance Coquille, Oregon Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy's Pasteurised MUk and protect [ And save irritating delaya in caae of loss your health. Tuesday night guests at the Jaa. N. Jacobsen home were Mrs. E. T. Nis­ sen, aunt of Mr. Jacobson, her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Fred Cummings, and two daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. John H. S. Hale Here from Idaho Hydning, all of Ferndale, Calif., who were on their way to Corvallis for a Harvey 8. Hale, former Coos Coun­ visit. ty Agent, came in Wednesday evening from Twin Falls. Idaho, where he is Pullets for sale, White L?gh>rns now located. He expects to leave in a and Australorps. Also some one-year day <.r two. old Leghorn laying Hens. S. B. l^hile Twin Falla eounty contains, Leeper, on Highway,-at Cunningham 14,000 dairy cattle, the agricultural railroad crossing. tf business ia diversMsd that«, with ■ August days are bargain days at 250,000 acres under irrigation. Beans our Beauty Shop. To acquaint you is the big crop this year, and in 1929 ■ with our work we are offering a the cotmti produced $6,000,000 worth I special eaeh week in August. This of dry beans. week’s Special, starting Aug. 2, fos , Mr. Hale says they have had no hot ; one week, a Shampoo A Marcel for. weather yet in that high country and $1.00. Phono 167-L. Nosier's Barber J that ft is a vary pleasant climate. A Beauty Shop. t . Some Bantam Austin Records ! Special Special Special $10Down=$5aweek Top photo—Ancestor of saber-teeth tiger such as ones roamed forerts « eastern Oregon (photo «cpyrlght by Amerioan Mutkum of Natural History), Belew—Saber-tooth tiger mounted from bones found In asphalt laka near Lea Angola*. Sam Itzikewltz of Portland, who accomplished (sat, la shown In background. University of Oregon, Eugeno. — "What proUy laaku you have, G and ma” may have made Mother Esbor Tooth Tiger swell pride, bit all thto time hr- poor otoma: v v.-t-s sh.ir.k- Ing for lack of focu, it has been re veaJMby geolof.k-s at the Un!unity of OTegbn. who co-v have a cc*i.dete. mounted specimen of this denis.n ef the Jungle or 500, «">0 years ato. ..The saber tooth titer roamed the Pacific coast, (eared by til. bu; down through the axes its huge tauka kept on getting longer with eacii genera­ tion, until finally they v.ere so cum­ bersome thst the last al Ute animals actually starved to death, it has been established. The specimen recently mount d at the university in the vto.k oi Sam Itrikowits, ptemaCm from Portland, who put together several hundred bones found tn the asphalt deposit at Rancho Le Brea, near Los Angeles. They were in a perfect state dt proeervatioa, and the «■tire akele Our terms on the following cars 1 Model T Coupe 1 Model T Fordor Sedan 1 Chevrolet Coupe 1 Chevrolet Touring ton, from the ferocious tusks down to the tip of the tail, has been recon­ structed. It ia about six feet long and three feet high. The pool of asphaltum has been the source of many prehistoric animals now extinct. The old-time horse, wolves, camels and many «peciee of birds have been found there. Dr. John F. Bovard, now dean of the school of physical education at th* , university here, was a student In Cali- ; fornla when the pool was discovered i in 1902, snd he coined the name,*, "smilodon Califomlacus," by which thia species is known. Although no true ’’saber tooth" tig­ ers have been dug up in Oregon an ancestral form once ror.med the wilds of eastern Oregon. Thin tiger had not yet developed the fatal tasks. however. The specimen mounted here by ltslkowlts is his first work but ft Is unusually well done, said Dr. Bur' Packard, professor ot geology. 4 We Have Other Bargains In Our Stock of RELIABLE USED CARS Look over our u°ed Model A Fords. TRADES ACCEPTED. W. J, Baker Motor Co (oquiHe and Myrtle Point !