The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 04, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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    TU COQUILU vallit srntlnrl , ooquillr , orrgon ,
Circuit Court Business in 1928 Criminal cases tried by Judy
Fairview 500; North Coos River 8200;
M. P.-Lampa 8320; North Bank 8200;
The following is a summary report No. Plead Guilty
Coos River-Paniels Creek 8400; North
of Circuit court business for the year Dismissed Criminal cases
Bend-South Slough 81.000;
1928, as prepared by County Clerk
Total Crimnial cases disposed of 40 Creek 8150; Upper Two Mile 8100;
Robt. R. Watson:
Lee-MeKinley 8400; Shutters Creek-
Actions at law filed
176 Total Civil and Criminal Cases
Templeton 8200; Haynes
disposed of
Equity Cases other than Divorce 69
8200; Larson Slough 8300; Catching
Naturalization Hearings
Divorce Cases
Creek 8500; Holftnan Bridge-Powers
No. Cases admitted
8500; Fishtrap Landing 8200; Catch­
No. Cases continued
Total Civil cases filed
Ño. Cases dismissed
ing Slough 8200; Fox Bridge-Gravel
Total Criminal cases filed
Ford 8200; Lundgren road 8200.
Patrolmen named for the ensuing
Total Naturalization Cases heard 25
Total Civil A Criminal cases 425
year, in the Coquille valley were:
No. Days Court in Session
McKinley—L. Sonneland and R. H.
No. Daye Jury in attendance
Civil Jury Trials
-e -
No. of Court days without Jury 48 Lawhorn.
Contested Actions by Court
Sitkum—R. R. Taylor.
No. of Court days at Chambers 53
Default Actions
• Arago—Frank Miller.
Diamissed Actions
Myrtle Point—S. C. Braden, Her­
Total days Court in Session
Total Actions disposed of
Bridge—W. A. Lett.
Last Session of Old Court
Powers—Thus. Hayes.
Contested Equity Case*
In an order declaring the urgent
Norway—J. Q. Lett.
Default Equity Cases
necessity of surfacing the Bald Hill
were called for the operation
Dismissed Equity Cases
road, on the north side of the North of the Riverton and Bullards ferries
Fork, from Cooper Bridge to the high­ for tbe year 1929.
r .
' '
Total Equity other than divoree 83
way, the county court this week, set
. .. -
___ r
The auditor Was requested to ao
aside 89,000, from market road funds arrange the books in the roadmaf-
Divoree Cases contested
for this purpose,. The decayed condi­ ter’a and county clerk’s offices that
Default Divoree Cases
tion ' of the—appro^phee—to—C oo par "they would be in accord in bookkeep­
Dismissed Divorce Case«
bridge is mentioned as a condition ing methods.
which necessitates -prompt action.
Total Divorce Cases
Sums set aside for' other market
The Oregon Farmer can now be se-
roads included the following:
cured in connection with the Sentinel
Total Civil cases disposed of 365
M. P.-Sitkum 8500; Norway-Lee- -for 25 cents a year; 25 copies a year.
F riday , JANUARY 4, 1981.
The Ford Motor Co. manufactured
the eld model T Ford Car for'
teen years. A total of fifteen
ears were made and sold in
The new model A Ford ear was an­
nounced and displayed to Che public
about one year ago.
About seven
hundred thousand have
since then, most of them in the last
four months. Production is now at
the rate of about seven thousand cars
a day. .
Ford is adhering to his old policy
with the new model. Mechanical im­
provements in the chassis are so de­
signed that they are interchangeable
with the older parts.
For instance
the starter and the front engine
hanger have been changed lately. The
new starter can be installed on the
first models at a cost to the owner of
four dollars and fifty cents,
frbnt engine hanger does
all body roar. It consists of
springs which cushion the motor. It
can be installed for bight dollars sn
tbe older cars.
Deliveries on new Fords can now be
made within a very short lime after
your order is placed. If you ai
ing to buy a ear in any price
stop at tbe Ford garage and take a
ride in a new Ford before buying,
or phone 25, Coquille, and ask for
Condensed Report
at the close of business
D m . 31, 1928
Loans and Discounts
U. S. Bonds, Municipal
Bonds and Warrants
Banking House and 'Fixtures
Cash and due from Banka
8 87,294.65
Surplus and Undivided Profit«
Farmers & Merchants Bank
______ Th* Pioneer Methodist Church
tn our Sho
(New Church South of Court House)
S. D. Walters, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m. Lyman Car­
rier, Supt.
There are 18 different
classes in Sunday School. These 18
teachers,, besides other officers, are
giving of their time. Co-operate by
coming regularly and bringing your
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 7:80 p. m.
Dr. D. L. Coale, of Loe Angeles, an
Evangelist of outstanding power and
abiHty, will begin a meeting here
Sunday. Every evening at 7:30 ser­
vices will bo held.
Dr. Coals has
held a large number of ^successful
union services throughout the coun­
try. We invite all to take a part ih
these services. Good , music.
Today you can see the most sensational auto­
mobile ever introduced—The Outstanding
Chevrolet of Chevrolet History, a Six in the
price range of the four!
Today, this amazing new automobile is on dis­
play in our showrooms and we cordially in­
vite you to come in for a personal inspection!
When you lift the hood and see the new six-
cylinder valve-in-head engine you will realize
that a new era has dawned for the buyers of
low-priced automobiles. Representing four
years development and testing, this new power
plant is a marvel of advanced design. At every
speed it operates with that delightful smooth­
ness which everyone demands today in a
modem automobile.
It develops approxi­
mately 32% more power than any previous
Chevrolet engine. It displays sensationally'
greater speed and faster acceleration. And yet,
despite this brilliantly improved performance,
it maintains Cnevroiet's worldwide reputation
for economical transportation by delivering
better than an average of twenty mile» to the
gallon of gaeoline!
St. James Church
Great Array of New Features
The big, new four-wheel brakes are exceedingly
quiet in operation. The new two-be am head­
lamps with foot control dimming device were
never before available in Chevrolet’s price c lass.
And so on throughout the entire chassis, you
will find feature after feature previously de­
manded in the finest, of automobiles and now
offered on the Outstanding Chevrolet in keep-
ing with Chevrolet’s policy of constant progress.
Distinctive New Beauty
But, however impressed you may be by the
J mechanical superiority of the Outstanding
Chevrolet, vrtur admiration will reach even
greater heights when you study the car’s
distinctive beauty—
[ —the marvelous new Fisher bodies represent
• masterful example of artistic coachwork.
Never have beauty, comfort, convenience and
staunch construction been more skillfully
combined in the bodies of any automobile!
So we urge you to come in today and inspect
this outstanding new car.
------ $595
Tlx ROADSTER ... •525
Thr Convertible
LANDAU...................... 725
Tk. PHAETON ... •525
CHA98IS....................... 400
1K TON CHASSIS.. .*545
iv I thcab................. 650
All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan
First M. E. Church
Partial List of Outstanding Features
New ria-cylinder motor, ▼alve-in-
bead type, fully enclosed.
New automatic lubrication of
rocker arm mechanism.
New fabric camshaft gear.
New heavier crankshaft statically
and dynamically balanced.
New re4nforced piston pins.
New hot-spot manifold.
New AC gasoline pumn with filter
replacing vacuum tank.
New type AC air cleaner.
New type thermostat cooling ry>
tern control.
New water temperature Indicator
on dash.
New tw<>*beam headlamps with
foot button control.
New pat king lights inside head
New prismatic headlamp lenses.
New theft -proof Electrolock.
New semi-autopsatic spark control.
New waterproof spark coil located
beneath cowl.
New self-adjusting, single plat^
dry disc clutch.
New smooth sliding 3-apeed trans­
mission with vanadium steel gears.
New solid shaft type steering
New flat type, slender rim steering
wheel with large horn button in
New and more efficient muffling
New and more complete Alemite
chassis lubrication.
New rubber-on-steel pedal ess-
' closures.
New larger gasoline tank at rear ■
it-gallon capacity.
New, smaller, smarter wheels with
full balloon tires.
Come i n and see these. Beautiful Npw Cx r siin Ji s pLi y i l l (ti ll’ shnwronmf
Southwestern Motor Co
474 First Street
4-Square Tabernacle
(Undenominational in spirit)
Sunday our regulars, services.
9:45 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. preaching.
Tuesday evening chorus practice
and eight reading.
Wednesday evening, prayer meet­
Friday evening, evangelistic.
All evening meetings
meetings at 7:45.
Morning prayer^jpnea
tings Tuesday,
Wednesday, Th*
lûrsdaÿ and Friday at
A cordial welcome awaits you at
all our servioes.
Rev. T. S. Winey, Pastor.
Rev. Hale B. Eubanks, Vicar
Services for The Epiphany, Janu-
i ary 6, 1929:
Poafe "Silvary Moon"
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion.
Sat Down at Illusion
10:00 a. m. Sunday School.
Another Illusion has been swept •
11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and
away by the observant scientist
Most of ks have beard so frequently
All are welcome.
of the “silvery moon" that we have
taken Its sllverlness for granted. Now
* Church of Christ
an astronomer declares our satelits Is
B. L. Hicks, Minister
not “sliver,” but yellow.
It appears he once bad the good,
Residence 125 S. Heath St. Phone 56L
fortune to observe a wblte star come
“The Church with a great Plea.”
Bible School 10 a. m.
Ned C very close to the crescent moon, when,
Kelley, Supt. Geo. W. Swinney, Asst as he described It to the British Astro­
nomical association, “the star looked
like a globule of mercury on a dull
Sermon 11 a. m. “Lovest Thou Me brass ball.**
I More Than These?”
Tbe poets, however, will doubtless
Junior Endeavor 2 p. m.
continue to sing of the “silvery moon."
Christian Endeavor prayer meeting One of the greatest of our poets, Ten­
nyson, sang of the white stars com­
6:30 p. m.
Sermon 7:80 p. m. “Are Modern ing up one by one, whereas to the
I Miracles Necessary to the Saving of astronomer the stars show a wonder­
ful variety of shade« of color. 8ome
the Lost?”
No prayer meeting or choir practice very brilliant ones are red. others blue '
or bluish, and others a beautiful
this week.
orange. And how mnny people have
All are Invited. Come.
ever seen a green moon? The writer
is one who has.—London Tit-Bits.
Matching this spectacular advance in perform­
ance is the greatest array of new features Chev­
rolet has ever announced.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Free publie Reading Room open in
Church Building every Tuesday and
Saturday afternoons from two to.
Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Belle
Elwood, Supt.
Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject:
“A Soul Saver*
Evening service 7:30 p. m. Sub­
ject: “The Coming Great Day.”
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
Meeting of the Ladies Aid Thurs­
day afternoon.
A church with a welcome to all.
Gus A. Garboden, Pastor.
Batt Sort of Succtta
ton may succeed without half try­
ing, if you are twice as bright as your
competitors; but they may be twice
as bright as you, «□<! then where will
you be? You may succeed by work­
ing twice as hard as any of your com
peUtors; and then. If you happen to
be twice as bright as any of them,
your success will be four times as
great as theirs. You may succeed by
doing your best and at the same time
helping others to do their best, sever
regarding them as competitors; la that
The Holy N um CathoHc Church case they will, push you up the bill in
their gratitude, and your success will
Sunday, January 6th, Maas at Co­ stand on top of their success. That
quille at 8:00 a. m. Mass at Bandon will be the greatest success of the
at 10:30 a. m.
Rev. Fr. L. A. LeMiller, Bendon.
IVAwn Pasteurization Faile
The value of the pasteurization
Baptist Church
process as applied to milk has been
M. S. Woodworth, Minister.
Onpatlonert from tin»
—Prayer meeting Thutsday 7:80 p. m~ Is undoubtedly true that for one rea­
Sabbath School 10:00 a. m.
son or another, the operation does not
Preaching 7:30 p. m.
always seem to be entirely satisfac­
This announcement will hold good tory In the results. Somewhat recent­
until further notice is given through ly it has been discovered that milk
this paper. A real welcome awaits left uncooled between milking and
pasteurization for a period of about
you to any and all services.
four hours contains a large percent­
age of organisms .that resist the pas­
Church of God
teurizing ■ process, while milk cooled
and held to below 50 degrees Fahren-
(Consecrated to An Ideal)
hélt until It roaches the pasteuriser
Sunday school is at 10 o’clock.
Morning general service 11 a. m. contains relatively few of these heap
resisting organisms.
Young People’s meeting 6:80 p. m.
All evening services 7:80 p. m.
Tka Uta of Force
Walter Larue Shrock, Minister.
First, sir, par ml t me to obaerve that
tbs ass of fores alone is but tempo­
Christiaa Sdeac* Society
rary. It may subdue for a moment,
but It does not remove the necessity
Sunday School at 9:80 a. m.
of subduing again; and a nation la
Sunday Service at 11 a. m.
not governed, which Is perpetually to
Subject for next Sunday, “God.”
ba «squared.—Edmund Burka.
Y r