W“ 4 » ? ■ A *■ ’’"v \ 'Jfff"ï^. " ♦». v ,JS* •• li ■ j^L » r-. & ■■'•i&r »? Æ ■ ■> .* rWL.-»-' < SOtW’ A. * ài.’-' ' > w - h - - i;.^7ra ■ ■ Will Open For Business at ;£ ? •■• A-;' S - • ■ t cJS ■- ■ -rfi ... . ' F I - i -,s* b *- '• », J'jfù '.*< *5'V- ■ /-•' . ¿J Double Silverware Coupons First Week WS1' . «- ' mswwwv-w« sussa/xr mft Come have a cup of Coffee and a sandwich and look over as Modern and Sanitary Equipment as can be found in the state» i, u fa»/ JF.f ;7 mre A- . ... ff Open For Inspection at All Times p;** - B «B-yJI. ■■ JI. J.. F>. - J_______ 4 Deer Killed, One Accidentally A meeting of the Coo» County Agri­ cultural Council was held in the Coun­ ty Agent’» office in the Court House nt Coquille on June 20 at 8:00 p. m., with the following member» in atten­ dance: J. A. Lareon, E. D. Webb, Rllis Dement, J. E. Norton, Chas. McCul­ loch, George Hampton, George C. Dickensen, £. L. Clausen, Hfllb Per­ kin» and Alton Kay. A T B was man investigate that , program. voted by the group that an expression of appreciation be sent to federal and state authorities for their co-opera- tion in testing the beef cattle of Coos county and the beef and dairy cattle of Curry county in an effort to place these counties on the modified ac­ credited list. The County Agent waa asked to request that after thia dis­ tinction is granted the county, signs be placed at the county entrances stating that Coos county is an ac­ credited area and that cattle coming in must be tested and found free from the diseases. The abortion control program in the county waa discussed and a re­ port of favorable progress was given on both the Coos Bay and Bandon control areas. Practically all of the cattle in the Coos area have been tested at least once and the four ap­ proved samplers recently appointed by the secretary of the State Live­ stock Sanitary Board for this work are now testing cattle for dairymen in the Bandon area. The control of Canada thistle is re­ garded by members of the Council as !>eing a matter of extreme importance in Coos county. It was recommended that control demonstration plots be sprayed in different parts of the coun­ ty and that accurate records ba kept of the time of application, amount of Deputy Game Warden C. A. Hear­ ing »ay» that the statement that the deer killed by Wm. Schroeder’» auto near Millington last week was to be given to poor people is a mistake. The animal waa taken by Mr. Hearing to the county farm. Roy Cole, arrested by Mr. Hearing and Fred Watson just over the line in Douglas eounty, paid a fine of 1100 in justice court at Roseburg last Thurs­ day. Another arrest by game wardens wan that of Wm. Linherr, for posses­ sion of venison during the closed sea­ son. He live» in Douglas county and the case was handled by Deputies C. A. Hearing, Fred Watson and Ed Walker and C. M. Malcolm, of Rose­ isting at the time of application ao that we may have some definite rec­ ommendation» to maha later in re­ gard to control of Canada thistle and o' her weeds with chemicals. _ A farm tour for member» of the Agricultural Council will probably be held some time hi the near future in order to make it possible for the mem­ bers to see some of the work which is being carried on hi the county by the County Agent. Farms on which demonstration plots of various kinds •» I I are being conducted will be visited. fe zjìw M-*Ì • *