COQVILLB VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OBB0OK, PB1DAT. JÜLY 4, IMA PAGB BIX FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille in the State of Oregon, at the eloee of buainaaa oa June M, 1 RESOURCES SIX CYLINDER.«.. SENTENCES TOTAL »687,091.18 20449.21 885,71444 The Modern Housewife Demands by phoning 1C0-J COQUILLE ELECTRIC St Coming to C. A. Laneworthy, Manager Next door to Jack Page Barber Shop MARSHFIELD Professional Cards NOTICE FLOOR ENAMEL The easily applied, waterproof, quick-drying enamaL Ask for the booklet “Dream Floor«” and let no explain th« new Kponfoe ROLDART system. V. B. WILSON NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GBANT CORBY SEPTIC TANKS are the only safe and sanitary way to dispose of sewage where connection with a sewer is impos sible. 24t5 J. Arthur 1 Attorney for NOTICE <1. A. BICBMOND PHYSICIAN and subbi Calling