S herwin -W illiams PAINTS VARNISHES-LACQU ER S - ENAMELS REDUCED FRIC» Special! THIS WEEK 'via the fast trains of the Shasta Route Hoover .4.................................4929 Smith ............... ............................ 3040 Thomas ......................... 62 Reynolds .......................................... 67 Foster .. i.................. 28 - For Congressman Hawley . ................... ■ ■................... 5368 Starkweather ......................... .. 1582 Upton ............ -. 264 For Secretary of State Dodds ....................... ,........................... 360 Hoss ......................... 4927 Piper .............. ..1653 For State Treasurer Hoaglund ........... ........................... 400 Kay .......... ................ ,....................... 5474 Swetland ....'................................. 263 Justice of Supreme Court Graham ..,................. .......... 1315 Hamaker .................... 908 Hosmer ................................... 415 Perrine .,.. ............. ....... 250 Rand 3943 Rossman ................................. .....3964 For Attorney General BeeMer ................................... 398 Levens ............................................... 1728 Van Winkle .................. 4181 Dairy and Food Commissioner Mickle ............................................... 4714 Sanderson ............. ............................ 747 Soderbeck ........................................ 200 Slteiff .................... 145 Judge of Circuit Court Brand ................................... 6098 Hamilton .'...................... ................ 4832 Skipworth ........................................ 4902 For State Senator Hall ....... . ................................... 5352 State Representative Carrier . ............... rrrrrrr. . 3031 Norton ...............................................8418 Joint Representative Bennett ............................................. 1508 Knapp ................................... Coleman Morgair frank a . poor Agent BLACKSMITH - and Machine Shop We do all kinds of Acetylene and Elec­ tric Welding, using the Lincoln.Electric Welder. We build Septic Tanks, Air and Oil Tanks. We have a miller for making gears of any kind. We build . Tree Shoes, High Lead Carriages and Blocks of all kinds. Come in and get our prices on this and Iron and Steel t before ordering. H. T. Wimer & Son cedar camp with a small crew. Mrs. Tom Layrhom and daughter, Anna Lou, spent their Armistice day vacation at home, returning to Marsh­ field Monday evening. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician says, “Constipation is responsible for more misery than any other cause.” But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rexall Order­ lies attracts water from the system into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel called the colon. The water looser» the dry food waste and causes a gentle, thorough movement without farming • habit or ever increasing the dose. Stop suffering . from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orde Hie at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c to­ day at the nearest Rexall Drug Store. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy. Eggs »hipped to market should al­ ways be packed in the Allers small end down, as they carty better in transit and storage when in this position. Elastic MYRTLE POINT ITEMS E. P. Adams has sold his property on the Roseburg highway to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carter, who will take poses- sion soon. Mrs. Marie Johnson left last week for Fairbury, Nebraska, where she will visit for some time with her mother. Mrs. Ben Davis is taking her place as chief operator in the local telephone office during her absence. J. D. Bennett has been very ill at his home the past week suffering from a stroke. His many friends feel anxious about him on account of his advanced age. Dr. and Mrs. Earl M. Wilson and little daughter, Margaret Ann, went to Portland Friday to spend the week end with home folks. Bessie Luttrell went to - Roseburg Saturday to visit her brother, Milton Luttrell. L. P. Linn left Friday for Glendale to spend the week end. Mrs. Linn and two sons, Phillip and Donald, who have been visiting Mrs. Linn’s mother the past week will return with him Sunday. Sam Huff left Saturday for his home in Medford after upending sev­ eral weeks in Myrtle Point building a house for his son, Walter, and family. The Junior class of the Union High School gave an Armistice Day program Friday evening at 8 o’clock in the auditorium. The freshmen class gave- «-return party immedi­ ately aftpr. Mr. ard Mrs. Ellis Dement and children and R. C. Dement spent last week 4301 in Portland attending the In­ ternational Stock Show. The Ladies Ai