-, IT-TT—. -Ì7,' The Sentinel A SOM Mm HI A MOO TOWS 'M I ' R . ■ H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES .— Publishers H. A. YOUNG, Editor MO8T PEOPLE ARE LUCE DUCKS lugjuii, itoaw out “self-made” men. There is no each thing. Ne man sv- Subscription Rates Other people did it. The so-called “self-mode” man was Ona Year............................................$2.00 erm for others, just enough to know that every time be did 8ix Months..................... .... ............ 100 Three Months ........................................ 60 others would do more for him—and he did it. No subscription taken unless paid * You want to make money. You wouldn’t be doing what you are doing for in advance. Thia rule is impera- if you didn’t. Believe it or not, the fact remains you can not make money unless your neighbor does. Therefore, what you do to help him, helps you; 8 and what he doe« to help you, helps him. t Advertising Rates Your neighbor isn’t just the man next door, but the man next door to Display advertising, * 25 cents per inch; less than 5 inches, »0 cents per him, and the man next door to everybody elee in Coquille. In other words, inch. No advertisement inserted for your neighbors are the people who make up your community. lees than 50 cents. Reading notices If your neighbom didn’t do for you, where would you be? You can’t 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of any kind, insert­ do a thing by yourself. You can’t Mt, steep, work or play without others entering into it in some way. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it—but try get­ ed for leas than 25 cents. ting along by yourself and see how far you get. Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Socially, the fellow who does not hold up hte end is a poor sport, a Second Clasa Mail Matter short horse, a tight-wad and a mqoeher. You say, “Ho has Ash hooks in his pockets,” which is anything but complimentary, and something that you would not want said about you. In fact, you detest such people. There really isn’t a great difference between things social and things Coos’ Share to Be 881,404 civic, except that there are more short horses entered in the latter event. Approximately $8,750,000 will ar- Many of you who are good eporta socially are mooebers civically—not al­ it* crue to the state of Oregon during the ways intentionally so, but so, neverthelsM. Most of you are like duck*. Ducks are used to water—in fact, can’t period from October 1, 1929, to De­ cember 31, 1930, from motor vehicl* live without it While they have it they don’t worry becatiM of the lack fees, according to a projection of re­ ef it; but if their pond dries up, they quack their hMds off. Others are working to keep the water tn your pond—to insure con­ ceipts from ouch sources made by Hal tinual existence, growth and prosperity of your town that you and your E. Hou, secretory of atate. “A break in the registration year neighbom may live, work, play and make money. Recognise it; appreciate and a change in the license fees, both it If in the past you have unwittingly been a civic tight-wad, there is no in>e like the present to come out of it. authorised by the 1929 legislature _____ of Coos ' of Ostober, 1929. in in Plaintiff, and Stella L. ______ Fred 8. Bynon, her hua- Esther SehiUerstrom and Busi ness Men’s Ar* eggs, hence improvement is a NOTICE Ml HEREBY GIVEN: give people of the state an opportun- matter of breeding.^ oped that faith into the fruitage of That the undersigned administrator of ----------- -- -------- —. the Estate of Albert W. Sturtevant, usefulness which not only honors the ity to hear the all-important question I «■iaJSS iksrau's one far whom the memorial is made and the sons who gave it but also the man who by his life inspired the gift and taught youth to k«ep faith with life. Judging from associated press news the soviet Buaetans put up a great show, patting themselves on the back the day they celebrated the anniver­ sary of the day when they commenced to rob and murder Russia. The Ram­ sey MacDonald government of Eng­ land may be all right in its intentions of peace and foodwill to the people« by nation«) authorities. . That the 1929 U. of O. homecoming at Eugene will bring to the univer- sity campus the largest crowd of alum- ni ever to assemble there for any one occasion has been verified by Jean­ nette Calkins, secretary of the alumni association, who eatSmates the total will reach 2000. for today and tomor­ row’s celebration. * - j that much valuable plant food test to the soil. Surveys made of Oregon *> ha the experiment station show f that the additional humus supplied by ‘ »nd other plant waste« is need- : ad in the majority of soils of atete. the County Court for Coo« County. Oregon, and that Saturday, the 23rd day of December, 1929, at the Court Room of said Court, in th. County Court House, in Coquille, Oregon, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, has been by said Court fixed as the time and place for hearing objections thereto, and for final settlement of said ae­ The price of gasoline throughout tata. , , „ L. L. Ray, world ranges from an average of Administrator of the Estate of Al­ 16.3 cants per gaUon in the United bert W. Sturtevant, deceased. 44t6 States to 66 cents per gallon in Bo­ livia, reports the Oregon State Motor Call Farr A Elwood for transfer Association. «nd fuel. —ï— ■ Transfer and Delivery Local and Long Distance Hauling We carry a stock of SHINGLES and are agents for Mill Wood Two Phones 10U and 91L aaa- . Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. SEPTIC TANKS are the only safe and sanitary way to dispose of sewage where connection with a sewer is impos­ sible. We manufacture Septic Tanks for both the Wholesale and Retail Trade 38x48 inch Tanks, sufficient in size for a family Other sizes in proportion, of 6, holding 200 gallons - - 328.50 Before ordering see the COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP COQUILLE M other’s Bread and Pastry Tea can save lets of trouble sad IDEAL BAKERY “Service and Quality”