Mayonnaise Highest quality, rich tasty ingredients, blend­ ed into a quality product in bulk. Cliquot Club or Pale Face. Healthful and refreshing. Large bottles. 19c EACH.... . 2 lb*. 83c o Malt Extract »275" Your choice quality brands, Rialto, Puritan or Buckeye. Hop flavored. Large cans. 53c FREE Picnic and Luncheon Suggestions PEANUT BUTTER& quality in bulk 17c lb PORK and BEANS ~........... 39< Southwestern Motor Co. Queen or Stuffed, fancy quality, special 3-oz. bottle, 3 for____________________ /’YT I\7rC VzLal V H m D PANCAKE FLOUR ITS 33< Max-i-mum, cane and maple. Deli- ciously different flavor. 5 lb can____________ QVRT JP •«* * AV'CQ AirklLO kat/C QQ^, Oa/C Kellogg’s or Post Toasties. (Limited) Package------- Big K, all hardwheat, quality at a low price. 49-lb bag----- --------------- Sperry^ Quick Cooking or Regular 9-Ib bag-------------------------- -------------- SHORTENING WHITE BEANSfeJTO'T&r^-.-: TOILET PAPERF 1 SOAP POWDER säp8 ue^Pk? Washinf Machine PAG, Crystal White or White I SOAP Wonder. 14 bars____________ J SAFEWAY I I New Potatoes goodnns. 3 lb.------------------------------ uncy TiB8Ue’iuH 1000 8heet Lemons Large fancy Sunkist. real value! ! ! Cabbage Very firm and crisp, medi­ um size heads. PER DOZEN____ « FREE DELIVERY on reasonable quantity orders W« MSA tke right to H«lt eaaatittaa. N* QUILLE, OREGON to 4*al*r* Phone 122 SEPTIC TANKS MACHINE SHOP COQUILLK