THS COQUILLI YALUTY SENTTNBL, COQÜILLM. OMGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4. It». "g;. A Chinese Wedding (evening. The bride has to have a the said final account and the settle Eastside Mill to Reopen ment thereof. The following letter, printed in the <re>t deal of courage to go through Lease of the Esatside mill, owned a. .... Hardy Mast, Myrtle Point Herald last week, was lhe t»ther coarae jesting that comes by the Coos Bay Lumber company, by ■ Administrator of the estate of W. written by Mias Helen Whitaker, a during the feast after the men have L. Mast, deceased. 49t5 Condensed Statement At the the McKenna Lumber company of missionary in China, to her mother, had considerable to drink. at the close of business Marshfield, was announced Wednes Mrs. Belie Whitaker, of Myrtle Point. close of the evening she must have Dec. 31, 1928 day by M. J. McKenna, who said that NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT It is a very interesting Recount of a been rather tired, because she must his .firm to start cutting spruce RESOURCES ’ wear he»headdressxttUxy. --------- — Chinese marriagejrhich alio recently Notice is hereby given that the un by May 1 <Sf this year and tfiat the Loans A Discounts - 3281,551.50 dersigned, Administrator of the es witnessed: Mrs. Lingle and Margaret France McKenna Lumber company has an tate of J. W. Mast, deceased, has Overdraft«! . . . . 34.26 are expected this coming Tuesday, hied in tne bounty Court of the State option to purchase the mill any time U. S. Bonds • - - 46,600.00 We have quite a strong wind to Mr«. Lingle comes back with the Oregon for Coos County hia final within the. two year period covered by of Other Bonds & Securities , 175,166.12 account as such Administrator and day and oceans of sand. There title of Vice President of National the lease. . ' - . Banking House & fixtures 37,030.00 the said Court has appointed Tuesday, must be a sandstorm on the Gobi I Christian Council. The announcement was made fro Japuary 29, 1929, as the time foe Cash & Exchange 135,746.43 AU indications now are that the desert. Bandon where Mr. McKenna made the hearing of objections to the Mid Thia la the week-end for all the present government is firmly in the public terms of the lease, as presi final account and tbe settlement there 3676,12741 of. school girls to go home for over saddle, or better, “automobile,” as dent of the McKenna Lumber com LIABILITIES Webb Mast, night—they get to do this once a that seems to be the exclusive way pany. Capital Stock. Administrator of the estate of J. 3 50,000.00 month. Today only about 30 girls are “it” rides now. (So our friends from W. Mast, deceased. 49t5 One' side of the Eastside mill, which Surplus & Und. Profits 29,026.58 left in the dormitory, so it is rather Nanking tell u».) There is a feeling has been closed ' down for several Circulation 12,150.00 of security that was -lose marked a quiet. months, will be operated to employ Deposits 584,948.73 NOTICE OF SHERIFF ’ S 8 ALE I few weeks ago. 141« government is I was fortunate in being able to at about 75 men. Its production will bo NOTICE is hereby given that on « tend a Chinese wedding this week. making progress „and in view of the entirely spruce lumber, the logs com 3676,127.31 the 5th day of January, 1929, at the immense problems it faces, botfi with Miss Fang, one of the Chinese teach ing from the South Slough camp of hour of 10 o’clock A. M., at the front ers, was the means of my getting an in the party and without,- they are the McKenna firm. About 45,000,000 door of the Court House at Coquille, invitation. I believe you’d, like to doing well indeed. It looks as if it feet of titaber ,is to be cut in the mill Coos' County, Oregon, 1 will sell at puolic auction to the highest Didder had the best men the country can pro heir about it in detail. ■ > . and the lease insures the employment« lor cask in hand, the following des duce at this time, quite a few of whom The bridegroom is a shop-keeper of. 150 men in the mill and camp for cribed real property: Lot Tqn (10) I have heard and about 35 years of age. His first are good Christians. and the boutn zo feet of Lot Klover. the next two years. Block Nine (9), SengstacMna wife died two years ago., He used a that a group of these meet regularly ition to the City of aaarsnneid, “middlewoman” instead of a “middle- ToFprayer over their problem«. OF COQUILLE lumber manufacturing plant on Coos according to tne duly recorded map /X M £ R w' C OD P'<LSIOENr In the capital (Nanking) many new man” and had a regular old-fashioned Bay, that being the Stout Mill B, and plat thereof on record, in Coos E D WFHfc! CASHIER L H HAZARD VICE PRCS This is fine, County, Oregon. Chinese heathen ceremony- He is not roads are being built. BE55MAJRS A $r<A',HILk which is also equipped to saw spruce. OC SANfORD VICE PRES baid sale is made under and by Christian. The middlewoman chose but homes are being ruthlessly wreck OREGON COQUILLE Mr. McKenna said that very few virtue ol a writ of execution issued the girl and made all arrangements ed and torn down to widen streets and changes and repairs will be necessary out of the Circuit Court, for Coos between all partiese concerned. The no remuneration is given. in the plant to make it ready for | County, Oregon, and a decree of said Court all to me directed in the case bride and groom had never seen each cutting spruce as it is already equip entitled Benefit Savings & Loan As other before the ceremony. Andrew Peterson Obituary ped with band saws. sociation, a corporation, plaintiff, ver Last Tuesday ‘ was the day set be The question of who will superin sus V. A. Bifderoack and Altiaa F. Percy H. Peterson, of Arego, re- cause it is a very auspicious day of turned last Saturday evening from tend mill operations has not been de Bilderback, husband and wife, Sara the Chinese calendar—the omens and attending the funeral of his brother, cided. President hfrKertM "Was con J—Moauer-H^E; Beif-and Bulgarian Bell, husband and wife, defendants,, signs are all good. There were hun Andrew Peterson, at Lakeport last nected with the sawmill department and s#id sale will be so made under dreds of weddings in the city that day.' Thursday. of the Moore Mill and Lumber com and by virtue of said judgment order, BUTTERMILK decree and wipt of execution. At 9:00 'a. m. the bride left her The deceased, who was bom at pany of Bandon for more than 20 W. W. Gage, was dressed in a red satin Myrtle Point, had not lived in Coos years. Fresh Daily He acted as treasurer _f or 47ti>-------------- --------------Sheriff: embroidered -in bright County for 20 yearn, but was Well and many years. Other members of the 5c a glass colors. Her silk shoes were also very favorably i known to the older firm, including J. T. Conlogue, Wm. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE red. Her head-dress was very residents of the Coquille valley. MaKenna and J. P. Dillon, are all ex NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that elaborate, made of seed pearls, In The following obituary notice is perienced timbermen. — Coos Bay on the 5ch day of January, 1929, at or delivered to your home by the her home ahe was put into thie huge taken from the Lakeport, Calif., Bee, Times. the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the r canopied chair, covered completely where he had conducted a service sta front door of the Court H oum at Co Quart or Gallon quille, Coos County, Oregon, 1 will • with-esnbroidere.d red satin, and car tion and st^re for the past five yars: NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT sell at public auction to the highest ried on the 3houMete~6nSUf Notice is hereby given that the un bidder for cash in hand, the following through the streets to her new home. dersigned, Administratrix of the es It makes a most refreshing drink. Wdneeday noon \»f last week, Mr. tate of Lewis A. Pinkston, deceased, described reaLprqperty: Lot Twelve (12). and the nortn 3o feet of Lot A brass band preceded her down the /' ♦ . Peteraon’s condition became seriouu nas filed in the County Court of the Eleven (11), Block Nine (9), Seng- street. and he consented to advice of friends butte of Oregon for Coos County, her stacken Addition to Marshfield, ac At tiie. door of the bridegroom’s to receive medical attention. He chose final account as such Administratrix cording to the duly recorded map and and the said Court has appointed Sat home just as the bride’s chair arrived thereof, in Goos County, Oregon. to go to the hospital at Ukiah but urday, the 26th day of January, 1929, plat Said sale is made under ar.d by a chicken was killed by a servant, so insisted on going alone and driving as tne day for the hearing of objec virtue of a writ of execution issued that the evil spirit which preceded the his own car. While enroute from tions to the said final account and the out of the Circuit Court for Coos chair might be appeased with fresh settlement thereof. County, Oregon, and a decree of aaid Upper Lake- he became desperately INCORPORATED Inez M. Pinkston, blood. Court, all to me directed in the case ill in his machine. He was found un- Administratrix of the estate of entitled Benefit Savings & Loan As Ip the reception room back of the 5015 sociation, a corporatidn, plaintiff, ver ; conscious two hour* later by passers Lewis A. Pinkston, deceased. shop the bride was coaxed from her sus C. C. Fowler and Elda M. Fowler, by and hurried to the hospital. X-ray chair. She must be reluctant to come husband and wife, Sara T. Morse, pictures were taken which disclosed NOTICE OF BOND SALE • L J. Scott and Gertrude M- Scott, forth in order to do honor to her own Notice is hereby given that sealed husband and wife, defendants, ‘ana one lung filled with water and his con home which she has-just left. Over dition was so far advanced that noth oids will oe received by the under- said sale will be so made under and her headdress and face she hsd a red signed until 5 o’clock F. M., on the oy virtue of Mid judgment order, de ing could be done to relieve him: He 21»t day of January, 1929, auu and satin covering so that no one might died in a chair in his room at the thereafter publicly opened at 8 cree and write of execution. W. W. Gage, view her before her husband got to hospital, believing he could breathe o clock F. M. on aaid date oy the Com 47t5 Sheriff. see her. She was led at once to her mon Council of the City of Coquille better aitting^up. . future bedroom. There all the women Mr. Peterson was a native of Myr at the Council Chambers in the C guests were congregated, waiting for tle Point, Oregon, and was 47 year« Hall in said City for an issue of ne her. Up until that moment the bride gotiable, coupon bonds of tne said of age. He had been a resident of City of Coquille in the sum of 35,Out) groom had not dressed for the occa Lake county for the past five and a in denominations of <5V0 each, said Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 16 sion. He had to act very indifferent half years and conducted the Junction oonds to be dated January 1st, 1929, (according to custom) to show honor store for four years. He was for shall be ten in number and shall be numbered consecutively from one to to his dead wife. The entrance of merly engaged in business in Oakland ten, both numbers inclusive and bond DR. J. R. BUNCH the bride was the signal for the bride and Stockton. number one shall be payable January groom to begin to dress^ About DENTIST The deceased is survived by a son, 1st, 1931, and one bond payable there six elderly women dressed him. 1 was X-RAY Service Rusnell, who resides in San Fran- after on the 1st day of each succeed in the doorway between his dressing ciscj, and two brothers,’ Percy H. and ing year according to their respective Laird Bldg., Opposite Postoffice numbers, each ot said bonds except room and the bride’s bedroom. I Mother s Bread and Pastry David F. Peterson, both residents of bond number one shall contain a Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. was awfully dwgusterFThat he wasn’t Myrtle Point, Oregon. An aged Clause making it optional with the ready. The poor bride waa dreadfully You can eajo lota of trouble and motheT, Mrs. Ella Peterson, died City to pay and redeem such bond at nervous. The old women brought about a year ago in the name Oregon any time after one year from the V. R. WILSON money. date thereof and shall bear interest his silk garments from the wardrobe town. at a rate not to exceed 5 per cent per Optometrist in the-bride's room, his shoes, also, The son was notified of his father’c annum, payable semi-annually, prin and hat. In a few momenta he was serious condition but was unable to cipal and interest payable at the office Errors in refraction corrected ready, with a few red ribbons draped the City Treasurer of said City. arrive in Ukiah before death had en- of There without the use of drugs. bonds are issued to pay out across his chest. He came intd the eued. Percy Peterson came down standing special fund warrants issued “Service and Quality” Coquille, Oregon bedroom. Not another man was pres from the north on learning of his oy the common council of said City to ent The oeremony began. pay for rebuilding the Henry Street brother’s death. DR. E. A. JOHNSEN Bridge. v First, the bride and groom bowed Mr. Peterson is leaving behind a The sale of these bonds shall be to each other, then to large burning Laird Bldg., Opposite Postoffice host of friends in this county who subject to the preferential right of candlea representing his ancestors, deeply regret his passing. He was of the State Land Board of the State General Practice of Dentistry and then to the bed. Then the mid- kindly disposition and his purse Oregon, to purchase the same if Phone 125-L Coquille, Ore. dlewomer led them to the bed where strings were ever op$n for, ajl chari of not sold for more than par. they aat on the edge. She gave them table and civic enterprises. He was . Each bidder will be required in his Meh tea to drink. After they had extremely interested at all times in oid to state the rate of interest which are the only safe and sanitary way to dispose of E. H. KERN sipped once she poured some from the progress of the county and gave ne expects such bonds to draw ac sewage where connection with a sewer is impos cording to his bid. County Surveyor each bowl into the other, to signify up much of his time and money in 1 he successful bidder shall be re sible. and Licensed union. Following this, the same was aiding in many ways to accomplish quired to furnish at his own expense We manufacture Septic Tanks for both the Professional Civil Engineer suitably engraved bonds, and the ap done with wine. Then as they remain various improvements. Wholesale and Retail Trade proving legal opinion of such attor ed seated on the edge of the bed, the Phone 143 J Coquille, Ore. ney as shall be satisfactory to such 38x48 inch Tanks, sufficient in size for a family curtains of the bed were pulled around Luder. of 6, holding 200 gallons - - $35.00 them for two or three seconds, while Bids must be unconditional except Other sizes in proportion. as stated herein and shall be accom he tool, the satin covering from her panied by certified check in the sum GRANT CORBY Before ordering see the face and got his first glimpse of his of 3250.00 to be forfeited to said Attorney at Law new wife. Then the curtains were City in case such bids shall be ac Richmond-Barksr Bldg. parted again. That ended the first cepted and such bidder shall refuse to are included in the Phons 157 Coquille, Ore. purchase said bond in accordance with part of the ceremony. Merriam Webster, nis said bid. PHONE 46-J COQUILLE Residence Phone 24-M The bridegroom left the room. The k/^'^x’uch as /MTogreph, The Common Council reserves the women all gave the bride the "once inadtail, trtd'.t right to repectiany or all bids. over” for sure—talked audibly about unhn, Dabsiim, Dated at the City of Coquille, Coos BERG & MORGAN County, Oregon, this 28th day of potrtg.Titiii, etc. .. her good and bad points. The poor December, 1928. New names and Attorneys at Law bride never raised her face at all, .... F. G. Leslie,. places are listed such Rooms 1 & 2 both from modesty and the weight of 6018 City Recorder. as Csihtr, inndinrg, Stahr., Lal tin, etc. Ferman A Merchants Bank Bldg her headdress. During this lull we Constantly improved end kept up Phone 37 had light refreshments. to date. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Coquille, Oregou We were then ready for the impor Notice h hereby given that the un- WEBSTER'S NEW tant part of the ceremony in thft.»- -Jewignwi, AthntoilsTriWY—WTOi—TH? Local and Long Distance Hauling VV ill annexed of the estate of Caroline ception room before the family shine. INTERNATIONAL DR. W. V. GLAISYER M. Myers, deceased,, has filed in the After much bowing and chanting to DICTIONARY VETERINARIAN ' ounty Court of the State of Oregon, the ancestral tablets, the couple were tor Coos County, his final account as County Herd A Meat In W« carry * stock of SHINGLES and are agents for Get The Best uch Administrator and said Court pronounced married. Coquille, Orò. nas appointed Saturday, the 19th day Misa Fang and I were unable to The "Supreme Authority” of January, 1929, as the day for the stay for the feast, for we had classes nearing of objections to the said final in aarti, nlltga, uboeb, and among to attend^ account and the settlement thereof. genmaaarsr «JLkZr both Mtral and J. A. RICHMOND Only married women (not concu *1, J Stiuiley, Stott. Two Phones—101J and 91L PHYSICIAN and 8URGBON Adm.nwtrator. with the Will an bines) can wear red satin skirts at a 452,000 entries including 408,000 nexed of the estate of Caroline M. Richmond-Barker Building wedding, so the married women were Kxabulary terms. 32,000 gt graphical Myers, deceased. . 49t5 subjects, 12,000 biographical entries. proud of theiT red skirts. Goquillet Ore. ■. Over 6,000 ilbU&atictu, and 1 OO ral- Misa Fang and I were asked to sit Phones: Office 62M, Roe. MR NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT tkMt fatbits. on the bed beside the bride, which is Notice is hereby given that the un- equivalent to catching the bride's bou Sndftr Fnt, rrj>, tkblg iUnitrattJ Icrsigned. Administrator , if the es pamphlet containing tamplt pagu tf J. J. STANLEY tate of W. L. Mast, deceased, has quet at home. I be Nrw International nled in the County Cour» of the State Following the first ceremony a gold A sow'is more likely to take exer scattering the corn shelled or in the LAWYER r Oregon for Coos County his final ring waa put on each hand of the cise if feed la the incentive. Bred ear in the stalk field so they will have ..’count as such Administrator and G. &. C. Merriam Company Office In First Nttienal Bank bride by the middlewoman. sows need exercise through the win to do some traveling to get it the said Court has appointed Tuesday, Springfield, Mass. It was all fascinating. The feast Rvilding, CoqulBe, Oregon ths 29th day of January, 1929, as the ter, and a good way. to secure it is to ing likely lasted all afternoon and give them all the corn they will eat, tne for the hearing of objections to Calling cards 100 for 31.50. T he ri rst N ational B ank COW BELL DAIRY FARR and ELWOOD Auto Freight Lines Professional Cards IDEAL BAKERY SEPTIC TANKS COQUILLE MACHINE SHPP Transfer and Delivery Mill Wood Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co A