Mr*. Mattie McGuffin and two daughters, Margery McGuffin and Mr*. Walter Smith, returned last week end from Eureka, California, where they went to visit Mr*. Smith’s husband, who is engaged in fishing there. FARM STOCK Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kern and daughters and Mrs. Kern’S father, Calvin Ray, of North Bend, returned! Call Farr A Elwood for transf.-r Sunday evening from a four-dayu* trip' aad fuel. down the coast. They drove forty miles Wedding Rings, Wedding Ring*, the south of Eureka and found all the road good kind, guaranteed. Diamonds— eery good. Dr. P. M. Drake returned Last Sun- j that are diamond*—at Wilson’*' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Opperman re turned home yesterday morning after spending a week in a cottage on Coo* river. Mf. and Mr*. Roy Pettingill and family and Mr. Pettingill’s father and mother spent the day of the Fourth at Sunset beech. Gladys Clinton, of Gravel Ford, who ha* been employed for the past year at Mrs. A. Schroeder’s restaurant, is quite ill at her home. Miss Gloria Gets, who is in training st the Good Samaritan Hospital to Portland, is expected home Monday for a three weeks’ vacation. Mrs. G. Hermanson and her daugh­ ter, Lucile, left Wednesday morning for Portland and Victoria, where they will remain for several months. Claude Irons, of Marshfield, while viaiting at the home of Mrs. Mattie McGuffin 8unday, seriously injured his left eye with a hook on a Ashing pole. Born, July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. I/an Gregory, a ten-pound boy, Wil­ liam Howard. Mr*. Gregory is at the home of her mother, Mr*. Will Wimer. MORE LIVE STOCK NEEDED ON FARMS Face Powders that add Enchantment L. D. LeOeor, V. 1> St. Lewis, Me. Growing Demand for More Milk, Beef and Poultry. I A growing demand for more milk, butter, beef and poultry make* it ab­ solutely necessary that farmer* tn- crease their live stock production if they continue to “live at home.** "The rapidly Increasing urban pop­ ulation haa brought to the farm door Mr*. Bertha J. Smith, Mr* Anna the opportunity of buying tboee thing* Rooney, Miss Bess Maury, of thia tity, that at one time were of a*ce*e|Xy pro­ ¿nd Mi** Edna Asplund, of Manh- duced on the farm." say* A. C. Kim rey, dairy extension specialist at the lold, returned Sunday evening from a North Carolina »tale college, "but It 1* three day«’ trip to southern Oregon, atoo Increasing the demand for all •topping at Crater Lake, Klamath kind* of live atock product*. In neg­ Falls, AsHand and Medford. lecting to Increase hl* dairy herd and Homer C. Gant, who spent ? the poultry flock*, th* farmer is neglecting Fourth holiday* in Portla-.d, reiurn d a wonderful opportunity to not only produce a good living but atoo make a Tuesday, accompanied by Miae Bea­ good income from the farm." trice Peters, who spent a few day* In the early «laya of our hiatory. here this week. The wedding of thia state* Sfr. Kimrey, when the market* popular young couple is to be solem­ were few and tor apart. It was net nized in Portland late in July. only good business but a neceaalty to Mr. and Mr* W. V. Ferguson and produce everything needed on the farm. Thia naturally led to the pro­ children spent the Fourth holidays on duction of crop* that were adapted to a trip to Crater and Diaflsond Laltes. alow marketing such aa cotton, tobac­ The O. K. Beals family from Corvallis co and grain. But now, he state* It Joined them for the trip. In an af­ la not only necessary to produce the ternoon’s fishing in Diamond lake the things needed on th* farm but aleo men each caught a 20-inch Rainbow, to produce tboee things moat In de­ mand at tbe neareat market which, to trout. most casea, to at tbe front door. Th* Mr. and Mrs. Drue Cunningham, constant demand today to for food Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pointer, Vera products from live stock. Gaalin and Eula Doak were on a trip According to Mr. Kimrey, live atock, over the past week end. They mo­ pasture and feed cropo In reasonable tored via the Pacific highway, taking proportion will enable every farmer In in the Oregon caves, then going over J North Carolina to utilise a maximum the Redwood highway to Crescent par cent of hto acreage and will at the Mme time, produce a decent living City and returning up the coast. and a marketable surplus of live stock Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tennison, who. product*. . I had been visiting here since July K i ___ _ 1* __________ ________ ____ “This the only _ permanent aolu left Monday noon for their home in tlon, and aa long aa the farmers of San Diego. His father, Frank Tenni-: North CaroliM refuse to follow this »on. accompanied them and will visit »ystem. Juat so long will they have in San Diego for two or three menthe, • • ■alaU ■nd Insufficient farm Income Tom left Coquille several years «««».I“/ LX'n!an will not work anywhere. You can offer your customers at east three advantages over the ordin- iry farm run of eggs ouch as they irually get at grocery stores. First, I ou can guarantee that your egg* are I infertile as no rooster* ar* kept with I your laying flock, hence your egg* I will keep fresh much longer. Second, I you can assure thesn that egg* are I fathered twice a day so they are sure . I -o be perfectly fresh. The third ad- I I /antage is that you can keep your' I here penned up so that there io no I loubt about when egg* were laid.! I Egg* collected from hayloft* or here I and there about a farm may have been ' • I laid recently or they may not. Mr. and Mr«. I. J. Dennis, of Port­ land. and Dr. Wm. Stransbury, of Palo Alto, Cal., were week-end guests over the Fourth with Dr. and Mm. J. and ha* a re.pon.ibh position with B. Gillis. sections,” ear* Mr. Kimrey, tbe telephone company in the south­ Harry A. Slack returned yesterday ern California city. morning from a ten days’ trip to Sa­ Bulletin on Docking lem and other valley point* He was and Castrating Lambs accompanied home by K. G. Denman, (Prepared by the United fttataa Department of Corvallis. I of Agriceltoro.) Farmers who raise sheep for tbe Pullets for sale, White Leghorn» sale of lamb* will be interested to and Auftralorpe. Also some ene-year Farmers’ Bulletin 1184-F, “Castrating TREATING OLD AGE old Leghorn toying Hens. S. B. and Docking Lambs,” which may by Leeper, on Highway, at Cunningham' obtained free from United States De railroad crossing. tf partment of Agriculture, Washington D. O. Mr. and Mrs Bill Keller, of Arago, T HAS long been recognised that | This bulletin emphasise* the value and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. babies require different treatment of docking all lamba and castrating Should any patron object to paying Culbertson and family returned this from adult* The young, tender, de­ tbe rem tomb* which are to be mar­ week from a few days’ camping trip veloping body of the Infant to sub­ keted, In order to get maximum gain* your price, provided, of course, that ject to different dlsenses and needs and good prices when finished. Un- • It ia not out of reason, you may safe­ at Johnson’s beach. < different treatment from that of the ly offer to let them try store eggs Notice: Farmers—We buy Beef, mature, completely developed body of , docked ram iamb* are often discrimi­ tor a while. Aa a rule, your willing- nated against, tbe bulletin shows, to Veal, Pork, Poultry and Hides, at the the adult. This has come to be so gen­ ¡an extent ranging from «3 to flfi per nees to have them make this com perl­ ECONOMY CA8H MARKET, Co­ erally recognised that the care and on will overcome their objection* 100 pounds. In comparison with cas­ quille, Oregon. treatment of the Infant Is now a dis­ trated and docked lumba of the same right then and there. Egg* produced H. W. Weiger, who ha* been in tinct speciality in medicine. age. Thia to due largely to the greet­ under the condition* outlined above In the Mme way we are coming to Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland er uniformity and more attractive ap­ are bound to be bettor than those pur- realise that the dlae.ise» and treat ­ for a month or more, returned to Co­ pearance which castrated and docked •hased through store*. quille Wednesday. He to feeling and meet of the very old demand Just ae lamba present when marketed. Before starting a business of this distinct treatment as that of the very looking much better. Owners of range docks have long kind, be sure you have sufficient hens young. Some of the organs and func­ appreciated tbe value of castrating Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tweed and aon tions of the old have begun to slow to make sure of having a year ’round and docking, but these practice* are returned Monday from spending the up and degenerate. They need special not so general to the case of farm •upply of eggs for your year "round Fourth at their old horns in Portland. treatment, just ae does the body of flock* The bulletin describee aad 11 customers. Not to have a constant I Mr. Tweed is tbe cleaner and presser ' th* infant. 7 •upply at all time« for your regular lustrates the operation* of castrating to a recent issue of the Medical Re­ at the DelLuxe plant. and docking to aid farmer* I* per­ ’rede will hurt your business very view of Reviews Or. M. W. Thewll* Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Kelley re­ of New York make* some valuable forming tbe work safely and effec­ much. tively. ■■■ In addition to the egg business ' turned Sunday evening from a trip to suggestions about the treatment of the aged. Disease« of old age, he says, re ­ with it* very acceptable extra profit Crater and Diamond Lakes. They 'eature, there are also dressed fowls were accompanied from Grants Pass quire just as much special attention as diseases of childhood. to be reckoned with. They, too, will by the T. S. Easton family. Tbe first necessity In treating old □ring you a much higher price tf sold V. R. Wilson is mourning the death people to a hopeful attitude. Old per­ over your route than if marketed in of his 12-year old collie, "Chum,” sons are especially aubject to sugges­ the usual manner. Here again, the which occurred a week ago. The dog tion. If an old man Is once taken ill, insurance of a fresh product make« was injured by another dog which he to apt to become despondent and your offering more acceptable. You to believe that there la no help for slipped up on his blind side. will kill and dress fowl* just before him. Msry Alice Nosier was seriously For this rreaon. It to never wise to you start out to deliver them eo they hurt Monday morning, while playing allow an old i>erson to remain in bed sre sure to be in prime condition when .see with other children on the Lincoln any longer than la absolutely neces­ Only good quality bay, or that which I delivered. grade school chute. She fell about sary. The longer he »lay- the more to of bright green color and leafy to You have a very good medii for convinced he 1» that he can never get eight f mt, striking her head. I disposing of your extra cockerel* and character, should be fed to bogs. up. e e e I cull female atock and you do eo at a Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Wilson and In the old aa in tbe adult, many Pigs which make good gala* durlag I profit considerably in excess of what daughter, Aileen were among the troubles ere caused by focal Infec­ the suckling |>erio