Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1930)
OOQÜUXR, Telling About People Events in the City and County NOBLER A WALKER. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Nosier left Monday morning on a three-days' trip to Portland. - * Mrs. F. W. Martin and children are visiting her parents in Seattle, Mr. Martin having taken them up there the Fourth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Buckingham left Tuesday on a two weeks’ vacation, during which he will visit relatives in and near Corvallis and also in Port end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and daughter, Maxine, from Oakland, Calif., spent several days last week .visiting Mrs. Smith's brother, D. L. Hackett. Wedding Rings, Wedding Rings, the good kind, guaranteed. Diamonds— that are diamonds—at Wilson’s. Mrs. Jas. Watson and children and her nieces, Misses Pearl and Ruby Snyder, are spending a few days at Bandon as the guests of Mrs. Chas. E. Schroeder. Mrs. S. J. Estes evening from Little visit with her son, Mrs. Estes expects of the summer here. i The Gyro-Turbine automobile wash- ng if still handled exclusively in Coo» county by i-ee Goodman, and those w.ahing a demonstration of it» utility, or who wiah their car cleaned ..houki see him. It ta the beat of its kind on the market. Mm. Fred Lorenz arrived here last Monday from her hoaae in Aberdeen, Wad*.. and is spending a week or two riritinj friends and relatives. She came to see her eon, Alton 'McAdams, who came in last Saturday from Weed, Calif. He has been married and loot Safety First! Us* Cow Bell his wife in Arixona a year or so ago. He has a two-year old bahy daughter Dairy’s Pasteurized Milk and protect and is now making his home in Weed. your health. • , • Maud Porter, fomner stenographer, Visitors at the C. L. Willey home for three days this week were Mr. in th« office of A. J. Sherwood, return ed here Tuesday on a short visit. She and Mrs. Ralph Klagee and two sons, of Los Angeles, who had oeen is spending her summer vacation camping at Bandon and Port Orford. on a trip north and stopped here on She motored from Hoquiam, Wash their way home. Mr. Klages is a ington, where aha has a position in cousin of Mrs. Willey. the U. S. Steamboat Inspection office. On Wednesday County Sapt. Mul She was accompanied by Miss Nellie key went to Gold Beach for a commit More, of Eugene, assistant in the U. tee meeting with County 8upt. Kath of O. library. While in Coquille they erine Harris. Mrs. Mulkey was ac were guests of Mm. M. H. Hersey. companied by her two children and Clarence D. Porter, of Portland, sister and will remain for a few days 1 Oregon, manager of the Fidelity A camping near Gold Beach. Deposit Co. of Maryland, accompan- Fred Barker and his daughter, Mrs. ^y y, wife, son and daughter, Alice Ricks, and her baby have been ,topped here. Tuesday morning for a visiting in Coquille and Myrtle Point short visit with John E. Ross, Mr. . They are making | _____ porter __ had not been since Tuesday. f “ __ ______ ___ _ in Coquille for their home near Medford Mr. e|ght or ten and J be was — whore ~ _ years ___ _____ Barker bought an acre of ground and i amazed at the new buildings which a five-room house two years ago. had gone up in the business sections Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bickels and oi both Coquille and Myrtle Point iH tK«ir son, «an. Jack, Jack, are are arriving arrivinr today today that time. their from Lapwai, Idaho, where they are ! NOBLER A WALKER. connected with the Indian school, for a visit. Mr. Bickels is a broth -r of Dancing Teacher Well Qualified W. S. Bickels, bf the Farmers A Mer chants Bank, and of Mrs. H. A. Young. arrived here last The fire alarm caused a little excite Rock, Ark., for a Don, and family. ment on an otherwise dead day yester- to spend the rest Jay when it sounded at 12:50. The , department responded promptly but found the blase was a brush fire north L. H. Hazard is taking a week’s west of the Mulkey residence on vacation from his duties at the First Twelft street. There was no damage. I National Bank, which he ia spending Frank Thrift is quite enthusiastic ' with his family at the Kanu Klub over the beauty of Round lake, on the grounds in Brewster valley. Seven Devils road, where he and hie Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley. family and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mrs. A. N. Gould is expected home Buckingham spent the day last Sun tomorrow or Sunday from her trip to day. He says it is a very picturesque Chicago where ahe attended the na spot and that the fishing is good there. tional ebnvention of the Business and Instead of coming home for a three | Professional Women’s Clubs. weeks’ vacation as she had planned, Mias Gloria Getz ia confined in the Good Samaritan hospital at Portland The above photograph ia of Hazel with an attack of pneumonia. Word from Mrs. Getz, who went up to Knapp who started a dancing school Portland Sunday, is that she is not in Graham’s Hall a couple of weeks ago, on Tuesday of each week, and dangerously ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Prey returned shows her in Hula Hula dance cos last Saturday from their fortnight Norman Laird, who had been in tume. vacation, during which they thor Portland since last Saturday, returned Mrs. Knapp received her dramatic oughly enjoyed a trip north, getting home thia morning. He brings word instruction under Hobart Bosworth at up to Vancouver and Nanaimo, B. C. the Gloria Getz ia improving and that Los __ Angeles, __ her dancing ___ ____ instruction if her temperature continues at or j fKosloff. She’had a’ part Renaldo, seven-year old son of Mr. and Mm. Roy Gudmundson, had aa near normal that Mrs. Getz will be in tbe Fanchon and Marco w!ew, and jfcafl had 20 years’ stage and screen unpleasant birthday surprise when he able to bring her home Sunday. Dwight L. Hackett, who ia. in charge of the Lions camp for boys on Elk river, sends word that he will be hero Sunday to conduct services at the Christian church aa usual. UVE SÏ0CKM bound worms in SWINE HARMFUL Make a “SPLASH a SWIM-KAP Injury Is Often So Great Pigs Never Recover. The common round worms of swine are known as Ascarta Lumbricoldeo. They are commonly spoken of among veterinarians and parasitologists aa Ascarids, but moat swine producers apeak of them only as round worms of swine. The targe round worms of swine at tain a length of as much as 12 incbee. The average else ranges from « to 12 Inches and these worms are about one- eighth inch In diameter. They are pinkish in color. When young pigs are very heavily Infested with round worms the larvae (small worms) which find their way to the lungs In targe numbers set up a condition of the lungs which ta often spoken of as thumps. This ta a form of pneumonia and ta often severe enough to stunt the pigs to such an extent they never develop properly afterwards. Many of these pigs will Unger for several weeks after severe round worm infestation and upon their death or being killed, if the lungs are examined, much evidence of the Inva sion of the larvae stage of the round worm will be found. The Injury ta so groat with many young pigs that they never entirely recover. As the worm eggs hatch out In the Intestinal tract of the pig. the small larvae are taken up by the blood stream where they go to the liver and then to the lungs where they remain long enough to set up an Inflamma tion which to often severe enough to develop into pneumonia. After a short stay In the lungs, the larvae travel up the trachea or windpipe and are reswallowed and then after find ing their way to the Intestines of the pig, develop Into full else worms. This requires about two and one-half months. It ta estimated that a full grown fe male round worm In the Intestines of tbs hog may produce as many aa 80,- 000,000 eggs. From this it ta evident bow great the contamination of bog yards and quarters must be after a number of worm-infested pigs have been kept In them for several weeks. The eggs of the round worms an very restatent to weather conditions and to many chemicals. It ta not known Ju»< bow long the eggs will re main alive, but It ta safe to conclude that the majority of worm eggs will remain alive for more than one year under ordinary farm conditions. Bound worm eggs are resistant to many chemicals. This ta due to the fact.that they are encased In a tough gelatinous membrane or cupsule. In order to destroy these round worm eggs. It ta necessury to use some caus tic material which will dissolve this membrane covering. The beet product that we know of for this purpose ta concentrated lye which should be used In boiling water—one pound to each ten gallons of boiling water. This solution will destroy practically all round worm or other worm eggs with which it comes In coutact. fell and cut his forehead. Several * Mrs. J. E. Paulson, who has gained experience. She has also conducted stitches were required to close the 15 poun& in weight during the past dancing classes in Hollywood. Her dancing lessons include classi gap. three and a half weeks, is recovering cal, character, tap and toe dancing, so rapidly now that Mr. Paulson ex Loganberries for Sale—Earl Nos and her pupila are finished dancers ier, Sanford Heights, Coquille, phone pects to be able to bring her home from Portland next week. They will. when they have completed their 0O1LL. spend the rest of the summer at! course. Dr. Roscoe Wallace and his par Having moved from Port Orford to theif Bandon cottage. ents, Mr. and Mrs Franklin Wallace, north of the Bay, Mrs. Knapp is able Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Andrews, of Wil of Fresno, Calif., stopped off here on to reduce her charge to $1.00 for their north last Friday for a mington, Calif., were gueats at the class lessons and <2.50 for private in at the Roy Gudmundson Walter Laird home from Wednesday struction. abort until today thia week. The visitors, | home. Classes are held in Grgham's Hail who are making a vacation trip as far . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nosier west each Tuesday at 2 p. m. north as Portland, are friends of Mr. out to Eugene Monday where he had and Mrs. Laird’s daughter in Wil his teeth pulled by an extraction ex Wa« Out Again Next Day mington, where Mrs. Laird visited last port. Mr. Nosier has been suffering The American Austin, which has winter. from neuritis, caused by his teeth, the been the object of so much attention Feed Ewes Bert Davis returned Tuesday even doctor informed him. here the past week, suffered^1« mis- ing from Grant county where he had or i hap at the Thrift Grocery corner Mon Word received from Geo. Dyer, who been prospecting for the past two Ewes with twins or triplets really left the first of the month with his day evening when th» Coos Bay Bot weeks. He found some traces of gold, • tling Works car struck it and dam need more feed than a ewe with a sin five weeks’ old son for Maine, to place one pan washing out $1.30 worth of' i gie lamb and If you can go to the the baby with Mr. Dyer’s parents, is aged ita left front wheel. the yellow metal. He does not intend 1 trouble of feeding them separately you that he reached the eastern coast with | Trott, who was driving the larger to continue that opeiation but may will find H a great help In making the babe well and hearty. car, assumed all blame for the acei- twine aa good aa singles. Give these return to Grant county to take up an- • . dent, claiming that the sun blinded twin and triplet raisers all the grain Pullets for sale, White Leghorns other proposition. him as he turned down First street they will clean up In a few mlnutea. and Australorps. Also some one-year Mrs. Bertie Lee Keen and daughter, and that he did not see the Austin. twice dally, and all the clover or al old Leghorn laying Hen«. S. B. Edith, have been here from Dunsmuir, falfa they want. Also ttii-ee twin and Leeper, on Highway, at Cunningham Calif., for several day« visiting Mrs. 1 triplet lambs Oeed a creep and ape Night Baseball at Portland railroad crossing. tf M. R. Dunham. Sjse has alee been ; clal feed more than single lamha. A Night baseball will be inaugurated good creep feed for young ISmbe 1s Mrs. C. L. WiRey Jr. and children, doing beauty work at the Townsend in Portland. July 22. when the San ___ first _____ bran ____ and ___ oil _____ meal _____ mixed, _ then of Corvallis, were visitors at the C. barber shop. She is impressed with Francisco Missions play the Portland ad d ground oats, then ground corn. In L. Willey home here a couple of days the opportunities in Coos county and ! Night baseball a short time they will eat whole oats thia week. Chas. Willey Jr. came expects to return early in the win- ' tail-end Beavers. down with them for the Fourth and ter to be with the Townsend shop per was first inaugurated in the Inde- but one must grind the corn for a long pendence, Kansas, park last year, in Creep fed lambs go to market thay have been visiting since in Myr manently. the Western Association, and has ««riler. grade higher, weigh more and tle Point “Is it insured?” been tried in several other cities worry tlielr mother» lew. They will pay a mighty good price for the grata Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Bunch and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ulett and Lafe since, with an attendant increase in they eat and Mrs. W. .V. Ferguson intend paid admissions. Compton returned Wednesday evening leaving Sunday on a two weeks’ vaca from a trip to Portland on which tion trip to Yellowstone Park. They I 2d Oregon Vets to Convene they left Monday. William Ulett, will go by way of McKenzie Pass and For ten years, pens mid corn bare who accompanied them north, did not The annual reunion of the Second Boise, Idaho, and return by way of return but entered Hill Military Acad Oregon Regiment Veteran Associa- been grown for hogging off at the California. substation. North Dakota. emy for a summer course and will tion, which saw service in the Philip- Edgeley Th. returns per acre from the Mrs. J. A. Burket returned to Co continue his studies there through the pines just before the . -V. opening of . this ... p^ag ranged from $1A05 to $82.92; quille last week and left again Satur fall, winter and spring, graduating century, will be held in Laurelhurst corn, $20 to $02.04. In four years, day for her home in Palo Alto, Calif., next summer. Park, Portland, Aug. 10. The pro returns front pess were not great accompanied by her two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lawrence ar gram will start with a lunch at 1 enough to show a profit: In the other Orphs and Joan, who had been visit rived here Monday from Oakland, p. m„ and includes music, addresses by six years the profit ranged from $1.99 ing at the McCurdy home for the pmt to $20.28 per acre. The dally gala per Calif., for a two weeks’ visit with his prominent men, including Gov. Nor- few weeks. ! bog on peas woo from to 1.88 father, J. 8. Lawrence, and brothers, blad, and election of officers. pounds; oo corn. 1.2fl to 1.7 pounds. Oliver Hughes and his daughter, Kennett and Perry. All of the Law Ia five years peas produced more pork Jane, were visitors at the R. A. Wee- rence families are spending this week Chadwick Lodge, A. F. * A. M. th«, com. nich home here yesterday from Los in the Queen Anne eotteges at Ban Angelas. Mr. Kughts ku connected don. The visitors from the south with the old Sitka mill during the war were accompanied by a cousin of Mrs. j Lo4rlAJF- 4 A M ’ win ** **•' Animals next Tuesday evening. July 22. at 8 j feedln(C „ and made Coquille his home for a Lawrence, John Lees. p. m. for the purpose of conferring but it Is by no means the only thing year or two. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and the Entered Apprentice degree. All for the farmer to consider. Breeding Mrs. S. S. Norton arrived in Co daughter, Margaret, left Tuesday for Masons invited to attend. j to at least of equal Importance with quille Wednesday evening from Red Eugene where they met Mrs. Smith's -------------- ------------- feeding. It ta a well recognised fact ding, Calif., for a two weeks* visit niece, Miss Roberta Robertson, of Notice: Farmers—Wa buy Beef “><>D< breeders of registered live stock with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Lor Kansas City, Mo. From Eugene they Veal. Pork, Poultry and Hides, st the J*» ens, and other relatives. She accom crossed McKenzie Paas and drove Z EODNOMV wanwwm Co- « from k the small of pure-bred ill. raon MARKET, h.„ percentage la y,., panied Mrs. C. M. Sigler and three south on The Dail ««-California high quiiie, Oregon. | . children, whose home is also in Red way to Crater Lake and Klamath ding. Mrs. Bigler is visiting at the Falls, returning home yesterday. Mias home of her sister, Mrs. H. S. Norton. Robertaon win visit here for a time. Separately With Twins Triplets Hogging Off Crops I for Breeding 25c to 75c Good-looking, long wearing — these exclusive Swim-Kapa are the favorites of thousands of wo men all over the country. Flattering in cut—skil fully shaped to keep the hair absolutely dry. Sold only at Rexall Stores. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc DRUGGISTS STATIONERS iT0ÌAJ8> ^Setvice sfo à COAST DIVISION Inspect Our Quality Merchandise —Then Help Yourself and Saee E Endicott-Johnson (Not in the Trust) SHOES for ALL the FAMILY These handy shopping stores specialise in Standsrd Brands and SELL for LESS Hosiery Wash Frocks Men’s Furnishings Lingerie Notions Men's Work Clothing Coquille Marshfield Apple and Tomato Boxes We have a fine stock of apple and tomato boxes on hand. We are also now prepared to make boxes and crates of any size to order. John Dornath A Sons, 27t2 • Halls Creek Restaurant For Sale j Bandon Card of Thanks I We desire to extend to our neigk- I *x>ra and friends our sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement and for the beautiful floral offerings at the funeral services for our husband and father. Mrs. Geo. Clausen and children. Restaurant for sale, cheap for cash. Trespass Notices, printed on doth, Small restaurant and confectionery, doing good business, well located, for sale at this office. rent reasonable, lease to April 1st, 1981. Ideal for man and wife or for partners. Present owner baa other interests, A. F. & A. M. elsewhere, demanding his attention. Special Communication For particulars, address P. 0. Box 21, Coquille, Oregon. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 TuesM July 22—Work in E. A. To Whom It May Concern Notice ta hereby given that I will not after July 18th be responsible for any debts contracted by any other person than myself, it* Clarence S. Hatcher. For Fire, Auto or Accident Insurance Call on From and after this date, July 18, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. 27t2 F. G. Shores. Ned C. Kelley All Lines of Insurance Coquille, Oregon « Mining Location notices for sale at thia office. Ard save irritating delays in case of loos Hiland Theatre! MYRTLE POINT Sunday - Monday - Tuesday, July 20 - 21 - 22 King Supreme of S ing and Romance In Screendom’a All-Color Triumph! Dennis King in The Vagabond King Admission 10c and 50c Wednesday - Thursday, July 23 -24 Alice White in Playing Around Thrills and chills, Mirth and music A First National & Vitaphone Picture Admission 10c and 35c Friday and Saturday, July 2SZ - 26 Jack Oakie in his latest and best picture THE SOCIAL LION Admission 10c and 50c The Authentic Sharkey-Schmeling Fight Picture CoMing July 27-28-29 U