TM COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OtRGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY $5, 1»». A nnouncing the most Sensational Six ever , bui et TH E MEW __ DURANT Six Success begetg success! Today Durant presort. the finest low- priced Six in the world . •. absolutely s en s ation s! in point of dollarAoe^bJl.- . vhse.Ofcring unprecedented quality, See this CUr ..Yon will find Chadwick bronze-backed bear­ ings, Nelson Bo'hnalite invar- strut pistons1...Morse silent , chain timing drive ... full forcefeed lubrication...and many other features found Mrs. Lillie Ann Raymond With the passing of Mrs. Lillie Ann Raymond, of Lakeside, on Saturday, January 19, 1929, the life of another pioneer becomes but a memory. Mrs. Raymond was bom in Coos County February 26, 1876, and her life was spent here. She was the daughter of the late J. F. Dunham, pioneer logger, and niece of the late Captain H. W. Dunham. Two broth­ ers, Captain Bob Dunham and Isreal Dunham, also preceded her beyond. I She was married thirty-three years ‘-ago at Coaledo to Edgar Raymond,] who died three years ago. 1 She is survived bjt-a daughter, Mrs. I Blanche Benson, of Lakeside, and a I son. Jack Raymond, also of Lakeside; I three sisters, Mrs. A. J. Mills, of I Marshfield; Mrs. C. L. Lockwood, of I Santa Rosa, Calif.; and Mrs. Deads] Beusch, of San Diego, Calif.; and a] sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Dunham, of] Marshfield. Funeral services were held at the Ellingjon-Groskopf chapel on Tues-1 day morning and later at the ceme-1 tery in" Templeton, where the body was interred besides that of her hus­ band. At the latter ptace more than 200 friends gathered with many beau­ tiful floral offerings to do honor to the I departed.----------------------- DELIVERED HERE f ully »quipped The Durant Six Coupe •rraediugly lot» price» THE NEW 1929 DURANT FOUR Marriage Lirenaes tent. J. S. Lawrence, E. M. Dunn and Lee Goodman have been named as ap­ Jan. 19—Roy V. Davis, of North Bend, and Letitia Smith, of Marsh­ praisers. field. They were married Saturday New Cues in Circuit Court by Juatice J. J. Stanley at his office here. Jan. 19—‘Ethel M. Ford vs. Ray­ Jan. 22—Elmer LeRoy Smith and mond T. Ford. Jan. 21—Douglas Creditors Assn, Edna Pearl Walker, both of Powers. They were married by Justice C. E. vs. Ed. L. Ingram. Jan. 24—C. F. Thompson vs. J. G. Maybee at his office in North Bend and Mary McN*l>b. Tuesday. Jan. 24—Silas E. Yeager, of Marsh­ field, and Annabella Stradling, of Boys and Girls Both Lose Prosser, Wash. The Coquille High School basket­ Jan. 24—Leland Peterson and Fern ball squad lost to North Bend last R. Houdyshell, both of Coquille. Friday evening here 16-7, after a fast Probate Court Items J. E. Quick and Flora E. Dunne were last Friday appointed executor and executrix of the estate of Mrs. Mary C. Harvey, who died here Jan. 18. The estate consists of $16,600 in real property and $800 in personal. M. E. Everitt, of North Bend, was last Saturday appointed administra­ tor of the $430 estate of E. L. Hem­ ingway. No appraisers will be ap­ pointed. Vona Stevens, of Marshfield, has been appointed guardian of the $1100 estate of Julian Patterson, incompe­ and hard-fought game. The local team played very good basketball the 1 first half and showed the makings of a smooth-working machine. Failure to break quick enough to carry through and a tendency to -fumble i showed rough spots which will wear off with practice. The worst fault Friday night was the fumbling. Those participating were Pulford, El­ lingson, Seeley, Miller, Chard, Hill and Stevens. The Coquille girls lost to the River­ ton girls by a score of 8-4. Both teams had a pair of guards which re­ duced scoring to a minimum, but you ** j ! i *• | rw-i. ÉM1 LIE J 1 G b I ................. — durant dealers announce new 192» durant six ..,* w A Pacific Coast Durant dealers arodoor oedan; lower right, the sport ¥ today announcing “the most sen sa-roadster de luxe. Inserts show the t tional six eveT built,” the new Durantnew speedway-type ateering wheel E Six. Above are shown four of theand neatly clustered instrument* in g latest Durant motor ears: flpper left,the driver’s aectoin; and the com for- X the two-door sedan; upper right, thetable and beautifully appointed inter- im coupe cabriolet; lower left, the two-iore and wide doors. ! THE HABIT OF SUCCESS IS QUITE A THING / Every young man should acquire it, and the way ia to stick to whatever you attempt and stick long enough to put. it across. Having a Bank Account and savin# as much as you can, will do a lot to help you. Cut the cornera and you will get there. —- USE OUR BANK , ■ , f » FRIENDLY, HELPFUL . . «<4 I SERVICE « £ ; Farmers & Merchants Bank Mrs. Raymond was one whose pres­ COQUILLE, OREGON ence will be missed by her little corner of the world. Genial and great-1 hearted, always ready to help anyone in distress or need, there are many whose lives have been a little easier] and whose burdens have been lighter | because of her. . j , . -------------------------------- 1. ----------- In the latter part of her life she gave herself completely to God and l Arago School and Community erybody is glad they are improving so her passing, at the close of months I rapidly. (By Bobbette) and years of suffering, was, as a I | Student body meeting last Friday. Wm. Lett and family, Bridge, were Christian’s should be, not death but ' The st^ff of the “Bull Dog’s Bark” was i visiting the Carl family this last Sun­ victory. day. | elected. < Result of election: Mr. Beck, principal at Flagitall, She went out of her house, and she ' | Editor-in-chief—Clarence Mullins. spent a few hours with his Arago shut the door, I Literary Editor—Georgia Deardorf. friends thia last Sunday. And-Ahat was all. I Sports Editor—Houston Robison. Caleb Robison and Naoma a Such a radiant soul could dwell no II Joke Editor—Gordan Fleming. more | News Editors—Irma Schroeder and I business and pleasure trip to Salem thia week end. They brought back a In that broken wall. | Opal Robison. load of seed for the Petersen brothers. And her shining palace not made with | Exchange Editor—Melden Carl. The following citizen« of Arago Bueineas Manager — Irene Schroe- hands have been attending the agricultural I der. Was finished that day ’ night-schools: Clarence Schroeder, In tearless, in deathless, in fadeless I Our motto: “Work and Co-operation Geo. Hampton, Olaf Aasen, T?rrell | for an Excellent Paper. 'Die best lands. | Prestocopy paper in the etate.” Sub- Woodward, Joe Milani and Anthony So she moved away I scribe. Price 50c. Advertise with us. Abel. These men are all progressive COQUILLE To the home not even our faith can I We boost for our advertisers. dairymen. see. A community play caste was organ­ The Arago Bull Dogs met the But why be aad? | Bridge aggregation last Saturday ized this week. The object of this or­ The Lord of her spirit hath made her | night. Score 41 to 17 in favor of ganization of amateur stars is to have to praise the Riverton young la­ free: I Arago. The girls’ game was equally raise money to help the board finish dies for the excellent team work they Be glad, friends, glad! I >ntereating to. the Bridge rooters. The .he work at the teacherage. The play displayed. —Francea Holmstrom. | kcore for their game was 87 to 7 in will be put on some time in February — ........ J .... .1... I ... ■■ J or March. The names of the cast will I favor of Bridge. Community Friendship Club oell the play. Coquille Grange Met Wednesday J The score for the Powers-Arago | game last Wednesday was 22 to 23 in .Theodore Domath was slightly hurt , The Community Friendship Club Coquille Grsnge No. 39, at its meet­ met at the home of Mrs. Harry Var­ | favor of Powers. The report last in an autoT accident up Hall’s Creek ing in Pioneer Hall Wednesday even­ ney last Friday afternoon. The el ub | week was slightly twisted but not in- when driving his father’s Ford truck. Mrs. P. Hamock and Mrs. C. Bark- gave the city library $10. The club ing, decided on the third Friday of | lentionally so. low visited at the L. Aasen home last will again sponsor the 4-H Club girls each month as the date for its Last Wednesday night about sixty No. 24, with Mrs. Belloni as leader. monthly meetings. The offer of the | or sixty-five Arago neighbors ' were Tuesday. Pierce Peterson recently purchased Mrs. Clinton drew the lucky number continued use of Pioneer Hail was | entertained at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Schroeder (Clarence). The gath a new Chevrolet truck. for the prize drawing. A delicious accepted. The Grange was presented with a Richard Delsman is suffering a luncheon was nerved to Meedames | ering was in honor of Ernest Ferrar. myrtlewood gavel by the Coquille | brother of Mrs. Milani. Mr. Ferrar. slight attack of the flu. Joe. Varney, C. V. Smith, Harry Wise, Mr. Harmon leaves for camp in a M. T. Clinton, Fred Zwicker, John A. Lions Club and it was first used by I favored the large assembly with a Martin, Geo. J. Bohrer, H. S. Cadman, President Lyman Carrier that even­ I concert on the piano-accordian, an in few days. Burt Pauli, Jessie and Ithamar Rob­ Stonecypher and Misses Delores Bel­ ing. I itrument of which he is a. master The next meeting will be February | Cards and games kept everybody ex ison killed a coyote last Sunday. loni, Bertha Clinton, Ret a and Melba The seventh grade will entertain the Varney and hostess, Mrs. Varney and 16. | cited until twelve o’clock. eighth grade Friday night of this Mrs. S. B. Leeper. On February 1st Wm. Stauff and Brother parted with the club will meet with Mrs. Martin. To Start Drainage Ditch Soon forty acres of their fine dairy ranch week. The eighth grade beat them in a spelling contest. Entertainment program will be pro­ The supervisors of the Fishtrap I this week. The lucky purchasers were We are sorry to report the illness vided by Mrs. Cadman and Mrs. Boh­ Drainage District at a recent meeting | Walt Farrier and David Root. Each of Ray Barklow and Melden Carl. rer. , . decided to proceed as rapidly as pos­ of these men purchased twenty acres Both are out of school. | at a cash price of one hundred dollars sible and the weather permita to dig Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Auto Tops and Curtain Lights C. w'..kL the ¿i — I per acre. This is a wonderful land. the drainage ditch L,, for which dia- made new or old ones repaired. C, E. | trict was organized. They expect to We congratulate the buyers. Who­ Sitkum, were visiting friends in Ara­ go Saturday and Sunday last. They Collins Body Shop, 865 Front street, advertise for bids for its construction ever wants it at an advanced price remained over night with the Keller will find both of these men hard to Coquille. « < soon. The estimated cost ia 110,000 family. Flossie Wilson, of Sitkum, and the district will issue bonds to pay | “dicker” with. However, Mr. Stauff taught in this district a few years haa another twenty that looks awfully falling carda. 100 for $1.60. for it. ago. good to us. Rev. Sanford MacDonald, Ph. D., D. D., preacher and lecturer and pres­ Will Open New Establishment s >• Jack L. Darrow, of Wenatche, ident of Philomath College, will apeak to the Arago community next Sunday Wash., and Wilfred A. King, whose m A. » morning. The head of the public home is in North Attleboro, Mass., speaking department of the Universi­ left Thursday morning for Portland ty of California says: “A superb de­ after spending a couple of weeks here livery and a commanding personality.” and at the Bay. They have taken a lease on one Be sure and hear this man. The speaker for next Sunday even- room of the concrete building J. W. • ing is a naan direct from the Near Powell m going to have erected on the south side of Front street and will East. Be sure and hear him. The Moores, Burtisses and Sevys open there a cleaning and dyeing es­ were practicing up Friday, Jan. 18, on tablishment. It is expected the room “Slippery Lizzie,” a new card game will be ready for occupancy about the played with the Rock Deck. Mr. Sevy first of March. Their trip to Portland is for the won the most points but lost the I purpose of purchasing the needed game. The fault of the scoring. Mr. and Mrs. Sevy had the tad equipment. rJ news this week that their daughter’a hame was destroyed by fire. Mrs. C. Neighbors Woodcraft Initiate M. Howard was here on a visit at At a well attended meeting of The 1 '■■■ 'Ï.Î’ Thanksgiving time. Many will re- N ei gh b o r s uf W wd eHft, in the W. 0. I member her singing. The particulars W. hall last Monday evening, w? had -À î regarding the Are have not been re- the pleasure of welcoming our new ’ ceived. members, Mr. John Rust. The Arago, Seniors will spend Fri­ It was decided to have a St. Valen­ day, Feb. 1st, at Coquille in conference tine’« party Thursday, February 14th, | with Dean Jewell and other vocational and a hearty .invitation Is extended to guidance specialists from Oregon all Woodmen of the World. A fine State College. will be charged to those who do not About six of the Arago students are dnjss to represent the Valentine entering the Oratorical 'contest spon- Spirit.—Press Cor. ■ sored 6y the Morning Oregonian. A full account of thia contest is pub­ If you want to suoecribe for a Port­ lished in the Arago Bull Dogs' Bark land daily the clubbing combination this week. we offer with the Sentinel will save Orin Michael^ high school student of you money. ____ Olympia, Wash., was visiting the Lewis Aasen family and ether friends The Oregon Farmer can now be as­ in this community this week, \ sured in connection with the Sentinel Grace and her baby are back.’ Ev- for >6 oenU a year; 36 copies a year. GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. FRONT STREET »AGB SEVEN