BLY THE That is why (Goodyear sales are going ahead at a rate beyond any previous record. Building many millions more tires '¡a year than any other company, Goodyear enjoys greater experience and lowest costs—can give more for your money. Come in and get the benefit—the best tires—lowest prices—backed by our friendly service. TAKE THAT TKIE-™«? we put Drive in. Estimates free. No obligation. Coquille Service Station Phone 133 SEVELT H. T. Wimer & Son Coquille, Oregon ELECTRIC WELDING AND CUTTINIG We do everything in mill and factory line. All work guaranteed. R. A. Easton’s Weekly Letter We read in the Oregonian of the JO8EPH AND BAILEY C.‘ C. Chapman in Oregon Voter” Democratic Nominee Ed Bailey seam., to be the kind of a man who has his feet on the ground. He ia neither brilliant nor showy. We have xombed hi* legislative record, and find it uniformly characterised by sound sense. We have had reports on his record as an attorney, and find it spotless. There is nothing of the pet tifogger or cHent-trapper about him. As a man we find him decent, clean, sportsmanlike, vigorous and honor able. Hie family background is one in which he may feel immense pride— I sturdy pioneer stock, with high prin ciples of honor, believers in hard