Father & Son Feed Tonight 11 At the Fathers A Son* feed to b* ' I giv*n by tbe boys of the Smith- | Hugh** clas* at 7 o’clock at th* high i * BK K K B U ||| ■ It g B B g g I | I | I ! I ' | F 5SI0N CHEST CINM _____ __ i constructing a road from Marshfield . . a . zv . . a Empire is one that should he rlim- school this evening, it is expMtod ’ before the court finally adopts Dairy, Poultry and Farm Crops that 100 fathers and guest* and eon* ' Another Bond House Intercut>4 Is Organizing and Will Be Start- ; the budget oa Dee. 31. Specialists to Be in Coos ed at Once for AU wiH be present. Beside the feed in Water Bond Issue—May Practically the only claim presented which will be furnished by the boy*' County Next Week Charity .- . Buy the Well ' for such a coupty road is that it would had thrir mothsn, there will b* «' I reduce the distance from Marshfield program of fifteen number«. Talk* A full week of dairy, poultry Deapite the light rain Tuesday even- ar* to be made by Judge D. F. Thpmp- A CoquiHe Community Chest will ,0 ^e Coos'Bay beaches by two and Another opportunity ha* been pre ing there wa* a large crowd down aeo. School Director Lyman Carrier, sented the city of CoquiHe to have th* become an actuality in a few weeks, • one-half miles. And there is another farm crop* meeting is in store the poultrymen of Coo« County town for tbs merchants’ holiday opsn- several of the fathers, with response* validity of the >85,000 water bond is following the Chamber of Commerce point which was not mentioned by the ing and tho street* war. aa crowded coming week according to an announce directors ’ action Wednesday evening delegation which waited on the county ' Cl sue investigated, and without cost. A by the boy*. The music will be pro with ears a* on Saturday night. vided by th* “Faculty Five,” which letter from the bond buyers, Fred at the hotel when its committee—A. T. I court—that it would tend to isolate ment sent put from the County Agent The many strings of strsaaaar light* , °®ce by Harvey S. Hale. Specialists ____ ________________ ___ _ and Mr*. ' North Bend. Dr. P. M. Drake Glenn A Co., of Portland, was read"at Morrison, will furniah Vocal selection*. Ida K. Owen—were autborbted to pre- ' i What is two and one-half mile* in for ®*ch thase subjects wiH be on — ... across tbe three businto« streats, two Thi* program b a part of the Edu the council meeting Monday evening, Ida K. Owen—were authorised to pre- in which it was stated that thqy pare a budget of what th* city should : these day« of rapid transportation 7 *“nd from the Extension Service O. block* each on Front, First and Tay- cational Week' activittoa. would like to buy the issue, and if a give for charitable purpoM* during Nothing. It i* not good business to 8- A- C- to give the farmer* of doos ter, add a gala and holiday aspect to transcript of the proceedings was for 1930, and name soliciting committee* even think of spending county funds County the benefit of the latest in the city’s appearance. Grange Installation Tomorrow to secur. the funds. *_____________ for ouch an unneewsary road when form*t*on that has been obtained The marchant* were well satisfied warded them, their attorney would Mise Bertha J. Beck, seer ■- examine and if approved by him the with the first night of thrir co-op«ra- The plan on which the chest will important roads are needed. I through U. S. department of Agricul- And at < a time rim* whan when consolidation «»».»lid.H*. ' ture, O Oregon ’**0»1 State Experiment Sta- tive efforts, arid th. public seemed to! tary of the Oregon state grangt, company would make an offer for funetion Is-for the handling of charity install grange officer* at them. csses only. Activities such aa the of all communities on Coo* Bay is be- tion and 8XPeriment» and demonatra- be equally interested and alert to the; «rill the joint installation ceremony on Sat Mr. Schuler, of the bond attorney Chamber of Commerce, the Boy Ing considered, it is poor politic* to tj°n’ c«rried on in other counties qf opportunities offered. the stat*. _ Teal, ____ , Winfree, ____ __ ________ McCulloch Scouts, A th. Rod Cross, and the Chriot- Never before have the display wm- i urday, December 7, in the Union high firm of «tir up such strife. H. E. Cosby, poultry specialist who dows of CoquiHe merchant* b«en so school auditorium at Myrtle Point. Schuier, whd turned thumbs down on, mas S m I sals will not be included in And still another reason for drop I —-■<-- benefit*. uniformly attractive and pleasing. It Arthur Brown, Pomona grange mas th* issue, has advised Mayor Bwg its < ping this duplicating road idea. Next is well known among the Coos County would any ter, says: “Thi. will be one of tbe that . vww the first u. municipal issue — of w bond* wuuiu not inn. be w proper to mi mention wwww — — —The committee estimated that from spring the voters will be asked to ap poultrymen, is back on the extension of them a* being the beet shown, for largest Jnetallstion ^ceremonies^ever • giter j will ^a^en jnto court «1,000 to >1,500 would be needed in the prove th* spending of >300,000 on a staff after a year’s leave of abeence they" wer7riTg^dT” Not'only did ri’l. ‘*‘d in thia “ction of it*u’ Th’re * * * tp Circuit court to chest, >300 of whichtt is thought will bridge aero** Isthmus Slough, be due to sicknees and will have some up- the 32 participating burineoe boimes wil1 *>• 1M gi««<« officer* to be in- test the validity of the new law, effec- be required for temporary relief In tween Eastside and Bunker Hill. This to-date information on incubation and have spmdal window decorations and *•»"*• wiU OP*® to the pub- tive Jan. 1, which limit* th* vote on, worthy indigent ea*m. A ease in bridge ha* nothing to do with a brooding to give the poultrymen. appesling seen*, detected, but mote of He ««I who wv interested are in- bond issues «--------.--------------------- point mentioned was that of a family Marshfield-Empire road, but it doe* Gounty Agent Harvey S. Hale will to taxpayer*. thoee who were uSbtoto tak* part *** «Th* w: With thia in mind, which would of ten which is living in destitution. look a* though all the county's road discuss green feed crop* for poultry in the co-operative ipovement had en- «“»"F *‘n •» 1:16 «nd ___ Send the children to a home where funds wire being asked for to help feeding at th* poultry meeting*. lay action in the spring if a new tered into the spirit <rf the neontiem lagt OIW -------- ________ w___ _ Problems pertaining to dairying will and ^¡4^^ costume the town in muT r rx'. ji. • -.-nA..ainn Let’* play fair and all work togeth- be Jawhon, dairy the issue approved, it seemed the part tbe father won’t work let him starve Christmas apparel. , ORQ FNFORCF THE I’*d°m * Mr. ha* lately * ~ Jamison ’* the Glenn Co. attor- was the very sensible plan announced er for a larger and better Coo* coun- specialist Again thi* week the merchants’ as- ( 1 V7 T WIWU 1 1IL> neys examine t!w worked out some new information Chat the proceedings. They by one of the health department offi- ty- might give an approving opinion. ’ rial*. Th* Community Cheat is not is creating * lot of interest in other •ociation caBs attention, by an ad- nAnUTMp DITT vertisoment in this isau«, to tbe gift* I /YKIYlINXjr IVU LCsO countries where these meetings have A committee consisting of Council for such cases. been held. they will present to customer* on man Willey, Wimer and Medley was And after the cheat fund is raised i How to grow and the value of new Christinas Eve. You can only learn After lying in • state of innocu named by the mayor to ascertain fer and the various charities budgeted MISS CHERRY BLOSSOM, ’ DEC. 13" pea®, ”* ladino elover and alfalfa will be how the gifts are to be piusentod by asking questions. As far as the Sentinel ha« been ad- vised these gifts will all be extreme ly worth while. ous desuetude for a couple of year* or what price the title to the well on tt»* for, it will be the fault of the indi more, Coquille’* parking ordinance ia E. A. Folsom place could be secured. vidual himself if he donates to any ’ to be enforced beginning next Mon It has proved a life-eaver thia year charity. All donation solicitor* should _ __ , some of the topic* discuesad by E. R. I . . * "7.boy? , **** Jackson, farm crops specialist of the and could be held aa a stand-by pro be refererd to the chest committoe. day. i It may bo that some deserving , ot th* h <h *cthoo,l< J,n P””«nt college, and County Agent H. 8. Hal«. This was decided Monday evening ject, If purchased. th* Japanese operetta, "Mis* Cherry- Monday, December 3th. and Tues Speaking in regard to the purity of charities will not be included in tbe when Marshal Howell made complaint blossom,’’ or “A Maid of Tokyo,” at day, December 10th, will be poultry Evidence Nauseated Them of tbe large number of car* which the water from the well now, and first year’s budget, due to an over- the Liberty Theatre next Friday night, mooting day*. Wednesday and Thurs Judge Fee, of Pendleton, exoused stand on the street all night. It was what it was when first drilled, Dr. P. sight, but such neglect can be recti December 13, st 8 o’clock. This oper- , day of the same week are to be the not the transients ’ autos which have M Drake gives as his opinion that fied for 1381. MKk«, tbe jury this week until Jan. 6, when a»»- M” C V‘ 8mith’ of th* ****’’• etta is wall suited to high school dairy day* and the last two day* of Judge Brand will be back in Coos brought brought the tne matter matter to to a a head neao but out the w j . during a dry period *uoh aa this. group* and 1« rollicking with humor, the week, Friday and Saturday, are to county, and yesterday adjourn«! "®“ber of Coquille ears which line [ there is no surface water contsmina- Club, and Mrs. Ines R. Ch see, of the good musk and dancing. Beaidee the be taken up with farm crops discus tion. but during the rainy season that B. 4 P W let with the director* Murt i Front street from Sherwood Height* American girl and Geisha girl chorus sions. there would be. | and their club* will help in th* Chest Sentence« were passed on Thom** U ‘h. Busy Corner. es there i* a special chorus which adds These meetings are to bo held in The request fer a street light at tbe, campaign. Th* Woman’s Club ha* ot Shelton, two year* for forgery; H. C.; Beginning Monday night all night much with it* special dance*. ths eommuniti*. of the county with riola- i intwntitm rl AAMlhvpste Beech, asst ' fened to assist in the aoUertatien of A short story of the operetta ia a« two each day.«* shown by th« follow -pl tore will be requested to visit hi* '-it the Serisy ! store, wa* referred» to fund*. As quickly as th* committee* money under Mee preteases; follows: Mis* Evelyn Bamee.^an ing schedule: — - committee with power te act can be organised the campaign will f #r : benor, tbe city recorder. ‘ the light comn _ _ _____ Raleigh Hoytanan, three year* At the same time the other provi- ' Water Superintendent Epperaon was be started, and it will not be confined American girl, born in Japan, and Poultry Meetings forgery. All three of them were tak whose parents die of fever, is brought Monday, December 3th, 3 p. m. Co irtffiiion of the ordinance, limiting park- authorised to purchase concrete meter to the business section but will extend en to .the pen this morning by Sheriff up as a Japanese maiden. Her fath quille Community Building. , ing to two hour* in the down town dis- boxes a* needed from a Portland con- over the entire eity. Hess and Deputy Sheriff Bohrer. er’-! secretary use* her property for Monday, December 3th, 7:30 p. m., Ben. trict, will become effective. The cem at >1.69 each. | Alexander McCormick was sen •ewer1 An Interesting Education Week his own ends. When Evelyn, who is Fairview School House. t streets specially named for a two hour ' ’ The sale of the north end sewer tenced to 30 days for selling liquor, known as Cherryblossom, ia about Tuesday, December 10th, 2 p. m„ Wallace Miligan was sentenced to ...... liroit, a. m. esssv* and v 6 p. m. • wee ar* of wee Southwestern v, between «-vvr. wtk ... 6 v ■». v ( , bonds to v the Bank v waa w wwaza aa By both the parent* and patron* of eighteen, Worthington, the secretary, Bandon eity hall. two block« on each Front, First, Tay- Oregon, for 1100.22 for each >100 two and on* half years in th* pea, Coquille schools, as well as by the returns to Japan on his yacht with a Tuesday, December 10th, 8 p. m., _ ____ bond, jras confirmed by resolution, i and hi* _ brother, William, to two lor *nd Ball. ' faculty, th* Educational Week pro party of American friend*. One of Marshfield city hall. yean, for picking up a purse, con- Sign* have been ordered to be A contract with the Hooker Cbemi- grams at the schools this week are them, John Henry Smith, fall* in love Dairy Meeting* taining 390 and attempting to escape placed along the curb for those eight cal Co. for the next year's chlorin, , considered very successful. with Cherry and wishes to marry her, Wednesday, December Uth, 2 p. __ „_____ _ „ ___, needs with it. They were paroled to the blo*ks naming the two hour limit. needs was was approved. approved, Prior to this morning 275 visitors but Kokemo who has brought her up Coo* River school house. custody of Commissioner " “ “ Business “ men, clerks and employes • C. V. Curtis, whose young son loot . T. had attended sessions in the grade a* hi* own daughter, wants her to Wednesday, December 11th, 8 p. may find the prohibition a nuisance, two fingers and an eye a year or more Jenkins. schools and another 100 w»i antici marry Togo, a rich politician. The Parkersburg school house. against T. A. John- but will X ’ ve out-of-town shoppers ago from the explosion of a dynamite The three cases _______________ pated for today. jk action of the piece centers around Thursday, December 12th, 2 p. m.. son, of Myrtle Point, which Judge Fee ■» opportunity to transact their busi- cap which he found on Fifth or Sixth i. In the high school night school, Jack’« effort to outwit Togo and Ko-' Gravel Ford Community hail here to bear, resulted in two »ess without having to carry their street, anked the council for a pay- from 7 till 9 Wednesday evening there kemo. Eventually Cherry learn* her. Thursday, December 12th, 8 p. m convictions. For possesion of liquor purchase« several blocks to their car*, ment for damages. Of course, neither were 150 visitor* in attendance and true identity, comes into her own North Bayside Grange hall. he nor anyone else knows how the he was given 30 days, and for selling 140 students. | Farm Crop* Meetings (Continued on third page.} cap came to be there, but hi* conten i Short County Court Session liquor, six months. Three class periods wore held and Friday, December 13th, 2 p. m. tion wa* that It wa* lost by th* eon-' „ _______ _ — — His third trial wa* for possession The county court did not have a i assembly to conclude the evening Bridge school house. ^¿Trathered Executive Meeting Held of mash, conviction for which would hqavy month’s business this week, but tractor., Peart Bros., when those four at which time talk* to to those gathered Friday, December 13th, 8 p. m., Ara ma<Jf by C. C. Farr, A. T. Morri.cn. M T. have meant a term in the pen. But did pass on claim* for dog-killed stireeta were grmted and gravelled in go school house. after being out 14H hour* without sheep, logging permits and indigent I The councitmen expressed negret for toB ,nd Ned^^C. Kelley attended the' 8aturd*y- December Uth, 2 p. reaching an agre*m*nt, tbe judge claim*. ............ .................................................. e .ecident, but stated that a. no .......... ........ F,rri,0B PrinC‘,Wl ^ .. annual nJ." J »Z . W. O. W. hall. dieebarged them at midnigt idnirt Wodnes- Wedne»- The TOa< road j district etection <tertUn in iB Dis- Di,. •ccid«nt- but bot «toted stated that a* a. w no Ori(ier. ’ r .annual mooting of tho Douglas-Coos. ~ .... . day. It is reported they stood eight uict No. 25, near Bandon, was de- «’^bility on th. city’s part or that FatWr „d Ston feed at th* Council at Roseburg, December. ? \ Wth> 1 P- “•> w“J“ ,2wn’ they had , high school thi. will closo ’■ ”bich tim^ tim. ths /Jinwin. following officers [ Bre ster »«mool to four for conviction. dared void bocauae It wua hold on Of ** employe«, wio «hsivn. <e. .venmg ------ 1 1 wk’« pr<>rram prorr-m. . ’ . , «bcUd: President, O. L. John-, On. thing that pretty warty made ____ N<rr ___ gfi, ____________________________ instead of November 80, as •• "" «thor,ty * W dsmagw. Must Bond by Next Monday -------- _______ . j son; treasurer, W. F. Harris, of Roae- the jurors drunk w** the presence m i ordered and advertised.______________ I ’ ------------------- * I - -------- — _ ------ the jury room of a Waking can of, The total county budget figures as J Another Breakfast Chib Meeting capt,ire(j g.ooo Pounds of Fish i bor<: *"d C. C. Farr, Scount commi*- Property owners in the north end of -wsnm* * JtAMV aw «***11* Ú Lffl * ' aioner, of A Coqui«*. th« evidsne.. It wa* Anally thrown finally adopted by th. committe* cMo Coquille are reminded that next Mon Fifteen • burin.«, men met for . • c A HwJ out the window and the floor mopped for expenditarM next year of >1,068,-, seven o’clock breakfast at the hotel The following vice presidents or day, Dec. #, is the last day for bond disposed of sight thousand pounds of city eajmmatatives, were appointed:1 ing for the paving improvement made up with tissue paper. It was a pinkish 422.06. To match th* state’* mar- Tu?sd«y morning and to talk over, «a 'mnn at Cnoa H at MondAV which . «« ____ .... Coos Bay Monday yellow in color,yind a fair sample of ket road fund, >14,407.50 was trans- plans for the Holiday Opening that salmon G. E. Taber, Marshfield; H. G. Kern, last summer and fall. There are a were seised by the letter at the Chas. the boo*, made by amateur moon ferred from the general road fund to evening and for the presenting of 31 North Bend; N. C. Kelley, CoquiHe; good many who have not yet made • nwu , m. . . ~ 1 Friler plant in Marshfield the night J. B. Weigant, Bandon. shiner*. known their wishes and the city au the market road maintenance fund. Th. jury was composed of Wariwn ' No report from Myrtle Point was thorities cannot, under the law, accept “«¿J» •£l„ ,t„.m „ u„ Deyos, Joe Mast, Geo. Dickinson, of Bishop Sumner Coml« SmMtoj made. E. A. Britton. Scout executive, bonds after the ninth. Myrtle Point; Ijife Compton, J. A. was retained for »i.other year. Every Bishop W. T. Sumner will preach Lamb, J. E. Ross, Dan Brown, C. T. thing was reported as being on the Primary Reading Observation ift gain with largely increased interest Skeels, Geo. F. Burr, Harry Williams, at Emmanuel Church in Marshfield hour th« nlrtt Th,! -la b. .n h>- . The primary ria** of Mr*. Ines'R. J. L. Smith and Lyman Carrier, of Sunday morning, Dec. 8th, at 11:00 novation in Coquille, but is on* that who is charged with unlawfully deal- every where. o’clock. He will preach hare at 9t. Chase, in the Washington building. ling, handling and selling flsh, without Coquille. James’ Church at 7:30 p. m. the same will be appreciated by the employes. I a license, and with unlawful posses- More and more it looks a* though . . . . . .. .. evening «nd at St. John’s Episcopal in the breakfast club idea wa* taking. ., . . ' j There is one very reprehensible rural teacher* of the county are to Church in Bandon at 7:30 p. m. Mon The next one will be brid at 7 o'clock the of th* "tl,te _ (>r^,ron i practice by motorists whkh the city Meet for observation and the demon day. Dec. 3. On Tuesday, Rev. H. B. Monday morning, D m . 3. , , of Coquille propose* to »top, and stration. Tbe meeting was called by Eubank* will drive Bishop Sumner to Reedsport and Gardner, where they , that i* reverse turns at intersection* the county superintendent, and a Just Escaped Electrocution | will conduct service* that evening. ' It is a dangerous practice, interfere!! two-hour discussion will follow tbe with traffic and there is no need for little folk’s demonstration. Christman Cards at Sentinel 7” Mamtafi.« crew “¡J***’ “oiì£ I «»' HHBHHHHHHHHHHHHThe marshal was instructed to of the Mt. States Power 0*. at the j*®1» G Oldham, at Lakewood, Ohio, The Sentinel ha* a limited supply of Camo bridge veeterdav after- 0,1 November 28. Both the Coo* coun- •PPtopriate »igns set up, prohi- Christm*. greeting cards—15 to the n )on and u lneky ty health nurse«. Mis* Hom and M» m . Nting the reverse turn. box and no two alike—which we will t„ . ... __ ...— > .. . I furnish with name printed thereon for u so many friends in Coquille and Coo« !. yj,, and . special chorus i A HEETINGS county, have married since their re- or the turn east in 1327. . etu MacMarr Store Is Co-operating The North End sewer bonds were sold to the Bank of Southwestern Ore gon at Mamhfield, by the mayor and city recorder, for 1100.22 and accrued intereat for each >100 bond, or a pre mium of >12J2 for tbe >5,60731 worth of Tbe bank vm tbe Mr. and Mrs. Perry Roper were made happy Wednesday morning by the arrival of an 8 pound baby boy, born at the Wesley Hospital at eight o'clock. Both doing w«n. Tbe name of the MacMsrr Store ap- pear* in th* Coquill* merchant* co- operativo adv. in thb issue. It did not appear in last week’s adv. because the .__ _____ ___ _ local manager, K. _________ E. Medford, «ras QI and sanction by the district of the Hi)rh o,*,., Miaa Cherrybkawon, will broadcast a portion of the «election 0Ter KOOS at Marshfield on Tueoday evening, Dec. 10 from 6 to 6:30 p. m. ■■ ----- -------- Mte. Roy Neri left thb morning for Portland, taking Gretchen, who under- leant a *inu* operation last month for observation. Mr*. Geo. R. John son and two children