Valley Sentinel THE PAPER THAT’S »LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME ■.......... VOL. XXIV. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, ORBGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, It». NO. 51. TO OPERAIE SOON gl» Jfl Probable City Appointments I K. Tax Levies for Eight Cities While it cannot be Authoritatively stated who are to redteive appoint­ ments at the hands of Mayor-elect J. Arthur Berg and the new city council next Monday evening, it is reported that the iiat will line up as follows: City Attorney, Grant Corby. City Treasurer, W. Bickels. City Engineer, J. Loy Stacer. Water Superintendent, S. V. Epper­ son. ,t Street Commissioner, F. E. Dungey. Marshal,' Wm. Howell.,'' Deputy Marshal, day, man, Win Brdwn. Mr. Berg and the new council will take their seats next Jtfonday even­ ing, after the 1927-28 administration has passed on the December bills. The retiring members are Mayor C. T. Skeels, Geo. H. Chaney, C. C. Farr ahd E. G. Opperman. Succeeding them will ' be Mr. Berg as mayor, Henry Belloni, Ray E. Jeub and Robt. L. Medley as councilmen. The following are the levies for the 1928 tax in the eight cities of the county, as just figured by Assessor J. P. Beyers. They sre for the 1928 Vast Amount of Material Uset Nominations Made for Annual taxes payable this year. It shows What Mayor-Elect J. A. Berg Smith Wood Products Inc. Now in Construction—Com­ Coquille to have the lowest of any of Installing Machinery—Will , Election to Be Held Will Propose for Council’s . the eight towns except Empire: pleted in 60 Days « • Start About Jan. 20 January 16 Consideration Coquille—School» district No. 8, '' 5 . • 20.4; city, 19.4; port of Bandon, 1J; ' ' S. R. Godard, of Cottage Grove, con­ The Smith Wood Products Inc., with The Chamber of Commerce commit­ state and county, 25.7; total, «7.4 In a talk with the Sentinel scribe tractor, who has had charge of the tee appointed to present a list of can­ milla. It was «3.4 last year. a capitalization of 1250,000 and a yesterday morning. Mayor-elect Berg construction of the Smith Wood Pro­ didates to the anhual meeting of the large plant just south of town, will be Myrtle Point—School district No. mentioned, three matters which ar« ducts Inc. plant here, has made a fine Chamber, to be held, Jan. 16, and from 41, 104; city, ?1; union high school, to be given serious consideration dur­ ready to begin operation* ip two or record in the construction of the which the board of directors for the 14; state and county, 25.7; total, 70.8 ing the next two years—water, sew­ three weeks, says Gao. A. Ulett, the plant. With the add of hi* crew, year 1929 can be chosen, met Wednes­ mills. It was 62.8 last year. plant manager, who arrived here ers and strept improvement. which averaged about'' 45 men, he day noon and decided on the follow­ Sunday from Boston, Mass. Bandon—School district No. 54, The streets on this side of the gulch complete^, that 120x256 frame build- ing list which was presented to the 1^51 city. 42,6; part uf Bondon, 1.9; Mr. Ulett owns a veneer plant ,bim- art pretty wall improved, nearly all Tn'g' and the two dry kilns In «0 days. self just outside of Boston, 'WlBW board of directors’ meetingthat night? state and county, 26.7; total, 89.7 of them with concrete or concrete Into that plant, which is destined battery separators are made and for For president—J. L. Stevens and milla. It was 85.« laM year. base and asphaltic top dressing, so to be so important to Coquille indus­ Lyman Carrier. some time past'where they have used ' Marshfield—School district No. fl, the north end is to be the scene of fu­ trially have gone 600,000 feet of lum­ white fir shipped from Coquille. Mr. For vice president—C. W. Gardner. 19.8; city, 20.3; Pott at Coos Bay, «.2; ture operations. * ber, 36,000 yards of concrete, 15,000 »Ulett is a stockholder In the mill^here, For treasurer—ne block to Heath; and possibly The main building of the plant is president one year usually succeeds to last year. Just now the principal work going , mother, Mrs. W. E. Caswell, arrived on Tenth from Coulter to meet the on m the plant tx the setting up and t here Sunday in their car from Boston, one targe room with arrangements Empire—School district No. 6, 8.4; paving from the highwey past the Mass., and for the present are making for using doors if desired to cut off other was that Mr. Stevens has tied city, 19.2; Port of Coos Bay, 6.2; spec­ school house. aligning of the machinery which has been arriving by the carload for the their home in the Hotel Coquille. Mr. one section of it. the last two years flor the election, los­ ial high school, 1; state and county, Mr. Berg expressed himself as be­ Another room in the northeast ing both times on the flip of a coin, 26.7; total, «0.5 mills. past two or three weeks. Five car­ Ulett is the manager of the Smith It was «1.2 ing in favor of permanent improve­ Wood Products Inc., and he got busy corner has been partitioned off and loads have arrived and two more are and there has been a decided senti­ last year. ments, rather than plank or gravel, the next day after his arrival, rushing is. being ceiled and fitted up for the ‘on the way. ment among Chamber members that Lakeside—School district No. 66, wherever-streets are surfaced. the work of installing machine and A battery of six slicing machines, office. he is entitled to the honor of heading 20.9; city, 28.6; state and county, 25.7; The same aection of town is also Mr. Goddard had his Contract prac­ the city’s civic organisation. Nor is total, 70.2 milld. It was 54.1 lait he one where sewer improvement is re-aaw machinery, using 24 guage jetting the plant ready for operation. Mrs. Caswell expects to remain tically completed by New Year’s evv, saws for very fine work, and all the that attitude any reflection on the year. needed, and the new mayor favors and .stated Monday that he intended other candidate, but is a tribute to other mach.nery necessary for turn­ here for a-month’s visit. two septic tanks, each 20x30 approxi­ to go home for a short stay this week, the man who gracefully accepted the ing out battery separators, Venetian mately, for taking care of the dis­ “but would return soon to construct office of director two years in succes blinds and other veneer products are trict's sewage. One section of the more docks needed for the plant. being set up as rapidly as tho crew sion after being the victim of chance. north end would naturally be drained He expects very soon to begin con­ of eight, who ^rrived here Wednesday F. G. Leslie-, who has served as to the gulch which is crossed by struction of a huge building 150x1600 treasurer the past year, asks to bo from California, can do it They are Henry street bridge, and the other --------- feet for the Standard Seasoning Co. relieved*of that dpty. all familiar with the machinery be­ vould drain into the ravine north of Goo. A. Ulett, plant manager for ing installed, having had experience Elmer N. Shull is one of the ranch- at Cottage Grove which will be located Chas. W. Gardner has served two Tenth street. He would place the the Smith Wood Products Inc., met ars beneflttec^by the recent small on the highway, this aide of that city. yean as director and is qualified to fill with it in CaHforna. with the new and old city adminiah-»- septic tanka in these lower spots. _ i. ................... ii _sum . ™,._: At present about 30 men ate em­ dike, thrown up by the Bandon Port . the higher position by his knowledge The water question is a large one, tions Wednesday evening to discuss ployed in tho plant and a large per­ Commission and Fat Elk drainage of both city and chamber affairs. ' • November Butterfat Prices the water supply to be furnished the and Mr. Berg holds the same opinion centage oLtheaa will-remain with the Kstriet; trp jhe riy^r, who has not. r November bui^srfat prices, which - Mixed with QJDe nfmqn.,wM new plant by the city. He made the hat—eo many-have- been- forced* to company. -^ »een at all slerw-m telling how much haW* not- heretofore b^en published' ** previously served a* Erectors request that a «-inch again be laid adopt in recent years—Chat the river Mr. Ulett says that from 5^ to 60 he is benefitted. < __ show that’ Humboldt county paid 54 ***** » served—Messrs, '___ 7 from Knowlton Heights to the plant is the logical source of supply and people be employed thore when He says that always heretofore cents with a 1 cent premium for No. lanford, Skeels and Yeung. In naas- instead of the 4-inch which was re- the only one where a sufficient volume operations begin, divided about 50-60 when there was ever, a small freshet 1 milk, the Coos Bay creamery 5«. ¿sgAbe candidates for di restore the meh aS occurred lastflfl cen’tZ^nd’sw'ft'fi^ 5« cents' committee endeavored to inclade as son for the increased supply Is that mg the possibility of a supply from that is cnly a percentage’of the em­ hours of rain, that his entire place sweet and 53 cents for sour cream. many different lines of business aS a large amount of water will be need­ the new well, but if that fails to pro­ ployee required when the plant gets was under water. This year only a professional In figuring the Ferndale or Hum­ possible — merchants, ed for all the various operations thar duce the city’s requirements the only to operating to oapacity. The capacity low spot in one corner was sub­ boldt price paid it must be borne in men, bankers, stock men, truck men, was contemplated at the time th< source left is the Coquille river. of the present equipment will be one merged. From the investigations Mr. Berg mind that the creameries there pay public service company manager, and promise was given to furnish water million separator« a day. Working on a 50-50 proposition the an additional for the skimmed milk, publisher. has made ho estimates that the set­ by the city. In fact, the plans for in­ Since construction on the plant be­ two bodies did in a small way what whiefi boosts the price paid the dairy­ creased capacity of the plant, ae out­ tling and purifying basins, pumping gan, there have been numerous the Sentinel has been advocating The above was written before the man 4 to 5 cents. lined to the city administration make plant and other equipment, can be changes maue In the plans, and one of rhould be done for the whole length Of course, The failure to always mention thia committee reported to the directors it look as though the entire acreage installed for «10,000. them, suggested by Mr. Ulett, was of the river, where overflow occurs, fact has caused several local dairy­ Wednesday evening. At that time belonging to the company would be that would mean that chlorine must that the battery separators be turned to confine the flood waters. men, as well as Mr. Monotti of San Mr. Carrier declined to be a candidate covered with buildings in years to be used, but it probably would not be out in their finished sat.e This will Opposite the Newton place, where Francisco, to criticize the publication and at his request his name wan necessary to use the river water more come. require a separate department for there is a big bend in the river, there of the figures. Jos. Nilsen, of River­ stricken from the list. than four or flve months. For the The four-inch line has been laid and the chemical treatment of the piecer rave been ten or a dozen low places in ton, is another ex-Humboldt county covered from the main line near the balance of the time the present ample of thin Port Orford cedar, and will, he bank whor* the water has run out dairyman, who assures us that the Will Have Charge of Plant Office Willey place down Knowlton avenue sources will be available. of course, command a higher price from the main channel at every rise, dairymen down there average to re­ Larger and mote industrial plants S. R. Smith, assistant secretary of and to the Folsom place, and the city than do those untreated. Not all the Two of these have been gradually ceive from 4 to 5 cents more than the will necessitate more water for both the Ralph L. Smith Lumber Co. of officials expressed the opinion that a separators will be treated, however, vrirn deeper until a good-sized cream price quoted. This comes from Kansas City, who is located in Port­ larger pipe could not be installed at the plants and for domestic use of the and the plant will turn out two kinds, stream would begin inundating the the factories which use the skimmed land, and E. Purvance, of Portland, this time. They did assure Mr. Ulett /mployes and it is certain, aa the city the fluted finished product and the /alley land almost as soon as the milk and will likewise be an asset to arrived here Monday. Mr. Purvance, that every effort would be made to trows, that all the present sources ainy season began in earnest. plain. the local dairymen when such by-pro­ who is to have charge of the office and i provide increased service as it was will be inadequate. This fall the two bodies mentioned duct plants are in operation in Coos An experienced filer from the east, Coquille has outstanding now more bookkeeping end of the Smith Wood needed, and an additional hydrant was who will have a man’s job on his .ecured the McLeod bucket dredge to Chan «65,000 worth qf water bonds. county. Products Co., has had considerable ex­ ordered near the plant. bands keeping all the saws and knives hrow up an embankment across Had the river been tapped years ago perience in the lumber business but It was stated that the problem of up to the required keenness is expect­ hese two gullies and in between It Costs Taxpayers Nut a Cent says the veneer and battery separator furnishing water would become acute this bonded indebtedness would not ed- soon from - t he e as t. -His name is him, a distance of 75 or 80 feet have been so large, but no one wanted A matter was brought out at the portion of that industry is a new one during the summer months, but that to use the river exeept as a last re­ Ray Boober and he will be accompan­ The height of the dike built up with to him. it was hoped to have a supply eventu ­ and front the river bottom varied budget sessions of the county court ied by hi: wife. Mr. Purvance is married and has a ally that will not only take care of sort. An overhead sprinkling system, as from three to ten feet in height and Monday which has not received the daughter but does not think his family any -plant which has or may locate a fire protection, is to be installed at it held last'week, the wafer not reach­ publicity it deserves. It is in regard will join him here until after the here and of all irrigating and sprink­ Probable Change in Ownership to the prohibition law enforcement. once, but it is not alone as a means of ing the top. A deal for the Z. C. Strang’s cloth­ All fines from liquor offense* are close of the school year in Portland. ling requirements. It is possible that a high flood would protection, or for drinking purposes, Mr. Smith came down to look things ing and gents’ furnishings store on kept in a separate account by the that more water than that com tern- ake the dike out, but the experiment over but will not be located here. Moore Co. Moves From Leneve Second street is pending and after the plated is dasired. When the wood ■-how* what can be done to help the county, and 25 per cent of such belong stock has been invoiced Wm. A. Zosel to the state until the total paid in by After 14 years’ operation from working plant and other departments low lands along the river. expects to take charge Monday. J. E. Norton, port commissioner, all the counties in the state reaches Bar Ass’n to Meet Here Jan. 11 Leneve, on the river, back as far as are installed the plant will use daily Mr. Zosel is no novice at the cloth­ who was out to look the dike over last «50,000. After that the counties keep a great ipiantity of water. • The annual banquet and meeting of their holdings extended, the Moore ing game for he has both clerked in e For many years it has been known Sunday, says that those washes had all the fines. the Coos County Bar Association will Mill A Lumber Co., of Bandon, this and owned clothing stores in Salem Out of what the county retains all morning began dismantling their that Coos county would not develop sndermined large myrtle trees which be held next Friday, Jam. 11. The and Silverton. Mr. Zosel is quite pop­ as it should until the shipping out of had dropped several feet into the bed the expenses of the two additional meeting and election of officers will ' camp in that aection. It will be moved ular in Coquille and will keep up the deputy sheriffs are paid and a bal­ flve mile* farther down river, by lumber gave way to the exporting of of the streams. be held in the court house at 4 p. m. reputation of the store for fair and the finish-’! product and now Coquille The place where the fill was made ance ranging from «6,000 to «14,000 At 6:30 the banquet will bo served ' scows, and reopened between the Don­ honest treatment. has joined Coos Bay with an industry is near the Fiahtrap-Roy road, just is turned in to the general fund of the in the Hotel Coquille. S. D. Pulford, aldson and Hanly places on the same Mr. Strang has owned this business The that will complete the manufacture of -.his side of the' Fishtrap and Fat Elk county at the end of the yeaK as president of the association, will side of the river that they have been for the past six yean, having pur­ past year the amount turned tn. was deliver the address of welcome, and A. operating. The holdings there are wood products before our great asset ?t>ads junction. * chased it from E. A. Folsom. He has Mr. Shull figures that this little approximately «9,000, nearly enough J. Sherwood will respond. Judge Mc­ mostly flr, with about three million of timber is put on the market. kept a largo and well selected line of The Oerding Brothers and Albert like saved him «1,000 last week. He to pay all jail expenses, including pri- Bride, of the Supreme court will de­ feet of cedar. merchandise and has deserved the ex­ .jo.-ers not confied there on liquor Rivers are entitled to a great deal of is but one of many ranchers bene­ liver the principal address of the even­ cellent patronage which he has en­ credit for intereating Ralph L. Smith, fitted, and yet the cost of that em­ charges. Chev Sixes on Display Here ing and there will also be addresses joyed. * The claim that the prohibition bankment was somewhat between of Karuas City, in the possibilities of Delay in the shipment of Chevrolets by Judge Brsnd, T. T. Bennett and such a plant as he is developing here. 1500 and «700. If all the low place* squad is the cause of additional taxes i ' John G. Mullen, John D. Goss will act from the plant at Oakland prevented Grange Not Opposed to Budget Mr. Sm th intends leaving Kansas in the b>nk ware bulkheaded and is entirely without foundation. as toastmaster. the Southwest Motor Co. from having Arthur A. Brown, of the Coos Po- City for Coquille | tomorrow, coming diked the cost would probably r.ot be one of the new Sixes on display here Game Warden’s Warning by way of Los Angeleae, and he is is much as Lyman Carrier estimates until Wednesday, when Paul McEL mona Grange, who attended the coun­ Says Ferry Will Continue expected here in his car about the the loss from the late freshet last'’ Following his program of trying to waine went out to Grants Pass and ty court session last Monday, said Budget committees may come and drove in one of the new coaches. spring—around «50,000. . prevent game law violation, rather 14th or 15th ■ It that the Grange had taken no action . than secure conviction afterwgtds , ‘ committees “V but ** is a wonderful looking ear for .the in opposition to any of the items ap­ Other decisions for manufacturing, Deputy Game Warden C. A- Hearing ' will continue to run" mobey, and Mr. McEhyaine says it pearing in the county budget not previously announced, may result Flower Lovers Club Jan. 8 says that the fellow who took advan-1 ™ ,th* »tatement of Judge-elect D F. is just as fines performer as it is a from Mr. Smith’s next visit to Co- The next meeting of the Coquille tage of the high water, and shot after' Thompson Wednesday in looker. quille. 27 Inches of Rain to Date Flower Lovers Club will be held in the hours, thinking that the warden could j V*!id'ty °f co;tract tot Rain sinee the flrat of last Septem­ city hail next Tuesday evening, Jan. not get around Until iftef “ he had i er*tio" *< Ea,Uid* - - Health Nurse to Leave An Invitation to Study ber, when the precipitation record be­ 8. At that time Geo. W. Taylor will Any one interested in staking up • gins each year, now totals approxi­ Mbs Helen Samson, nurse of the give the talk on foundation planting picked up h* ducks and escaped, will i county health department, has ten­ which he was scheduled to give at the probably find him waiting next time I Ministerial Ass’n Here Monday course of study in Practical and Ap­ mately 27 inches, not so much below dered her resignation and intends to last meeting, but did not when he to assist in catching the fallen fowl. Tho Coos County Ministerial Asao- plied Psychology will meet at the the average for the time as it was a leave February 1 for New York City. gave way to other speakers. Mrs. ciation will meet in the new Pioneer home of Ines R. Chase at 7 p. m. month ago. Baby Clinic Next Thursday She expects to continue the same line Bertha J.- Smith will also have a paper church in Coquille next .Monday noon, Thursday, Jan. 10. The class is being Tneseday saw the exodus of uni­ of work in that atate. Miss Samson at that time, her probable subject be- A baby clinic in Ciquille will be held Jan. 7. Dr. D. L. Coale, of Loa An-, sponsored by the B. A P. W. Club but has made many friends dunng her i ing iris, its planting and care. Other at the city hall next Thursday, Jan. gelea, will address the meeting on the I others are welcome to attend. Class versity and college students, who left residence in Coquille who regret to | local speakers are also on the pro- 10, from 1 to 3 p. m. The eounty subject of evangelism, its purpose and j arrangements will be made on this for Eugene and Corvallis after spend­ lag the Christmas holidays at home. gram. see her Mure. r evening. health official* will conduct ths dime. method. DEMOÑSTRATE DIKING VALUE PLANT NEEDS MORE WATER