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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1928)
THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1928. VOL. XXIV. ENLARGED SCALE Ralph L. Smith Plant to Be Larger Than First . Planned Working on Important Matters He Wu Not the Lost One Judge James T. Brand was a guest at the Lions Club dinner yesterday and in his talk to the members com mended their efforts to secure a coun ty aviation field. With the American Legion, the county Chamber of Com merce, the Lions and other semi-pub lic organisations working to secure a flying field, results should be achieved. The effort is not to secure it for any particular locality but at a point where it might serve all of Cooa county. f Another matter brought up at the dinner session, was that of a bridge across the Rogue in Gurry. With the State Highway Cotqmiasion prepared now to earry on the delayed work, It la felt that the Rogue ferry is one of the moot vital points on which its at tention should be centered. President Gant appointed J. E. Norton, C. C. Williams and Lyman Carrier as a standing committee to further in any way possible bridge construction at Gold. Beach. It isn’t every boy of six years that has the presence of mind that Bobby Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gilbert, displayed in Eugene last Sat urday. He was with his mother at the entrance to the McMorran A Washburn store, and be did not see her as she stepped through the swing ing door, while ahe supposed he was right behind her. When she turned to apeak to him he was not in sight She rushed back to the sidewalk but he had disappeared. After vainly looking fpr him on the street »he called up Mr. Gilbert at the Oabuyn, and the first person the latter saw when he got down stairs wae Bobby, sanding in the lobby. When his mother “vanished.” as he expressed it, he stopped to think where the Osborn was, although the family usually stops at the Eugene, and then made a straight shoot to th« hotel. Asked if he wasn’t scared at being lost he replied: “I wasn’t lost; you were the one that was lost, mama." And there was plenty of traAc in Eugene late Saturday afternoon. Proclamation by Gov. I. L. Pat terson—Next Thursday the Day Children Furnish Essays and Posters for Book Week— The Winners CI1Ï BUYS LOIS To Eliminate Dangerous Street Intersections in , Coquille 3 » ■ ■ At all times and in all places, men ' Last week, Book Week, was ob Very few peopld have any idea of It required 20 minutes Monday have gathered together at the close served at the Public Library and the the magnitude of the plant Ralph L. evening to read the minute» of the of the harvest to give thanks to the children, at least, turned out in force Smith is building just south of Co- last meeting and the report of the re Divine Power which has blessed their and entered into the spirit of the fes quills. Since the first plana were corder as to the canvassing of the city labors and made them to prosper. tival with great enthusiasm. Tuesday, made three months ago they have ballots cast in the recent election. •< Deep-rooted in the heart of mankind Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the been considerably enlarged and the C. L. Willey reported that the new is the instinct to make grateful ac First and Second grades, with their ’ construction now going on was said pump at the well on the hill back qf knowledgment to a guiding Provi teachers, visited the library and the ” - by Mr. Smith this morning to be only his house would be all rqady to oper dence which is above and beyond the little folks were delighted with the . ( a portion of what he contemplates. ate Tuesday. ^.1 Mr. Smith has been here several work of human minds and human display. Every child wanted to take The application of Wm. Fortier for home a book and Mr* Ellingsen saw hands. days this week and expects to be here a pool room license, with Keith Les Our national observance of an an- to it that they were not disappointed. more or less for the next two months. lie and Wm. Zosel as sureties, was nual day of Thanksgiving is a beri- Friday was also- a special day set Ht has a contract for battery sep granted and a license issued. tage from the Pilgrim Fathers, who apart for the Woman’s Club. Every arators which calls for a earload de Deputy Marshal Bernhardt report assembled at the turn of the year to evening the room was crowded and livery about the first Of the year but ed to the council that alterations had offer prayer and praise to Almighty over a hundred books were given otft he hardly expects to have the mill been made <in the Casey Jones build God from whom came their strength daily. ready to operate before January 1- ing on Front street, without permis The 49 display books from the State to endure daily hardship and to face The building which is being rushed sion being received from the council. unknown danger. It is fitting that Library at Salem and the 34 from by S. L. Godard, of Cottage Grove, “It’s a violation ef the city’s ordi Nulf Had Fine Turkeys we should reverently continue in thia Gills* of Portland attracted much at who has the contract, will be 120x192 nances, and it’s up to the police de Jos. Nulf’s turkeys, part of which day of prosperity and security thè tention. The children were so en . - feet in dimensions, considerably larg< partment to do its duty,” was the re were shipped to Roseburg for the institution they founded amidst thusiastic about some of them that er than first anticipated. But it will ply given him. X ’ . Unusual Fall Days Here Thanksgiving markets, brought top the librarian did not have the heart versjty and peril. be rushed as rapidly as a crew of At the suggestion of J. D. Bell that prices and were the fanciest birds in These are wonderful fall days that ( Now, .therefore, in conformity with to send them back and the book com more than 50 men can work, for Mr. the street» north of the gulch which the Douglas county. pools. the ..... - past - v . , were gravelled this fall, would soon " the proclamation of the President of mittee purchased them and they have thia section has enjoyed Smith says he haa one contract for _______________ _____ . Been pot in circulation. The boys and J ” * . . p ’ *»»™»". the TTfftted SUtes which come. as a’ next year which will keep 4he mill go to pieces unless they were main recurring reminder of our national' girla who entered into the Poster and whether native or adopted, prefers tained, the street department was in operating steadily. And he expects the warm Chinook and rain to the unity in the perpetuation . of this Essay contest were given first choice more, which will necessitate addition structed to secure, if possible, the The Poster and Essay contest fog and cold. American custom, I, I. L. Patterson, al facilities. use of a county scraper and drag the Governor of Oregon, do proclaim aroused much interest in the upper Two dry kilns are also being erect gravel into place. - Thursday, November 29th, 1928, as grades and many splendid contribu ed and everything done out there is C. D. Walker, who is planning to • The Coquille Boxing Commission Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby set tions were turned in. Gift books on a scale to indicate a larger pay build another house at the corner of were awarded to Frances- Hatcher roll than Coquille ever enjoyed in one does not expect to realize a cent of t aside as a public holiday. Seventh end Henry streets, asked the profit from the boxing card which will Let us on this day give thought to for her essay and to Norman Lewel- plant before. council if they desired to buy a por Marion Mr. Smith says 50 people will be be staged in the Community building man’s fellowship with nature, in lyn in the poster contest. tion of his lot, before he started the It achieving the fruits of the harvest. Minthorn and Margaret Paulson re Funeral services for one of the house, which would enable them to employed there at the start and th« next Wednesday night, Nov. 28. All the most popular men who ever resided make a longer curved jog in the number will soon be increased to 100. is as high priced an attraction as was Let us confirm and strengthen the ceived honorable mentidq. Originally the investment was estim over presented In the county, and the ties of family life and renew the bond posters were excellent. in Coquille were conducted at the street two bloeks north of the bridge.' The names of those who submitted Pioneer Church Tuesday afternoon by He offered to sell them as much of ated at 354,000 to 180,000.’Now it h admission charged here is the Iqwest of hearth and home. Let us express ne Fer- Rev. Chas. P. Johnson, of Marsh the lot as they needed for 3300. But the commission our gratitude for peace by extending a;aÿa were: Edgar Rust, certain that it will /run well over n the county. promised the fans after the last bouts tlie spirit of good will to ail the world rache, Marjorie Judd, Ger Mc- field. The deceased was William H. 3100,000. After looking at the matter from Mor- Lyons, who passed away about seven all angles the council decided it would Geo. Ulett, an experienced battery to give them an extra good card for and for prosperity by lending gener Carthy, .Faye Hurrell, Bem separator and veneer man of Boston, the next event end from the talent ous and kindly aid to those in sorrow ris, Edith Farr, Rita Varney Marion o’clock Sunday evening while sitting be cheaper to buy now than to wait l>y the fireside. ~ - Mass., has been secured by Mr. Smith lined up they have kept their word. or need. Let us give thanks for Minthorne and Frances Hate er. He apparently had until a house was built and which Those who submitted posters were fallen asleep bul it was the sleep (ha£ as manager of the plant. He will be From Salem, Eugene and Corvallis manifold material blessings by turn- rung on aarth. here mayor and recorder were authorised WtHty made a record for themselves, .things of the spirit barter, Ambrose Caudle, Edith Farr,’ ao • to make the deal. In Testimony Whereof, I havw 3rtty Glaisyer, Jewel Jacobsen, Nor- ’ while the Coquille entries are comers. While on the matter of straighten r.-z.r Thirty rounds of fighting are on hereunto set my hand and caused tbs Lewallya, Margaret Faulaon, ing streets. Mayor Skeels aoked if the the card, with Terry Kileen, of Sa- seal of the State of Oregon to be Bennie Shipley and Beryl Unsbeid. present, council wanted to purchase le», JoeJBleckw«!.!, etit- _______hereunto aAxed this 19th day qf Nov- the Collier lot at the comer of Front Tfcey Wbet', AD. 1928.' ' who knew him. He was of a jovial, and Ferry streets, or decired to leave About Butterfat Prices weigh 155 pounds each. I. L. Patterson, , , ter floods. V-' The three butterfat quotations jolly deposition, a good sportsman t for the next council. An item for “Catty” Lewis, local scrapper, and Governor. which are received monthly by the and an ideal citizen. In the years w- ts purchase was included in the bud- “Buzz” Ramley, of Eugene, will go Don’t Let Portland Hog It Coquille Chamber of Commerce for knew “Bill” Lyons we never saw hlnr. ,ot and J. E. Paulson, as administra- Pump \Vas Pumping Mud six rounds in the semi-windup, at 147 angry but once' and that was in i or of the Collier estate, has named Octotar were as follows: Portland has demonstrated several and 146 pounds. » council session when he felt that i 1 figure which the city is willing to Coos Bay Mutual, 58c for milk. Water Superintendent Epperson times thia year that it will not sup Bob McConnel, of O. A. C., and K. fears he may find it necessary to take city employe was not shooting square my. Swift A Co., 57c for milk. port college football on a paying 0. Fitzgerald, of Coqqille, at 124 and >ut a few lengths of casing Jn the Mr. Lyons was born in Canada, th» If the city buys that lot it will al Humboldt County, Calif., 56c for basis, and yet the effort is continual 123 pounda, will stage a six round new welt. When he started the pump milk. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Lyons low a • right angled turn from the ly being made to move games from event. Every time the Sentinel has given and it is a peculiar thing that hi: bridge or. to Front street instead of Wednesday the mud and sand clogged the U. of O. or O. A. C. campus to the, K. 0. Emery and Royce Richmond, the turbine and stopped operations. the monthly quotations, except for father passed away in hia 53d year .he acute angle turn now necessary. metropolis stadium. It would not ba two Coquille boys, will stop four fast The end of the’ casing is 40 feet from the 'September prices, mention has as the son did last Sunday, »’so it The mayor and recorder wars also treating the students fairly to move round« at 155 pounds each, while the the bottom of the bore and it is hardly >een made of the fact that there is a his 53d year. authorized to purchase that lot if the any more games away from home and curtain raiser will be between Jack possible that the suctioh of the tur differential between Coos county and I In 1898 Mr. Lyons and alias Mar city engineer’s report,showed it to bo it would be an injustice to the rest of Sherman and Kid McNair at 128 bine can draw the mud that distance. Humboldt county pries, on account of vin Lamb of this city were united ir. advisable. the state outside of Portland. The pounda. The sale of 35,000 worth of Henry But there ia apparently lota of water the skimmed milk returned to or sold marriage. Two children were borr California teams are all soured on The headliners are two of the best in the well and it is only a question for the California county dairymen. to the union, one of whom survives. street bridgs _ bonds, ten in _ _______ numbsr. Portland as a football town and re- men in the state. Blackwell has re Jif getting it cleaned atH,-------------- Miss H ele n, w he -ie-a- teach e r in thf was~orcTered by the council and bids When we jnrve the September quo fuse to play there next year, hut ceived the decision twice over Buzz- have been called, to be opened Dec. It is the city’s intention to pump tations we did not mentyn that fact, Reedsport schools this year. still the metropolitan proas and the saw Burnell and haa also defeated water from the well directly into the and this caused Alfred Monotti, of Besides these he leaves his mother 17, The call for bids appears else Portland alumni are endeavoring to Gene O’Grady and Kenneth Kent. pipe line near the Chas. Willey resi San Francisco, to write as follows to Mrs. Emma Lyons, and sister, Mrs where in this issue. have the U. of O.-O. A. C. game for C. J. Fuhrman, of Coquille; another Kileen haa won from Red Hayes, dence, and not lift it to the reservoir a friend here: The Ferry street straightening and 1929 played at Portland. sister, Mrs. Fred Kronenbeg, of the question of re-decorating the in O'Grady, and secured a draw with Del on the hill. ' If the college and university oA- Allen. “The Coquille Sentinel, when mak Philadelphia, and a brother, J. S. terior of the city hall before the new • ciala fall for the bunk the rest of the ing comparisons, should do it without Lyons, of Marshfield, for whom the administration takes charge Jan. 1, Good to Know state should boycott their games. Walter Sinclair Died Nov. 10 liscrimination, and do it just on not deceased had acted as bookkeeper in were both referred to- Mayor-elct That the people of Coquille receiv make any comparison at all. The his plant on the Bay for the past Berg who was present, and he stated Word was recently received here ing mail by city carrier will have Smith to Salem for Attention dozen years. that he was sure the incoming coun that Walter Sinclair,, for 40 yean an better mail service, especially during inclosed clipping for the September Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and their The Pioneer church way filled with cil would be glad to have the outgo butterfat prices is misleading, as far attorney of Coquille, and at one time the holiday season if their mail is daughter, Margaret, left by train last sorrowing friends Tuesday afternoon ing administration attend to as many a Coos county representative in the properly addressed with the number as Humboldt is concerned. Sunday night for Salem, where Mr. “Swift A Co. and Cooa Bay Cream and a wealth of beautiful floral pieces such matters as possible. legislature, passed away at the home of their house and name of street. Smith ia now under the care of the Thia brought Councilman-elect ery paid 57 cents for butterfat in were displayed as a token of their re of hia daughter in Seattle, November That those receiving mail in boxes State Compensation Bureau’s physi cents for butter gard. The interment was in the Ma Jeub to the floor, and with a broad 10. He had been there since the 11th •in the postoAce, have their box num milk. Humboldt cian and surgeon. Hie leg has not smile he said, “if the old council fat in cream and as the dairymen re sonic cemetery. of June. ber on their ngail. been healing and knitting as it should wants to help us out they might re- ceived 23 cents, ' 100 pounds of Mr. Sinclair was past 91 years of Those getting itoail on the McKin and he has suffered intense pain. build the First street bridge before ____________ ____________ Coquille at M. P. Tomorrow skimmed milk, equal to about 5c per age, an old soldier of the war of the ley Star Route, or Leneve Star Route, Whether an .operation for the nerves butterfat, really! Coquijle jiigh school footbaU team they retire.” .... Humboldt "WP JWPHW rebellion, and who settled in Coquille ahould have their mail addressed ac pound l of _,_______ in hia leg would be necessary had not It appeared to be too big a job and paid«' ' ■ to Coos - “ - 57 — cents — j,aa an opportunity tomorrow to tie paid 61 cents County in 1884 or 1885. In a letter' to Dr. J. cordingly. been determined when Mrs. Smith a motion to adjourn was immediately or 4 cents more.” P. Easter here last August, Mr. Sin Myrtle Point in percentage atanding. This will help the mail clerks and left Salem for home Monday night. adopted. clair expressed the hope that he carriers, and will insure better mail Coquille has lost five ghmes while Now the Sentinel man knows noth- Myrtle Point ha» lost four and won might visit in Coquille the pa«t fall, service. Residence Badly Damaged To Ship 8 Carloads of Stock ing about the dairy business, but we ita one froln Coquille. The game will but he was unable to leave Seattle. Tom Wimer got up at five o’clock Jas. T. Jenkins intends leaving next have it from a former Humboldt in Myrtle Point and should the lo- Mrs. Sinclair passed away two or Furnace in the New Church Tuesday for Bakersfield, Calif., with three years ago at Los Angeles, county dairyman, now living in Coos cal gqu.rf have the brilliant after Sunday morning and started a fire A hot-air furnace installed in the county, that the five cent difference noon which it 342 head of dairy stock, eight car- where they made their home afteT cap<ble of it will be in his living room beater and half an hour later be was compelled to call Pioneer church this week insures that Mr. Monotti mentions, is more fan- 1 a very interesting game. loads, which he has purchased the leaving Coquille. the fire department to extinguish the the building ia to be adequately heat cied than real and according to all the I past few week! for dairymen of that fire which had gutted the entire sec- section. Some of the stock ia young Sherrard Goes to New Ranch ed hereafter without the oil stove quirks in figuring the milk and cream 1 Progress on Service Station ’ ond floor and roof of the east end of fumes which have made a disagree the Humboldt is paying practically stuff but Mr. Jenkins says he could M. D. Sherrard left Tuesday morn Good progress is being made on the the house. How the fire started is a able odor the past few weeks. It ia the same, as Coos county — and not have purchased more than 150 head S. L. Fitzgerald service atation at the mystery, but Mr. Wimer is convinced * more could be have used it. Two ing for Orland, Calif., where he and the intention to eventually heat with four cents more. TTaTT Street 'entrance to CoquHTe’ anJTt was caused by a defective flu. eemplete herds wee oStered him by- Tied YoiLPngert recently purchaze.i »team, but the hut-aii furnace wttt it will serve one good purpose, even ' His son, Delbert, asleep on the sc j- dairymen who wanted to get out of 97 acres of land under irrigation. In be an acceptable substitute until the Redecorating the Hotel April they expect to plant a large other can be installed. if nothing else were considered. It ond floor, had to jump out of the the business. Lafe Compton has begun the fall will relieve the unattractive appear- window, the stair case being filled portion of their ranch to oranges, redecorating and refurnishing #f the grapefruit and olives, and Mr. Sher and J flames. ”“v‘ smoke —— ------ Masons to Gather at the Bay Coquille Hotel and when the painting ance of the gateway that moat, with Firemen Receive |5 Each rard will put in the time before April strangers see first on entering the j The fire department responded Masons from all over Southwestern has been completed the guest rooms city. The seven Coquille firemen who getting the land ready to set out the promptly and soon had the fire under made the trip to Marshfield last 8,000 orange seedlings they have pur Oregon will congregate at the Blue will look like new. He is having new control and kept it from spreading Mouse theatre in Marshfield tomor drapes installed in all the bed rooms, month at the time the J no C- Davies chased. Services at 10 a m downstairs. Volunteer help had row evening to greet Rex W. Davis, in Mime iurnikurt 10 lo oe ----------- -------- ™---- ------------------------- some new furniture is to be auuru added Thanksgiving veneer plant burned eaeh received a moved most of the household effacts grand master of the Oregon Grand and the colored glass windows of the J Thanksgiving services next Thura- 35 check this week from the city of outdoors before Mr. Wimer called a Coonty Budget Finished Lodge. The hour of the meeting is rear side of the hotel are to te re day ■*— ' morning ------ ‘ at 10 o’clock will bo halt when he saw the fire subsiding. Marshfield. The trip was made by The budget committee for Cooa set for 8:30. placed with clear glass, one-quarter conducted by the ministers of the city the boys without thought of remuner He has made no estimate of the inch thick. in a union service at the Pioneer less, waiting for the insurance ad ation, but Marshfield took this meins county completed its labors yester day and the figures and item« were Don’t forget the Auction Sale for All these renovations will tend to Methodist church. Rev. Gua Garbo- justor to arrive before tearing off the1 of showing its appreciation. turned ove. to County Auditor Wann Missions Saturday night at the Gould make the rooms lighter and more den, of the M. E. Church, will deliver upper story and rebuilding it. For Rent—Large furnished apart to make up the notice. They will be building, Fancy work, cooked food, cheerful and attractive to th« travel the discourse, and the music will be fruita and vegetables. available for publication soon. ling public. furnished by the Pioneer church choir. ment. Apply at thia oAce. Calling FIGHT CARD HERE NEXT WED W.H.LYONS BUR IED TUESDAY