Fresh, Tasty, Delicious are the Meats w< •ell; consistently reasonable are the prices reliable and prompt is our service. J. L. 8TEVEN8 PEOPLES MARKET “Your Ideal Meeting 1 FEATURE Foreman & Clarke Man's and Young Men'» FINE CLOTHES HUDSON'S DRUG STORE / * ‘Butter for Health FARM PRODUCTS Is Nature's Wealth fr -.ÆÊ’Ê-- Butter - Eggs • Milk Cream - Cheese Fruits and Vegetables ' ■ ■ ■.j Rackleff Pharmacy TAYLOR’9 Battery and ' Service STATION RANT MOTOR OARS V. R. Wilson OPTOMETRIST -Are Like Real Oregon Butter Builders Supplies There is No Substitute! For The Business Man— B-H Pure Paint for your home and office — a new mower for your lawn — and sport* ing goods for your vacation time. MAJESTIC RADIO - FRIGIDAIRE Assurance MODEL 4C7 ECONOMY MARKET Fully equipped, delivered here, at only $20 more than the lowest priced four-doer sedan in the world. Geo. F. Burr Motor Co Oerding Hardware Co. DURANT We have several bargains in used radios and phonographs priced from $10.00 up. SALES AND SERVICE Hall street, next door to Coquille Mach