4 ' A'.« J > V*- r.;.- MUMM Paacoe Died Yesterday -t Grange Rally Enj< Pascoe, 32 years of age, who The Coquille Grange i*Hy, or it r re with hu wife and ten-year might have been truthfully r termed a old son about four months ago from frolic, was attended by members of Nebraska, phased away at tp/Xnifs- the Grange and several visitors from jury duty before Pinkston hospital at 7 o'clock yester­ all sections of the Coquille valley and W parture arrived. day moming. He had been in the there were some from the north side E' The ladies of the St James Eplsco- hospital twice in the past four months, of tbe county. A crowd.ef more than i Guild will bold their but he was in so serious a condition 200 was present to enjoy tbe program, i sale Friday and Saturday that the operation performed could games and refreshments. ?.. Leland Minard was a Coquille rie- • The most laughable stunt of the at Nosier A Walker not save him. Itor from Dora yesterday. | The funeral cortege formed at the evening was “The Womanleee Wed­ i J m - postofBc^t You can get the right gift for the right person embroidered articles chapel here at one o’clock this after­ ding,” in which Jim Jscobsen, painted My service to you—your individual Many from among our various holiday displays. and doited up like a 14-year old flap ­ noon and proceeded to the Bandon choice in tattering. Albert Maiden. and novelties wiU be for sale, cemetery where services were con­ per, was ths blushing bride, and Watch for place of Apron and dub‘wSTLet““"tbe Sijh’'B“h^4 ducted by the Knights of Pythias and Carlton Smith, with all the rakish Fancy Goods sale by Friendly Ciaas SSL * Ï haberdashery of a Bowery ward heel­ Rev. L. G. Broiles. si building bore tomorrow morning to ■ Besides his wife and son he leaves er, was the important groom. prepare the high school basket ball The knot was tied by J. P. Beyors For towing and wrecking car ser schedule. They will also attempt to a sister, Mrs. G 8. Webb, of Grsvsi vice call Southwestern Motor Com perfect a closer knit organization, for Ford, and another sister in California. in a tile hat so tall it made him re­ Mr. Pascoe was a mechanic and had semble the “inspector” in the Captain pany, Chevrolet Deaders, 190, CoquiUe JI the benefit of all the schools. ; worked two weeks in tbe Pearce gar­ and the Kids comic strip. He had W Interclam footbaH game* being “Soo Albert Maiden, «95 Went 4th age at Myrtle Point whan stricken. unravel a lot of verbiage before he played at Athletic Park this after­ St., for the world’s greatest Tailor­ The widow and son expect to return considered the deed properly exe­ noon between the four classes of G ing values. 239.50, «31.50 and «28.50. to Nebraka within a few days. cuted. v H a ■ wt< 'S < Á ,H. 8. J. B. Simpson Clothes. AB pure J. L. Smith’s grief-stricken moans Attention, North End property wook” as the mother who was losing her Mrs. E. M. Gallier Dies owners! Next Monday is the last day cheeld, and Vernon Smith, Marion «» Bort Davis returned last Thursday Mrs. E. M. Gallier, a pioneer resi­ « on which you can bond for tbe street venrng after a several days’ stay in dent of Bandon, who has been ill for Clinton and John Martin aa attend­ improvement ..--j ’ortland diSing which he was one ot tbs past year or more, passed away ante or flower girls Or what have you, 'J Dtuka Combination Sot Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Walker and the class which received the Scottish at a hospital in Portland Tuesday ev- , added a great deal of comedy to tbe acenes, but the real prize winner Mrs. L.F. Maury returned Wednesday rite degrees of Masonry and at the ening, following an operation. Consisting of perfume, powder and double com­ » was the ring-bearer, Geo. Gilman, at­ evening from their two weeks’ trip to conclusion of those ceremonies walked pact win make a beautiful gift. Sold only at Funeral services were conducted at the hot sands to Mecca, the oasis for Bandon yesterday, the Eastern Star tired as a five-year old, and bearing Rexall Stores. San Francisco. , a cushion on which reposed two brass being in charge at the cemetery. The Coquille Women’s Club will all Shrinere. * She is survived by Mr. Gallier and bull-rings with the which the twain f A. meet at the Guild Hall Tuesday after­ M, C. Tozier, retired transfer and were Joined. As a bashful dainty noon, Dee. 10th, for their monthly truck man, who ia now operating a three children, Reed and Edward and maid, George was a scream. ranch on the Mackenzie river, was a Mias Alice Gallier, all of Bandon. business meeting. The other stunts, one-act playets, Coquille visitor from Sunday until Bert Tuttle, of Vallejo, Calif.; and staged by the Parkersburg, Fairview Safety ‘ Firstl Use Cow Bell Ernest Gallier, whose home is in Wednesday. Jack says rain is needed and Myrtle Point Grnngea, added hi­ Dairy's Pasteurised Milk and protect ss badly out where his farm is a* it is Maipe, are hrothen. Mrs. Susie Fol­ larity to the evening’s proceedings. your health. som and Clarence Tuttle, of this city, here, and that the rain shortage is 1 Mrs. Arthur Brown who acted as DRUGGISTS STATIONERS half-sister and half-brother, and Mrs. Jennie Price, who had been interfering with his sheep raising and are 1 chairman for the evening turned the Fred Tuttle, of Bandon, is a half visiting two daughters in Washington farming. ♦ thoughts of her hearers in a more * brother. Mrs. Chas. C. Evland, of. for tbs part three months, return*’ I serious vein when she told of a recent Mr. and Mra. Geo. A. Ulett returned this , city, was step-mother of the de­ home Islet Saturday. .visit she made to the ehfldren’a home ’• Addreaa N o ti ce: Paimere— Wrtmy Beef, Tuesday from a business trip to San ( ceased. Phone 108-L for service in cleaning Fr aa e iseo on wh ic h t hey left last Sat­ near Corvallis, and of the needs for Veal, Pork, Poultry, and Hides, at tbe The following are a few of the high pressing, repairing or altering. We urday. They enjoyed tbe trip, al­ clothing and Christinas supplies in ECONOMY CASH MARKET, Ce- spot# in the address of! ¡the national Lions Club Meeting will can and make prompt delivery. though they did run into some of the the cottages. Almost anything can quille. Oregon. City Cleaners; Front St., Coquille. At the Lions Club yesterday noon, be used to advantage by the author!- master, Louie J. Tabor, at the Nation- fog in northern California which I al Grange i n Se a tt l e Novemb e r 1 3, Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley. The Mansell Drayage A Delieverj caused motorists to have a footman W. E. Thompson, principal of ths. Washington building, and W. V. Fer­ i These events were held in the Com­ 1929: Co. is now prepared to make prompt n front of their cars and many to “ During the year we have added 269 r guson both made very interesting munity Building, but the refresh­ delivery of mill wood, in any quan­ cover their headlights with orange Subordinate and Pomona granges, «nd cloth in order to diffuse the light rays. talks on education, as a part of Edu­ ments, consisting of ice cream, cake tity, at «8.00 per load. , cational Week program of the city and coffee were served in Pioneer 121 Juveniles. This record is the most Novia E. Landreth, who'joined Mrs. schools. outstanding of a quarter of a century Cabinet and shop work and repair: A. F. & A. M. Hall. and is a vindication of the attitude of all kinds, promptly, skilfully and Landreth here last week, says they Stated Communication One point in particular impressed It was nearly midnight before the of tbe grange in championing equality efficiently done at C. E. Collins Auto will probably remain here until after the Lions. That was the statement Saturday, December 14 party broke up but there was no one the holidays, visiting her mother, Mrs. made by Mr. Thompson that» educa­ of agriculture. Nq industry in Amer­ Body Shop. 845 Front 8t.. Coquille. present who did not enjoy every min­ W. W. Gage, and other relatives. Ev- tion had heretofore been considered a ica, save agriculture, could have with­ The ladies of the Baptist church ute of it cept for a few days during the holi­ development of the human bgjng from stood the depression and losses that will have a home cooked food sale days a year ago, Mr. Landreth has the inner self outward. It is now have came to the tillers of the soil. and bazaar also, at Thrift’s Oregon Fanner on Corn Show Today is not the time to mourn over not been in Coquille since they moved generally regarded by educator« as Saturday, Dec. 7th, 10 a. m. The Coquille Corn Show was given the difficulties of the past. It is the to Turlock, Calif., ten years ago and from the outside in, developing by The W. C. T. U. ladies will hold he finds Coquille has made mighty a very interesting story in the cur­ time to face the problems of the fu­ contact and precept. The speaker their regular martin* ft-iday, Dec. strides ahead in that time. rent issue of the Oregon Farmer, writ­ ture and to aeek a readjustment that spoke moot truly when he said that 18th, at the home of Mrs. Flora E. ten by W. L. Teatech, of the County will make for agricultural prosperity the most vital and lasting educational Mr. and Mm. Paul MeElwaine, of Dunn, »50 South Henry street. Agent department at O. 8. C. and stability. In demanding equality the Southwestern Motor Co., left training is what the child.receives in In his article, Mr. Teutech writes: the farmer is not demanding a place Let us take care of your cleaning Monday noon in their Chevrolet on a the home. “Our corn show is a civic project in in the aun. He simply desires the and pressing requirements. Just three-weeka’ vacation trip which they which the entire community partici­ same legislative and economic advan­ phone 103-L and we will do the rest. will spend along the southern border Mrs. Frances Hazard pates and which is financed by the Co­ tages that accrue to those in other City Cleaners and Tailors, Coquille. of the United States, in California, Mrs. Frances E. Hazard, widow of quille business men,” J. E. Norton, walks of life. Thinking farmers rec­ Arizona, New Mexico, Texaa, and Mrs. Gscar Nosier arrived here S. A. Hazard, and step-mother of L. Coos county legislator and general ognise that no amount of legislation, Wednesday morning from her home they expect to make side trips into H. Hazard, of this city, passed away chairman of tbe show told me. “It is government help, cheap loans or tariff in San Diego, being called ay the seri­ Mexico, especially along the Texas at her . home in Marshfield early last the annual good time in which the en­ adjustment can bring enduring proe- ■ ous illness of her mother, Mrs J. P. border. Robert Bennett is in charge Sunday morning. She was one of the tire community joins. The idea was perity to agriculture. The farmer of (he Chevrolet agency during Mr. Easter. - - ’ pioneers of Oregon, coming to Coos inaugurated by J. L. Smith, than Coos must perform for himself most of GARBAGE HAULING MeElwaine’s absence. Bay in 1854. She was a sister of the county agent, who stMl resides at Co­ the task that effects his own wel­ Mm. Lee Mannelin and daughter, Phone 36 late Chas. F. MeKnight. Funeral ser­ quille, for the purpose of increasing fare. Agricultural organizations must Anna Loe, are leaving Sunday for er leave orders at Grange Guests from' New Ybrk vices were held Tuesday in Marshfield, the acreage of com and improving the bo keenly alert to see that-there h no Oakland, Calif., where they will spend N. G Kelley’s office Interested guests at the Coquille conducted by Rev. W. E. Cooper. quality of it. There to no quotation tendency to allow government agen­ Christmas with Mrs. ManneJin’a C. T. Hayes Grange Frolic and entertainment last that the show in a large measure has cies to supply leadership, dictate poli­ mother. Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. P. Oregon Pears Top N. Y/Markets served its purpose. There was very ties or supply initiative for rural pro­ The Sunshine Garden Club will H. Wessels, of Riverhead, New York. Oregon winter pears are selling oa little corn grown then and seldom was gress. Whenever agriculture loses its meet December 28 and elect officers Mr. Wessels is a past master of the the New York market at a premium it possible to find mature earn. Now own intiative, independence and lead­ for the ensuing year. AH members Grange at Riverhead and was also a of from 60 to 70 cents a box over wo grow a good acreage of com and ership with which to attack ita own are requested to be presents—Rotot. fellow student of Lyman Carrier in supplies from) either CaHfurnia ot the quality and the maturity will com­ nroblems, our progress will bo retard­ McGilvery, vice president. Michigan years ago. The visitors Wellington thia year. The advan­ pete with the com produced in any ed and decline will begin. Mrs. J. W. Laird, who had been drove out from New York, coming the “For more than 60 years the Grange tage for the Oregon fruit comes from district west of the Cascade range. showing improveinent and hdfl been southern route and their stories of by­ ”1 can’t imagine a community where has struggled for equality for the better harvesting and storage meth­ able to sit up for a few minutes at a roads through Arisons and New Mex­ ods employed by growers and ship­ there to a better co-operative com­ farmer and that struggle will con­ time, was much worse last night and ico were very interesting. They had pers of this state following develop­ munity spirit than prevails here at Co- tinue. The last half century has ia again in a critical condition. attended the national Grange conven­ In staging this com show brought a complete change in the pub­ ment of improved practices worksd quille. Robert C. Train Jr., a husby eight­ tion in Seattle last month and were out by the Oregon Experiment sta­ there were 17 different committees lic attitude. From pulpit and press— functioning, having some specific por­ from the highest places in the nation pound yougster, made his appearance headed south where Mr. Wessels will tion. “TT at the Train home here last Thursday take a six months’ course at the Uni­ Medford growers and shippers an tion of the show to handle. In some comes the call to the farmer to or­ evening and Bob Sr. is very naturally versity of California. Another guest also “following through” this year by instances whole organizations formed ganize. This is a responsibility rest­ from Riverhead was Miss Mabelie We have been ing upon the farmer himself. Changed proud of Coquille’s newest Train. keeping Henry Hartman, pomologist these committees. Hallock. able to prevent commercialization of conditions, new influences, and new on leave from Oregon State college, For December only, with every suit opportunities increase rather than de­ in the eastern market centers to make the event.” order, 1 will include three neckties. Killed in Logging Camp crease the need of team work and or­ sure the fruit reaches consumers in With every suit and overcoat order E. J. Whalen, who had been a reai­ the best shape possible. More Autos, More Accidents ganized forces in the open country. I include ties and a Ans dress hat, The Grange has stood, and still stand ■, rainproof, worth 85.00. Albert Maiden. dent of this city for several years, wsa Increasing traffic make« the traf­ for the Ezport Debenture Plan as the killed in the Tim Sullivan logging fic problem more acute and emphaaiss Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sample, former camp near Empire, Tuesday afternoon, one sound method of equalising tariff the need of strict observance of laws benefits. On reclamation we stand Coquille residents who have been liv­ when a falling tree swung unexpect­ governing motor travel. The growth for a sound land policy. No enduring ing in Portland for the past year, edly and crushed his skull. The body of traffic is illustrated in the following agricultural prosperity will be possi­ spent Thanksgiving here last week was shipped to bis former home in figures cited by the Public Safety De­ ✓ ble unless we recognize that bringing with the R. B. Miller family, return­ Yreka, Calif., for interment. partment of the Oregon State Motor ing home Sunday. new and un-needed acreage into culti­ The deceased to survived by a wi­ Aaoociation: Aa Intoresting tnslght Into the wide­ vation ia unfair to agriculture and an dow and three children, aged nine, F During the ten year period, from See Maiden for that new Suit or ly distributed ownership of tbs radio economic waste to the nation. eight and six, all living in California. Overcoat. Shirts, tailored to measure. Industry In the United Btstes Is given 1918 to 1928, the number of motor ve­ “The Grange stands for the appli­ I also carry a line of Raincoats, Caps, by the summary and clasalflcatlon of hicles registered in the United States cation of the budget system in town Ed Fahy Run Over and Killed the stock of the Radio Corporation ot increaeed from «,148,817 to 24,500,000. Hate and Neckwear. Will call by and county taxing units, and a reduc­ Funeral services were conducted at America, the largest redid orgsalsa- Fatalities from automobile accidents appointment and show them. No ob­ tion of officials, the elimination of tlon In the world The latest state ­ Bandon Tuesday for Edward W« Fahy, increased, over this same period, from ligations. Albert Maiden. waste and tbe broadening of the base who was killed at the Vaughn log­ ment shows stockholders In every 9,467 to 27,500. ot taxation. The Grange has wit- Mrs. H. N. Butler arrived here Wed­ ging camp last Friday night, when State tn the Union. Ninety nine per Last year there was one automobile lore change in agriculture nesday from Medford for a few day ’ he was run over by a railroad logging cent of the class A common stock Is accident fatality to every 4,000 inhabi­ nessed visit with Mrs. J. A. Lamb. She ac­ truck on which he had been riding owned tn the United 8taiee. much of tants of the United States. This cost than has taken place in the 5000 pre­ I It being In the hands of small laves- ceding years. The progress that our companied Mrs. Edith Dippie, who in from the woods. the country approximately 8850,000,- (bra. order has witnessed M but a gleam of came to attend the funeral of Mrs. He is survived by his widow, born Although there Is a gbod showing 000 or an average of 17.72 per inhabi­ what it will yet behold. Our task is Edw. Galtier in Bandon yesterday. Edna Mary Simpson, to whom he was In the Industrial Gast, as la the ease tant to learn to so live that along with this Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Norton drove married Nov. 12, 1902; a eon, Robert, of all stocks. New fork State bavin/ material progress we may a eta ta t he 1 L291 clans A cotnnu'n etnehholders. oat to Eugene lut Sunday where Mrs. and a '