A Bowl-over of Clothing Prices! fll 1 fl ■ I 111 Entire Stock of And Previous to Moving Into the New I. 0. 0. F. Building Slashing ammoth Clothing, Furnishing OXFORD Less-Regular Prices Daily Until Further Notice] This Means MONEY-SAVING PRICES for YOU, on high-grade CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, HATS, CAPS and SHOES! Nothing reserved! Everything to go the Bargain way in one Mammoth Closing-Out Sale to move. Buy your “dress-up” and vacation wearables now, and Save! (Signed) Wm. A. Zosel. BUY! SAVE! MEN’S STRAW HATS All patterns, in new soft straws, the season’s latest shapes reduced 33 1-3 %. Men’s $1.50 Athletic Unions WORK SHOES Special Close-Out lot Men’s Ath Values to $5.00 letic Unionsuits the regular $1.50 values grade at values $3.50 UMBRELLAS One to a customer values One Close-Out lot of Umbrellas, values to $3.50, marked down to only - - - - - MEN’S DRESS HATS BATHING SUITS REDUCED ne Dry LOGGERS Men’s and Women’s bathing suits, best of yarn, all colors, marked down to 30% less regu lar prices. MEN’S TROUSERS Entire fine stock of Men’s all- wool dress trousers marked at 30% less regular. Entire stock of Men’s felt dress hats, new styles, $1.95 to $7.00, reduced one-third from regular MEN’S $2.50 DRESS CAPS /"»-/ a'*/ ■ tJV /O L6SS $3JO WORK PANTS BOYS’ $1.35 DRESS CAPS BOYS’ FOOTWEAR $3.25 HOUSE SUPPERS Values to $2.85 Canvas Shoes, rubber soles, grouped BOYS OXFORDS AND SHOES in one lot for quick close-out I Values to $2.85, at per pair, $1.75. Reduced