Probable City Appointments While it cannot be Authoritatively stated who are to revive appoint­ ment* at the hand* of Mayor-elect J. Arthur Berg and the new city council next Monday evening, it i* reported Nominations Made for Annual fch the Sentinel scribe Ring, Mayor-elect Berg •e matter* which are riou* consideration dur- Uro years—water, **w- ,-improvement. >n this aide of tho. gulch 11 improved, nearly all concrete or concrete fpltic top dressing, *o | to be the acene of fu- OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY, I thia year’s e auch surfac- Seventh to Coulter east and possibly ■ar .u r y*‘',rs- having pur HBBHHRBnd A If.- hr well selected line of ■.o.'crs not confied there on liquor chargea. The claim that the prohibition squad ia the cause of additional taxes I» entirely withnnt foundation. merchandise and ha* deserved the ex­ cellent patronage which he ha* en­ joyed. . i, , diked the cost would probably not be Game Warden’s Warning is much as Lyman Carrier estimates the loss from the late freshet last Following hie program of trying to spring—around 15(0,000. prevent game law violation, rather Arthur A. Brown, of the Coo* Po­ mona Orange, who attended the coun­ ty court session last Monday, said that th* Grange had taken no action in opposition to any of the items ap­ pearing in the county budget. Flower Lovers Club Jan. 8 Tift next meeting of the Coquille Flower Lovers Club will be held in the city hall next Tuesday evening, Jan. 8i At-that time Geo. W. Taylor will give the talk on foundation planting which he was scheduled to give at the last meeting, but did not when he gave way to other speakers. Mrs. Bertha J. Smith will also have a paper at that time, her probable subject be­ ing iris, it* planting and care. Other local speaker* are also on the pro­ than secure conviction afterwards Deputy (Same Warden C. A. Hearing says that the fellow who took advan­ tage of th* high water, and shot after hours, thinking that the warden could not get around until after he had picked up hie ducks and escaped, will .probably find him waiting next time to assist in catching the fallen fowl. Grange Not Opposed to Budget Says Ferry Will Continue “Budget committee* may come and budget committee* may go, but the Eastside ferry will continue to run," wa* the statement of Judge-elect D. F. Thompson Wednesday in commenting on the validity of the contract for op­ eration of the Eastside fjrry.